A Cold Hard Christmas Truth from your Friendly Neighborhood JGlass

I crave acceptance.

Well acceptance you shall have, because I dig Nate. I like to take some credit for getting your name in the conversation for modship, and eventually helping usher you into the board room.

You're a solid dude. You can sometimes be a little assholish, but can't we all? The answer is a resounding yes. That said, I admire you for being a father to a kid that isn't yours, and a damn good one at that. I also admire how hard you work for your family and your own personal betterment... or whatever people work for in life, I'm still not very sure.

I also admire the fact that you aren't ashamed to poop on your own floor.

I'm not on here enough to care, but go ahead.

I have almost nothing to say about you, Stinger. I don't know what's up with the pedophile comments, but they sure are silly. You're from Jersey right? That's cool, you can't be all bad then.


Errr, on second thought...

But you don't celebrate Christmas.

I know, right? I just figured I'd go mainstream on this one.

Many may not know this, but Coco and I started out as mortal enemies. Well, maybe not mortal enemies, but I certainly didn't like Coco, and he didn't seem to care for me either. Truthfully, I was probably a pretty obnoxious poster, and I seem to remember one post I made where I had a mock conversation between Vince McMahon and a WWE writer about wring Chris Benoit out of WWE history, and Coco mocked me for it. It wasn't a very good post, but it made me very mad. I'm pretty sure there was an exchange of PMs that got me nowhere.

I don't know why I fell into Coco's good graces, but I did. I'll be forever grateful towards Coco for starting the Glass Ass thread where I've had many interesting conversations with many of you. I also enjoy the mischief Coco and I have caused together, and the reactions we've evoked. The whole Video Game Tourney controversy? The Survivor Series tournament conspiracy? I'm sure there were many others, but Coco and I have had a lot of fun at your expense. Yes, I'm talking to you, you behind the computer screen.

In addition to being a fun co-conspirator, you're is one of the smartest posters on this site, and the fact that he appreciates Rey Mysterio more than most of you is proof of that. When Rey Mysterio comes in the end of days, he will lift NorCal, Sam, you, and myself to the Kingdom of Heaven and leave the likes of IC, D-Man, and all the Rey-Rey haters to burn in the hellscape formerly known as earth.

You're a knowledgeable wrestling poster, but also a great guy to talk to about TV. Hell, I have you to thank for introducing me to my two favorite shows, Community and Breaking Bad. You're one of the few people not only on here, but in general that I'll take entertainment advice from.

I wish you'd let us get to know you better. I saw a flash of humanity that time you posted drunk in the Glass Ass thread, but I would love to see more of that. Of course, that's just my personal wish, and I totally understand wanting to keep your real life separated from WrestleZone.

I fly under the radar here probably better than anyone else. So go ahead... if you can.

Seth, is it? You always kinda floated just under the radar, but I think I generally liked you. You could get on my nerves, but everyone does, I'm an ornery person.

I love Stan Rogers as a character, and I hope you beat Showtime at All or Nothing. I know Showtime is like, the OG of cocky heels, but we have enough of those now, we don't have any other old school wrestlers. Super old school, anyway.

Can I still get a part of this?


I have no real opinion of you. You need to work on your trash talk, I can tell you that much. I hope you're ready to take another beating, this time from the two baddest dudes in wrestling AND a licensed M.D.

I haven't read many of your RPs, so unfortunately I can't even really talk about that. James King as the amnesic hero is kind of a romantic concept, but it's not a bad concept as a heel. I'll have to look at your RPs sometime, as the character has potential to be interesting.

I desperately need to know what others think of me.

It saddens me that you're part of the ABC party, because otherwise you're a solid dude. I think having a legit beard makes people nicer, because both you and Theo could share the award for nicest poster on WrestleZone. You're always tolerant of the rooks, and you don't get into too many heated arguments. You keep everything on a very professional level. You're not afraid to debate wrestling, but if you do that's what you debate, wrestling.

I also admire that you have such a wide knowledge of every sort of wrestling there is out there. As with Thriller, I'd wish you'd share that knowledge more. I miss the Synchtube sessions with you, Thriller, and X, as you all could provide some very entertaining matches that I would have never otherwise checked out.

I'll bite.

I'm glad you did Doc, as our relationship has probably been the most dynamic of any of my forum buds.

