TNA Creative Management - Past and Future

I remember when this so-called 'story' the coming days and weeks it went no where as far as credibilty or substance

First of all, of course it went nowhere, because Heyman wasn't fucking hired. Why would time be wasted discussing his shit for plans for "days and weeks" after the fact? What would that accomplish, other than to draw the ire of circle-jerking Heyman guys?

your quote of Heymans of something he actually said I agree I think he would have axed Hogan, Nash, Flair, Jarrett?..hell yeah and for good I think he would have instituted a mandatory 40 yr and under roster?...absolutly not....the collapse of ECW was pure finances, but we are not debating he business savvy but rather his creative ability

So let's talk his creative ability.

You think it's creative genius to take a 5' 10", 210lb Bryan Danielson, and have him tap out "everyone" on the roster for a full calendar year, before he eventually works a match with Kurt Angle? That's creative genius? Putting the two best technical wrestlers in the company against one another is genius? I'd call it common sense.

Unfortunately, that "common sense" conclusion would have bene established through a year or longer's worth of horrible decision making whereby the entire TNA roster would have been buried to a guy that's drawn comparisons for years to Dean Malenko — and for good reason. They're the same size, same style wreslter, and have the same dull ass personality and inability to cut an effective promo.

By comparison, I guess you'll tell me that it'd have been equally as "genius" to have Malenko do the same to the entire WCW roster, ultimately coming together with Bret Hart in a technical stand-off after Nash, Hogan, Hall, Goldberg, DDP, Savage, Sid and every other name in WCW was used to put Malenko over?
how do you lose money when you license a product to a video game company and network and get paid....just b/c it wasn't enough to save ECW @ that point doesn't mean they were money losing ventures...if anything the money they got from fom securing such contracts kept ECW on life support ....The point being is that with both things considered Heyman did create national wrestling stars in ECW... I'll sing the praise of WCCW too and the booking of Gary long did that last?. so i'm not sure what your point is that ECW was around for 8 years...I believe that is about the same time The Beatles were around...hmm... I'm a fan of Russo's and always have been, but he can't hold Heyman's jock....and Heyman's creative infulence on Smackdown was so refreshing compared to what was going on @ Raw @ the time

You sure he created national wrestling stars? Because Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, all became big names. When they jumped to WCW. If Rob Van Dam is the only name we can muster and call a success from ECW, then we have issues because Van Dam wasn't even a World Champion there. Paul's genius never allowed it. There was never a major name who became a major name in ECW.

I remember when this so-called 'story' the coming days and weeks it went no where as far as credibilty or was vetted then...your quote of Heymans of something he actually said I agree I think he would have axed Hogan, Nash, Flair, Jarrett?..hell yeah and for good I think he would have instituted a mandatory 40 yr and under roster?...absolutly not....the collapse of ECW was pure finances, but we are not debating he business savvy but rather his creative ability
Nash was gone. Any reason, Sting and Angle aren't in your "geriatrics" list? Wait, it's because they're worth having around. As is Jarrett. You know, the guy produced a TNA spin off in India and works a relationship with AAA. And Hogan has also proven to be quite competent as a creative consultant. So please go take your "they're not worth it if they're over 40" crap and file it for bankruptcy.
First of all, of course it went nowhere, because Heyman wasn't fucking hired. Why would time be wasted discussing his shit for plans for "days and weeks" after the fact? What would that accomplish, other than to draw the ire of circle-jerking Heyman guys?

So let's talk his creative ability.

You think it's creative genius to take a 5' 10", 210lb Bryan Danielson, and have him tap out "everyone" on the roster for a full calendar year, before he eventually works a match with Kurt Angle? That's creative genius? Putting the two best technical wrestlers in the company against one another is genius? I'd call it common sense.

