An analysis on why nobody read Rayne's analysis of the election

Unless, of course, my intention was to dissuade readers from continuing. Then I've produced a good quality piece of unreadable nonsense judged by how well it completes that function. That was the criteria I set myself and it's what I achieved with my post. Of course it is an outlandish example.
If your intent was to get people to not read what you have to say, then the way to achieve that goal is by not posting anything at all. So even in this example, your criteria is not valid, because it still does not achieve that which you are looking to accomplish.
Praise the Lord, we have someone here who is going to analyze my arguments and question my assumptions, rather than a couple of people high-fiving each other because they can say they're still not that interested.

I think my meaning here might have been unclear. By "terms", I mean, "intellectual discourse only when I feel like discussing it, and ridicule for it when I don't". In that aspect, yes, I very much prefer to debate on other people's terms.

Now, the way you meant it, I'd still agree with the sentiment. I'm always eager to meet people who have a way of thinking that is different from my own, while still being thought through and logical. It allows me to challenge my own assumptions which I use towards solving problems (i.e, living.) People might get the idea that I'm the kind of person who always thinks he's right while others are wrong. That isn't the case at all; it's just here, there aren't that many people capable of stringing together a coherent sentence without contradicting it two posts later.

Before someone asks why I post here then, I reiterate- I don't post for the masses, I post for the people who enjoy my posts. If my goal was to get you guys to be my friends, I'd approach my posting style entirely different.

I'm fine with being a dick on a message board. Again, I am not posting with the intent of getting people to like me, never have, and never will. You guys have nothing to offer me.

How did I expect it to develop? Actually, pretty much like this. What, are there people who think I was entirely sincere in my election analysis??? There was a very ripe pile of shit to be stirred, and I'm an instigator. The only thing that surprised me was how hard people would try to pretend that they don't care while following every development.

TNA/IW is really the only interesting story in professional wrestling right now; at least, the only one people seem to want to discuss here. I don't mean that I believe TNA/IW is great programming (as anyone who reads my non-spam posts could tell you), but that I find what's happening with TNA/IW on a corporate level to be fascinating.

I tend to tune out probably 6 out of 7 posts in the TNA/IW section. There are some intelligent people who post in there, they just aren't the majority.

Whereas in the bar room, the jokes aren't really funny. You can find good one-liners anywhere. What occurs are jokes of the backslapping variety, where people laugh because their friends are laughing, not because something is funny. Is there wheat somewhere in all of this chaff? Maybe, but I don't find much to be interesting in the bar room, so instead of hanging around saying "this does not interest me", I just leave and go do something I find interesting.

The herd is just as big and just as ignorant as in the TNA/IW section, it's just here the herd can relax because there's not even a pretense of having to think, unlike the non-spam sections.

We refer to something different. You are referring to a group rising to defend one of its members when they are attacked. I am referring to a group that attacks anything outside of its own reflexively, out of a fear that an intruder might replace their standing within the group.

As far as people being down after this election? STILL laughing about that whole fiasco. I can't be held responsible for kicking someone while they're down if they're going to drop to the ground so easily.

And? You're acting like I'm unaware of this principle, or that me and JGlass should have some sort of convivial relationship where now that we've attacked each other, we should both be satisfied and lay down our arms. We don't have that kind of relationship.

As whiny and pissy as JGlass got during that election, he needed to have some dished to him. His dishing back seems to be confined to telling me that I don't interest him, which was never my goal.

Which I pretty much told you was going to happen. If I see someone pull a gun out of their pocket and shoot themselves in the foot, I'm not going to be the guy to sympathize with them later when they cry about how much their foot hurts.

I wrote an analysis thread that pretty much said "1/2 of the board lost this because they started crying and bitching", right after they had just finished crying and bitching. I didn't expect a positive reaction.

I don't dumb myself down, ever, unless I'm explaining something to a child.

For the record, I have barely any idea who Salv is, and considering this is my very first mention or reference to him in a long and growing thread, I'm not too concerned about being seen as a kiss ass. Yes, people can repeat a charge they had leveled at them. "I'm not the stupidhead, you're the stupidhead!" I learned that in kindergarten.

Ah, here it comes. The "I was just playin'!" post. Hey, I'm playing too! This is how I play. Make sure to tell all of your friends how serious you aren't taking this, that way, they'll know you're cool and can reciprocate with statements of approval!

