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A Letter to Dixie


Dark Match Jobber
I don’t know why I am taking time out of my day to write this considering no one will read it, but here’s to hoping I am wrong.

As a TNA customer I have never been so disappointed and let down. Not just because of the stupid video setting up Sting’s return, but everything else. I have been a TNA customer since you guys got your product on SPIKE. This current product that you are putting out is the worst it has ever been.

I am sad to say but I will no longer watch IMPACT, order any PPV or buy any DVD until changes are made. Severe CHANGES!!

Last year, you gave us the Immortal Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Ken Anderson, etc, etc. With all these “big names” I had very high hopes. But what a disaster it turned into. You could have saved all that money and put IMPACT on the road in smaller venues like the Hammerstein Ballroom or Conventions centers across the US to build your product but no. You tried to take the easier softer way. Use talent that someone else made and ride their coat tails. Look where it got you. NO WHERE!! Your audience isn’t bigger. Your merchandise sales might have gone up slightly (and I mean slightly.) How about your PPV sales? Have they gone up at all? Have they dropped? I would guess the latter.

It’s so sad. The reason why it’s so sad is because of the talent you failed to utilize. Because of the acquisitions you failed to promote. Because of the money your losing to people that are hurting you. You want to shock us Dixie? Do you? Then make a move that is good for your company and wrestling fans as well. Make a move that might not be popular with Hogan & friends, but healthy for your company. You Dixie, have a responsibility to keep your fan base and grow it bigger. We (professional wrestling fans) count on you to be what you promised to be. You are not living up to your part and your losing us by the boatload.

The future of TNA, is in its past along with a couple new faces. AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Robert Roode, MCMG, Kurt Angle, the X Division. Build don’t buy. Create don’t compare. Have a vision and believe in it. See it all the way thru. Use some of the new faces that you purchased to build your vision. But don’t rely on them soly because what will you do when they are gone. That’s if TNA is not gone before them

Matt O'Donnell

I sent this to TNA it will fall upon deaf ears I'm sure. But I will send this to them every week if I have to until the change something or they stop pretending to be a wrestling orginazation.
Well, I most certainly agree with your "letter", at least the basic idea of it. You want a better product. That can be said about ANY company, yet I don't see people writing letters to Vince McMahon, whoever's running ROH or any other company.

OF COURSE it'll fall upon deaf ears. You're ONE fucking guy from the Internet. If TNA does what YOU want, if it panders to YOUR taste, I'm 100% sure that YOUR version of TNA will turn off other fans, who will then write letters to TNA about how that version sucks.

People never understood one thing. TNA's product is SUBJECTIVE. You don't like most of it, you're disappointed - fine. I'm not. 1.5 million people that watch it every week are not. Don't write letters, don't bitch about it, don't cry about it, don't point fingers. Simply don't watch it if it pisses you off. Call me a mark, and I am, but if being a mark is bad, then constantly complaining like a 12 years old girl on her period is JUST as bad.

I know every person out there has this uncontrollable urge to take a crap on TNA if they don't like it, but try to find SOME common sense and realize that this product is not for you. And when something's not for you, you stop paying attention to it. If you saw a T-shirt, and the T-shirt was too small for you, do you go and bitch out the owner of the store that THIS particular T-Shirt is too small for you, or do you leave it where you found it and go find another one that fits? If you didn't get the metaphor - if TNA doesn't suit your tastes, if Hogan and Bischoff ruined it, if you don't like the direction, simply go and watch another product. It is not going to change because of you, so why waste your time?

People on the Internet complaining that a wrestling show is not satisfying them, but still watching it, and still bitching about it is JUST as ridiculious as you buying a tiny T-Shirt, wearing it and moaning that it doesn't fit. Millions of shirts out there, boys.

P.S: I know this is a "discussion" forum. Don't hurl that shit in my face.
You must not have read my letter. I am a customer and I spend plenty of money on said wrestling show. If I am unhappy with it, considering the money I have spent I have a right to complain. If your happy with TNA's current product that is good for you. Then my letter doesn't pertain to you. But you read it and responded. Because you have a voice. SO do I. And my voice is screaming because I want TNA to be around because I'm a TNA fan because I'm afraid of the direction the company is headed. You think I'm wrong thats fine. See you in a year when your whining about how much the WWE sucks because there is no competition.Trust me I want to be wrong.
People on the Internet complaining that a wrestling show is not satisfying them, but still watching it, and still bitching about it is JUST as ridiculious as you buying a tiny T-Shirt, wearing it and moaning that it doesn't fit. Millions of shirts out there, boys.

