An analysis on why nobody read Rayne's analysis of the election

Salv, it could be easily turned around to say that you intentionally took up the more sensationalist interpretation of what NorCal expressed as a preference and the people who spoke up for him because you and others were unnecessarily crying "racism"
Just want to point out the thread title says anal



that means buttsex
It didn't happen in the GSD or the Bar Room, but I feel the 'Sexual Racism' thread inside the potluck was a good example of misdirected and ignorant hostility (here's the thread if you missed it:

In that thread, I argue that Norcal is being a racist and a bigot because of his comments about black people. There's some flexibility in the definition of racist (some things may be seen as racist by some, but not others) but discriminating against a race because of something inherent to them is, by definition, racism. I don't think he's racist because he chooses not to date black women, I think he's racist because he said he thought that black women are just inherently obnoxious, loud, etc, and because he was saying things like 'fucking pancake titties', which is a pretty derogatory description.

If someone can't understand the difference between saying, 'I don't date black women because they don't find them attractive'; and 'I don't date black women because they are naturally annoying people with genetically fucked up tits' - then they're ignorant idiots, plainly. Racism encompasses more beyond hating a race of people, or being a member of the KKK, only someone truly stupid would have that limited of an understanding of what racism is.

My point is that Norcal either intentionally chose to straw man my argument by making it sound like I thought he was racist because he simply didn't find black women attractive, or he just literally couldn't comprehend the difference between that and what I was actually saying. However if you look in the thread, it's filled with responses of people saying, "Salv, I can't believe you think Norcal is racist because he doesn't find black women attractive!" and shit like that - a total misrepresentation of my argument, which I attribute to people being too lazy to read the read and come up with their own opinion, or just taking Norcal's simplified and flawed assessment of my argument at face value - either one is dumb.

This is why I don't view many people on this forum with much integrity or intelligence, and it's why I stay away from the Bar Room & GSD for the most part, because it's the breeding ground for these people. That's my opinion.

Then why do you choose to be here? I've been through every section and none of it is all that well thought or intellectually stimulating (especially the Newswire). The topics and comments are generally repetitive. I would figure that there are an infinite number of other places on the internet where you can find what you are looking for.

No offense but my inkling (sp?) Is that you enjoy the feeling of superiority that you get over others around here or that you are trying to educate the masses.
Then why do you choose to be here? I've been through every section and none of it is all that well thought or intellectually stimulating (especially the Newswire). The topics and comments are generally repetitive. I would figure that there are an infinite number of other places on the internet where you can find what you are looking for.

No offense but my inkling (sp?) Is that you enjoy the feeling of superiority that you get over others around here or that you are trying to educate the masses.

I enjoy certain aspects of the forums. I don't view the former cigar lounge, or current newswire and potluck as the pinnacle of intellectualism but I appreciate them for what they are. As for your inkling, I think we all have feelings of superiority at times, whether I feel it more often than others around here I can't really comment on, I don't know if that's true.

Барбоса;3675937 said:
Salv, it could be easily turned around to say that you intentionally took up the more sensationalist interpretation of what NorCal expressed as a preference and the people who spoke up for him because you and others were unnecessarily crying "racism"

Some of this is true, and I even stated in the thread that I don't think Norcal is actually racist, I think he just said some racist things, however he was being so belligerent about it that I was comfortable going after him about it. I believe he's most definitely a bigot though, without a doubt.

As for it actually being racist, I don't think that can be argued, everything he said quite clearly fits the definition of racism. If people want to argue that they think racism encompasses too much or that a charge of racism should be withheld to only the more extreme cases, that's one thing, but you can't argue it didn't fit the definition.
Because it was boring and it was basically just him saying what everyone else had been saying, except he said in a long winded, smart sounding way, so it's a "quality" post.

So to be a quality post he has to say something completely different from everyone else? Do you know how stupid that sounds?

Nah, I understand that you're a ****** who doesn't understand the difference between fact and opinion.

Oooh, ******. Getting all tough on me now, aren't you? I'm sorry, but that is arguably the funniest thing you've ever said. Not because it was intended to be humorous, but rather because you look like an ignorant child when you say it.

What's next? Are you going to further regress in your maturity and call me a poo-poo head?

When did I say Rayne was a bad poster?
Who said you did? Are you also incapable of following a conversation? Or did you just lose your spot in the discussion when you were working out those clever "******" insults?

Yep. You know what else is an opinion? That Rayne is good, it's an opinion I agree with, but it's still not a fact.
No, it's a fact.

