365 day music challenge

41. Your favourite song from the 60's


Being a massive Oasis fan, you would think I would also adore The Beatles. I don't. I like a few of their records but they have never really "done it" for me. Of course I respect their immense influence on many bands (Oasis being a MAJOR one), but their style of music on many songs just doesn't appeal for some reason.

However, "Hey Jude" is a magnificent song and I first fell in love with the track when it was performed by McCartney at the Live 8 concert in Hyde Park several years ago. I think its a great piece of music, originally recorded for an album of the same name in 1968 and it is great as a sing-a-long in a pub after a few beers. Definitely my favourite Beatles song.
Ok, Ill play! And Ill try to be more on top of this then I was the 30 day challenge!

1. A song that reminds you of your first car:

My first car was a Dodge Duster, which I can honestly say was the biggest piece of crap I'd ever seen, let alone drive. But it was free, so i couldn't complain too much. The first song that popped into my mind was Weathered by Creed, because part of the chorus reminded me of the car.

As for me, Im rusted and weathered, barely holding together, Im covered with skin that peels and it just wont heal.

This described the duster perfectly. It was a 1991, so it was only 8 years old, but the car was falling apart. It had significant rust in multiple places, and the paint on the car was peeling away as well. It had over 150,000 miles on it, so its days were numbered as well. But because I can't stand Creed, Ive decided to go with something I listened to often in the car on the CD player, the only thing worthwhile about the car.


This was one of those songs that I needed to listen to a few times before I actually liked it. My girlfriend at the time loved the SP, so Machina was a fixture in my car. I didnt feel most of the album, but this song grew on me and became my favorite song for at least 6 months in 2000. i looked more into the song because of the bizarre video, and found it was based on the play Saloma by Oscar Wilde, which I had seen, and loved, despite my initial resistance to going to see it. Billy Corgan stated that it was the first and only love song he had ever written, and those tones were certainly there as well. Plus it was the song I put on repeat the first time I got laid in that car(however uncomfortable it may have been), so i have fond memories of the song with relation to the car. It's also my favorite Pumpkins song, so it's a winner all around.
Day 2: A song that reminds you of summer

"You can be sure my love for you will still be strong, after the boys of summer are gone."
Superficially, the song appears to be about the passing of youth and entering middle age, with the obvious theme of 'summer love' apparent in the choruses, and of reminiscence of a past relationship, including Don Henley patiently awaiting of his estranged lover's "summer flings" so he can finally regain her affection.


Henley himself described the song as the song "more about aging and questioning the past, a realization that relationships are often destroyed by one's own restless youth, even though there is a conflicting internal desire for that love to flourish." But to me, the lyrics in the chorus of "I can see you, your brown skin shining in the sun, you got your hair back, you got your sunglasses on baby", although slightly stalkerish, are what makes me think of summer with regards to this song. My wife and I met when I was in graduate school and we both worked as waiters, for a restaurant that played exclusively 80's music. We both started around the same time, it was summer, and this song was one of the most on heavy rotation. It was also the song that happened to be on the radio the first time we kissed, which Ill never forget, so it has that sentimental "summer" memory for me.
42. Your favorite song from the 70's


From their "Paranoid" album, constantly voted one of the greatest metal albums of all time, "Iron Man" is one of Sabbath's signiture tunes. So heavy for its time, with one of the greatest riffs in musical history. Slow, heavy and ominous sounding, this song showed everyone just what Black Sabbath were about, and very few metal songs surpass it even to this day.

I remember the first time I heard it, and I just thought it was one of the coolest songs I had ever heard. Ozzy's distinctive vocals (while not traditionally brilliant) fit perfectly with "Iron Man", I couldn't imagine anyone else singing it.
Day 4: A Song you Like from A Movie Soundtrack:

Peter! Lets talk about those TPS reports!

I loved Office Space, and the scene where Peter gives the just fired Michael and Samir the printer/copy machine from the office that was always giving them problem. (Paper Jam! There is no f#@^!*g paper jam!) They then take it to an abandoned field and the printer gets Joe Pesci'd, complete with Peter and Samir having to drag Michael away as he attempts to go back and get himself more.

Anyway, they picked the perfect song for the scene:


This song is so rediculously bad, but it fits the satirical nature of the film perfectly. If you've seen the scene Im talking about, you know what I mean.
Day 5: A song you quote to people

Seether: Fake It

It was more of a running joke at a last mental healthy agency I worked at in 2007 then anything. I was the supervisor on a case with a young autistic girl, and her b*tch of a mother. I mean, this women could "preach" the way her daughter should behave, but when in private, she would act similarly as her autistic daughter, and mommy dearest wasn't autistic. So the staff on the case and I decided Fake It(newly out at the time) would be the mother's theme song. We'ld quote it back in forth when frustrated on MySpace, we'ld sing the lyrics in jest(Whooaaahh You're such a f*cking hypocrite), and we'ld even hum the song in front of the mother. The song sucks, but it had relevance and meaning to me that was funny for a time, and still is when I talk to my old staff.

