Open Letter to Hijackers Attending Wrestlemania XXXI

I 100% agree with the OP. I want to enjoy the show so if someone doesn't want to go and wants to sell their tickets let me know! I'd love to go!

You don't have to buy tickets from someone who doesn't want to go. At the last estimate there were thousands yet unsold. Tickets on the secondary market aren't moving either, so if you want to go, there are tickets, lots of them available.
As much as I disagree with many elements of WWE's booking for a good while now, I really have come to absolutely loathe those in the IWC who are never pleased, unless their chosen wunderkind is in the top spot. The lot of them are but childish, intransigent dullards. I dislike and at times hate what WWE tries to force on us, but anyone of their petulant mindset are fucking ridiculous, putting it mildly.
a great letter, OP, us fans need to get back to having fun and enjoying wrestling - there's a 8 year old who will be watching his first Wrestlemania at home with his father. Yeah you paid your money but it wouldn't hurt you think about people watching around the world. I think of my own favorite moments in wrestling and cringe at the thought of a hostile crowd hijacking it. Get back to being fans, realize that you have in your power to elevate a match just the same as you can destroy one.
a great letter, OP, us fans need to get back to having fun and enjoying wrestling - there's a 8 year old who will be watching his first Wrestlemania at home with his father.

I'm sure some fans booing Reigns would absolutely destroy this 8 year old child. In that moment he will realize that the world is not, in fact, all roses and butterflies, the world is instead revealed to be a hostile place full of anger and cynicism. He will look at his John Cena action figure and determine that everything is meaningless.

Sorry what I'm trying to get at is that you're being a tad dramatic.

Some people have a differing opinion to yours and want to be heard, you need to deal with that. In the same way that you have voiced your opinion on here, they will voice theirs at Wrestle Mania. Whether they're in the right or not? Some people paid a crapton to be there, deal with it.

And for the love of god can people stop firing out the 'IWC/Smark' nonsense, it angers me in ways I cannot begin to describe. "Ferking IWC smarks, alwerhs disagreeing with meh!" GAH! Fucking... Christ balls.
a great letter, OP, us fans need to get back to having fun and enjoying wrestling - there's a 8 year old who will be watching his first Wrestlemania at home with his father. Yeah you paid your money but it wouldn't hurt you think about people watching around the world. I think of my own favorite moments in wrestling and cringe at the thought of a hostile crowd hijacking it. Get back to being fans, realize that you have in your power to elevate a match just the same as you can destroy one.

I equate going to a wrestling show as I do to this story. A few years ago we went to the Second City Comedy Club with friends. Most of the comics were funny, but this one guy came out, can't remember his name, but he was offensive rude and totally unfunny. Not one person in the room laughed, s******ed or giggled at any of his jokes they were horrible.

After about 5 minutes of him on stage and no one laughing he got really pissed, and stormed off the stage. It wasn't our fault he wasn't funny and unentertaining, it is what it is. A whole roomful of people thought the same thing.

Fans will go to Mania and they will cheer their favourites and they will boo the wrestlers they are supposed too (heels), and they will have a good time. If the main event is a disaster, then it's the WWE's fault not the fans. They are just there watching. Most of them will have paid a lot of money to attend, and they have a right to get the best the WWE has to offer. This year that is not the case.

Are some going in with a hidden agenda, I hope not, why pay hundreds or thousands of dollars just to boo someone they don't even know. If you think about it like that, it's ridiculous. I would think that most fans are hoping they didn't waste their money and they will get a good show. But if they don't, they will make their feelings known. There is nothing that you or anyone else can do about it.
a great letter, OP, us fans need to get back to having fun and enjoying wrestling - there's a 8 year old who will be watching his first Wrestlemania at home with his father. Yeah you paid your money but it wouldn't hurt you think about people watching around the world. I think of my own favorite moments in wrestling and cringe at the thought of a hostile crowd hijacking it. Get back to being fans, realize that you have in your power to elevate a match just the same as you can destroy one.

And I'm sure there's more than one 8 year old who was upset with the fast lane outcome. In fact I'd bet more people were displeased then pleased in general. Maybe hijacking would be the favor people are looking for. I mean that 8 year old has probably been told his whole life you can accomplish anything as long as you work hard and give it your all and then his dad would point out daniel bryan as proof of that. Now he knows its more about what family your from and how you look.
I agree with the part about giving the match a chance. Reigns delivered with Bryan and might do the same with Brock. Brock is completely different which simply means the match will be different. It doesn't necessarily mean worse.

The reality is that this match will receive a poor reaction. I reckon straight from the off especially if it leaked Brock is leaving. The best hope for the WWE is the fans start off cheering for Brock and the two put on a great match - something I'm optimistic about - before warming to Reigns. Maybe he needs to get his head kicked it for it to happen.

Worst case scenario is the boos are so incredibly loud that it becomes distracting. Also CM Punk chants which will almost certainly happen. I'd be pissed off if the fans don't give the match a chance because "hijacking" is just irritating. They bought the ticket so should be allowed chant whatever but it doesn't make it any less annoying.