Quality is subjective, your smart ass should know that.
No, quality is not subjective. Quality, by its very nature, is objective. Seriously, I cannot believe I have to explain this to you.

To give you an example you might be able to understand in your immature mindset you seem to currently reside in, if I assign you a math worksheet, and you only do 2 problems out of 50, that is not quality work. If you get 100% of the problems correct, that IS quality work. You remember math worksheets right? I'm guessing 6th grade probably wasn't that long ago for you.

Wow, you ALREADY forgot what I said. Apparently even when your mind strays from a conversation for a moment, you forget what has been discussed. It must be sad to be you.

Oh but I do.
All evidence to the contrary.

I'm sorry if I don't find a post of "high quality" boring because I don't give a fuck about what they're discussing. I'm sure if some quality poster made a new thread about some subject you don't care about you would enjoy reading through it just to see some high quality posting.
Many times I have. :shrug:

I like to read intelligent comments, and it's just a shame there are so many people like you around who simply cannot fulfill that desire. When I see someone like Rayne, a poster we both agree can post circles around you, make a post, I'm much more inclined to read it than I am many others on the forum.

I wasn't trying to look cool
Nooo...of course not. You're just naturally apathetic to all posts you later discuss at length, on a forum you've been a regular member of for a year and a half.

No, you weren't trying to look cool at all. Right, "******"?

Nah, I'm good. You're too much of a ****** to pretend to be the cool kid anyways.

Yeah, I didn't figure you'd be able to do it correctly either.
Wow....and I work for the King of the freaking world, big deal.

How many times do I have to tell you it's the "King of the freaking Universe"?
The issue is that many posters in this thread are opposed to the idea of intellectual discourse in general, when it's not on their terms. I can take all the criticism for being long winded, for being boring, whatever. That just shows me that the people who are saying that have both a short attention span and a desire to gather attention for themselves.

God only knows, when I find something uninteresting, I go away and do something else. I don't know why people here seem to have to tell all their buddies they don't find something interesting. I'd like to think that if I posted something uninteresting, no one would have responded. As it turns out, you felt the need to create another thread as a result of the original thread. (Hey, I'm trending on WZ forums! Someone call the WWE.)

I'm big on one-liners. It's one of my favorite forms of humor. I don't post much in the spam forums here, cause honestly, they're full of mediocre posters stroking each other's cocks about how awesome they are, who react to anyone outside of their little circle with this hilarious xenophobic hostility, as if someone might come in who's cooler then they are. But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate someone who can make a bunch of people laugh with a quick comment.

I'm not so high on someone who can make a comment to his buddies so they'll laugh reflexively to validate to each other that they belong to part of a group and aren't alone in life, so I suppose the issue here is in where we place the distinction.

Was that too long for people here? BTB, I don't care if you compliment me. This isn't a you-kissed-my-ass-so-I-should-kiss-yours proposition. I feel no reflexive responsibility for you kissing my ass.

For the people complaining about my vocabulary, I studied in high school. Deal with it.

Summary for those in the "tl;dr" crowd:

Fuck off.
No, quality is not subjective. Quality, by its very nature, is objective. Seriously, I cannot believe I have to explain this to you.

To give you an example you might be able to understand in your immature mindset you seem to currently reside in, if I assign you a math worksheet, and you only do 2 problems out of 50, that is not quality work. If you get 100% of the problems correct, that IS quality work. You remember math worksheets right? I'm guessing 6th grade probably wasn't that long ago for you.

The last thing I want to do on these forums is agree with BieberHole69, but he is right on one thing, quality is a subjective measurement. There's no way to objectively measure quality, it must always be under the influence of opinion, prejudice or feeling.

Your example is an example of what you find to be quality work. Most would agree that answering less than 5% of a homework assignment is not quality work, but where you draw the line is subjective. Someone could say they think answering 90% of an assignment is quality work, it's not a fact that it isn't, quality cannot be 'true'. An objective measure would be if something is 'completed' - it's a fact if something is completed or not. Your worksheet example is applicable here because handing in an incomplete assignment is clearly not complete, that's not a matter of opinion, it's truth.

Better example: You complete an essay to hand in for some class and you receive a mark of 70%. You think that it was better than a 70%, you think that it's quality made it deserving of an 80%, but your teacher disagrees, she doesn't think the quality was as high as you do - it's a matter of opinion, it would be illogical for her to say, 'It's truth that this paper is worth exactly 70%' - there's no way to identify that.
Yaaay, someone with a greater grasp of the English languange already explained it. Now I can just call Sly a cum gobbling ****** and be on my way.

edit: I actually tried making the same kind of example with the essay shit but it ended up sounded funny and not making much sense.
The last thing I want to do on these forums is agree with BieberHole69, but he is right on one thing, quality is a subjective measurement. There's no way to objectively measure quality, it must always be under the influence of opinion, prejudice or feeling.
Well sure there is.