To be fair to the OP, I don't think it's exactly the same. I think many people treat their wrestling loyalty the same way they do loyalty to a sports team. I'm a Cowboys fan and, believe me, I've bitched bout things they've done for a long time. But nothing will make me stop being a fan of the team and hoping they turn the corner. I won't stop watching games because the product's gone downhill.

That said, the idea of writing a letter to Jerry Jones or TNA management is laughable. Might as well write to Santa Claus while you're at it. OP, it's great that you made a thread and raised some good points for us to talk about. I just hope that you don't truly take this shit so seriously. This is all just entertainment and shenanigans. Save some energy for real problems.
In regards to TheNotoriousMOD...you say that you have a right to complain about the wrestling product that you spend plenty of money on....I may be slightly confused here...but do you pay for cable ONLY to have SPIKE TV ONLY to watch TNA wrestling? I'm willing to bet not. Which means you basically DON'T pay extra just to watch Impact....which means you have a very large idea of where the product is by watching it every Thursday. So if you watch it every Thursday and KNOW that the product is so bad....why spend the money on the PPV's and DVD's? If you watch Impact every Thursday and you know that the product is so bad....DON'T buy the PPV's and DVD's. That will save you lots of time and money.

And to Rasha...I think you talking about being a sports fan is slightly different than TheNotoriousMOD...I know, I know...it's just my opinion...but I also am a Dallas Cowboys fan...but as much as they lose games...I never see myself saying that the product is so bad that I will NEVER watch it until they make changes. In my opinion...if MOD says that he will completely stop watching Impact, stop buying PPV's and stop buying DVD's....to me...that means he/she is NOT a fan. To me, it means they are an avid wrestling fan that happens to dislike TNA in it's current condition.
TNA has many problems in it's programming structure, but the problems don't end there. There true problems lie in word of mouth and advertising.

Word of mouth being that they did ONE momentous thing in the last year to make people talk. As a result of bringing in all the stars and doing a well put together live show to promote that, they made people talk.

They never advertise. I have seen TNA commercials on one network only, and usually only on Thursdays. That is a problem. Right now, their audience is the same rag tag bunch of pure wrestling and spot monkey chasers that have been there either since day one or from when they discovered it, most likely before the 1/3/2010 show that put them on the map for 5 minutes.

Now about that pesky 3/1/11 video...
That was more or less probably meant as a joke. A spoofing of the Taker video so that people who got the joke would chuckle and say something like "How clever" to themselves. Unfortunately, the shit wasn't clever and it made them look cheap and lacking in creativity, like Jericho said. They need to bring in more creative types, ease the control away from the current bunch and let the newbs run the show (newbs being new to the company, not to the business).
To the OP,

It's really sad that you didn't see TNA before Spike. They had a few problems, but they were really great. The reason things are the way they are now is because the WWE/WCW/ECW rejects + Kurt Angle have taken over the company. The company that once prided itself on having fresh superstars and an original show has become the exact opposite. It's really sad, but nothing can change it. Their ego will destroy them. They got way too fucking arrogant starting with Jeff Hardy (when he signed in 2004). Hardy was the first of many "saviors" of TNA. Then came all the rest: Christian, Sting, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Hulk Hogan, etc. They've become a wasteland of old-timers that couldn't pass the fucking torch and put someone else over for a change because they don't realize that their time is up. They cling to the last bits of their legacies, ruining it in the process. Wrestling is a joke now. I don't bother watching anymore. I can't even watch ROH. It's a bunch of green fucks who think they're hot shots but they're so green in the ring and have no fucking clue as to how to cut a promo. The wrestling world is in a sad state that will never clear up. Wrestling got high as fuck in the late 90s-early 2000s and now it's burnt out. That's what happens.
I think we should all write letters to Tna. Maybe if they get enough they'll actually take notice. I have to say to the OP...and this is only tough love...you can't expect them to take you serious with all the spelling errors, gramatical errors and redundant language (ex. grow it bigger). You can only grow bigger, never smaller; So you can drop the words 'it bigger'. Once again, I'm only saying these things to help, not flame.
while we are in the process of writing letters.lets write letters to wwe as well.because the crap they put out is on the same level if not worse than TNA.it makes me laugh reading message boards.everyone is quick to jump on the small company that has been around for 10 years but wwe seems to get off the hook with most of their laughing stalk moments they have.ive often wondered why.is it the mob mentality of well they are TNA everyone else bashes them so i will to?i swear reading comments on wrestling sites and message boards you would think WWE does no wrong and TNA is the company that does everything wrong all the time.i remember growing up i was 13-17 years old during the attitude era/monday night wars.we would be at school on Mondays anxious to watch BOTH shows.now days it seems like you are either a WWE fan or TNA fan.i mean wwf and wcw both had some crap moments in those times.but did we complain about it at school that Tuesday after?no we would talk about the great wrestling events we watched the night before.and how we couldn't wait for the next Monday to get here to see the reprecusions of what happened the night before.
TheNotorious MOD: Get a life buddy. Who the hell writes a letter to TNA over something so god damn stupid and insignificant? It's like this "i woke up and went on WZ and saw everybody bashing TNA and i got real mad about TNA copying and making fun of WWE so i wet my pants, cried, and wrote a letter to TNA to have Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo fired." C'mon, all this bull i'm reading on this site is obviously people working for WWE writing this shit to turn fans against the company. WWE knows the only chance TNA has in being competitive is if they have Hogan and Bischoff on board. Posts like this people come from stupid ass smarks and from WWE employees. Don't believe it, don't let it influence your opinion. Disregard it as the bullshit that it is. What happened this week with the 3/11/11 promo was NO BIG DEAL. It wasn't amazing, it wasn't awful. It was insignificant. Nothing to go crazy about. ALL WZ USERS don't let dip shits hired by WWE and WZ stir you up so you'll post here to increase their hits and make more money.

