A letter to the blind TNA supporters...

At least they're guys that will be recognized by people somewhere other than the lot where iMPACT is filmed.

Also, don't hate on RVD. He continues to make Abyss watchable.

Him vs RVD will be a spot-heavy match that will make fans appreciate both workers, just like every single one of their matches (My personal favorite being their Invasion 2001 match... or Insurrection, Insomething)
Bischoff turning, saw it a mile away, Hogan, two miles, Jarrett , don't care but Hardy...never imagined Hardy turning.
Why do I get the feeling he can actually be a good heel for once.
F*ck it, use your legal issues. Become a bad boy. Have Hogan testify for you in court and use it in taping.

You know it could happen
Granted I don't watch TNA on a regular basis, but don't face/heel turns happen far too often and often with no believable reason being given as to why?

Yes, yes they do. I believe half the roster had some sort of face/heel turn tonight as a result of this angle.
To me at least, a heel turn only matters or has any sort of effect when the wrestler/character in question was worth caring about as a face. When Cena turns, it will matter. If Hardy, Bischoff and Hogan were super strong faces for a while and a turn would have major effects on the whole company then people would care. With the way TNA writes things though, one of those names will be a face again in a few months and feud with those other names. So what's the point?
You just can't have talent going back and forth from face to heel...and in TNA its alot of the roster it affects, i hate constant turns.
They got the smarks on here talking about it, so I'd say mission accomplished.

In other news, I'm done with dirt sheets. If I see one more Nick Paglino post on the main page about how he has insiders with both WWE and TNA and they tell him all sorts of backstage info, I will murder this Civil War survivor sitting next to me. No, Nick, ya don't. Same goes for anybody NOT involved with booking shows saying what they'd do differently than guys who know what the fuck they're doing. If you're on a discussion forum, odds are your ideas are lame. Otherwise, you'd be writing for Vince or Dixie.
What's confusing to me is one of the articles on the main page talks about swerving everyone especially the IWC, but did anyone NOT see this coming? I don't even regularly watch the fucking show and I assumed who they were. Not just me, it seemed a majority of people here knew it to. Are they trying to fool themselves into thinking they have outsmarted anyone?

And Dewey, sure it has people talking but talking doesn't equal success. Talking doesn't equal ratings and the only way this can be considered a success is if the ratings go up and stay that way.
I just don't give a shit about this angle. Sure it was well done to an extent but it just got predictable after the Dinero/Nash/Sting v Joe/Jarret
What's confusing to me is one of the articles on the main page talks about swerving everyone especially the IWC, but did anyone NOT see this coming? I don't even regularly watch the fucking show and I assumed who they were. Not just me, it seemed a majority of people here knew it to. Are they trying to fool themselves into thinking they have outsmarted anyone?

And Dewey, sure it has people talking but talking doesn't equal success. Talking doesn't equal ratings and the only way this can be considered a success is if the ratings go up and stay that way.

You mean to tell me, Armbar, that you saw the whole thing coming together EXACTLY THE WAY IT DID? That it would be Jeffrey Nero Hardy heeling everyone? I digress, though.

As for the Ratings argument, it doesn't matter what TNA does in the ratings. Somebody, somewhere, will still find a way to make it sound like a failure. The only measuring stick at the moment is the amount of traffic on forums, or via facebook and twitter.

And, remember Armbar, I love you. I just have next to no tolerance right now.
Aside from my view that this entire angle has been shit, why do they need another dominant heel faction? So not only have AJ and company had to feud with those bums from Philly, now they have to take a backseat to Hogan, Bischoff and their cronies? Fortune should be the main heels, not the drug addict (Hardy). Not the man who probably smells worse than he looks (Abyss). And sure as hell not J A double R, E, double T. Sorry, it's just that none of this makes any sense from where I'm sitting.
I think they were referring to the Hardy swerve, Armbar.

In related news, JWoww makes her first iMPACT Zone appearance this thursday. We're four days away, and despite my attempts to keep my libido at bay, my pants are already down to my ankles and I am fistpumping the shit out of my dick.


Easy there MacPenis, save some blood for my brain, you mook.
You mean to tell me, Armbar, that you saw the whole thing coming together EXACTLY THE WAY IT DID? That it would be Jeffrey Nero Hardy heeling everyone? I digress, though.

I knew for a fact it would involve Hogan, Bischoff and figured either Joe or Jarrett would join as well as one of the guys in the worlds title match. It made the least sense for Hardy to join, so I figured that's what they would do. I didn't get it dead on, but I was surprised by nothing.

As for the Ratings argument, it doesn't matter what TNA does in the ratings. Somebody, somewhere, will still find a way to make it sound like a failure. The only measuring stick at the moment is the amount of traffic on forums, or via facebook and twitter.

It bugs me when TNA fans act like victims. Like they weren't dealt a fair hand, that no matter what people are going to shit on TNA. I GUARANTEE that wrestling fans want a good product to watch. Why wouldn't they? People would LOVE for them to being putting on great television. They aren't though. At least in a lot of people's opinions. WWE gets just as much criticism for the dumb shit they write as TNA. The latter just tends to be worse, more often. Yeah, those are the only measuring sticks right now because the show just ended and they haven't followed up yet. What's the excuse going to be though when nothing changes?

And, remember Armbar, I love you. I just have next to no tolerance right now.

Dewey, I don't think you could come off as an asshole if you tried :)
I think they were referring to the Hardy swerve, Armbar.

In related news, JWoww makes her first iMPACT Zone appearance this thursday. We're four days away, and despite my attempts to keep my libido at bay, my pants are already down to my ankles and I am fistpumping the shit out of my dick.


Easy there MacPenis, save some blood for my brain, you mook.

I find no redeeming qualities to that skank right there. She's not attractive at all, she's loud, and she's got the worst Cheeto's tan I've ever seen.

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