30 day song challenge

Day 26-A song you can play on an instrument.

Technically I can't really post on this day because I don't know how to play an instrument or at least I'm not that skilled at playing one yet. However I did try to learn how to play guitar a few years ago but stopped because I can think of a million reasons. With that being said there is one song that I wanted to learn how to play on guitar and that song is:

Lost Lonely Boys: Heaven.


I still would like to learn how to play guitar. I haven't completely ruled it out. If and when I do I want to learn this song.
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral
Pantera - Floods

I've seen alot of people say over the past few years that they want cemetary gates played at their funeral. While I believe it is a sweet song, I don't believe that is a song that I've really enjoyed over the years as much as this one. I don't want a song that describes me, or a sappy song. I want the floods played at my funeral, and that's it. I've enjoyed it for years, and along with quite a few more Pantera songs it reigns around the top of my favorites ever.
Day 23: A Song That You Want To Play At Your Wedding

Infant Sorrow- Inside Of You


My girl and I have had an enormous amount of discussions about getting married, and while I have sustained that I am nowhere near ready to take a step this massive, we both agreed that this would be an awesome song to have our first dance to. If nothing else, it will mortify her pretentious cunt of a mother and my family(who has a fucking sense of humor) would find it hysterical.

The song is from the soundtrack of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," a movie that I really love. Anything with Jason Segal(sp) is usually pretty awesome, actually. I was even quite blown away by the fact that Russell Brand is actually the one singing the song. Awesome song.
Day 23- A song you want played at your wedding


One of the most incredible songs I have ever heard, and perfect to dance to at a wedding. It is from "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" soundtrack and I really do believe it should have been released as a single, its that good.

The whole idea of the song is that it is the one released by Bill and Ted in the future which aligns the planets, brings them into universal harmony and creates peace in the world, and the lyrics are so positive and uplifting, I think it would be perfect as a first dance song

day 04 - a song that makes you sad

It has to be the dudey song by eminem. It reminds me of my cousin who we used to call cookey.


RIP Irvin Joseph Jason, Sr. We miss you my *****.
Day 12: A song from a band you hate:

They began as a half-way decent imitation of grunge, but ended up us a gratingly compromising and soul-sucking band, pumping out mind-bogglingly popular singles and pale, to me, tasteless fan favorites. The attention this band gets on a daily basis for being unoriginal is unfair in comparison to the innovative unknowns struggling to make gate in front of 200 people a night. How did a band this trite and adolescent gain so much favor? Honestly, it's one of the worlds greatest mysteries, to me. What's worse is that several of their songs are favorites of my wife, and have made the "Go To Sleep" portion of our playlist. Ive drawn the line, however, with her asking me to sing ANY of their songs to her, even if it helps her sleep or will get me some. I shouldn't have to compromise THAT much. ;)

Day 13: A song that is a guilty pleasure

Beyonce- Single ladies.


To me, Beyonce is one of the greatest female vocalists in recent times, but I'm not a usual listener. However, I listen, or rather watch this song, Single Ladies, more than I should. It's quite a catchy song, and well, has an awesome video to boot. Beyonce has a crazy figure, crazy sexy figure. So yeah, this song has become a guilty pleasure of mine, because of..eh..the music. :)
Day 23- A song you want to play at your wedding

Do most guys put thought into this shit? If and when I get married, what's playing is going to be low down on my list of concerns. I will trust my future wife to put someone in charge of making the play list for our wedding. But, in the spirit of playing the game, I'll pick Do You Want to Know a Secret by The Beatles.


I could see it being a nice little song to dance to, it's short, sweet, and it's a catchy fucking song. I'd dig it.
Day 27-A song you would like to know how to play on an instrument.

Deep Purple: Smoke On The Water.


This is definately a song I would like to play on guitar. I don't see how anybody wouldn't want to. It's features by far the greatest guitar intro EVER!!!!
Day 24: A Song That You Want To Play At Your Funeral

This isn't something I have put a lot of thought into, nor is it something I want to put a lot of thought into. What do I care what song they play at my funeral? I won't be able to hear the shit anyway, I'll be fucking dead. At any rate:

N SYNC- Bye Bye Bye


Why the hell not? I know everyone there, well most people there are going to be all sad and shit, why not give them something to chuckle about one last time? The song is shit, but it would be funny, which is the point.
Day 13: A Song that is a guilty pleasure:

Take on Me: A-Ha


Truth be told, I think this is an awful song. But it's no secret that Psych is my favorite show, and in the second The season's first episode, Shawn and Gus go undercover on a reality show like American Idol, called American Duos. This is the song they sing, and they butcher it so badly that they sing different verses at the same time while totally out of key in every way. For some reason, Ive dug the song ever since and never fail to grin when I hear it on the radio or it randomly plays on my Ipod. So this is certainly a guilty pleasure song for me.
Day 14: A song that no one would expect you to like:

Katy Perrf Ft. Kanye West.


I absolutely hate Katy Perry, and Kanye West for the record, and I regularly harp on about her lack of talent and ability in school. I haven’t really like any of her songs, but for some reason, I can't get this one out of my head. It's actually a decent song. Even though Katy Perry doesn't really sing that good, one of the main reasons I hate her is the auto-tune, but I love it. It is catchy and it's stuck in my head. So really, if people knew I loved this song, they would be very surprised indeed.
Jesus, even more catching up to do... Busy days, busy days...

Day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy​

I'm not sure why these song makes me happy, it must be the beat or maybe the amazing voice of Myles Kennedy. Either way this song brings me to a happy place, lol. Great band but underrated.


Day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad​


It's an incredible song, I don't know why it isn't so popular. The lyrics, the riffs, the guitars, the vocals everything has the air of nostalgia and regret...it's very impressive specially the part towards the very end.
Day 28-A song that makes you guilty.