WZ is turning into a piece of crap website and I think i'll write a letter to them and start turning everyone on here against the site and onto another one. WZ your stories are weak, your reporters are unprofessional, your threads are created not only by a number of fans but also by those working within WWE, and WWE probably pays big money to this site to brainwash all the negative whiners here.
The shirt analogy is garbage. Your sports analogy is better, I was thinking music. Music like U2 becoming a suckfest for awhile.

TNA fans are in a tough spot - if they protest with their dollars and viewership they could lose the product completely, if they complain they get called 'whiners'. I'd rather complain than lose the product, but I see the point that it is a waste of breath.
TheNotorious MOD: Get a life buddy. Who the hell writes a letter to TNA over something so god damn stupid and insignificant? It's like this "i woke up and went on WZ and saw everybody bashing TNA and i got real mad about TNA copying and making fun of WWE so i wet my pants, cried, and wrote a letter to TNA to have Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo fired." C'mon, all this bull i'm reading on this site is obviously people working for WWE writing this shit to turn fans against the company. WWE knows the only chance TNA has in being competitive is if they have Hogan and Bischoff on board. Posts like this people come from stupid ass smarks and from WWE employees. Don't believe it, don't let it influence your opinion. Disregard it as the bullshit that it is. What happened this week with the 3/11/11 promo was NO BIG DEAL. It wasn't amazing, it wasn't awful. It was insignificant. Nothing to go crazy about. ALL WZ USERS don't let dip shits hired by WWE and WZ stir you up so you'll post here to increase their hits and make more money.

WZ is turning into a piece of crap website and I think i'll write a letter to them and start turning everyone on here against the site and onto another one. WZ your stories are weak, your reporters are unprofessional, your threads are created not only by a number of fans but also by those working within WWE, and WWE probably pays big money to this site to brainwash all the negative banshees here.
exactly...did you read half of those tweets to dixie from "tna fans" by looking at half of those tweets anyone with a brain would know that they were nothing more than kids who are to WWE what little girls are to justin beiber.
Good for you. At least you're trying to make your voice heard when it comes to your disappointment in TNA. Yes, it may fall not go far but at least you tried. Too many complain to their peers instead of the ones they're complaining about.

I don't watch TNA a lot so I can't say too much. I saw the Sting video and LOL'd at it. My immediate reaction wasn't too anger or disappointment but I know a lot of true TNA fans felt that way.

I really want to see TNA succeed cause the WWE badly needs competition. When there is 2 top names battling at the top, better wrestling, stories and shows follow suit.

Though it probably won't, I hope your letter does get some well deserved attention.
The poster has A RIGHT TO WRITE TNA. And for the record, I wrote ROH and Mark Cuban after they took the ROH vidoes off youtube and you know what ?

I got an email from Mark Cuban and the Director of Marketing. So writing does something. A bad company doesn't listen to their customers especially those that have been with them from the start.

The reason people complain about TNA is that at the start, they made themselves a company that listened to the fans. They prided themselves of being close to their base. As they grew, they have ended that close relationship in a way and many of the original fans are very upset.

And in weekly television, fans who write letters get changes. Ask the parents groups that have written WWE many letters in response to characters seen as insensitive. WWE has made changes as a result.

