An Apology

I've not researched in awhile, or googled the subject, but what is the accepted consensus these days among the scientific community in regards to what factors influence the determination of one's sexual orientation? Is it now accepted that it is more biological factors than environmental?

And I realize I'm probably swaying off subject to an extent.

Scientific consensus is a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences that are still not entirely understood in their specifics.
Having a hard time believing the original post is genuine and not just an attempt to get back in the public's good graces for the election mostly because of this completely unnecessary section of the first paragraph:

A true man is willing to admit when he has made a mistake, and unfortunately I have made a few.

Common tactic in politics, yeah?
Not really because his words weren't taken out of context. He even admitted in this thread that's what he meant.
He's had many of his words taken out of context over the last several days.

How am I attaching importance to the bible?
Your exact words:
However, when you go and say it's a sin and all this other crap, I will take offense.

If you take offense, that means you're attaching importance to it.

People should make up their mind as to what's wrong and what's right, not let some book tell them how they should feel.
I agree completely. But Dagger is a Christian who does put stock into the Bible. And religion says homosexuality is a sin. It's not MY personal judgment, but it is the judgment of religion. So I don't see why you take offense to something which is true.

I do think people should be treated with love and fairness, to a certain extent. I did try to treat Dagger fairly by not blindly believing the things people said about him and just bashing him because that was the "cool" thing to do. But when he said something that I felt passionate about and confronted him about it (maybe not in the best of ways, but what's done is done now), he simply failed to give any sort of proper response. He just decided to ignore me.
So, again, I ask you. Do you expect him to live up to a standard you yourself have admitted to failing to live up to fully?

I won't argue what he said is offensive. But as they taught you when you were young, two wrongs don't make a right. Personally, I don't care what you say about him, you just look hypocritical for accusing him of not treating everyone with love in such a harsh manner.

I know I didn't repeat what he said, nor did I claim to have done that. I simply saw something he posted and asked him if it related to the subject of homosexuiality since he considers both things a sin. It was not my intention to get him to say that so I could later use it against him. Knowing me, I would've completely forgot in a few months that he even said.

So Sly, I'll continue to be honest and inform you that in fact, you're wrong here. I didn't attempt to get him to say something just to have a quote to use later on when I need something to refer back to.
So if he thinks stealing a candy bar and murdering someone is on the same level, why would you think he'd believe differently about homosexuality? He specifically said homosexuality is a sin, and he very specifically said all sins are equal under the eyes of the Lord. There was no need for clarification, unless you had an ulterior motive.
For the record, and I've only skimmed this debate, but the point should be made that ADHD is a mental disorder, while sexual orientation is not.
Actually, that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation. An important point, I'm sure, just not in this conversation.
Actually, that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation. An important point, I'm sure, just not in this conversation.

Then you have my apologies. I skimmed the debate and wanted to ensure no one walked away with the wrong idea.

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