An analysis on why nobody read Rayne's analysis of the election

And... you don't see how self-absorbed that is? "If people don't like what I'm writing based on style, that makes them wrong, and me right."
Being self-absorbed is a problem I do have to work on. The problem is, I run into very few people who give me a good reason to reconsider that view, and almost no one on the internet. I don't think you're "wrong" for not wanting to read my opinion and yet commenting on it. I think you're ignorant for that. If you think I'm mistaken, prove it to me. I've been waiting, and you've given me no reason to reconsider any of my opinions.
I thought it was funny. So did a bunch of other people, including an audience I wasn't targeting. Not to name drop, but I got my first Gelgarin rep for the first post in this thread. How's that for quality?
Gelgarin would rep anyone who posted against me. He probably would have cupped your balls if you held out for it. Your loss.
And I'm big on not judging people until you get the chance to know them. Clearly, your thinly veiled insults are wildly inaccurate, as I give every poster the chance to participate in the conversations I have in the bar room. Sometimes I start cold on people but gradually warm up (Rohan), some times I start warm and people and grow cold towards them (J4L, Rattlesnake), and sometimes I hit it off with random people out of nowhere and I enjoy what they do vastly (Dowds, nightmare).
Good for you. I start out hostile until I realize there is a reason to respect you (IDR, shattered dreams, Zeven_Zion (which still amazes me.)) I am particularly hostile to any suggestion that ignorance is a virtue, because I have a fundamental religious belief that our intelligence is the one thing that separates humanity from animals. When people say "tl;dr", I hear, "I shut my brain off and deny that I'm human, rather than exercising my birthright in other fashions and not celebrating when I choose not to consider other ideas."

Tl;dr? To me, that expression symbolizes everything wrong about humanity. In a very literal sense. I hope you understand why I might react the way I do.
Those weren't the names you were expecting? Were you expecting me to talk about how chummy I am with Crock and Coco and Tiger, and whoever else is on my cock stroking list?
Your black book is your own black book. I don't particularly pay attention to whose cock you are stroking at any given time.
I don't think that's what's going on here. I think people laugh at my comments because I'm hilarious. I hope they laugh at this, otherwise I won't feel validated. Tiger, make sure you quote this and post a picture of someone laughing.
Please, tell me you meant this ironically. I mean, it's easy now to go back and say "oh, fuck, yes, of course that was ironic", but I have a very low impression of your intelligence as demonstrated in this thread and through the election. I don't think you're smart enough to mean this ironically. I- again, literally- eagerly hope that you prove me wrong on that account.
I didn't kiss your ass, thank you very much, I paid you a compliment when I saw a compliment was fit to be given. I merely mentioned that as sort of an olive branch, an, "I don't have a problem with what you do, and I hope you realize that this thread was all in good humor," type of compliment. Does the fact that I'm so quick to make nice and you're so quick to make war make me a better person than you? Once again, the answer is a resounding yes.
I have no reason to make peace with you. You are mistaking peace for a virtue. Why should I make peace with the people who I feel are demonstrating to me, by my personal values, that they are my lesser? I'd hold no grudge against you if you felt I was your lesser through your personal values, and again, I eagerly encourage you to demonstrate to me I'm wrong. I don't like thinking that I'm better than someone; it depresses me concerning the greater whole of humanity.

I don't have any need to be your buddy just because you offer some olive branch. I have enough friends already that I can choose my friends based on the values we share.
I also find it ironic that you make the cock stroking comment when Salv's mouth is securely wrapped around your schlong.
I'm a power-top, what can I say?
All of the above!

Please don't act as though the nonspam section is some sort of geyser of intelligent discussion when the topics being conversed are mostly rehashed topics from the years before. It's no different than the spam section besides the (normally) longer post.

As for the circle jerking aspect, well, have you every had friends before? That's not a swipe for the record. When people get to know each other or spend enough time together they are often nice and agreeable with one another. I'm sure to someone else that may come off as though we are just diddling the other's asshole, but I assure you it is not uncommon for us to disagree with one another and discuss it civilly.

And the xenophobic hostility? This thread was tiny joke made after a thread in another section were Rayne played the Slyfox card of egomaniac. Calling someone dull or criticizing their post while complimenting them isn't exactly hostile nor have we tried to kick either you or Rayne out of this section and aside from Angel, who is always an asshole, I don't think we've been very aggressive in our response.
I don't think we've been very aggressive in our response.
Ding, there it is. "We". Not "I", "they", "you", but "we". The choice of pronouns makes my point about the xenophobic reactions. I've got enough friends that I don't worry about pleasing people on a message board to make more. When I'm with my friends, instead of attacking the opinions of new people we meet with casual, thoughtless, "that's dumb" comments- which, cry and bitch about the observation I'm making all you want, is an activity far from unique to me in the bar room, and was what turned me off to this section long before I ever posted here- we usually either try to find common ground with them or simply just don't talk to them.