Better example: You complete an essay to hand in for some class and you receive a mark of 70%. You think that it was better than a 70%, you think that it's quality made it deserving of an 80%, but your teacher disagrees, she doesn't think the quality was as high as you do - it's a matter of opinion, it would be illogical for her to say, 'It's truth that this paper is worth exactly 70%' - there's no way to identify that.
I understand what you're saying, but you're using a subjective and hypothetical example rather than one which is defined and can be controlled.

If I ask you the following 5 questions:

1) What is the name of the lead actor in the Jason Bourne movies?

2) What is the traditional color of grass?

3) What does one + one equal in a mathematical equation?

4) What is the capital of the United States?

5) Who is the current President of the United States?

There are definite and clear right/wrong answers to those questions. If you answer all five of them correctly, you have done a high quality job on your homework. If you only answer 4 of them correctly, your assignment represents only 80% of the quality of the person who answered all five correctly.

At the end of the day there are objective criteria which can be used to determine the quality of a post, which I mentioned in my previous post. Using these things as the criteria for which a quality post can be made, I can objectively say Rayne is a good poster, better than most around here.

edit: I actually tried making the same kind of example with the essay shit but it ended up sounded funny and not making much sense.

Hasn't stopped you before. :shrug:
Well sure there is.

I understand what you're saying, but you're using a subjective and hypothetical example rather than one which is defined and can be controlled.

If I ask you the following 5 questions:

1) What is the name of the lead actor in the Jason Bourne movies?

2) What is the traditional color of grass?

3) What does one + one equal in a mathematical equation?

4) What is the capital of the United States?

5) Who is the current President of the United States?

There are definite and clear right/wrong answers to those questions. If you answer all five of them correctly, you have done a high quality job on your homework. If you only answer 4 of them correctly, your assignment represents only 80% of the quality of the person who answered all five correctly.

At the end of the day there are objective criteria which can be used to determine the quality of a post, which I mentioned in my previous post. Using these things as the criteria for which a quality post can be made, I can objectively say Rayne is a good poster, better than most around here.

Hasn't stopped you before. :shrug:

Can I just ask, what are the criterion by which you judge the quality of a post?
There are definite and clear right/wrong answers to those questions. If you answer all five of them correctly, you have done a high quality job on your homework. If you only answer 4 of them correctly, your assignment represents only 80% of the quality of the person who answered all five correctly.

If you compare someone who receives 5/5 on that test versus someone who receives 4/5 on that test, then the latter person did 80% as well as the former, but that says nothing in regards to what is quality. In this regard, it's objective to say which test score is of higher quality, that's obvious, it's a truth that 5/5 is superior to 4/5 - 100% beats 80%. The real question is: Is 80% on a test considered quality work? Is only 100% considered quality work? It's not a question of which is higher quality, it's what is quality altogether.

Here's an example that illustrates what I mean: Let's say it's the middle of winter in Northwest Territories, Canada as well as in Missouri. You say, "It sure is cold here in Missouri at 23 degrees Fahrenheit!" and then I say, "It's only 10 degrees Fahrenheit here in Northwest Territories!" Objectively, we can both agree that it's colder in Northwest Territories than it is in Missouri, but is it cold in Missouri? I might not think so, I'm used to way less heat than that, but to you maybe it is. Cold is clearly subjective in this example, but we can still use the subjective measure in an objective way if we're making comparisons. It's the same thing with quality, not everyone will agree where quality (or cold) begins when judging anything, but they can probably agree when something is of higher quality than something else.

The examples we used are really not different at all in regards to the real question. For posting, you have a set criteria which you use to objectively measure a posts quality. You use the criteria objectively, but the criteria itself was formed subjectively.

EDIT: I should just mention that the debate between whether quality is subjective or objective is a long, long philosophical debate that's gone on for a long time, from Wittgenstein to Kant. It's my opinion that quality is subjective, I've never really agreed with the 'objective' point of view, I've always found it to be flawed. I'm comfortable agreeing to disagree, I just wanted to throw in my two cents.
Can I just ask, what are the criterion by which you judge the quality of a post?
I mention it earlier in the thread. Not trying to be an asshole, just don't feel like looking for it.