This is fucking ******ed. So I'm supposed to use your values in my estimation of you? I suppose that we should have used Richard Nixon's values when deciding if he should have been impeached, hmm? OF COURSE YOU USE YOUR OWN VALUES TO JUDGE PEOPLE. That is the most stupidly obvious statement I have ever uttered. It is like saying "I use my eyes to see."

This is why I have, and am gaining, no respect for your intellect, whether you care or not as to that effect. You're saying stupid shit like "don't judge me by your standards", when the only other way to form a personal estimation of you would be to use someone else's- which defeats the purpose of a personal estimation, does it not???

It's akin to a straightedge person thinking someone that smokes pot is less than they are? Yes. You are exactly, completely right in that. They have a set of values that they have chosen to live by. The crux is in whether your own personal values can reconcile with those of society at large, which is not a yes/no proposition, but a constant reexamination of ones surroundings and assumptions.

I am not ashamed to say I judge people. I expect people to judge me, and people that do not tend to be easily swayed sheep whose opinions you can write for them.

Preferring to hang around with people who question their own ideas and don't reflexively panic when they see a few paragraphs to read? That don't need to reassure themselves with their online buddies constantly that they're still cool? I don't think I'm shutting myself off to major life experiences by missing out on that. Yes, not wanting to deal with people who have to tell you how uninterested they are is going to be a huge loss in my social education. :rolleyes:

I have been employed consistently for the last 12 years. I have a family to protect and support. If I were to be out of work it would be very stressful. If I were to be venturing out on my own in my own endeavor the lack of certainty would double the stress. Not working after a long period of employment would definitely leave me without much feeling of accomplishment and I would probably venture out to find that sense of accomplishment in other, less productive avenues. I don't know enough about you to say that these are the feelings and actions that you are taking but I expect that I am not completely wrong.

I recommend focusing on your new venture and not putting much time in to this place. If you are going to stick around try to be more positive. If you want to discuss what type of stress you are feeling being out of work and starting you own thing you'd be surprised at the number of people that are willing to listen and support you. I know you're, "Not here to make friends (reality show cliche)" but if you can avoid the "noise", there are many people here (Spam and Non-spam) that can be really supportive of one another and I expect someone like JGlass would be one of the first people to listen and provide a supportive soundboard for your thoughts.

Best of luck.
I have been employed consistently for the last 12 years. I have a family to protect and support. If I were to be out of work it would be very stressful. If I were to be venturing out on my own in my own endeavor the lack of certainty would double the stress. Not working after a long period of employment would definitely leave me without much feeling of accomplishment and I would probably venture out to find that sense of accomplishment in other, less productive avenues. I don't know enough about you to say that these are the feelings and actions that you are taking but I expect that I am not completely wrong.

I recommend focusing on your new venture and not putting much time in to this place. If you are going to stick around try to be more positive. If you want to discuss what type of stress you are feeling being out of work and starting you own thing you'd be surprised at the number of people that are willing to listen and support you. I know you're, "Not here to make friends (reality show cliche)" but if you can avoid the "noise", there are many people here (Spam and Non-spam) that can be really supportive of one another and I expect someone like JGlass would be one of the first people to listen and provide a supportive soundboard for your thoughts.

Best of luck.
I'm afraid you are entirely wrong on your psychological breakdown. You were actually sounding pretty smart until you did the whole internet psychologist bit, framing of the comment notwithstanding. Right now is the offseason, I'm selling custom equipment for a seasonal sport. A lot of the work that I'm doing involves making art on the computer, so this thread has really been a welcome diversion from all of that. And a pretty easy one, I alt-tab over.

Up until the snowfall the Northeast just had, I was actually having the opposite problem. I'm offering a service (custom photography on frisbees for disc golf) which simply isn't offered anywhere else. I had to come to an agreement with my main distributor to slow down their promotion so I wouldn't start turning out disappointing, low quality product and hence shoot myself in the foot that way.

While that gets going, I have the cash from the sale of my previous business to support me, as well as a part-time job I keep for the virtually free health insurance. (It would cost me $550 a month to quit that job, and with mandatory health insurance in my state, I'm kinda boned there.) While I am by no means rich, I am comfortable.

So, while I thank you for the advice, I advise you that it is completely unnecessary. Those times when I don't post on the boards for a few weeks, that's when I'm busy, not when I become active for a couple of days to poke the sores of people whiny and pissy because a guy they don't like is going to be responsible for cleaning up spam posts in the WWE section.
Am I the only one that actually did read Rayne's analysis the entire way through? I am not commenting as to whether I agree or disagree with wasn't THAT long. Okay, it was rather long, but since it was broken down into 4 distinct segments, it didn't seem that way, it was easy to refocus on each of the main points. I dunno, I guess I just don't see the length of it as a big deal.
Ah, here it comes. The "I was just playin'!" post. Hey, I'm playing too! This is how I play. Make sure to tell all of your friends how serious you aren't taking this, that way, they'll know you're cool and can reciprocate with statements of approval!

