A sincere apology.


I Am The One Who Knocks
To all of you, I've been acting like a fucking ****** the last couple of weeks. For that I'm very sorry. I shouldnt come to you guys with my problems. Not at all. I've pissed quite a few people off, and said some things to some people...ie: NorCal and IC25. The two main people who have had my back for the past 2 years. I snapped on both of them, and I'm deeply sorry for my actions toward not only these two, but to all of you.

Yeah I've had a rough patch lately. But people are right, me sitting and dwelling on it isnt going to make it better, and killing myself seriously isnt going to do it either. Some of you may not even fucking care about this apology, and I understand that. But to those that accept it...thank you. Because from the bottom of my heart Im sorry for bringing my real life issues onto a wrestling forum, where we are supposed to be having fun.

You're good by me. The Horsemen ride again.
I really don't see how you couldn't be happy. Hell you won the OCW Tag Titles. That would make me very happy.
Monkey we all fall on bad times, No need to be sorry for venting, We all need to do it from time to time, Just forget about it dude. :)
It's all good Monkey, I think we all know what it's like to go through a rough time in our lives, and this is a community, we get along, we fight and all that. So for you to come on and pour your heart out over your issues shouldn't be a problem, so like Norcal said, no need to apologize. I know you and I haven't talked a whole lot, but you still here on the same forum as me so as far as I'm concerned, you're fellow WZ brethren and we always gotta look out for each other.

Sappy I know, but gin will do that to you.
Mike, without question you're a great guy. Anyone who says anything different is an idiot.

But you gotta know, starting suicide threads/threats over a love interest of all things.. yeah, it's not just stupid and attention ****ing, its just asking to be shit all over. Infact, I NEVER want to see you get that deep in life and I NEVER want to see you threaten your life.. but if I see you post another naive/stupid thread like that.. I'm gonna post a list of ways to actually get the job done, just so you'll shut the fuck up about it already. :p

Seriously though, Mike, NO FEMALE (no male, either) is worth questioning your life. Trust me, I was in a similar situation. (if you want to know, I'll tell you) The bottomline, "I" was a fucking moron for it, just like you are, too.

DON'T apologize for anything - just be the guy we all came to enjoy having around. Be it a prick, be it a funny guy, be it someone who generally just loves to be on the forums.
Glad everything's ok, dude. Women aren't worth making threads over. If one breaks your heart, you learn from it, and break 1000 more hearts. I'm at 36 right now. I'll get there soon enough.

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