I may sound stupid
Indeed you do.

but at least I know the difference between opinion and fact.
Again, all evidence to the contrary.

And I'm not a ****** either.
You keep using that as an insult like you believe it will offend me.

If you compare someone who receives 5/5 on that test versus someone who receives 4/5 on that test, then the latter person did 80% as well as the former, but that says nothing in regards to what is quality.
Sure it does. It says it is 80% of the quality of the person who got all questions correct.

The real question is: Is 80% on a test considered quality work? Is only 100% considered quality work? It's not a question of which is higher quality, it's what is quality altogether.
Except that is not what is being discussed.

We're not trying to set an arbitrary line in the sand on how good a post has to be before it's good. What I'm saying is that it has to satisfy certain criteria to be considered a good post, criteria which, much like the person who answered five correct out of five, can be objectively defined and accounted for.

I can read a Rayne post and see if Sentence 2 agrees with Sentence 1. I can tell if Sentence 3 addresses the quote it supposedly is responding to. I can tell if he's using facts to support his claims, if his claims follow the logic of a man with common sense, etc. Because of this, I can objectively determine whether or not Rayne is a good poster, and he is.

Here's an example that illustrates what I mean: Let's say it's the middle of winter in Northwest Territories, Canada as well as in Missouri. You say, "It sure is cold here in Missouri at 23 degrees Fahrenheit!" and then I say, "It's only 10 degrees Fahrenheit here in Northwest Territories!" Objectively, we can both agree that it's colder in Northwest Territories than it is in Missouri, but is it cold in Missouri? I might not think so, I'm used to way less heat than that, but to you maybe it is. Cold is clearly subjective in this example
Let's use your example to determine if it is cold enough to snow.

What do we need to determine which area is at greater risk for snowfall? We need to know at what temperature precipitation turns from rain to snow, which is 32 degrees. We need to know if there will be precipitation. We have many ways to determine that. We could even look to see past history of snowfall in each area. Thus, using our criteria, I can objectively say the risk of snowfall is higher in one area over the other.

Again, I understand where you are coming from, but you're not looking at the situation from the same perspective I am.

The examples we used are really not different at all in regards to the real question. For posting, you have a set criteria which you use to objectively measure a posts quality. You use the criteria objectively, but the criteria itself was formed subjectively.
But it's not. And we know that such criteria is not formed subjectively because fulfilling the criteria set forth accomplishes the point of the discussion. If we used other criterion, let's say for example "how many sentence fragments you use makes a good post", we know that would not be a good indicator of quality because sentence fragments lose and confuse the reader, thus negating the intended effect of the post.

The criteria I use is the one which accomplishes the intended effect of the writing. You can think the post is boring, which is certainly an opinion determined by subjective criteria, but you cannot say the post lacks quality because you think it's boring.

EDIT: I should just mention that the debate between whether quality is subjective or objective is a long, long philosophical debate that's gone on for a long time, from Wittgenstein to Kant. It's my opinion that quality is subjective, I've never really agreed with the 'objective' point of view, I've always found it to be flawed. I'm comfortable agreeing to disagree, I just wanted to throw in my two cents.
I just enjoy the discussion. I've never studied the debate, I just know what makes sense. To which I'm sure you would say "what makes sense to you". :thumbsup:
The issue is that many posters in this thread are opposed to the idea of intellectual discourse in general, when it's not on their terms.

I would think that a prerequisite for intellectual discourse are agreed terms. Are you sure you are no different that the rest? Would you want to have intellectual discourse on someone else's terms.

I can take all the criticism for being long winded, for being boring, whatever. That just shows me that the people who are saying that have both a short attention span and a desire to gather attention for themselves.

Or that maybe they are pissed and find your recent comments to be dickish. They choose to respond with these types of arguments in an attempt to not give you the satisfaction that you may be somewhat accurate in your assessment. However, as accurate as you may be to them your still being a dick. How did you expect your thread to develop?

I don't post much in the spam forums here, cause honestly, they're full of mediocre posters

Then why do you tend to post in the TNA section? You can't tell me that the TNA section has better posters than Spam. You are way more intelligent, informed and well written than that herd.

stroking each other's cocks

I just wanted to leave this on its own so some people start to question their sexuality. :)

about how awesome they are, who react to anyone outside of their little circle with this hilarious xenophobic hostility, as if someone might come in who's cooler then they are.

Isn't this normal human behavior to protect your status, your friend's status and the group? Again, how do you expect people to react when you cop an attitude when they are down?