I'll start at the beginning... Summer of 2010. I was still just a wee poster back then. I don't even know if I had a full rep bar yet, but I loved discussing wrestling, and I was posting in the WWE section like a machine. I was up at college for my first summer session as I began working at an internship for a small sports academy on the outskirts of Boston, and I found myself with tons of free time with which to post wrestling. I eventually made my way down to the LDs and really enjoyed discussing wrestling with others. That's where I first took notice of individual posters, particularly Doc. For whatever reason I really craved Doc's acceptance, and I remember him saying something to me once about, "I like you, JGlass, but you need to learn how to take a joke." Or something along those lines anyway... I remember finding it odd because I'm all about the self-deprecating humor. It was the same LD where JoMo's Ponytail debuted, claiming he joined just to tell me that I was a moron.

Then stuff happened, I don't really know what, but as I started gaining the attention of other posters, I stopped craving the acceptance of Doc. I don't think there has ever been a point where I looked down on Doc or anything, it's just that I didn't need his approval anymore. I had made it into the good graces of IC, and thus the good graces of D-Man and IC, and little did I know it the ever watchful eye of Slyfox had fallen on me and I was chosen to be the mod of the WrestleMania section.

I don't know when I started to have a falling out with Doc, but it happened. We never reached a Crock/Doc level of contempt for each other, or really contempt at all, but I'm sure there were times I pissed Doc off, and there were times he pissed me off. The only two incidents I can remember right now were a time when he allegedly told Crock that he'd never ever be a mod, and this board room incident involving the whole factions thing that was really stupid and I was probably in the wrong in.

However, we moved past that the manly way... nobody said anything and we waited until we had to work together to rebuild our battered friendship. That opportunity came for the BattleZone Tournament.

Doc and I had both individually wanted to do a BattleZone Tournament, and when we came together as mods we finally had the opportunity to push it. However, our first attempt to get the tournament going was shunted by KB and Sly, as the prior year's tournament left a bitter taste in the mouths of the mods. Indeed, if you look far enough back in the boardroom you can see the likes of NorCal and KB complaining and mocking the first BattleZone tournament. However, months later, we got the go-ahead from KB.

When Doc and I started the tournament we weren't on bad terms... but we weren't friends yet. However, we completely clicked on the tournament. We would collaborate on the list of competitors and mark out whenever we thought of a fun name to introduce. We agreed on the rules almost instantly, and we both had the same vision for the tournament. I don't want to give all the credit to Doc and myself as all of those whom participated did a fantastic job too. Barbosa, FitFinlay, Remix, Jose... those are just a few of the names that made some of the most entertaining posts I've ever seen on this website and made the forum great. However, I think Doc and I were able to guide the tournament to total success because we were on the exact same page throughout the process. There was never a time that one of us was annoyed by the other, nobody was ever jealous or ever felt like the other one was slacking off... it was a harmonious piece of moderating, and both Doc and I agree that it is the most fun we've ever had on WrestleZone.

Doc and I remained friends from there on out, discussing wrestling, life, music, movies, stuff like that, but we soon found each other working together again, this time in WZCW. At first it was against each other in a 6 man tournament for a future title shot. I had only been in the fed for a few weeks, but I earned my spot in the tournament by beating Ty Burna, who had been undefeated for nearly a year (I think) as the fed's champion. Doc's character, Action Saxton, had been in the federation longer, but like me had earned a spot in this tournament by churning out great RP after great RP and using a very entertaining character. I, for one, always loved Action Saxton and I wanted to use him in my own RPs, and Doc gave me permission. It's getting to the point where I consider Saxton to be one of Saboteur's (my character) recurring themes. He is like Saboteur in that he is somewhat delusional and a self-declared badass, but where Saboteur is simply insane, Saxton is the type that puts his badassity to the test, which I think forces Saboteur to do the same.

Saboteur and Saxton have built up quite the relationship which includes a match against each other, a tag match as teammates, and Doc and I will be teaming up with Falkon at this coming PPV to take on the Apostles of Chaos, the new heel stable. Doc and I have already written two great RPs, one where we told the same story from two different perspectives, and one that was a Star Wars parody. I have no doubt that we'll be giving our next PPV the utmost attention so we can lay down the hurt on AOC.

