That and because there aren't any heel opponents for Anderson once Hardy gets convicted.

Maybe, but it seems as though TNA understands Jeff's case a lot more than we do (he's probably not going to do any jail time). I think this is just a case of classic Bischoff/Hogan/Russo booking. They take the most popular superstar on the roster, and shockingly turn him heel. Hogan-1996-Bash at the Beach ring any bells? They are recycling an old storyline, along with attempting to put a fresh spin on it. Too bad Jeff Hardy just isn't Hulk Hogan, and never will be.
We all knew it was going to be an nWo situation/twist when Bound for Glory was revealed to be taking place at the same location as Bash at the Beach 1996.
We all knew it was going to be an nWo situation/twist when Bound for Glory was revealed to be taking place at the same location as Bash at the Beach 1996.

Yeah, I hope when I typed "shockingly" it came across with as much sarcasm as I intended.

EDIT: Let me add that I did not really see the Jeff Hardy heel-turn coming. However, it was still pretty damn underwhelming.
I don't think any of us saw the heel turn of Hardy coming, but we pretty much knew that someone was turning, plus we had the whole 'They' thing with Abyss. Oh and Hogan's 'Hail Mary' surgery...
How'd this turn into a wrestling discussion? lol If you want to talk wrestling, check out one the threads I've made! lol :)
The reason they put hardy over rvd is because it made him looik more like a heel. Tna does do stuff for a reason.

No shit sherlock. For me Matt will never be a heel. He tried in 2009 and failed miserably when he had the perfect storyline to do so. he doesn't have the mic skills or certain in ring style to be a heel.

Oh and their other heels. Everyone on the roster has been a heel at some point in time. You can't tell me that Matt fucking Hardy is their only decent heel. Heck I'd prefer jj
Let's not lose sight of the fact that Jeff's pleading out to avoid prison time. According to reports, the one charge that carries minimum jail time (trafficking) is being dropped as part of the plea arrangement. What this means is that Jeff is only likely looking at fines and such, so he's not in danger of being pulled anytime soon. That being said, I don't think it would've been horrible to leave the belt on him last night. Anderson has been a favorite to be champ since he got there, and I felt that his rise to the top should have been a little more dramatic than how it turned out.

Also, let's not make statements about things like TNA "dire financial situation" when said financial situation isn't public knowledge. We can make guesses based off ratings, but really TNA is probably doing just fine for itself, as it's financial purpose to Panda Energy is mainly as a tax shelter.
DirtyJosé;2737394 said:
Let's not lose sight of the fact that Jeff's pleading out to avoid prison time. According to reports, the one charge that carries minimum jail time (trafficking) is being dropped as part of the plea arrangement. What this means is that Jeff is only likely looking at fines and such, so he's not in danger of being pulled anytime soon. That being said, I don't think it would've been horrible to leave the belt on him last night. Anderson has been a favorite to be champ since he got there, and I felt that his rise to the top should have been a little more dramatic than how it turned out.

Also, let's not make statements about things like TNA "dire financial situation" when said financial situation isn't public knowledge. We can make guesses based off ratings, but really TNA is probably doing just fine for itself, as it's financial purpose to Panda Energy is mainly as a tax shelter.

I do seriously think TNA is in a piss poor financial state. Panda owns 75% of TNA right and they pay the wrestlers just like Panda Energy employees. If the wrestlers are on the payroll, it will reduce any Net Income numbers to be taxed. Thus net income goes way down. How exactly are Panda going to absorb unknown losses for Total Nonstop action?, Tan would be losing money. I think Dixie is being backed by an outside source as sated before waiting for the TNA product to catch on. I don't think TNA gets paid to tape at Universal. I’d think that TNA takes enough space for a long enough period of time that it takes other possible revenue streams from Universal. Either it’s a mutual arrangement or TNA pays to be there. Maybe someone from the area has a better insight, but normally studios don't give away free space. Yeah I have no idea about how much they make from house shows, merc and the like (I’m assuming not nearly as much as they would like and at the same time impact tapings are free while the costs to produce and run the show are very VERY high. How exactly do these guys make a profit when they don’t advertise their main events? I’m pretty sure that TNA are responsible for Hogan and Flair in terms of pay checks but the contracts are guaranteed by Panda. I’m quite sure that once again the return on these guys wasn’t what Dixie and co hoped for (I have reason to believe they lowballed Nash on a new contract, that’s why he didn’t return). They continue to hire expensive wrestlers and give great salaries which most of the time fails miserably. TNA’s roster is getting older they are not looking towards the future as they say they are. It just isn’t right!. I don’t know I haven’t looked into this as well as I could have. But from what I have seen so far, I don’t see TNA making any profits, there failing. Failing big time. Imagine if they put the belt on Fatt Hardy (I think they will). That will be the final nail in TNA’S coffin.

As for Jeff, no matter what his charges are there will always be problems. As I said before Image is everything. The company needs to be led by a guy that draws investors in and gives them a good reputation both in the biz and in the media, that among many other things. Jeff just isn’t it. It also seems he doesn’t want to improve with the story of him sleeping on the job at resolution and ranting on punk high as fuck etc. For me it wouldn’t have made a difference if they left the belt on him and that’s the problem. It feels like when the wwe gave Randy the belt this year. They didn’t rust the current champ and rushed what was an epic push. Halted his momentum. I still feel Anderson needs more seasoning and is better suited to chasing the title but maybe that’s just me?. Also how much money did TNA lose over Jeff’s Belt? What a waste that was. Blah i think i have already let my thoughts be known to that situation.
Nexus hazings: Gripping and shocking TV, stupid wastes of time, or 'going too far'?
So I watched parts of Raw on Youtube…