Day 43- Your favourite song from the '80s


I haven't been online much over the last week or so, but I think its time to get back on this!

An awesome Guns N Roses track, definitely in my all time top 2 or 3 of theirs and was a surprise addition to Slash's set list when I saw him live recently. Great sing-a-long while still being heavy enough to rock. One of MANY classic tracks from the Appetite For Destruction album, which is certainly one of the greatest albums of all time.

I am finding it hard to select my 1 favourite song from each of these decades, but I know this is one that I really love.
Day 44: Your favourite song from the '90s


Supersonic, as I have numerous times before is my favourite song of all time, and as it was released in 1994 then it qualifies for this category. It has been my number 1 song for around 8 or so years now and I can't imagine that changing any time soon.

I just love it. Infact, the "Definitely Maybe" album by Oasis is almost perfect, with nearly every song on there being a classic track. For a bands debut release that is astonishing, and a big reason why Oasis became as big as they as quickly as they did.
Day 9: A song that if someone said they liked it, you would like them a little more

Im not sure if there's a song specifically that could make me think more of someone else. Although music is that kind of thing that if someone mentions a band I know and few others do, and I can have a great conversation with said person about the band--it would make for an enjoyable time. So I guess my opinion of them would change! How about that!


If the topic of favorite song comes up here somewhere, Ill be posting this song again. But the fact of the mqtter is, Saosin is a relatively unknown band in most circles, at least here in Pittsburgh. My friend Katie introduced me to them a few years back, when my wife and I were going through an incredibly hard time. It's hard for me to imagine a song making a difference in a relationship, but this one did. And Ive heard similar stories about how this song has touched people, at a concert in fact. We saw them live a couple of years ago, and it was funny how my wife and I cried uncontrollably, while people around us did as well. It was a pretty embarrassing, yet cool experience, and I have to play the song for most people to get where Im coming from. And when the occasion arises when I do meet someone whose heard of the band and the song, and likes them, it makes for a pretty cool conversation.
Day 10: A song from a band you think should be more popular

I myself have missed a few days of this, but its time to get back into this myself!

Brand New: Fork and Knife


I have never understood how these guys failed to truly break through the glass ceiling and become a bigger deal then they have. Sure, they started out like most emo bands with their first two albums with songs about breakups and hatred for their exes, but they've not only grown lyrically, they've done the same musically as well. If you were to trace one Brand New album to the next, there's likely going to be a part of you that doesn't recognize them from the last, in a good way. They're experts in the art of using diverse instruments and tempo in order to convey the message of a specific song, rather then clinging to the same sound regardless of the nature of the song. They came to Pittsburgh last year, and as always, I didnt understand how they didnt draw a larger venue.Easily one of my favorite bands going right now.
Day 10: A song from a band you think should be more popular

I myself have missed a few days of this, but its time to get back into this myself!

Brand New: Fork and Knife


I have never understood how these guys failed to truly break through the glass ceiling and become a bigger deal then they have. Sure, they started out like most emo bands with their first two albums with songs about breakups and hatred for their exes, but they've not only grown lyrically, they've done the same musically as well. If you were to trace one Brand New album to the next, there's likely going to be a part of you that doesn't recognize them from the last, in a good way. They're experts in the art of using diverse instruments and tempo in order to convey the message of a specific song, rather then clinging to the same sound regardless of the nature of the song. They came to Pittsburgh last year, and as always, I didnt understand how they didnt draw a larger venue.Easily one of my favorite bands going right now.
Day 11: A song you engage in shameless self-pity to:

I find the idea of indulging in self-pity to be an aimless one, and conterproductive to life in general, to be honest. But Id be honest if I said there weren't times I didnt do it myself. I also use to be a pretty big Radiohead fan, so the two go hand in hand!



I wish I was special, don't you? This is the perfect song for when you feel down and you want to stay that way, for whatever reason. This song has it all. Im a creep, Im no winner, I don't belong here, all statements of self-degredation. Then the I wanna have control, I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul. I want you to notice, when Im not around. All statements of things to be perceived as simply being out of reach.

