A thought and a proposal


I am The Last Baron

With it being Christmas, I have been doing some thinking, with the amount of hate and violence that is out there in the world and the innocent victims of said hate and violence. Im of the opinion no child should fear for their life ending due to a bullet or a shell, in general but especially at Christmas. Im thinking that what we, by we I mean everyone everywhere, should do is for Christmas next year and all future years a ceasefire happens for all fighting, whether domestic or on a larger scale.

While it may be a pipe dream, I think that it is something that could and should be achieved. Its about the prevention of many unnecessary deaths, its about the prevention of familial abuse, its about one of the most important themes of Christmas, Peace on Earth and good will towards your fellow man.

Im not sure how to get the ball rolling on this but I think it is something that should be strived for within the next year, it isn't asking for much from everyone if for one day there was peace on earth.

Think about my mildly incoherent rambling and listen to a song that is about achieving what I hope to achieve.

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