Okay Randy Orton is freaking amazing and deserves none of the bullshit he’s getting now. He has improved leaps and bounds from the past. In 2004 he was pushed to the moon because Triple H was jazzing himself at the thought of fueding with his good friend. He went over Benoit and was NOT over. That’s Randy problem and that’s why no one sees him as a legit face of the company. Much like Sheamus and your other stiffs (barrett) who are/were getting huge pushes it was too early. Randy wasn’t getting heat (not nearly enough) even when Mick carried his ass in their fued. He wasn’t ready in the ring (green green green) and he wasn’t ready on the mic (got nailed by Cena in a promo backstage the night he won the title). Then the same night when he turned face and evolution turned on him he cut a fucking heel promo at the beginning of the show. Crap booking fucked him up as did the many times HHH made him look weak. He also had many backstage problems and past demons that he had to get over but I won’t go into that. However this year he has changed BIGTIME. I must say he finally gets it. He’s not nearly as bad in the ring as he used to be. Fuck his move set is great angle slam, that body slam,back breaker among other things. He knows how to work a crowd both on the mic (has significantly improved in that regard) and in the ring. He sells well and knows how to tell a story (phycology is miles above last year’s rubbish). Seriously I like Randy Orton and he was the best part of a fun main event. He’s improved all by himself and it hasn’t gone unnoticed. Same goes for the Miz and Riley. Miz is one of the hardest workers in the business today, anything that’s been asked of him he’s done it and without a fuss. His enthusiasm a joy to behold. His in ring work has improved tremendously due to his dedication and passion for the environment around him. Seriously I’m a huge Miz fan. His promos are very well rounded as well. As a great Mic worker you need to have the crowd in the palm of your hand and for them to listen to everything your saying. He does that. Riley has a lot of natural charisma and is actually decent in the ring (people had doubts during nxt but he had a head injury that held him back). Is finisher is awesome and he carries himself very well. He has the ‘it’ factor and is defo going places. I wish he didn’t ditch the varsity jacket though it reminded me of Sullivans group back in WCW. Lawler shouldn’t be wrestling anymore either; he had his title match that should have been it. Jerry is turning into a real angle killer and has no business in the ME killing Miz’s cred. The match itself was your standard tag main event. King played face in peril made the hot tag to Orton…Crowd blew up and that was that. But think about it King vs Miz has more and better build than Miz and Orton. Fine it was in Nashville and they were mailing it but King needs to return to the table. PRONTO

Am I the only one who thought there was too much Punk on Raw. Shit he pulled with Perfect Junior reminded me of the ministry stuff in the late 90s and then he started channeling Road Warrior. Nexus needs to start coming up with some new material as their beat downs are fricking stale, maybe add a tag move or something. I wish Cole would stop calling Punk a ‘world wide’ man, what does that even mean?. This angle seems more of a SEC reboot than a nexus one. Oh Cena delivered another thrilling promo that left me on the edge of my seat reaching for the mute button, his promos are getting cornier by the week. I mean seriously CENA SHOWS UP VIA SATTELITE AND CALLS PUNK A COWARD!, but seriously they are getting real lame. I don’t like Cena’s promos at all lately, too much awkward yelling. No conviction. The whipping thing was much like Cena’s promo..really lame. It looked and sounded like gay porn not that I watch that…fuck what am I talking about?.. I still don’t like Punk with Nexus though and I wish he was doing his own thing. He’s better by himself and this angle has in my opinion lost a ton of steam with the nexus as the luggage. Nexus still haven’t convinced me that deserve any character development compared to the likes of Zach Ryder. All of them are garbage on the mic inc Otunga and in ring skills are appalling with Gabriel’s being barely passable. Meh I’m just not interested and it shows with how sloppy what I just wrote was. Oh and I hope people don’t actually think WWE will sell Punk vs Cena on free t.v next week. @ Doc. It was odd to say the least. I wasn’t entertained instead I was slightly embarrassed because it was all a wee bit over the top (I can’t go into detail, shows how little I care for it. I wonder how religious groups who were viewing felt about this?

Shawn no shit deserves HOF. Maybe he can be convinced to do one more match? You still available Austin?. What happened to the wcw themed inductions? Yeah Shawn made threats to jump ship in the 90s but that doesn’t count. It much deserved anyway and I could be here all day listing his cv. He comes down in fantastic shape (I still think he will enforce a match). Del Rio appears to get more viewers onto smack down (much like Shows random appearance) and ruins our chance to see Shawn work the mic with some lines fed to him to gain cheap heat. SWEET looking superkick and Shawn leaves without a word. Looks like a will be watching the induction come spring. There was a terrible tag match somewhere in the show as well. Once again standard stuff. Kidd came without Jackson Andrews (who hasn’t been seen since getting squashed by Henry), Bryan actually appeared on raw for once. His lack of opponents stems from how weak raw’s midcard is. Bryan is the US champ and he doesn’t even get the pin? Odd booking. Oh and speaking about Mark Henry I would love to hear his thoughts on th way he has been used with little to no recognition over the years. Let's see here....he got his dicked sucked from a tranny, admitted to sleeping with his sister, and then he knocks up a 79 year old woman. Is that something to honor a former Olympic Champion with? Well, I guess he doesn't give a fuck about anything when he's getting paid well with the 10 year contract that he's currently in. Now is size and surprising ring skills are still being completely underutilized. Now he’s playing the over happy face who buries young talent. I didn’t see the Jomo vs Sheamus match but I hear it was ruined by jomo over selling his injury the whole match. Sheamus continues his slide due to the ratings fall over the summer. Anyhow this week’s raw wasn’t a patch on last week’s effort. It was uninspiring to say the least. Sorry for it being a bit disjointed and boring. I was going to write about other things but I have a heavy head and its very late as well as raw being shit.

Here are some Rock Vids from early in the decade




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