Akon-Sorry, Blame It On Me.


There technically isn't a song that makes me feel guilty. I typically listen to music to lift me up and put me down. However when I do feel guilty I would listen to this song as it sums up feelings that I have had. There have been times when I needed to apologize to people closest to me and this song does it so well.
Day 25: A Song That Makes You Laugh

Bo Burnham- Oh Bo


This kid is fucking clever, I don't care what anyone says. I know he has a lot of haters, you know, because somehow if someone uses music as a way to convey comedy they aren't funny. They're usually the same ones who act like Chris Rock is actually funny when he really isn't. When it comes to racism, he is 10x worse than Michael Richards. His act is 90% hate speech and 10% recycled comedy.

Back to the point, this shit is funny as hell to me. The clever rhyming, the fact that he doesn't have a terrible voice, and the original jokes just bust me up every time.
Day 25: A Song That Makes You Laugh
The hills have Eyes- The acacia strain

Damn, I missed a couple days huh!? Sucks ass being sick, I'm not a huge fan of "funny songs". But I do like funny music videos. This one just makes me bust up laughing every time I see it. I do not condone making fun of the real thing, but the guys from the acacia strain played the dudes going in great. I love the riot scene at the end to.
Day 24- A song you want to have played at your funeral

Morbid... I like it, though I can't say I put too much thought into it. I don't think about my own death all that often... or at all, so I haven't thought of any songs I'd like played during or after my funeral (though honestly, who plays music at funerals besides taps or bagpipes at Irish funerals?). I wouldn't want it to be too sad, and I'd want it to have an uplifting message. For that reason, I picked In My Life by The Beatles.

Day 15: A song that describes you.

Bruno Mars-The Lazy Song.


We'll, I'm extremely lazy sometimes. On days, I just want to lay in bed and do nothing. Don't wan't to text people back. Dont wan't to read emails, answer phones and what not. I can just be out and out lazy, do nothing, eat and go on the laptop all day. I'm very lazy, so lazy that I'm not bothered to add anymore to this piece, other than, this song is the Lazy song, and I'm lazy, so this song would describe me. :)
Day 26: A Song That You Can Play On An Intsrument

Sigh. Well this is a stupid question. How ridiculous is it to assume that a lot of people know how to play an instrument?

Coolio- Gangster's Paradise


I have absolutely no musical talent, whatsoever. But I can play the little intro part on the piano, if that counts. Other than that, I can't play anything. The song is really dope though. I can say that this is the first rap song I had ever liked in my life and it triggered my interest in the genre. Now I love it and this song is still a classic.
Day 26: A Song That You Can Play On An Intsrument
Metallica - One

On drums people, But I do have a friend who can play the guitar for this song. I'm not going to claim to be the greatist drummer ever living, but when I was in band my teacher bought the drummers a full kit. We ended up bringing in an older bass drum and hooking up a double bass pedal for it. But really the only hard part of the song is the triplets on double bass. That really wasn't the hard part, the worst part to learn was the part right before the solo. The double bass on that is considered a double step for triplets. That is basically two triplets in the time you have to play one. It was tricky playing that because I'm not good at doing double bass really. But I got it down, sometimes I will mess it up, but I'm sure Larz has done the same live.
Day 29-A song from your childhood.

Macarena-Los Del Rio.


I clearly remember this from my childhood. First they never stopped playing this song EVER. Second, I though it was AWESOME as a kid. I loved this song as a kid and the dance was fun too(can't beleive I just admitted that). I still think it's a cool song even though I don't love it as much as I did as a kid.
Day 16: A song you used to love but now hate.

Frankmusik- Confusion Girl.


I found it tough to fins a song that I used to love but now hate. I never start liking a song if it's the type of thing I hate after a while. I found this one though. When it first came out I loved it. I listened to it a lot. However, when I out of the blue remebered it and searched for it, it sounded out. I actually didn't remember his voice being like that, and it really irked me. The beat at the start is kinda annoying after I listened to it. So I disike it now, but I'm sure if I were to listen to it multiple times, I'd love it again in no time.
Day 27: A Song That You Wish You Could Play

Well this question is a little better than the last one. There are plenty of songs that I wish I could play on the guitar. Here's one of them:

Velvet Revolver- Slither


I've always loved Slash as a guitar player and this is the last great solo I've heard of his. I was never a huge fan of Velvet Revolver, but this song fucking rocks. I absolutely love the guitar solo, which is ideally why I would love to learn this song. I'll never be able to do it because I seriously doubt I am capable of showing the patience necessary to learn something this complicated. Still, it would be pretty sweet if I could play it.
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play
Pantera - 13 Steps To Nowhere

Really when looking at the music for the drums on this. I was impressed, I still say today that this is one of Vinnies best songs on drums. The double bass really isn't that hard, but the part that allways gets me is the cross playing between the floor tom, the toms, and the snare. I'm sure with a lot more pratice I can really get it down. But with no access to a set, I'm kinda screwed. So maybe some day I can get this beast of a song down. But right now I can't play it.
Bah, I've been lazy. I'll do two days to make up for it for the next few:

Day 3: A song that makes you happy

Atreyu is one of my favorite bands, and I generally listen to something I like to make me happy. This is probably my favorite song out of them, mainly because of the instuments blaring throughout. It's Ex's and Oh's, fyi.


Day 4: A song that makes you sad

Eminem is one of the few rappers that I genuinely enjoy listening to, and this song, while I like it, it really highlights the dangers of Eminems rap life and that people can get hurt simply for being a member of one crew or another. Shows the thuggish life that we live in, and kinda puts it in perspective.


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