So voice your opinion because there are many fans that watch every week that feel the exact same way.
Dude, you're an idiot for spending money on the TNA product. Look- just because you're stupid enough to spend money on them, doesn't mean you own them!

I'd be right up there with everyone else in expressing my distaste for TNA, afterall, don't we all want them to succeed to the point where we get another Monday Night Wars?

The frustrating thing with TNA, they've been around for almost 10 years and made almost no progress. That's why WWE doesn't take them seriously. That's why WWE doesn't care if their storylines are good or not.

Hogan is not the answer. TNA needs to get rid of guys like Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, and all these other selfish guys.
an email/letter can't hurt.
I have no idea how many people would email/write/tweet/ect to TNA, but maybe if TNA just got swamped/overwhelmed by fan feedback it could make them consider making a change or changes. however I think it's going to take A LOT.
I also would not expect any changes at all over the next 2 weeks. the next 2 Impact have already been taped the same night TNA aired the most recent Impact.
Well, I most certainly agree with your "letter", at least the basic idea of it. You want a better product. That can be said about ANY company, yet I don't see people writing letters to Vince McMahon, whoever's running ROH or any other company.

OF COURSE it'll fall upon deaf ears. You're ONE fucking guy from the Internet. If TNA does what YOU want, if it panders to YOUR taste, I'm 100% sure that YOUR version of TNA will turn off other fans, who will then write letters to TNA about how that version sucks.

People never understood one thing. TNA's product is SUBJECTIVE. You don't like most of it, you're disappointed - fine. I'm not. 1.5 million people that watch it every week are not. Don't write letters, don't bitch about it, don't cry about it, don't point fingers. Simply don't watch it if it pisses you off. Call me a mark, and I am, but if being a mark is bad, then constantly complaining like a 12 years old girl on her period is JUST as bad.

I know every person out there has this uncontrollable urge to take a crap on TNA if they don't like it, but try to find SOME common sense and realize that this product is not for you. And when something's not for you, you stop paying attention to it. If you saw a T-shirt, and the T-shirt was too small for you, do you go and bitch out the owner of the store that THIS particular T-Shirt is too small for you, or do you leave it where you found it and go find another one that fits? If you didn't get the metaphor - if TNA doesn't suit your tastes, if Hogan and Bischoff ruined it, if you don't like the direction, simply go and watch another product. It is not going to change because of you, so why waste your time?

People on the Internet complaining that a wrestling show is not satisfying them, but still watching it, and still bitching about it is JUST as ridiculious as you buying a tiny T-Shirt, wearing it and moaning that it doesn't fit. Millions of shirts out there, boys.

P.S: I know this is a "discussion" forum. Don't hurl that shit in my face.

The poster of this thread has as much right to post his letter of concerns and complaints as you do to defend TNA. In all of it's inanity.

I'm glad you know this is a discussion forum. Act like you know it. Allow the poster his freedom to say what he thinks. I'll hurl that shit in you face all I like.

There is nothing wrong with saying something is crap when it is. If I think something about the WWE is crap, I say so. Same goes for TNA. If I see something I like about either company, I say so! Unfortunately, TNA is giving me absolutely no ammo to fuel any form of compliments.

So you think TNA is so awesome? What about it is? I'd like to actually hear what you think is so special about the current product that has you ripping on people who have honest opinions. Please, I'm all ears.
The poster of this thread has as much right to post his letter of concerns and complaints as you do to defend TNA. In all of it's inanity.

I'm glad you know this is a discussion forum. Act like you know it. Allow the poster his freedom to say what he thinks. I'll hurl that shit in you face all I like.

There is nothing wrong with saying something is crap when it is. If I think something about the WWE is crap, I say so. Same goes for TNA. If I see something I like about either company, I say so! Unfortunately, TNA is giving me absolutely no ammo to fuel any form of compliments.

So you think TNA is so awesome? What about it is? I'd like to actually hear what you think is so special about the current product that has you ripping on people who have honest opinions. Please, I'm all ears.

1. The roster. I find the majority of the TNA roster to be great wrestlers with interesting characters and some of them have good mic skills to carry a promo or a feud. Examples: AJ Styles, Roode, Storm, Kazarian, Jay Lethal, Crimson, Red (when he's around), Samoa Joe, Eric Young, Magnus, Jeff Hardy, Mr.Anderson, the list goes on and on.