Unfortunately, that "common sense" conclusion would have bene established through a year or longer's worth of horrible decision making whereby the entire TNA roster would have been buried to a guy that's drawn comparisons for years to Dean Malenko — and for good reason. They're the same size, same style wreslter, and have the same dull ass personality and inability to cut an effective promo.

By comparison, I guess you'll tell me that it'd have been equally as "genius" to have Malenko do the same to the entire WCW roster, ultimately coming together with Bret Hart in a technical stand-off after Nash, Hogan, Hall, Goldberg, DDP, Savage, Sid and every other name in WCW was used to put Malenko over?

you are the one that keeps wanting to discuss your what ifs....why don't you speak on what he's actually already done creatively...I'm not gonna debate something with you that @ best was an unsubstantiated rumor....I don't know what your issue with Malenko is nor do I care....I was never a fan

You sure he created national wrestling stars? Because Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, all became big names. When they jumped to WCW. If Rob Van Dam is the only name we can muster and call a success from ECW, then we have issues because Van Dam wasn't even a World Champion there. Paul's genius never allowed it. There was never a major name who became a major name in ECW.

Nash was gone. Any reason, Sting and Angle aren't in your "geriatrics" list? Wait, it's because they're worth having around. As is Jarrett. You know, the guy produced a TNA spin off in India and works a relationship with AAA. And Hogan has also proven to be quite competent as a creative consultant. So please go take your "they're not worth it if they're over 40" crap and file it for bankruptcy.

try and follow this logic....If you have a nationally licensed video game, a national televison cable contract I would argue that you are in fact "national" a wrestling product they were the third of three national wrestling promotions @ the time....ECW's title was even granted 'world title' status by PWI
try and follow this logic....If you have a nationally licensed video game, a national televison cable contract I would argue that you are in fact "national" a wrestling product they were the third of three national wrestling promotions @ the time....ECW's title was even granted 'world title' status by PWI
AAA has an internationally distributed videogame. ROH's World title was also granted it's status by PWI. Neither have national TV deals in the U.S. Both are more long-standing than ECW.
AAA has an internationally distributed videogame. ROH's World title was also granted it's status by PWI. Neither have national TV deals in the U.S. Both are more long-standing than ECW.

and neither of them have all three....ECW is more comparable to the AWA than either of those promotions as far a national presence in wrestling...I still dont understand you being hung up on how long something existed versus how good it was while it existed
Vince Russo wrote some of the best angles, actually the best angles in TNA during his time. I always love his approach to capitalize on the real life issues. The Jarrett/Angle-angle was brilliant in 2011, I didn't like how they brought back Hardy the same year though. Nothing felt real about Hardy's comeback.

On the other hand he never understood how to build for BFG. He even talked about how his first priority was to find a slot for as many wrestlers as possible (sort of like a pay-off for working hard).

as far as Heyman not making national wrestling stars with the original ECW...wrong again...ECW had a ntionally released video game featuring wrestling stars produced by Paul Heyman...if his ECW was regional then i would like to know of all these other regional or indy promotions that have a video game or have secured TV rights to a major cable network

Once Heyman got the golden contract with TNN he couldn't create any stars on tv. He had one year of national tv and he couldn't create his Rock, his Hogan or his Goldberg. If he is such a booking genius then why is that?

fire Prichard, Biscoff, and Hogan...even though he might not officially be on creative he definitly has input and a strong presence. Pay Paul Heyman whatever he wants and let him have complete control of the company in every aspect except for payroll.

Many reports point to Hogan being the major problem with the writing. Apparently he is one of the chefs, one of the writers in the committee and loves to throw things around and to change plans in the last minute (just like Vince I guess but with worse results)
and neither of them have all three....ECW is more comparable to the AWA than either of those promotions as far a national presence in wrestling...I still dont understand you being hung up on how long something existed versus how good it was while it existed

Hey nbkush/Darren, The only claim to fame ROH can take is their little movie spot with Mickey Roids, and Ernest The Fat Miller. The reason they have no real TV deal is because no network in their right focking minds would air that garbage.
Vince Russo wrote some of the best angles, actually the best angles in TNA during his time. I always love his approach to capitalize on the real life issues. The Jarrett/Angle-angle was brilliant in 2011, I didn't like how they brought back Hardy the same year though. Nothing felt real about Hardy's comeback.