Doc, through our ups and downs I've always respected the hell out of you as a poster and a person, and I think you're a swell dude. I enjoy all of our discussions, and there are few people I've enjoyed working with as much as I have enjoyed working with you. I'm glad I was able to put all of my past feelings about you behind me, because you are a great dude to talk about just about anything with.

Considering I have judged you all, I suppose it is only fair that I let one of the lesser humans share their opinions about me with no fear of repercussions.

I think you don't post in bulk because you'd melt our minds with your own. I think you're some sort of genius, but you only let it out in little spurts that cause us to experience the phenomenon known as laughter.

You're one of the funniest posters. There have been posts of yours that are so funny that I've show them to my roommate, who often times appreciates your jokes as much as I do.

As with Coco, I wouldn't hate getting to know you better. There have been a few times that you've let us into your personal life, but it'd be interesting to hear what you're really like.

I'd also love to hear your thoughts on wrestling, sometimes.

Who's the bitch with the antlers?

You're new, but I have a good feeling about you. You're funny, but you also make a good amount of serious posts. I need to look at your stuff more, but you earned my vote for Rookie of the Year.

I won't say no.

Ahhh Phatso, you know you're one of my online buds. I love talking to you on MSN about beer, broads, wrestling, forum shit... just about anything.

I think what's good about our e-relationship is that there's always a clear and obvious respect between us. I respect you, you respect me, and that allows us to just say whatever without worrying about hurting each other's feelings or whatever.

I also love that you seem to have a desire to learn. You ask a lot of questions, and they're often about interesting things, like religion or culture. It makes you a fun guy to talk to, as we don't always keep it generic. We've had discussions about religion, politics, the pros and cons of a well trained police force... lots of interesting topics that are actually worth talking about.

I'm here for the ********.

I can't give you a ********, but I can say some nice things about you.

As a person, you're a solid dude. You and I share one particular hobby that makes us brothers in arms in a way, so right off the bat we have an unsmoken connection (see what I did there?). You're also genuinely funny, and I always find myself laughing and nodding in agreement when you have a "tell it like it is" moment.

However, I don't understand your wrestling opinions. You hate Cena and Orton, but like Jeff Hardy? Don't get me wrong, I was a huge Jeff mark when he was in WWE, but why hate Cena and Orton? I mean, you love what you love, but it seems to me you have a very poorly defined things of what you like.

Also, what's your situation with the modding? I don't know if you're doing stuff behind the scene as I don't check into your sections that often, but I feel like if you're not around, you should step out of the spotlight. I'm not trying to start any drama here, but there are a few people who have expressed interest in modding the sections you're in charge of, and I think it'd be good to have an active poster in those places. Then again, I could be totally wrong and you could be doing all sorts of stuff in those sections I just haven't noticed.
In case you're wondering, the Gatorade thing is a joke Norcal and I had and since he and I did a lot of the talking in the Board Room for months at a time, it stuck.
If I could keep my real life separate from my real life, I would.

I'm two episodes into Party Down. Worth the hype so far. You're welcome in advance.
Last batch for tonight gentlemen.

I've told you it before and it says so in your sig, you're my favorite TNA fan. You haven't drank so much of the kool-aid that you'll defend anything they do to the death, but you're still passionate about what you like, and that's good to see in wrestling fans. As I said in my message to Crock, there are few posters here that really post with any sort of evidence that they are still charmed by professional wrestling. Most of us look at it like it's a science, not an art. I feel like you still hold onto some of that love of the sport, which makes you a better fan than most, and puts you in a league with the likes of NorCal, Doc, and I dare say myself.

You're also a Jets fan, which makes you cool with me.

Get at me *****

I don't interact with you much, Red Skull, but I'm looking to change that soon as I would like to get involved with the video game section where you spend a little bit of time from what I understand. You're a cool dude, you seem very calm and I've never seen you get too heated with anyone.

I love Dr. Alhazred as a character too, and I'm excited to feud with him. In a way I'm disappointed we don't get to go one on one, as I think Saboteur and Alhazred could have a comicbook style feud, but I'm happy to line up against you in our tag team match at All or Nothing. Hopefully the much talked about Sabotuer vs. Chris K.O. matchup doesn't overshadow the beef you and I have. Saboteur did allegedly kill Mister after all.