2. The edgier product. It's not something revolutionary, it's not something scandal, but it's a breath of fresh air to have no boundaries to what you say or do. It's not crucial, but no limitations is better than bottling everything up. Gives me a sense of "freedom" if I may say so. I have that same feeling ESPECIALLY when I watch Ring of Honor for example. I don't get it with WWE, seems like the wrestlers WANT to just break open and go balls out, but they can't so they half-ass. I hate that.

3. The storylines. I don't enjoy EVERYTHING. As a matter of fact, I loathe the current Bubba Ray/D-Von storyline. Not a huge fan of the "power struggle" either. Predictable finish. I care about the people in it more than anything. But, what I DO enjoy is the infamous Angle/Jarrett feud. I just love how personal it is, and Double J is a golden heel which makes it that much better. Could do without the annoying vignettes every 5 minutes. I like the AJ-Flair situation and the TNA Championship sitatuion (Anderson Mic Checking everyone, RVD wanting his shot, Anderson wanting his shot, makes for good tension between the two). So, as always, TNA is 50/50 with the storylines. I enjoy some, I don't enjoy others. They're good enough to keep me watching.

4. The wrestling. While TNA toned down the spot-fests, I still find myself entertained by SOME matches they have on iMPACT and on PPV. Usually, if Styles, Angle, Joe, Pope, Beer Money or The Guns are in a match, it ends up being a great contest. The rest is mediocre and most of the time even less than that, mainly because they're not given enough time to have a full blown match, and that's something that irks me.

5. The women's division. Unlike some, I do enjoy TNA's knockouts. They're all good looking, some of them athletic and have gimmicks and some mic skills. Not the bee's knees, but I do like 'em.

6. Promos. They're not over-scripted. The wrestlers ad-lib and the promos are generic most of the time. It allows the wrestlers to establish their own personalities, they mess up, they choke, sometimes the promos are awesome, sometimes they're not, but I'm getting the real thing, I'm getting a real emotion out of those guys, not something someone wrote on a piece of paper. Plus, I do enjoy the occasional shoot, even though it's worked. The dialogue in the promos is also superior to anything any big company does currently. It's a big part of the promo that's over-looked. I constantly hear badass stuff, funny lines - things I didn't see coming. The dialogues are just good and interesting, not "I will win!", "No, I will win!", "I will see you at the match, where I will win!"

These are the things that keep me watching. WWE doesn't provide any of these points, except for the wrestling which I find to be better than TNA's in the last few months. WWE has like two people I care about in their entire roster. Ziggler and CM Punk. Ziggler was shat on epicly, CM Punk is the best mic worker on the freaking planet right now. I like what Morrisson's doing, but I hate the fact that they turned him into the new Shelton Benjamin. Always a part of the crazy matches. Does the spots of the match and always, always loses. Sad to see such a great wrestler get flushed down the drain like that.
TNA can beat WWE every night as far as wrestling content i.e. matches, promos,etc. But they refuse to do so. They can curse, bleed, and bash each other over the head with chairs, but all they do is rip off an inferior roster of talent. AND they give a 51 year old former WCW champion the World Title. How the heck r u building for the future by making bonehead moves like that!?:worship::blush::disappointed::lol::wtf:
Dude, you are spot on with every one of your points.

1. The roster. I find the majority of the TNA roster to be great wrestlers with interesting characters and some of them have good mic skills to carry a promo or a feud. Examples: AJ Styles, Roode, Storm, Kazarian, Jay Lethal, Crimson, Red (when he's around), Samoa Joe, Eric Young, Magnus, Jeff Hardy, Mr.Anderson, the list goes on and on.

Dead right. Guys like Styles, Angle, Wolfe, Beer Money, The Pope and the Guns are just as good, if not better than 90% of the WWE roster. Even TNA's lower card talent are worthy of WWE spots. Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, are just two of the guys who catch my eye. WWE puts wrestlers such as Kozlov and Curt Hawkins on the roster, when there are talents like this around. Why? I dont know.

TNA has a great array of top talent too, a mixture of old veterans with the name value and experience, and younger hungry talent just waiting to break out. I hope they get their chance. They just need to stop focusing so much on the over-the-hill guys and give the new generation the chance to step up. AJ Styles can carry that company, they do not need to keep the title on ex-WCW and WWE guys. Anderson can become a main player, so can Morgan or The Pope. Robert Roode is ready to step up. TNA just need to ensure they do not blow it with these guys while they waste their time on Abyss and Hogan.

2. The edgier product. It's not something revolutionary, it's not something scandal, but it's a breath of fresh air to have no boundaries to what you say or do. It's not crucial, but no limitations is better than bottling everything up. Gives me a sense of "freedom" if I may say so. I have that same feeling ESPECIALLY when I watch Ring of Honor for example. I don't get it with WWE, seems like the wrestlers WANT to just break open and go balls out, but they can't so they half-ass. I hate that.