This song is good for anytime one is feeling self-loathing. When I look at my wife every so often and wonder what the hell I did to deserve her. When I have a bad session with a patient and think Im bad at my job, especially when I see colleagues walking their patients out, smiling as can be. When I notice I can't run, jump, or play ball as well as I used to because of past knee surgeries. This song always fits the bill for those moments of self-loathing.
Day 12: A song you listen to to get your self-confidence up:

So in essence, yesterday's post was about what one listens to when they're wallowing in self-pity. Todays is about how to get out of those feelings of self-loathing through a song. I think I like todays better.

Awake and Alive: Skillet


The title track off of 2009's Awake album is high energy from the start. It discusses the war within oneself, and the trouble one experiences in the process. But it talks about finding strength to pull through those tough situations through the help of another, and eventually reclaiming ones life as their own. It talks about the victory one can find when that person comes along at the worst possible time in their life, and helps them find the self-confidence inside to stand on their own, feeling "Awake and Alive". I realize that, as a Christian band, they're likely talking about God, but who they're referring to doesn't matter to me. It's the overall message of the song that's important to me, and this song certainly fits the bill both musically and lyrically as a confidence booster.
Day 13: A Song That Reminds You of A past Love:

Instead of going the route of bashing a past love of mine, Ill use a song that we both enjoyed together.

I Hate Everything About You--Three Days Grace


I did mean it when I said this wasn't going to be about bashing her! Back in 2004, when the song came out as a single, I had been in a relationship with a woman for about 2 years. We had recently become engaged, although today I can't figure out why. The longer we were together, the more we fought, and this in essence became our "theme song." But it also provided a nice laugh and a "timeout" from fighting. We fought primarily in the car for some reason, and to stop whatever trivial fight we were having, we popped this CD in and sang the spng to each other, and wound up laughing and usually forgetting the fight. We lasted another year after we started doing this, so maybe the song helped preserve the relationship. Either that, or it was the sex.....
Day 14: A song you like that's instrumental only

Enya: Only Time


I know the original version of the song had words, but I actually prefer the instrumental version. Im not a fan of instrumental music most of the time, because I generally need songs with words to be able to identify with what the artist is trying to express, but Enya is in a totally different category. I used to listen to her to go to sleep every night as a kid, and I still enjoy her music when I hear it. She'll never go down as a favorite of mine, but if I can't sleep or really need to relax, Enya sometimes does the trick.
Day 15: A Song That You have heard performed live:

This is a hard one for me, as Ive seen about 3 different bands live. I wanted to pick the best of the ones Ive seen, but picking one is too difficult. So i chose one from the most recent concert Ive been to.

RED: Ordinary World


At first I thought this was from the show in Pittsburgh because they did the song in exactly the same way as I remembered it when I saw them this summer. But I saw that this was from the Innocence and Instinct tour, and not the Until We all Have Faces one. Anyway, this was the second time I'd seen them live, and they played music off all three of their major release albums, including their newish aforementioned Faces album. Halestorm, one of the biggest crap bands in the world, opened for them, so I was needing to be blown away to save the night. I was. Their coverage of this 80's Duran Duran song was simply phenominal and one of the best cover songs Ive ever seen live, even better then when I saw them play it in 2009. This was possibly the highlight of what was a phenomenal performance by the band, easily putting them within the Top 5 of bands Ive seen play live.
Day 17: A song you Remember Dancing To:

I used to enjoy taking dates when i was in school and later my wife to a club to go dancing. But there was one experience that has left an indellible memory in my brain, resulting me in avoiding clubs for awhile.

Green Day: Boulevard of Broken Dreams


First of all, this is the song I can most remember dancing to one crazy night in 2005. I was in my final year of graduate school, and was interning at a school doing Behavioral Support Consulting 3 days a week. During my 4 months there, i bumped into a teacher a few days a week who was my age. We flirted every week, and she was quite sweet, as well as very attractive. I thought she was well out of my league, so I never bothered asking her out. About two weeks before school ended,she asked me out. I happily said yes, and we agreed to go out the weekend after I graduated.

I took her to a nice Sushi restaurant, and the plan was to go to Dave and Busters afterwards. She changed her mind, and decided she wanted to go drinking and dancing. We went back to her place, and she and her roomate drank an entire bottle of Smirnoff Vodka before we went to Matrix, one of the bigger clubs in Pittsburgh. She was quite drunk, and fluctuated from being angry at me one minute, to dragging me into a restroom for a quickee. But we danced and drank the night away with her roommate and her boyfriend, the latter being the only sane one of the three. My date threatened to hurt a girl when she danced behind me as she was dancing in front of me, screamed rape at least 3 times that evening, which she said was memories of being raped by a neighbor 12 times. When I asked how things "ended" with him, she told me she went to his place, voluntarily sleeping with him to regain her power. Ok then....