I have never felt the need to attack another person as part of a bonding experience with my own personal social group, but I am somewhat of an amateur anthropologist (look it up, big word whiners) and I do understand that's a common theme throughout history.
Ding, there it is. "We". Not "I", "they", "you", but "we". The choice of pronouns makes my point about the xenophobic reactions. I've got enough friends that I don't worry about pleasing people on a message board to make more. When I'm with my friends, instead of attacking the opinions of new people we meet with casual, thoughtless, "that's dumb" comments- which, cry and bitch about the observation I'm making all you want, is an activity far from unique to me in the bar room, and was what turned me off to this section long before I ever posted here- we usually either try to find common ground with them or simply just don't talk to them.

I have never felt the need to attack another person as part of a bonding experience with my own personal social group, but I am somewhat of an amateur anthropologist (look it up, big word whiners) and I do understand that's a common theme throughout history.

I chose "we" simply because the brunt of the discussion on this end has been relayed by either me or JGlass and I don't believe either of us have been very hostile or insulting unless you consider labeling one of your post dull.
I chose "we" simply because the brunt of the discussion on this end has been relayed by either me or JGlass and I don't believe either of us have been very hostile or insulting unless you consider labeling one of your post dull.
I consider the establishment of a separate thread in a no-rules section to attack another poster hostile. I've played no-rules before, y'all are honestly fucking tame, and if that's not considered a hostile attack by your standards, remember I do not give a shit about your standards and am using my own.
I rather enjoy Rayne's posts. Throwin' that out there. Didn't care about the election posts simply because there was so much bullshit in that thread. Not from him, just in general.
I consider the establishment of a separate thread in a no-rules section to attack another poster hostile. I've played no-rules before, y'all are honestly fucking tame, and if that's not considered a hostile attack by your standards, remember I do not give a shit about your standards and am using my own.

It's too bad you took the establishment of a joke thread as an attack by your standards but I wouldn't consider this a hostile attack by my standards, and much like yourself I am using my own.
Please don't act as though the nonspam section is some sort of geyser of intelligent discussion when the topics being conversed are mostly rehashed topics from the years before. It's no different than the spam section besides the (normally) longer post.

Believe me, I don't think the non-spam, non-wrestling sections are a great source of intelligent discussion, but it's better at it than any of the other sections in my opinion. There's plenty of ways in which I wish the newswire/potluck sections were better. I don't know how you can say it isn't different, it clearly is.

As for the circle jerking aspect, well, have you every had friends before? That's not a swipe for the record. When people get to know each other or spend enough time together they are often nice and agreeable with one another. I'm sure to someone else that may come off as though we are just diddling the other's asshole, but I assure you it is not uncommon for us to disagree with one another and discuss it civilly.

I'm sure there are disagreements and civil discussions, but I can use your own rhetorical question to illustrate my own point as well: I'm sure you're aware of cliques, and how they form and operate. Are you suggesting this doesn't happen in the GSD & bar room?

And the xenophobic hostility? This thread was tiny joke made after a thread in another section were Rayne played the Slyfox card of egomaniac. Calling someone dull or criticizing their post while complimenting them isn't exactly hostile nor have we tried to kick either you or Rayne out of this section and aside from Angel, who is always an asshole, I don't think we've been very aggressive in our response.

Honestly I don't really post too often in the GSD or bar room, and when I do I know what I'm getting so I'm not offended or surprised. I agree with Rayne calling it xenophobic hostility because there is an inherent hostility in those sections, and I feel I've noticed that if one tries to contribute anything other than the norm it's going to be directed at them. I can have an understanding of such things without having been affected by it personally
Believe me, I don't think the non-spam, non-wrestling sections are a great source of intelligent discussion, but it's better at it than any of the other sections in my opinion. There's plenty of ways in which I wish the newswire/potluck sections were better. I don't know how you can say it isn't different, it clearly is.

Sorry, I'd like to clarify. By nonspam I meant solely the non spam wrestling sections. The nonspam non-wrestling sections such as the potluck and newswire likely have the most intelligent discussions going on. You would be surprised by how much intelligent discussion happens in the spam sections and if you came here more often I think you would agree ;)

I'm sure there are disagreements and civil discussions, but I can use your own rhetorical question to illustrate my own point as well: I'm sure you're aware of cliques, and how they form and operate. Are you suggesting this doesn't happen in the GSD & bar room?