On the other hand he never understood how to build for BFG. He even talked about how his first priority was to find a slot for as many wrestlers as possible (sort of like a pay-off for working hard).

Once Heyman got the golden contract with TNN he couldn't create any stars on tv. He had one year of national tv and he couldn't create his Rock, his Hogan or his Goldberg. If he is such a booking genius then why is that?

Many reports point to Hogan being the major problem with the writing. Apparently he is one of the chefs, one of the writers in the committee and loves to throw things around and to change plans in the last minute (just like Vince I guess but with worse results)

I'm a Russo fan but I don't think he is on the same level as Heyman....I wasn't comparing ECW's national success to WWF or WCW...I was just making the point that they were national via a video game and cable time slot

Hey nbkush/Darren, The only claim to fame ROH can take is their little movie spot with Mickey Roids, and Ernest The Fat Miller. The reason they have no real TV deal is because no network in their right focking minds would air that garbage.

ROH blows and the booking, storylines, production and announcing are a joke considering what Heyman was doing with ECW 15yrs ago
I am not sure if Heyman is the answer. I read about some of his ideas for tna and I didn't really care for them. I don't think Bischoff, Prichard or Hogan are right for Impact either. To be honest I have no idea who would be good for Impact. I'd like someone with a grasp on reality based wrestling. Someone willing to make it as real feeling as possible. Russo once said that wrestling matches don't draw and I have to agree with him in that wrestling matched don't draw... if you don't give people a reason to give a shit about the match! There is a reason Sting Vs Hogan was the biggest selling WCW PPV of all time. There is a reason why 95,000 (or something like that) watched Hogan Battle Andre at Wrestlemainia III. It was because people cared about who won! They were given a reason to care about who won. That is what Russo never got and what Bischoff, Hogan and Vince Mcmahon have forgotten. So, in all honesty I have no idea who would be the best choice to book Impact. However, I will say that Impact is an okay show right now. I don't care if I miss an episode, but for the most part I am not cringing through most of it like I use to.
I have to disagree with people who think storylines are more important than the match. I remember a few years ago for a month straight on the forums shows of TNA & WWE in that month had a like 80% of their flagship shows of non-wrestling and loyalists of both promotions were highly negative. I do think the recipe is to have a sub-par story with a great match still sells over a great story and a average or below average match
I'm honestly just done with TNA. I'm kind of done with pro wrestling in general lately but always end up getting sucked back into it around WrestleMania time. I've followed TNA since day one literally (I ordered the very first weekly PPV back in 2002). They have some moments but really nothing they've done in the past 11 years has shown me they can compete with Vince and the WWE. And really at this point I'm not even sure I'd watch if they became really good. I think I'm finally ready to move beyond wrestling. I've become much more of a casual viewer in the past several years.

Anyways, if I had to pick my absolute favorite "era" of TNA it would be between 2006-2009. As big of a Hogan mark as I am I think him and Bischoff completely ruined it when they joined in 2010. I though the creative team of Russo and Cornette were actually putting on a decent product. Not great but compared to now it was way better back then. Back when Samoa Joe was about 50 pounds lighter and was one of the best, they had the six sided ring still, the X-Division meant something, Kurt Angle meant something, Abyss was still cool, they had Christian Cage and Tomko.

The only thing good they have right now is some of the talent and honestly at this point I really wouldn't mind and actually kind of want to see Vince buy the company and see what guys like Joe, Roode, Aries, Storm, AJ Styles could do in the WWE and would love to see guys like Kurt Angle, Bully Ray and RVD return as well as Sting finally end his career in the WWE.

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