While I'm less optimistic about the quality of Lesnar vs. Reigns, I do hope that it turns out to be a good match; hell, I WANT it to be a good match. But yeah, unfortunately, there are going to be some people who'll rage against this match no matter what.

Some aren't fans of Lesnar and/or Reigns, which I can understand as it's hard to care about a match featuring wrestlers that you're just not into as a fan.

Some are going to rage against it out of some sort of bullshit smarky principle even if it turns out to be a good match because Roman Reigns is in line with the cosmetic formula that Vince McMahon prefers.

Some are going to rage against it because while they may like Roman Reigns, they don't think he's ready for this spot and would rather see someone else in it that they believe is ready for it.

Some are going to rage against it because they paid their money, which entitles them to express themselves however they want in whatever way they want. A good deal of the time, this means that they'll do whatever they can to ultimately become the central focus of what's going on, that they'll be the stars, instead of what's happening during this match.

Some are going to rage against it because they feel like it makes them some sort of edgy rebel that's raging against the machine that is WWE.

Some are going to rage against it because it may very well be the thing to do. As I've said before, the dueling Cena chants don't seem to genuinely represent the level of dislike the older male fans have for Cena. The "Lets Go Cena - Cena Sucks" chants are done by numerous fans. I've seen kids participate in the "Cena Sucks" part while I've seen grown men supporting the "Lets Go Cena" side of things. I don't think the chants are indicative of Cena being as genuinely unpopular as it seems because he merchandise sells too well and his segments draw too much on Raw each week. Some 75-80% of WWE's audience is made up of males 18-49 years of age, so if older fans really hated Cena that much, they certainly don't seem to be tuning out in droves whenever he's on their TV screens. I've sorta gotten off track as what I mean is that there are some fans who'll ridicule this match in attendance because it's what's expected to happen and it'll be the cool thing to do.

I'll be surprised, very pleasantly so, if the fans in attendance don't give this match a lot of crap. While it's possible to tune them out, a lot of that might depend on exactly how many give this match the business. There'll probably be anywhere from 65,000 to 75,000 people in attendance, which is somewhere around 3.5 to 4.2 times the size of the audience at the Royal Rumble and if even half that number start crapping all over this match, I don't see any real way to tune them out unless you mute the sound on your screen watching it on the WWE Network.
Dude, you need to chill out.

Is it your job to worry about these things? No. Just enjoy the show. Fans can cheer whoever they want. If they're not entertained - do whatever. But getting upset over it is beyond ridiculous. It's all entertainment. Don't stress about it.
I can agree with the majority of the OP & as someone who is attending Wrestlemania this year I'm definitely going to give the main event a chance.

I'm actually a fan of Roman Reigns (although I do like Brock much more) & I'm excited to see a fresh face in the main event scene. My biggest concern is that the match will be very bland & by the book and/or it's just going to end with a basic Superman Punch/Spear combo. & that'll be it, Reigns will walk out with the title. & in that situation I will most definitely be booing as loud as I possibly can, if not just pissed off & walking out altogether.

I know logic is pretty much the last thing WWE cares about but if the big, bad, 1 in 21-1, Brock Lesnar who ended The Undertaker's WM streak & absolutely decimated John Cena on multiple occasions (as well as Triple H, CM Punk, The Big Show, Seth Rollins & a few others since he's been back), finally get's taken down & all it takes is Reigns' basic finisher combo, which will no doubt be kicked out of a million times down the road, I will be supremely pissed & it will be official that Lesnar ending the streak & basically holding the belt hostage this entire time was a giant waste.

Whether it's Rollins cashing in at the end of the night (or hopefully the night after on RAW if he doesn't cash-in at WM), a bunch of other run-ins/interference or if Reigns just spears Brock through the barricade a whole bunch of times, I just want to see a satisfying end to what has essentially been a 3 year build ever since Brock returned in 2012. Even if their match is absolute trash, I will be satisfied & cheer Reigns like a good little WWE sheep as long as Brock's title reign ends with a huge bang.
I have to agree with the OP. Words can't even describe how annoyed I was with the Royal Rumble crowd this year. Hell, they almost ruined the entire event for me. Boo hoo, Daniel Bryan didn't win the Rumble match, cry me a fucking river. Honestly, the way people were acting on the post-show was embarrassing for them and cringe worthy for me. Sure, they have a right to voice their opinion but they really took it far too far.

Still, if people want to leave WrestleMania with terrible memories and feeling unsatisfied, then they should go ahead and book whatever they like. But I'll be trying my best to enjoy the best PPV of the year, regardless of how I feel about Roman Reigns. Whether he is ready for the Championship or not is irrelevant. The main event is going to be decent at the very least with the added bonus of having an opportunity to surprise us all. Lesnar will give it everything as he always does and Reigns has something to prove. Honestly, I'm going to give it a chance. I honestly hope that the fans don't sully what could be a good match with their pessimistic booing throughout.

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