A Cold Hard Christmas Truth from your Friendly Neighborhood JGlass


Unregistered User
So here's the deal...

I had just arrived on the Cage scene, and I saw all these happy Christmas threads promising rep to all who posted. But poor little JGlass knew that his one rep power and unknown name didn't carry enough weight to make a Christmas Thread where he could share his opinions on various posters with the world. Or the posting public of the Cage/Bar Room anyway.

But things have changed. The JGlass Revolution has come full circle, and I now own a tiny piece of all of your soul's. Well, everyone except SNS, on the account of him not having a soul. I think that's why he picks on Milenko so much, he's trying suck out Milenko's soul and steal it for himself.

But I digress.

So here's the deal: this is the Christmas thread that never happened. I've been sitting from a far off planet with studying eyes. I have formed opinions on many of you, most positive, some negative, and I want to share those with you. Of course, all shared opinions will be complimented with a healthy serving of green rep. I find green rep makes my giant horse pill of truth much easier to swallow.

So post here if you dare, and I will give a fully detailed opinion of you if I have one. At the very least I'll let you know if I think you're a good or bad poster.

And if none of that interests you, here's a picture of a dog that's in the Christmas spirit.

Considering I have judged you all, I suppose it is only fair that I let one of the lesser humans share their opinions about me with no fear of repercussions.
Has it been a year already?

Sam has long been my absolute favorite poster on WrestleZone forums. Smart, witty, funny, friendly... what's not to love about Sam? Nothing, that's what.

You're a great wrestling poster, and you almost hide it behind a sense of humor that I am at times envious of. An uneducated poster may look at one of your posts and see a man desperately trying to get a laugh, but I see a guy who makes every single one of his posts worth reading with a mixture of humor, intelligence, and always worthwhile insight.

I've nothing bad to say about you, Samuel. Sorry to disappoint. I guess sometimes I get annoyed that I'm not as funny as you? That's about all I've got. Fuck you for being so funny.

I'm interested.

My favorite BC, and I know there's two (at least). Unfortunately I haven't really gotten to know much about you other than that we share similar interests. Sports, video games, wrestling, movies... seems like a match made in heaven.

I know you're a lurker by nature, but I wish you'd post more. You're clearly an intelligent guy, and when you do let your opinions be known they tend to be well informed and worth sharing.

I don't have anything bad to say about you really, but that's probably a by-product of you not putting yourself out there. You drop off my radar pretty often, but whenever you pop back on it I always consider you an e-bro. That's right, I'm not afraid to admit it, you're totally an e-bro.

Go for it.

You fall into the category of "I don't know that much about." At first you annoyed me, but you seem to have a decent enough sense of humor and you don't take yourself too seriously, which I can dig.

Just be yourself, don't try too hard to fit in or anything. You have potential kid.

That's not true, I don't know if you have potential or not, but this is an internet wrestling forum, why should that matter?

You're a dude that I should know more about, but I don't. I think we had some limited interaction earlier this year when those synchtubes were all the rage.

I wish you'd post more. Everywhere. You're a fun guy to talk to, and you have a lot of knowledge to share about some of the less popular wrestling companies out there. And by that I mean everything that's not WWE and TNA. I'm a WWE guy through and through, but I've seen many an indy match that I've thoroughly enjoyed. Still can't get behind the Japanese stuff though.

I also think the Internet Warrior could be a little more of a well defined character. Good concept, haven't really seen it being executed properly yet.

Sure, why not.

Not gonna like, Remix, I used to find you to be one of the most annoying posters on the site. You have a tendency to be stubborn and arrogant. That's normally not too bad, as many of our best posters are stubborn and arrogant, but you lacked the sense of humor/eloquence that makes the arrogance of Sly or the stubbornness of D-Man tolerable. Yes, D-Man, you're stubborn. Anyone that has defended Delberto as passionately as you have is most definitely stubborn.

That said, you've grown on me quite a bit. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I admire your intelligence in terms of science (I'm by no means a science guy, but I enjoy hearing about scientific advances and it's people like you that can help me actually understand what's going on), and we seem to have similar stances on most political social issues, so that's a bonus. You still strike me as stubborn much of the time, but you've really toned down the assholeness.

I know this sounds condescending and I'm really in no postion to judge anyone for how they present themselves on an internet forum... but you asked, so I answered.


I probably have the most to say about you, Crock, because I know you much better than just about any other poster. And yet... I don't know where to start.

You're a talented poster, no doubt. I'd actually venture to guess you know more about wrestling than most people here, and when you put your mind to it, it shows. However, your posts sometimes rely too much on your knowledge, and not your love of the game. You know far more about wrestling than Doc or I, who are both relatively new to the subject, but we're both so in love with it that we post with fervor and charm, which is what makes us stand out. It could be because we haven't suffered through the ups and downs of wrestling like you have, but I think if you tap into that emotion you can post on the level of someone like Xfear.