... I was just kidding when I made this thread. I had no interest in attacking you personally, and to think otherwise shows how self-absorbed you really are. Making a thread parodying or poking fun at another thread is not a strange occurrence on this site.

This is fucking ******ed. So I'm supposed to use your values in my estimation of you? I suppose that we should have used Richard Nixon's values when deciding if he should have been impeached, hmm? OF COURSE YOU USE YOUR OWN VALUES TO JUDGE PEOPLE. That is the most stupidly obvious statement I have ever uttered. It is like saying "I use my eyes to see."

You can pick and choose which values of yours you use to judge people, and which you don't. I'm a staunch atheist, but just because someone believes in a god or religion doesn't mean I think they are inferior to me. I'm a liberal, but I don't think all conservatives have nothing of value to interest me.

If you truly think that the only way to judge people is by your own values and nothing else, then I feel bad for you. You're missing out on some very interesting relationships. On paper I think NorCal and I would probably look like we wouldn't have anything to do with each other, but I think we both value each others' friendship, knowledge, and opinions.

This is why I have, and am gaining, no respect for your intellect, whether you care or not as to that effect. You're saying stupid shit like "don't judge me by your standards", when the only other way to form a personal estimation of you would be to use someone else's- which defeats the purpose of a personal estimation, does it not???

Lulz, it's so black and white with you.

No, it does not defeat the purpose of personal estimation. You can judge whether or not you see yourself getting along with someone personally if you judge them by your standards, but judging someone as a person by you standards and your standards alone is just silly. What works for me not might work for someone else, but that doesn't make them worth any less.

It's akin to a straightedge person thinking someone that smokes pot is less than they are? Yes. You are exactly, completely right in that. They have a set of values that they have chosen to live by. The crux is in whether your own personal values can reconcile with those of society at large, which is not a yes/no proposition, but a constant reexamination of ones surroundings and assumptions.

I agree and disagree. On the one hand, it is a battle with finding your values and translating them with the mainstream values of society, but that your values are constantly at war with the values of others. If that was the case, then we'd never get anything accomplished. I work with all different types of people with different values, but the few values we share allow us to work together and get along.

I am not ashamed to say I judge people. I expect people to judge me, and people that do not tend to be easily swayed sheep whose opinions you can write for them.

I think judging people is a primal instinct necessary for survival. However, it's important to remember that just because you judge someone doesn't mean you know what they're all about.

Preferring to hang around with people who question their own ideas and don't reflexively panic when they see a few paragraphs to read? That don't need to reassure themselves with their online buddies constantly that they're still cool? I don't think I'm shutting myself off to major life experiences by missing out on that. Yes, not wanting to deal with people who have to tell you how uninterested they are is going to be a huge loss in my social education. :rolleyes:

Damn, you really can't let go of the tl;dr jokes, can you?

The whole act of posting something on a forum and then saying, "I don't care what people think of what I have to say, I'm going to say it anyway!" is so silly. Of course you care about what people say, otherwise you wouldn't be posting here, you'd be posting on a blog or in an email chain with some people you get along with.

And if you really didn't want to deal with people telling you how uninterested they are, you wouldn't be here, now would you?
... I was just kidding when I made this thread. I had no interest in attacking you personally, and to think otherwise shows how self-absorbed you really are. Making a thread parodying or poking fun at another thread is not a strange occurrence on this site.
Just playin', dog! Just playin'! I wasn't being a dick, it's your fault you're taking it the wrong way!

Yeah, that's something else I got past in middle school. I'm not your buddy. We don't have that convivial relationship where we can make insulting joke threads about each other. I maintain that kind of relationship with my intimates, but there are very few people on these boards who I would place into that category.
JGlass said:
You can pick and choose which values of yours you use to judge people, and which you don't. I'm a staunch atheist, but just because someone believes in a god or religion doesn't mean I think they are inferior to me. I'm a liberal, but I don't think all conservatives have nothing of value to interest me.
Those are belief systems, not values. I don't care if someone feels that the gold standard is the only proper way to operate a federal currency. I do care if they believe that hard work is the key to success, that a use of ones intelligence is the most important trait a human being can have, that they don't shape their reactions based on whether or not their friends will accept them for it.