But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate someone who can make a bunch of people laugh with a quick comment.

Me too but I tend to get hurt if the comment was made at my expense.

I'm not so high on someone who can make a comment to his buddies so they'll laugh reflexively to validate to each other that they belong to part of a group and aren't alone in life, so I suppose the issue here is in where we place the distinction.

You tried to bust people's balls with your post, JGlass did the same thing to you. If you are going to dish it out, you going to blah, blah, blah.
You can break down his posts, find logic and common sense in them, not to mention a level of thinking higher than most posts on display from other posters.

Right, I think this is it.

OK, so now I tell you that what I define as a quality post is something nonsensical, illogical and that appears at a glance hastily scrawled. Keep in mind that a post in this sense can be any single piece of input by a user, such as a paragraph, a single sentence, a picture even. Short of calling me a loony, would you then proceed to say that my self-conceived concept of quality was, in a word, wrong?

Here's a pre-emptively more manageable example. You may say Rayne's post was of a good quality because of the aforementioned reasons. I would then respond that I thought it wasn't a high quality post because, and this is entirely more plausible, it was arranged in such a manner that put many people off wanting to explore the contents or perhaps that the writing style left me unwilling to continue on. Could you then explain to me what was wrong with my rationale?

Off to bed for now. Back tomorrow.
OK, so now I tell you that what I define as a quality post is something nonsensical, illogical and that appears at a glance hastily scrawled. Keep in mind that a post in this sense can be any single piece of input by a user, such as a paragraph, a single sentence, a picture even. Short of calling me a loony, would you then proceed to say that my self-conceived concept of quality was, in a word, wrong?
Yes, because if your post is nonsensical, illogical and hastily scrawled, the reader will have no idea what you were intending with your writing. The point of your writing is lost due to your inability to communicate effectively. So yes, your self-conceived concept of quality is wrong, because what you see as quality does not align with the purpose of your action.
Being self-absorbed is a problem I do have to work on. The problem is, I run into very few people who give me a good reason to reconsider that view, and almost no one on the internet. I don't think you're "wrong" for not wanting to read my opinion and yet commenting on it. I think you're ignorant for that. If you think I'm mistaken, prove it to me. I've been waiting, and you've given me no reason to reconsider any of my opinions.

Because I never meant for this to be a serious discussion about your opinion. It was a quick joke for teh lulz. I expected it to get like, 12-20 responses and then die. In fact, I expected you to see this thread, roll your eyes, and leave.

Gelgarin would rep anyone who posted against me. He probably would have cupped your balls if you held out for it. Your loss.

Gelgarin doesn't give out praise unless it's warranted.

Good for you. I start out hostile until I realize there is a reason to respect you (IDR, shattered dreams, Zeven_Zion (which still amazes me.)) I am particularly hostile to any suggestion that ignorance is a virtue, because I have a fundamental religious belief that our intelligence is the one thing that separates humanity from animals. When people say "tl;dr", I hear, "I shut my brain off and deny that I'm human, rather than exercising my birthright in other fashions and not celebrating when I choose not to consider other ideas."

Tl;dr? To me, that expression symbolizes everything wrong about humanity. In a very literal sense. I hope you understand why I might react the way I do.

I do. But I hope you know that most people post it not to tell you that your post was too long for them to read, but just to get a reaction out of you. I'm fairly certain I've posted tl;dr as a response to posts that I did read.

Your black book is your own black book. I don't particularly pay attention to whose cock you are stroking at any given time.

Oh please, if anyone is getting their cock stroked here, it's me. We all played a game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours," and I won. The prize was a coupon to handjobs galore.

Please, tell me you meant this ironically. I mean, it's easy now to go back and say "oh, fuck, yes, of course that was ironic", but I have a very low impression of your intelligence as demonstrated in this thread and through the election. I don't think you're smart enough to mean this ironically. I- again, literally- eagerly hope that you prove me wrong on that account.

Depends, the part about me being hilarious (true), or the part about feeling self-validated (ironic)? I assure you I'm just as hilarious in real life as I am online, if not more so.

And I don't care if my intellect throughout this election has impressed you or not, so I don't really care whether that was the answer you were looking for or not. You can take it or leave it.

I have no reason to make peace with you. You are mistaking peace for a virtue. Why should I make peace with the people who I feel are demonstrating to me, by my personal values, that they are my lesser? I'd hold no grudge against you if you felt I was your lesser through your personal values, and again, I eagerly encourage you to demonstrate to me I'm wrong. I don't like thinking that I'm better than someone; it depresses me concerning the greater whole of humanity.