None of us were fit to drive home, so we took a Taxi. As soon as we got back to her place, she just took off running. I was in a frame of mind of "not my problem", but her roommate begged me to help search for her. We eventually found her, where she had somehow climbed a 25 foot wall and was threatening to jump if I didn't get her down. I was freaked beyond words at this time, but I was able to talk her down. I pretended to sprain my ankle on my way down just to divert her attention from how crazy she was asking. It did for a bit, and I got her safely back to her apartment, and I was ready to take off. Instead, she demanded I stay the night with her, so she could take care of my "injured" ankle. I said no for a minute, which prompted her to destroy two large paintings in her place. Scared of what she'ld do, I agreed, and simply said I was tired and wanted to go to sleep. She agreed, but about two hours later, she woke me up as she had gotten on top of me and was trying to, well, you know. Remembering she had alledged she had been raped 12 times, I wasn't about to be accused #13, so I told her my ankle hurt too badly to have sex with her. As soon as I woke up and assured she was still sleeping, I bolted and never looked back.

This song was the last song we danced to that night. Im not sure who thought it was a good idea to remix the song, but the date itself was one poor decision in judgment after another by myself, so who I am to judge? Im just thankful we went out after school had ended, because I was honestly afraid of running into or talking to her ever again. She called me a few times, I ignored, and eventually she stopped calling. Im just thankful she never found out where I lived.
Day 18: A Song You Would Consider Part of the Soundtrack to your Life

The Juliana Theory- Into the Dark


Ive seen these guys play live about 50 times, as they're a band from my home city, three of the five members of which I grew up with. I have alot of great memories of being in my early 20's and hanging out with them after shows. No longer together, their lead singer Brett left to pursue a career in country music. But I have vivid memories of Brett and I going to 15-20 Pittsburgh Penguins games a year together when the budget allowed for it, as he was easily the biggest Penguins fan ive ever met.

I didnt forget the background of this thread, however, as I was simply sharing how the band and the good friends I had in said band were part of the soundtrack of my life. But the bigger soundtrack of my life resides within the chorus of this song. Since the age of 21, Ive worked in some capacity in the mental health field. Ive always considered myself a "helper", for better or for worse.(And sometimes Ive done a terrible job.)

The beginning of the chorus says this:
In your eyes I say a darkness that torments you...

As a therapist, the look in someone's eyes is extremely important to me, as it truly tells the story of a person in many ways. Ive seen people tell stories with a smile on their face, but with eyes of deep sorrow. The eyes help me gain so much insight into a person, sometimes more then the stories they tell.

Ill give you my hand if you reach out and grab it...

Ive always been a believer that anyone in therapy needs to meet me at least 50/50. I can be the hand to help them: asking questions, encouraging changes, and helping others gain a better insight into themselves, but they need to be the one who reaches out and grabs my hand and makes a sincere effort to do all these things.

Let's Walk away from this hell....

Again to me, the word Let's is crucial in what I do. I don't give very much advice when dealing with new patients--I ask alot of questions in hopes they'll come up with the answers themselves. Then when they start to understand themselves better, I work with them on finding a way out of the patterns and choices that have encompassed their lives.

Being a therapist has been such a big part of my life for 9 years. Its not only a job for me, its a big part of who I am. This song, especially the chorus, encompasses my beliefs on therapy and relationships in general, and is certainly part of the soundtrack of my life.
Day 19: A song you Love from a Band that has Broken Up

Live: Dance with You


Ive tasted all the wines
Half A Billion Times
Came sickened to your shore
You Show Me What this life is for
I want to Dance With You
I see A World Where People Live And Die With Grace

My wife has taught me so much about what's truly important in life, and how to live it. The line about being all around the world and tasting all the wines reminds me of someone whose looked everywhere for love, has tasted some of the finer aspects of it, but never felt one truly. By the time they were done, they were sick and tired of having done it all and tried it all, only to meet the one person who completes them. Ive felt alot like that in regards to past dating compared to my wife.

As much as Ive joked with friends and family about using Jay-Z's 99 Problems(much as my wife did Nirvana's Rape Me), this was the song we danced to at our wedding. Before they broke up, I had the luxury of seeing the band live twice, including once in Jersey that made me miss my cousin's wedding. I got terrible directions from my mom of the drive to Philly for the wedding, and I wound up in Baltimore somehow.