I do enjoy the fact that TNA offers a more edgy product. Sometimes I feel embarassed with some of the shit WWE has come out with over the last few years. Yes it has got better, but I still prefer the "Attitude Era-esque" TNA style. Pity they dont always make the most of it though, as there is a big fanbase just waiting to be grasped.

3. The storylines. I don't enjoy EVERYTHING. As a matter of fact, I loathe the current Bubba Ray/D-Von storyline. Not a huge fan of the "power struggle" either. Predictable finish. I care about the people in it more than anything. But, what I DO enjoy is the infamous Angle/Jarrett feud. I just love how personal it is, and Double J is a golden heel which makes it that much better. Could do without the annoying vignettes every 5 minutes. I like the AJ-Flair situation and the TNA Championship sitatuion (Anderson Mic Checking everyone, RVD wanting his shot, Anderson wanting his shot, makes for good tension between the two). So, as always, TNA is 50/50 with the storylines. I enjoy some, I don't enjoy others. They're good enough to keep me watching.

Agreed, some of the TNA storylines are awful, some are pretty decent. Personally I watch TNA more for the wrestling than the storylines, but I suppose they are the same as WWE, sometimes you like them, sometimes you dont. I cannot really praise TNA here though, this is where it needs to improve.

4. The wrestling. While TNA toned down the spot-fests, I still find myself entertained by SOME matches they have on iMPACT and on PPV. Usually, if Styles, Angle, Joe, Pope, Beer Money or The Guns are in a match, it ends up being a great contest. The rest is mediocre and most of the time even less than that, mainly because they're not given enough time to have a full blown match, and that's something that irks me.

I MUCH prefer the TNA style of wrestling instead of the punch-kick WWE style, where movesets are toned down and the risks are less. I would pick an AJ Styles or Kurt Angle match any day over a John Cena or Randy Orton match (and I like Ortons stuff). TNA allows its wrestlers to display what they can do, with alot less restrcitions. Yes, some of the Impact matches are too short, but with only 1 2-hours show a week (unlike WWE who have 2), TNA sometimes has to make sacrifices to try and get all the talent on the show.

Also, the TNA tag team division is much better than WWE's- although it isnt at its peak right now. MCMG and Beer Money are the 2 top teams in the business right now, putting on great matches for the title. WWE have Koztino and the Uso's....enough said.

TNA also allow hardcore matches to take place, unlike WWE which I enjoy. Variety on a wrestling show is something I always look for and I like the fact that blood isnt banned on TNA. They overdo it yes (Flair I am looking at you), but if it is used correctly and sparingly, it can add so much realism and emotion to the match- as it has done throughout wrestling history.

5. The women's division. Unlike some, I do enjoy TNA's knockouts. They're all good looking, some of them athletic and have gimmicks and some mic skills. Not the bee's knees, but I do like 'em.

I feel the same. Obviously I am a HUGE fan of Tara, so that give the KO's the win over the Divas already! But seriously, TNA have alot of good womens talent. The Beautiful People, Mickie James, Sarita, Madison Rayne, Tara, Daffney and Winter make up for a great roster of talent, and I know I am forgetting others. Plus most of them are drop-dead gorgeous

WWE has Kong now, which is a big signing for them, and they do have alot of good women wrestlers too in Melina, Layla, Gail Kim (SHOCKINGLY underused) and others. With Kong joining they may take the lead, but right now i would say TNA have the better womens roster.

6. Promos. They're not over-scripted. The wrestlers ad-lib and the promos are generic most of the time. It allows the wrestlers to establish their own personalities, they mess up, they choke, sometimes the promos are awesome, sometimes they're not, but I'm getting the real thing, I'm getting a real emotion out of those guys, not something someone wrote on a piece of paper. Plus, I do enjoy the occasional shoot, even though it's worked. The dialogue in the promos is also superior to anything any big company does currently. It's a big part of the promo that's over-looked. I constantly hear badass stuff, funny lines - things I didn't see coming. The dialogues are just good and interesting, not "I will win!", "No, I will win!", "I will see you at the match, where I will win!"

YES. WWE scripting the promos for its talent restrict the wrestlers immensely. That is not how The Rock, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, Raven etc honed their skills. They became good by practice, throwing different ideas out there and seeing what sticks, and spending hours thinking of new things to try and ways to make their character stand out. Todays talent gets told what to say and to memorise it off a piece of paper.