Yes, but you don't believe what IDR did was in anyway similar (not exactlty the same but similar) to that mentality? Cliques can form outside of this zone just as easily as they do inside.

Honestly I don't really post too often in the GSD or bar room, and when I do I know what I'm getting so I'm not offended or surprised. I agree with Rayne calling it xenophobic hostility because there is an inherent hostility in those sections, and I feel I've noticed that if one tries to contribute anything other than the norm it's going to be directed at them. I can have an understanding of such things without having been affected by it personally

Sometimes the hostile response in the spam sections is somewhat warranted. You'e come into these sections before, how often have you been treated with hostility? The Armbar incident?

I will concede that of course sometimes posters are just assholes though.
Just because your attention span doesn't allow you to read longer posts does not mean the author is dull.

Certainly not, but in this case the long speech did just happen to be terribly dull. It was, from what I understand, what reading a post by Will would be like if the subject happened to be something that was in itself not very interesting. Could've written it all in a paragraph but he seemed to want to wave his dick around for as long as possible to show people just how big it was.

That issue is on you, not him.

Not in this case, I'm afraid.
Sometimes the hostile response in the spam sections is somewhat warranted. You'e come into these sections before, how often have you been treated with hostility? The Armbar incident?

I will concede that of course sometimes posters are just assholes though.

It didn't happen in the GSD or the Bar Room, but I feel the 'Sexual Racism' thread inside the potluck was a good example of misdirected and ignorant hostility (here's the thread if you missed it:

In that thread, I argue that Norcal is being a racist and a bigot because of his comments about black people. There's some flexibility in the definition of racist (some things may be seen as racist by some, but not others) but discriminating against a race because of something inherent to them is, by definition, racism. I don't think he's racist because he chooses not to date black women, I think he's racist because he said he thought that black women are just inherently obnoxious, loud, etc, and because he was saying things like 'fucking pancake titties', which is a pretty derogatory description.

If someone can't understand the difference between saying, 'I don't date black women because they don't find them attractive'; and 'I don't date black women because they are naturally annoying people with genetically fucked up tits' - then they're ignorant idiots, plainly. Racism encompasses more beyond hating a race of people, or being a member of the KKK, only someone truly stupid would have that limited of an understanding of what racism is.

My point is that Norcal either intentionally chose to straw man my argument by making it sound like I thought he was racist because he simply didn't find black women attractive, or he just literally couldn't comprehend the difference between that and what I was actually saying. However if you look in the thread, it's filled with responses of people saying, "Salv, I can't believe you think Norcal is racist because he doesn't find black women attractive!" and shit like that - a total misrepresentation of my argument, which I attribute to people being too lazy to read the read and come up with their own opinion, or just taking Norcal's simplified and flawed assessment of my argument at face value - either one is dumb.

This is why I don't view many people on this forum with much integrity or intelligence, and it's why I stay away from the Bar Room & GSD for the most part, because it's the breeding ground for these people. That's my opinion.
The issue is that many posters in this thread are opposed to the idea of intellectual discourse in general, when it's not on their terms. I can take all the criticism for being long winded, for being boring, whatever. That just shows me that the people who are saying that have both a short attention span and a desire to gather attention for themselves.

God only knows, when I find something uninteresting, I go away and do something else. I don't know why people here seem to have to tell all their buddies they don't find something interesting. I'd like to think that if I posted something uninteresting, no one would have responded. As it turns out, you felt the need to create another thread as a result of the original thread. (Hey, I'm trending on WZ forums! Someone call the WWE.)

I'm big on one-liners. It's one of my favorite forms of humor. I don't post much in the spam forums here, cause honestly, they're full of mediocre posters stroking each other's cocks about how awesome they are, who react to anyone outside of their little circle with this hilarious xenophobic hostility, as if someone might come in who's cooler then they are. But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate someone who can make a bunch of people laugh with a quick comment.

I'm not so high on someone who can make a comment to his buddies so they'll laugh reflexively to validate to each other that they belong to part of a group and aren't alone in life, so I suppose the issue here is in where we place the distinction.

Was that too long for people here? BTB, I don't care if you compliment me. This isn't a you-kissed-my-ass-so-I-should-kiss-yours proposition. I feel no reflexive responsibility for you kissing my ass.

For the people complaining about my vocabulary, I studied in high school. Deal with it.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Rayne again.
I won't speak to thread because the topic itself is fodder for such responses, Norcal post all over the forum, not just in the spam sections, as do most of the posters in that thread. There are just as many positive post as negative in the GSD just like every other section.

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