I think your values are fine for you to hold for yourself, but when you start judging the way other people conduct themselves by your values, you start to move in the wrong direction. You think I am your lesser because I don't participate in the forums the way you deem worthy. The fact that you deem somebody's worth by the way they behave on a wrestling forum is laughable enough, but understandable given that's all you have to go on. However, it's akin to a straight edge person judging someone who smokes weed or drinks beer and thinks they're an inferior person, or even a Christian who believes someone is going to hell for having premarital sex or praying to a different god.

So really, the issue here is how do you live life under a value system? Does it apply to you, or does it apply to everyone? For me, it applies to me, because I doubt there is anyone out there who puts their values in the exact same things as I do. There are people who are close, and people who are very far away, but I'm able to connect with anyone from any value system, as long as I see their values as generally benevolent and beneficial. Basically, to really simplify it, I don't care what you believe, as long as you intend to do good and not force your beliefs on anyone else. It's why I don't think all Christians are dicks, but there are a select few, and why I don't think all atheists are assholes, but there are a select few.

I don't have any need to be your buddy just because you offer some olive branch. I have enough friends already that I can choose my friends based on the values we share.

By limiting your friendship to those who share similar values you close yourself off to experiencing the world under someone with other values. I'm not saying go out and try being a heroine junkie for a day, but it can't hurt to see what life is like from someone else's shoes.

I'm a power-top, what can I say?

I'd imagine a warning before you blow a load in the back of his throat would be a nice start.
Here Rayne,

Before venturing into election:
I would look for your posts in non-spam you made a lotta sense. You are still a great non-spam poster.

After venturing into election:
Your paypal jokes were redundant though funny at first. We didn't need an analysis thread and it wouldn't matter if it was you or anyone else, really didn't wanna read a long-ass analysis OP. We were all burnt out man. We all OD'd on election.

Maybe you do talk like you write but you came off as an elitist jerk, who could've easily summarized and used way lesser words to describe your feelings and observation. It's the Bar Room man, the best part here are the one liners.

And Salv, The only time I have encountered you is in the homosexuality thread. You are knowledgable but you and Rayne are doing nothing but 'stroking each other's cock' here.

And that's cool. I see both have similar posting style. Birds of a feather.
I would think that a prerequisite for intellectual discourse are agreed terms. Are you sure you are no different that the rest? Would you want to have intellectual discourse on someone else's terms.
Praise the Lord, we have someone here who is going to analyze my arguments and question my assumptions, rather than a couple of people high-fiving each other because they can say they're still not that interested.

I think my meaning here might have been unclear. By "terms", I mean, "intellectual discourse only when I feel like discussing it, and ridicule for it when I don't". In that aspect, yes, I very much prefer to debate on other people's terms.

Now, the way you meant it, I'd still agree with the sentiment. I'm always eager to meet people who have a way of thinking that is different from my own, while still being thought through and logical. It allows me to challenge my own assumptions which I use towards solving problems (i.e, living.) People might get the idea that I'm the kind of person who always thinks he's right while others are wrong. That isn't the case at all; it's just here, there aren't that many people capable of stringing together a coherent sentence without contradicting it two posts later.

Before someone asks why I post here then, I reiterate- I don't post for the masses, I post for the people who enjoy my posts. If my goal was to get you guys to be my friends, I'd approach my posting style entirely different.
Or that maybe they are pissed and find your recent comments to be dickish. They choose to respond with these types of arguments in an attempt to not give you the satisfaction that you may be somewhat accurate in your assessment. However, as accurate as you may be to them your still being a dick. How did you expect your thread to develop?
I'm fine with being a dick on a message board. Again, I am not posting with the intent of getting people to like me, never have, and never will. You guys have nothing to offer me.

How did I expect it to develop? Actually, pretty much like this. What, are there people who think I was entirely sincere in my election analysis??? There was a very ripe pile of shit to be stirred, and I'm an instigator. The only thing that surprised me was how hard people would try to pretend that they don't care while following every development.
why do you tend to post in the TNA section? You can't tell me that the TNA section has better posters than Spam. You are way more intelligent, informed and well written than that herd.
TNA/IW is really the only interesting story in professional wrestling right now; at least, the only one people seem to want to discuss here. I don't mean that I believe TNA/IW is great programming (as anyone who reads my non-spam posts could tell you), but that I find what's happening with TNA/IW on a corporate level to be fascinating.

I tend to tune out probably 6 out of 7 posts in the TNA/IW section. There are some intelligent people who post in there, they just aren't the majority.