I agree that TNA sometimes comes out with god-awful promos but at least the talent are given the chance to sink or swim. WWE need to use their resources and get some ex-wrestlers to can actually talk to mentor their developmental talent and unlock some creativity in these wrestlers minds so they can impress on the mic when they are called up to the main roster, rather than being the cookie cutter, boring wrestlers with no personality that we regularly see on TV.

These are the things that keep me watching. WWE doesn't provide any of these points, except for the wrestling which I find to be better than TNA's in the last few months. WWE has like two people I care about in their entire roster. Ziggler and CM Punk. Ziggler was shat on epicly, CM Punk is the best mic worker on the freaking planet right now. I like what Morrisson's doing, but I hate the fact that they turned him into the new Shelton Benjamin. Always a part of the crazy matches. Does the spots of the match and always, always loses. Sad to see such a great wrestler get flushed down the drain like that.

WWE has alot of great talent. As you mentioned, CM Punk is the fucking man right now. That guy deserves the championship, there is no better talker in the business than him right now. But wait...did he learn his trade through the developmentals? NO. He became good on the mic on the indies, through his own doing and his own creativity. Punk is something special

Other guys I care about in WWE include John Morrison (if only he could talk then he would have the whole package), Undertaker (obviously), Triple H- I hope he sticks around after WM, he is still That Damm Good, Christian and I like the idea of the Corre and Nexus. WWE needs to allow its talent to actually display their skills, rather than restricting them and wasting it.

There are certain things that both TNA and WWE need to improve. I hope that they can, as both companies have so much potential, so much talent, but are not capitalising on it right now.
TheNortoriousMod: I feel your frustration and I definetely respect your right to vent. I wrote an email to the WWE a while back to complain, and while it's good personal therapy, it will be insignificant to the company. Also, your suggestion for building rather than buying is good. But be realistic, if TNA can land a quality free agent, they have to do it.

Like Zeven_Zion said, you are one guy with an opinion. TNA isn't going to change things because you are upset.

I completely agree with all of the positive things mentioned about TNA. We all know that the company is not perfect, nor is any of the other wrestling companies. They are trying to make a better product, and honestly, the product has been improving for some time now. Yes, there will be bumbs in the road and things that individuals don't necessarily care for...roll with it. If not, then change the channel.
1. The roster. I find the majority of the TNA roster to be great wrestlers with interesting characters and some of them have good mic skills to carry a promo or a feud. Examples: AJ Styles, Roode, Storm, Kazarian, Jay Lethal, Crimson, Red (when he's around), Samoa Joe, Eric Young, Magnus, Jeff Hardy, Mr.Anderson, the list goes on and on.

You claim WWE have none of these points, but lets take a look at the roster. Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, The Miz, Wade Barrett, Sheamus... Yea I agree NONE of these can carry a promo, or a feud, according to you. Yet CM Punk easily the best promo guy in the business at the moment and is still relevant, Daniel Bryan and Ziggler had one of the matches of the year last year, and Jack Swagger and Kingston consistently turn out awesome matches over the IC belt. Yep you're right!

2. The edgier product. It's not something revolutionary, it's not something scandal, but it's a breath of fresh air to have no boundaries to what you say or do. It's not crucial, but no limitations is better than bottling everything up. Gives me a sense of "freedom" if I may say so. I have that same feeling ESPECIALLY when I watch Ring of Honor for example. I don't get it with WWE, seems like the wrestlers WANT to just break open and go balls out, but they can't so they half-ass. I hate that.

Not something scandal, not crucial but no limitations? Seriously dude, just no..! Your idea of breath of fresh air, is the airing of Stings return (similar to somebody elses perhaps?) and win of the title? Awesome booking there. Jeff Hardy, could be going to prison yet they push him? Awesome decision making. Half-assed Hulk Hogan promos, I dont think he believes in the stories on the company as a whole.. Its not edgier, it turns out constant storylines, with no real end, no conclusion and no relevance.

3. The storylines. I don't enjoy EVERYTHING. As a matter of fact, I loathe the current Bubba Ray/D-Von storyline. Not a huge fan of the "power struggle" either. Predictable finish. I care about the people in it more than anything. But, what I DO enjoy is the infamous Angle/Jarrett feud. I just love how personal it is, and Double J is a golden heel which makes it that much better. Could do without the annoying vignettes every 5 minutes. I like the AJ-Flair situation and the TNA Championship sitatuion (Anderson Mic Checking everyone, RVD wanting his shot, Anderson wanting his shot, makes for good tension between the two). So, as always, TNA is 50/50 with the storylines. I enjoy some, I don't enjoy others. They're good enough to keep me watching.