I'd be lying if I didn't say it was worth it however. Live was the only act at a Renassaince Festival, and their stage presence and charisma were off the charts. They closed with Dance With You, and I thought it would make for a perfect wedding song.(I was planning my own at the time) My wife agreed, and it was amazing. Ill always have an affinity for this band, even if their last few albums were utter crap, and they had a nasty split. I have a fond memory of the only time Ive inhaled marijuana(because 90% of the people were smoking it) and one of the greatest days of my life, my wedding day.
Song from a Band or Artist you have met in person?

So what if Im the only one keeping upm with this thread? Phatso, this truly rules my friend!

Thirty Seconds To Mars;Capricorn(A Brand New Name)


This is a good song when heard on the CD, but to truly appreciate how great it is, hearing it live is suggested. So when TS2M announced they were doing an intimate show with a 100o people at Club Dieisel here in Pittsburgh, I was all over getting the4 tickets as soon as possible. Fortunately I heard the announcement when I was fiove minutes from home, so I got home, jumped on my computer, and secured on of the last sets left. My wife has this incredible crush on Jared Leto(actor and lead singer of 3STM). So naturally, I didn't take her to the show!

The song that truly stuck out to me the most was Capricorn. It was the show closer, and the band went all out to draw the band into the performance. At the meet and greet after, we were immediately given a copy of all 3 of their mainstream CD's signed by each band member. And yeah, I brought my wife to the show, so she got to fawn all over Jared Leto until security dragged her away kicking and screaming. Even besides that, it was a phenomenal night Ill never forget.
Day 21; The last song you've discovered that you really really like:

Tough one for me, because Im constantly looking for and finding new music. I still play Dave's two songs of the day game by myself(bad choice or wording, perhaps) and so Im constantly discovering both new artists and new bands that I really like alot. Some of it may be music that was just released, some of it may be music ten years old that I just heard for the first time. In the case of today's choice, this song falls somewhere in between.

The Bravery- An Honest Mistake


I am by no means a radio guy, so regardless of how popular this song was in the past, id never heard of it. I was watching a movie real late Saturday night because I was entirely unable to sleep, and a movie with another song by the band played at the end. (Time wont Let Me go) Thanks to the magic of the intrnet, I was able to not only look the song up, but find other hits by the band as well through Genius on ITunes. I liked Time, but nowhere near as much as I dig this one. I love the music, the lyrics are pretty impressive to me, and the singer's voice is really growing on me. They're a band that if they bring themselves to town, Id be sure to check them out.
Day 25: The Worst Song You've Seen Performed Live

HaleStorm: Bet You Wish You Had Me Back

It came down to a debate between this and I Get Off by the same band for this installment. Believe it or not folks, this song is worse live. How RED decided on these pieces of trash as their openers through their Innocence and Instinct tour is something Ill never understand. Note to Lizzy Hale- Singing bout How youre a bigger **** then the men into you isn't attractive. The fact of the matter is this: Lizzy has a helluva voice. She showed that in It's Not You, the song they opened with. It was the first time Id heard the band, and it was truly all downhill from there after the opener. Lizzy's pitch was off, she seemed more interested in being provocative then actually performing, and the song flat out sucks to begin with. Not only was this the worst song Ive ever seen performed live, this was quite easily the worst live performance by a band of all-time.


This band sucks. They can't play live. Lizzy Hale has a great voice- But all she writes about is how great her stuff is. They almost dampered my excitement for seeing RED, which is no small feat.
Day 26: A song that was released the year you were born:

Im really going to have to work hard for this one, as I remember jack-all about 1982. Yeah, Im really that old. Anyway, why do i feel like Im the only one keeping this thread alive? Screw it, Im having fun. I know nothing about music from the 80's, so this is a complete shot in the dark.


Ok, so now I truly feel old that this song came out in the year I was born. I was under the impression that this song was much older. Anyway, I have no connection to this song, other then James Roday and Dule' Hill did a great spoof of it in an advertisement for Psych. It's not bad, just from a completely different era. Two idols from their respective genres came together to make a song about unity. I could have picked worse.
Day46. Your favorite song of this year.


Fuck it, I'll make a comeback. I think this is where I got up to....

Been so busy recently I have hardly posted on the forum but I have deiced that when I can, I will post as often as I can. So here is another from me.

"The Roller" is the lead single from Beady Eye's first album "Different Gear, Still Speeding" and incase you weren't aware, the band is the new group of former Oasis frontman and all-around Mad-Fer-It legend Liam Gallagher. It features Liam and the rest of Oasis (bar brother Noel).

It was pretty well received on release, although it was accused of sounding too much like John Lennon's "Instant Karma". Do I care if it does? Not one bit. I love the tune. I liked it first time I heard it, but it grew on me more and more until now its one of the most played songs on my ipod. Liam's voice still sounds great.

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