Whereas in the bar room, the jokes aren't really funny. You can find good one-liners anywhere. What occurs are jokes of the backslapping variety, where people laugh because their friends are laughing, not because something is funny. Is there wheat somewhere in all of this chaff? Maybe, but I don't find much to be interesting in the bar room, so instead of hanging around saying "this does not interest me", I just leave and go do something I find interesting.

The herd is just as big and just as ignorant as in the TNA/IW section, it's just here the herd can relax because there's not even a pretense of having to think, unlike the non-spam sections.
Isn't this normal human behavior to protect your status, your friend's status and the group? Again, how do you expect people to react when you cop an attitude when they are down?
We refer to something different. You are referring to a group rising to defend one of its members when they are attacked. I am referring to a group that attacks anything outside of its own reflexively, out of a fear that an intruder might replace their standing within the group.

As far as people being down after this election? STILL laughing about that whole fiasco. I can't be held responsible for kicking someone while they're down if they're going to drop to the ground so easily.
You tried to bust people's balls with your post, JGlass did the same thing to you. If you are going to dish it out, you going to blah, blah, blah.
And? You're acting like I'm unaware of this principle, or that me and JGlass should have some sort of convivial relationship where now that we've attacked each other, we should both be satisfied and lay down our arms. We don't have that kind of relationship.

As whiny and pissy as JGlass got during that election, he needed to have some dished to him. His dishing back seems to be confined to telling me that I don't interest him, which was never my goal.
PaperGhost said:
After venturing into election:
Your paypal jokes were redundant though funny at first. We didn't need an analysis thread and it wouldn't matter if it was you or anyone else, really didn't wanna read a long-ass analysis OP. We were all burnt out man. We all OD'd on election.
Which I pretty much told you was going to happen. If I see someone pull a gun out of their pocket and shoot themselves in the foot, I'm not going to be the guy to sympathize with them later when they cry about how much their foot hurts.

I wrote an analysis thread that pretty much said "1/2 of the board lost this because they started crying and bitching", right after they had just finished crying and bitching. I didn't expect a positive reaction.
PaperGhost said:
Maybe you do talk like you write but you came off as an elitist jerk, who could've easily summarized and used way lesser words to describe your feelings and observation. It's the Bar Room man, the best part here are the one liners.
I don't dumb myself down, ever, unless I'm explaining something to a child.

For the record, I have barely any idea who Salv is, and considering this is my very first mention or reference to him in a long and growing thread, I'm not too concerned about being seen as a kiss ass. Yes, people can repeat a charge they had leveled at them. "I'm not the stupidhead, you're the stupidhead!" I learned that in kindergarten.
JGlass said:
I do. But I hope you know that most people post it not to tell you that your post was too long for them to read, but just to get a reaction out of you. I'm fairly certain I've posted tl;dr as a response to posts that I did read.
Ah, here it comes. The "I was just playin'!" post. Hey, I'm playing too! This is how I play. Make sure to tell all of your friends how serious you aren't taking this, that way, they'll know you're cool and can reciprocate with statements of approval!
JGlass said:
I think your values are fine for you to hold for yourself, but when you start judging the way other people conduct themselves by your values, you start to move in the wrong direction.
This is fucking ******ed. So I'm supposed to use your values in my estimation of you? I suppose that we should have used Richard Nixon's values when deciding if he should have been impeached, hmm? OF COURSE YOU USE YOUR OWN VALUES TO JUDGE PEOPLE. That is the most stupidly obvious statement I have ever uttered. It is like saying "I use my eyes to see."

This is why I have, and am gaining, no respect for your intellect, whether you care or not as to that effect. You're saying stupid shit like "don't judge me by your standards", when the only other way to form a personal estimation of you would be to use someone else's- which defeats the purpose of a personal estimation, does it not???

It's akin to a straightedge person thinking someone that smokes pot is less than they are? Yes. You are exactly, completely right in that. They have a set of values that they have chosen to live by. The crux is in whether your own personal values can reconcile with those of society at large, which is not a yes/no proposition, but a constant reexamination of ones surroundings and assumptions.