I agree with you, most storylines can be and will be hit and miss, its always gonna be that way and always has been. However, you hated some, and the ones you liked, included half the fans leaving, and the whole RVD Sting Kennedy Hardy bullshit, where for some reason they ended up tagging against eachother, with random teams is ridiculous, and these are the storylines you like. The storylines with TNA have no consistency, and often come out of left field for no apparent reason. Look at the ''3/3/11''. Copied virtually straight after WWE did it. Yes storylines get recycled but straight away?? Do me a favour. And it wasn't nearly as impactful or impressive. Atleast do it better!!

4. The wrestling. While TNA toned down the spot-fests, I still find myself entertained by SOME matches they have on iMPACT and on PPV. Usually, if Styles, Angle, Joe, Pope, Beer Money or The Guns are in a match, it ends up being a great contest. The rest is mediocre and most of the time even less than that, mainly because they're not given enough time to have a full blown match, and that's something that irks me.

The matches that involve, Swagger, Kingston, Morrison, Ziggler, Bryan, Punk more than justify the wrestling that DOESNT happen in WWE, in YOUR opinion.

5. The women's division. Unlike some, I do enjoy TNA's knockouts. They're all good looking, some of them athletic and have gimmicks and some mic skills. Not the bee's knees, but I do like 'em.

Not a fan of the womens division, but do agree the WWE doesnt really have one, atleast to TNA's standards. They do however, have the likes of Natalya, Melina, Phoenix and the soon to be debuting Kong.

6. Promos. They're not over-scripted. The wrestlers ad-lib and the promos are generic most of the time. It allows the wrestlers to establish their own personalities, they mess up, they choke, sometimes the promos are awesome, sometimes they're not, but I'm getting the real thing, I'm getting a real emotion out of those guys, not something someone wrote on a piece of paper. Plus, I do enjoy the occasional shoot, even though it's worked. The dialogue in the promos is also superior to anything any big company does currently. It's a big part of the promo that's over-looked. I constantly hear badass stuff, funny lines - things I didn't see coming. The dialogues are just good and interesting, not "I will win!", "No, I will win!", "I will see you at the match, where I will win!"

You enjoy the occasional shoot interview, even if its worked?? So not the real shoot interviews then, the scripted ones? Just because its ''real'' doesn't make it awesome. You look at The Rock and Cena as of late, entertaining and based on real life remarks and comments. Easily the best thing going in wrestling today. SO what if they have some notes, and are told what to say? Its entertainment. How do you know the wrestlers ad-lib most of the times? How do you know that WWE do not? The heat Vickie Guerrero and Michael Cole get are awesome! Whether its written or not it does its job, making us as a fan, buy into their characters and want to see the shit beat of them.

These are the things that keep me watching. WWE doesn't provide any of these points, except for the wrestling which I find to be better than TNA's in the last few months. WWE has like two people I care about in their entire roster. Ziggler and CM Punk. Ziggler was shat on epicly, CM Punk is the best mic worker on the freaking planet right now. I like what Morrisson's doing, but I hate the fact that they turned him into the new Shelton Benjamin. Always a part of the crazy matches. Does the spots of the match and always, always loses. Sad to see such a great wrestler get flushed down the drain like that.

And the biggest TNA mark strikes again. The fact of the matter is, you're a massive mark, trying to put a cherry on a piece of shit. I watch both shows on occasion, and am not a WWE mark, but it pisses me off how biased you are, so I thought i'd show you that WWE do have these points, and more...

1) Live events, on the road week in week out. Do TNA? Hmmm....

2) The biggest PPV in the history of wrestling. Does TNA have something that trumps a 75,000 attendance, plus millions watching around the world? Hmmm....

3) Is WWE going forward? Well, with the ratings increase, the stars that have risen over the past year, Tough Enoughs rebirth it looks like an interesting year on the horizon. With the likes of Hogan and Bischoff (WCW reform and you know it) removing the likes of Christopher Daniel, the 6-sided ring and bringing in the Nasty Boys and Bubba Love (I am aware that a lot has changed since then) that the decision making has been poor!

The poster has every right to say that he is disgruntled by TNA, and you have no right saying ''dont watch it etc''. You're too aggressive with people who disagree with you, or don't like the products you like, so hang your head in shame, and remember wrestling produces opinions and views in so many different ways and lights. If you can't deal with people having an opinion then maybe you should just stay away from forums, because thats the whole point!!

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