I feel bad for you, for being unable to understand the distinction.
JGlass said:
No, it does not defeat the purpose of personal estimation. You can judge whether or not you see yourself getting along with someone personally if you judge them by your standards, but judging someone as a person by you standards and your standards alone is just silly. What works for me not might work for someone else, but that doesn't make them worth any less.
We can just pass by this as you clearly didn't understand the distinction between values and a belief system.
JGlass said:
I think judging people is a primal instinct necessary for survival. However, it's important to remember that just because you judge someone doesn't mean you know what they're all about.
Yes, self-correction is a necessary trait in any set of values, no shit....
JGlass said:
Damn, you really can't let go of the tl;dr jokes, can you?

The whole act of posting something on a forum and then saying, "I don't care what people think of what I have to say, I'm going to say it anyway!" is so silly. Of course you care about what people say, otherwise you wouldn't be posting here, you'd be posting on a blog or in an email chain with some people you get along with.
I choose to interact with the people who choose to interact with me. I'm not shouting into an echo chamber; I've had enough people tell me that they enjoy my writing that I am secure I am reaching an audience. I do not care if that audience agrees or disagrees with what I say, but the audience I aim for is one that can enjoy a well thought out opposing opinion.

That's an opinion, not a value. Yes, I get along just fine with people who aren't of my particular creed, it's just the people that I disagree with also tend to be people who believe in hard work and the use of intelligence.
JGlass said:
And if you really didn't want to deal with people telling you how uninterested they are, you wouldn't be here, now would you? don't see me post in the bar room that much, now do you? I make an exception when someone makes a shit-talking thread about me, and again, I don't give a shit how you interact with your buddies. I'm not one of them and have no interest in being one.

After this thread, I probably won't come back here, to what I'm sure is the mutual happiness of several people. (See? I can be charitable too. I just threw out a big, fat softball for the crowd that can only do mediocre, backslapping one-liners. I'm not such a bad guy.)
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to JGlassius the Illustrious again.
Yes, champ, the reputation feature is an excellent way to backslap your buddies when they're in an argument with someone you backed away from earlier. Instead of forming an opinion and elucidating it in an effective fashion to challenge my ideas, you can go "yeah, yeah, me too, meeee tooo!" That's what much of this thread, and, hell, the one that spawned it have been about.

No, I don't think for a fucking second that you have your own intelligent arguments to make, but have chosen not to make them because someone else was, or because you don't have time, or whatever excuse people come up with to say why they could do something, but never actually do it.

I make a point, you guys reinforce it, then get pissed at me for mentioning it. *shrug*
You really need to calm your ass down. I was just letting JGlass know that I wanted to rep him for that post but couldn't. Bar room debates (oxymoron in itself) are not exactly life or death. If I choose not to spend time multi-quoting seven different paragraphs to respond to you, that's my prerogative.
No, you're allowed to rep people all you want. It's when you feel the need to tell other people about how you wanted to rep someone but couldn't, or want to make sure that JGlass can get that social reinforcement from you mentioning it publicly- that's when you look like a tool.

Probably not to your buddies, though.
And again, I thought I had established that your opinion was not one I particularly cared for or had any esteem or respect for, nor needed. I thought we had established that in one of my first posts in this thread. Do you still not yet see why I disdain your intelligence?

Gelgarin's doing his sniping thing now, so it's 50/50 he'll come in here and talk about all the great stuff he could do but never does. Sure, let's fatten up this pack a bit.
And again, I thought I had established that your opinion was not one I particularly cared for or had any esteem or respect for, nor needed. I thought we had established that in one of my first posts in this thread. Do you still not yet see why I disdain your intelligence?
You're a ******.

That enough intelligence for you? ;)
You guys certainly make my point for me about playing for a group audience instead of using your intelligence. Thank you for sparing me yet another post about how you know someone isn't really smart, but have no interest in demonstrating what you believe is.
No, you're allowed to rep people all you want. It's when you feel the need to tell other people about how you wanted to rep someone but couldn't, or want to make sure that JGlass can get that social reinforcement from you mentioning it publicly- that's when you look like a tool.

Sorry JGlass, but this guy just won me over
What exactly would be the point of doing that?
Demonstrating that you aren't a coward who builds his popularity by attacking anyone outside of a popular group dynamic, while avoiding any situation in which he might expose himself to any direct attack or have to stand up for an unpopular idea.

You know, having standards for yourself.

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