I am not ashamed to say I judge people. I expect people to judge me, and people that do not tend to be easily swayed sheep whose opinions you can write for them.
JGlass said:
By limiting your friendship to those who share similar values you close yourself off to experiencing the world under someone with other values. I'm not saying go out and try being a heroine junkie for a day, but it can't hurt to see what life is like from someone else's shoes.
Preferring to hang around with people who question their own ideas and don't reflexively panic when they see a few paragraphs to read? That don't need to reassure themselves with their online buddies constantly that they're still cool? I don't think I'm shutting myself off to major life experiences by missing out on that. Yes, not wanting to deal with people who have to tell you how uninterested they are is going to be a huge loss in my social education. :rolleyes:
Yes, because if your post is nonsensical, illogical and hastily scrawled, the reader will have no idea what you were intending with your writing. The point of your writing is lost due to your inability to communicate effectively. So yes, your self-conceived concept of quality is wrong, because what you see as quality does not align with the purpose of your action.

Unless, of course, my intention was to dissuade readers from continuing. Then I've produced a good quality piece of unreadable nonsense judged by how well it completes that function. That was the criteria I set myself and it's what I achieved with my post. Of course it is an outlandish example.
So being simple and not over-aggrandizing your post is now dumbing yourself down?
Being simple is dumbing myself down, yes. "Dumb" and "simple" can actually be found next to each other in a thesaurus. Over-aggrandizing is a matter of personal opinion.
Being simple is dumbing myself down, yes. "Dumb" and "simple" can actually be found next to each other in a thesaurus. Over-aggrandizing is a matter of personal opinion.

So now it's you, a dictionary and a thesaurus against the world.

I feel like you're in a bad bar joke.

Anyway, I say no fucking way. There are plaenty of posters here who share their views, NON-SPAMMINGLY and come across intelligent and coherent even when not using words in a holier-than-thou sentence structure, without sounding autistic. The nerve of those bastards!
So now it's you, a dictionary and a thesaurus against the world.
A dozen spam section posters is hardly the world, notwithstanding the people that came in to throw me their kudos when they saw the whole pack thing starting. Does that change the fact that "dumb" and "simple" are two interchangeable words? I thank you for making my point for me, and, yes, I am pointing towards a book to answer a post. I do stuff like that without thinking I should feel ashamed about it.

Words have a specific meaning. I'm sure you're going to talk about hyperbole, blah blah blah, but you point right out that it's largely me taking part in the discussion, versus a crowd of people who- for the most part but not specifically- rely on expressions of their disinterest to demonstrate how cool and relaxed they are to other posters. That's easy, and I've never felt intimidated going against a group of people who rely on looking cool in front of others in place of reason and logic.

There are plenty of posters here who share their views non-spammingly and come across as intelligent. I don't see them posting much in this thread. If I come off as arrogant, yes, I definitely am. It's a necessary trait to have if you're choosing to take one side against a group of other people who can rely on backslapping in place of self-confidence.
Some of this is true, and I even stated in the thread that I don't think Norcal is actually racist, I think he just said some racist things, however he was being so belligerent about it that I was comfortable going after him about it. I believe he's most definitely a bigot though, without a doubt.

As for it actually being racist, I don't think that can be argued, everything he said quite clearly fits the definition of racism. If people want to argue that they think racism encompasses too much or that a charge of racism should be withheld to only the more extreme cases, that's one thing, but you can't argue it didn't fit the definition.

For me, the whole problem is the actual definition of racism that you applied to prove that NorCal was a racist bigot. Technically, it is correct but at the same time it is so broad that it can be and is used to paint everyone that states a preference as a racist.

In that thread NorCal essentially expressed two separate preferences - he does not find black women particularly attractive and he does not like loud, obnoxious women.The fact that he stated that in his experience many of the black women he has met are also loud and obnoxious is stereotyping, perhaps even racial stereotyping, but it is not truly "racist" in the more modern inflammatory usage of the word and that is where the problem with that thread came in to my mind.

A grammatical application of the word "racist" was being used, an application that would castigate someone for saying "all blondes are dumb" or "all Irish are drunks" as a racist, rather than the far more disgraceful racial bigotry that stems from ideas of racial superiority and treatment of that "inferior" race differently.

For me, racism was a catch-all word and, in terms of the dictionary, still is but it has become too associated with the worst of mankind and his ability for racially motivated crimes and deprivation of certain rights and liberties - KKK, Nazis etc. - so that the vast majority, when someone is labelled as a racist for stereotyping as I believe NorCal was, will automatically assume the worst even when the more liberal meaning of the word is being applied.

What I found disappointing is that I think, no, I know, given the second half of your reply, that you yourself know the difference and yet still went about applying a more liberal meaning of the word that labelled NorCal in such a way that he ends up being tarred with the same brush as some of the most despicable human beings to ever walk the earth.

I also think that that is why many people jumped to his defence.

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