Go ahead, but remember who signs your checks.

I'm pretty sure Sly does, as he clearly wears the pants in the administrative marriage you two have going on.

You're a strange dude KB, but it works for you. You seem to be happy in life, and that's really all that matters. Doesn't mean you strike me as very odd. I don't get why you devote so much time to wrestling reviews or making threads about boulders, but like I said, whatever makes you happy.

I don't usually go for threads like this but what the hell. Let me have it Glass Man.

Probably the best wrestling historian on here, your name fits you. I would love to see you make a thread series some day where you recap a legendary feud and give your take on what made it so great and so important to wrestling, and maybe give examples of the impact it made over the years. I love seeing you post wrestling, and the few times I venture over to the non-spam sections, I often find you have already said what needed to be said. All your posts are fair and impartial, something very few of us can claim, and I think that makes you one of the best guys to go to for insight.

I always feel the need to have others state their opinion of myself.

Aw shucky ducky Theo, like I really need to tell you that you rank pretty damn high on my list of e-buds. We love all the same stuff about wrestling, and you're obviously a great guy to shoot the breeze with about sports, movies, beer, and especially food. You're a culinary genius, and hopefully I one day experience the phenomenon known as Cinaburgers.

Meeting you was pretty awesome. Wish we got to talk more, but the atmosphere was not ideal. It's rare that I'm one of the quieter people in the group, but apart from Becky, I think I was the quietest member of the New Jersey representatives at the Survivor Series meetup.

Oh well, hopefully there will be a show or two in the future we'll all get to go to again. And this time we'll try to get IC, NorCal, and D-Man to behave themselves.

Hit me, pretty-lips!

Our fake feud aside, you're a pretty okay guy for a Scot. In all seriousness though, you're a fun dude to talk to, and it makes me sad that I don't get to do more of it. You love movies maybe as much as I do, and I'm always happy to talk to film with a fellow enthusiast. I feel like I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but you're a funny cat and you're pretty sharp too. I would say you're not too hard to look at... but we're Facebook friends, and as an honest man I can't truthfully say that.

I'm glad you've made a return, and hopefully you get back into the swing of posting again. I'd love to see the M&T section make a glorious comeback.
I'm pretty sure Sly does, as he clearly wears the pants in the administrative marriage you two have going on.

You're a strange dude KB, but it works for you. You seem to be happy in life, and that's really all that matters. Doesn't mean you strike me as very odd. I don't get why you devote so much time to wrestling reviews or making threads about boulders, but like I said, whatever makes you happy.

Actually he says don't pay you and I threaten to stay with him forever until he does.

I write wrestling reviews because I enjoy them. That's about it. Also, you weren't here before I toned things way down. I'm not on here nearly as much as I used to be. Sad, but true.
Aw shucky ducky Theo, like I really need to tell you that you rank pretty damn high on my list of e-buds. We love all the same stuff about wrestling, and you're obviously a great guy to shoot the breeze with about sports, movies, beer, and especially food. You're a culinary genius, and hopefully I one day experience the phenomenon known as Cinaburgers.

Meeting you was pretty awesome. Wish we got to talk more, but the atmosphere was not ideal. It's rare that I'm one of the quieter people in the group, but apart from Becky, I think I was the quietest member of the New Jersey representatives at the Survivor Series meetup.

Oh well, hopefully there will be a show or two in the future we'll all get to go to again. And this time we'll try to get IC, NorCal, and D-Man to behave themselves.

Next time MSG hosts a PPV, I'll be there. Heads up has been given, so you better show. But yeah man you're the cat's meow and it is a shame we didn't really talk much but that's what we got this bad boy for haha. Though I think we did most of our talking waiting in line to get into our seats. That was good shit right there. Wouldn't change a thing. Everyone was awesome and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Even my kid brother liked everyone and he was worried that he'd get killed by people from the internet. Though he still thinks Norcs is gonna kill him if he ever speaks ill of him.

And to return the favor, you are easily in my fave five on here. You are a solid poster all around and probably my favorite person to shoot the breeze with around these parts. We usually agree like you said on the wrestling aspect of things. And even though you like the Jets, Mets, and (I think) Rangers I can let that slide because it is always nice to bicker about sports.

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