Most posters know you for your undying quest for modship. Indeed, I think it's safe to say that it defines your tenure on WrestleZone forums. It seems silly to some, but I understand the pitbull like mentality of seeing something and not letting go until you get it. I don't know why you haven't been modded yet, as you'd make a better mod than most people here. I hope this election pans out for you, as you're definitely one of the best candidates, if not the best candidate. If not, I sincerely hope to see you in the board room soon as a new mod. Don't be shocked when you go through the board room threads and find that most of it is random conversations and Gatorade jokes from KB... which I still don't get.

I feel like you have some weird issue with acceptance. I don't know what it is, because from what you tell me you sound like you were popular in high school. Captain/QB of the football team, girlfriend, parties, all that good stuff. However, you seem to have a need to be accepted by the "elite" group of posters. We talk a lot about the various connections you've made on this forum, but I think you sometimes read too much into it. I consider very few people on this forum to be "friends." Obviously there's Norcs, IC, D-Man, and Charlie, all guys I've spent a good deal of time with in real life, but also you, Theo, Phatso, CH David, LSN, Justin, Mozz and FunKay, Barbosa, Sam... and maybe even Coco. I guess that is kind of a long list, but you're towards the top of it. However, I don't think you should measure your worth by the number of big names you've managed to connect with, but by how good your friendships with some people have become.

That was rambley, but my point is... whether or not you ever make that "elite" class of posters doesn't matter. I doubt I ever will, but I'm more than okay with that. I've had lots of interesting, funny, insightful, meaningful conversations with people from here that I would never have had without the help from these forums.

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks for being a good bud and helping further my knowledge of professional wrestling.

I'll be repping you all shortly. Like, within 24 hours or so.
I probably have the most to say about you, Crock, because I know you much better than just about any other poster. And yet... I don't know where to start.

You're a talented poster, no doubt. I'd actually venture to guess you know more about wrestling than most people here, and when you put your mind to it, it shows. However, your posts sometimes rely too much on your knowledge, and not your love of the game. You know far more about wrestling than Doc or I, who are both relatively new to the subject, but we're both so in love with it that we post with fervor and charm, which is what makes us stand out. It could be because we haven't suffered through the ups and downs of wrestling like you have, but I think if you tap into that emotion you can post on the level of someone like Xfear.

Most posters know you for your undying quest for modship. Indeed, I think it's safe to say that it defines your tenure on WrestleZone forums. It seems silly to some, but I understand the pitbull like mentality of seeing something and not letting go until you get it. I don't know why you haven't been modded yet, as you'd make a better mod than most people here. I hope this election pans out for you, as you're definitely one of the best candidates, if not the best candidate. If not, I sincerely hope to see you in the board room soon as a new mod. Don't be shocked when you go through the board room threads and find that most of it is random conversations and Gatorade jokes from KB... which I still don't get.

I feel like you have some weird issue with acceptance. I don't know what it is, because from what you tell me you sound like you were popular in high school. Captain/QB of the football team, girlfriend, parties, all that good stuff. However, you seem to have a need to be accepted by the "elite" group of posters. We talk a lot about the various connections you've made on this forum, but I think you sometimes read too much into it. I consider very few people on this forum to be "friends." Obviously there's Norcs, IC, D-Man, and Charlie, all guys I've spent a good deal of time with in real life, but also you, Theo, Phatso, CH David, LSN, Justin, Mozz and FunKay, Barbosa, Sam... and maybe even Coco. I guess that is kind of a long list, but you're towards the top of it. However, I don't think you should measure your worth by the number of big names you've managed to connect with, but by how good your friendships with some people have become.

That was rambley, but my point is... whether or not you ever make that "elite" class of posters doesn't matter. I doubt I ever will, but I'm more than okay with that. I've had lots of interesting, funny, insightful, meaningful conversations with people from here that I would never have had without the help from these forums.

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks for being a good bud and helping further my knowledge of professional wrestling.

Wow, man. I guess I'll return the favor.

Your assessment of me is one of the nicer, but also spot-on, things that has been said to me on here. I do have a weird thing about "acceptance," but that's just my ******ed personality.

You've been one of the few people on here who I do consider a "friend." Yeah, there's others (they know who they are), but you're tops on that list. You're funny and just a chill guy, but your intelligence shines through. Your RPs, your posts, I pretty much read everything of yours. You have a knack for being genuine in everything you say, but keeping it interesting. You severely underestimate how good you really are, though. I'd put you in that "elite" group you were talking about, honestly.

Whenever we talk, whether it be forum stuff, sports, life, whatever, you never fail to offer a unique and educated insight. Talking to you has made me a better poster, undoubtedly. Some people may take what you say here the wrong way, but I take it for what it is -- you don't say it maliciously, you're honest. That's very rare around these parts. Most people will say whatever you want to hear; we need more people around here like you.

I have to thank YOU for being a good friend. Hopefully your precious Jets can keep it goin', eh?

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