30 day song challenge

Day 25: A song that makes you laugh


The song is so upbeat, and sung so casually. Then the chorus kicks in, and with the same panache as she sings the verses, she changes the words from "Thank you, Thank you very very much", to F*ck You, Fuck you very very much." Lilly seems to have a blast during the song, the piano is fantastic, and the song just makes me laugh every time I hear it. Behind the casual nature of the song are serious lyrics, but I have a hard time taking her seriously due to her approach.
day 09 - a song that you can dance to


Sidney Samson - Riverside

Yesterday we had to go to some careers expo shit which was boring as. I ditched it for a while and found a pizza shop to chill at :lmao:
So it sucked balls and we were all pretty pissed by the time we got on the bus. But someone had brought their speakers so everybody up the back half of the bus started dancing and singing random songs, and this was one. good times.
Day #26: A Song you Can play on an instrument

While Im no longer good, there was a time that I was a decent piano player, as well as a drummer. Piano lessons as a kid for 3 years ensured that I would be somewhat competant, and a friend of mine taught me how to play the drums. Today, Im probably more competant on the drums then I am the piano, but Im going with a song I know I can play on the piano.


I wanted to be able to say that I could play a song on the piano that was contemporary, and after failed attempts at "Clocks", I discovered that "How to Save a Life" was infinitely easier, both due to the repetitive nature of the keys, and the fact that I dont sing when Im playing the song. its nothing epic or impressive, and I often botch it, but Ive played it to the point where I was told my playing of it was "satisfactory", which was pleasing for me to hear.
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep


Pearl Jam - Black


It's one of my all time favourite songs. It was never a single, just like many of PJ's best songs. Eddie Vedder has explained this by saying that over-exposure kills songs. That's why they don't make many music videos (Which is a shame, coz 'Jeremy' was one of the best vids of the 90s).

Basically, this song is so peaceful but also meaningful. When we're doing poetry in English and I can't think of my own stuff I shamelessly rip this song off. As a tribute :worship:
Day 04 - A song that makes you sad


I love the this song, but I'll admit it brings a tear to my eye. The part where he asks his father if he is proud of what he becomes is what gets me. My father was my hero and I looked up to him. I lost my dad when I was a freshman in high school and it was the toughest thing I have ever gone through. And now that I'm older it is something I always wonder and wish I could ask him. It is something every son really wants and that is to know that their father is proud of what they've become and the person they've developed into.
Day 7 - A song that reminds you of a certain event


Sweet Caroline was another song that I've heard a few times at parties, and when you get everyone involved in the chorus, it's great. Not much more needing to be said other then its a fun song to sing with friends for the hell of it.

Day 8 - A song you know all of the words to


It's Scars by Papa Roach which, at one time, was a highly popular song and played quite regularly on the radio station that I listened to when it first came out. I don't know why I remembered all of the words, but I do like the band and just found it kinda catchy and easy to remember, so I could sing it to myself when I was bored.
Day 27: A song that makes you wish you could play

I was flicking through channels today, and I stopped on the Foo Fighters liove at Wembley Stadium. Ive heard nothing but great things about it, but I already own SKin and Bones, another live album, so i didn't see the need to buy the "movie" as well. Well, an hour and a half later, I realized why I love music so much, and know why I wish I had musical talent. The energy, the showmanship, and the crowd all gave me a rush, and I was watching a show from 3 years ago. Each song drew me in like I was part of the performance, but when Dave Grohl walked down the ramp casually drinking a beer, soaking in the crowd, before softly beginning to sing Everlong so the crowd could sing with him, I was wishing I was a showman. When he screamed " You want some more" to the crowd, I did as well. I wished I was Dave Grohl. Watch the video, and tell me you don't feel some of the same things.

day 11 - a song from your favorite band/musician


Bubble Toes - Jack Johnson

I don't have a favourite band or musician. don't have a favourite song or even a favourite genre. I have such a mix of music.

I do however think that Jack Johnson is one of the best musicians alive. The key word is alive. I love this song. It's just so peaceful. It's become my life's dream to learn to play this on the guitar.
day 12 - a song from a band you hate


A Day To Remember - The song that came up first when I typed them in on Youtube :lmao:

How can you not hate this? I fucking hate emo, screamo and death metal. It's not music. And what do they have to be sad about? Are they living of some bread and water a day like many Africans? I just fuckin' hate them :banghead:
Missed a day, but thats okay I'll post two right now!

Day 05 - A song that reminds you of someone


Ah high school crushes. The first song that popped into my head was this one and a crush I had back in freshman year of high school. I was good friends with the chick's mom and she really was hoping something would happen between the two of us, but alas nothing did. We remained friends for awhile, but we drifted apart. Now the reason for the song. My friend would refer to her as Mayberry when we talked due to no wanting to make things more obvious than they were. Pretty much a code name of sorts.

Day 06 - A song that reminds you of somewhere


This song remains me of St. Augustine, Florida. We went there on a family trip and it was our first family trip that we went spent a pretty penny on. Usually we stayed in a cottage but we decided that we'd take a year off from vacation and take a trip to Florida. We stayed in St. Augustine, but we obviously saw and went to the major places in the Florida area (ala Disney and Universal). Now this song really has nothing to do with the vacation except for the fact it seem to play on the radio all the time. Whenever we left the house, this song would be on the radio. Alarm clock goes off, this song is on the radio. Walking around a store and guess what, this song was on the radio. Just couldn't avoid it. Since we left I can't recall ever hearing the song that much at all. Maybe once a year or so.
I'm sick. That sort of sick where you feel stoned and really out of it. I can't remember if I've posted today or not, but it says I posted at 9,30 last night. I'm gunna go ahead and do day 13, so don't bag me if I've already posted :blush:

day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure


Jessie J - Price Tag

I think Jessie J is a breath of fresh air.
I've seen a few different live versions of this and she really can sing. She mixes it up in the spots where B.o.B. is meant to rap.
I like it coz it's really upbeat and happy.
Day 07 - A song that reminds you of a certain event


I remember attending a Toby Keith concert and he played this song as his 2nd to last song. And one of my good friends had just been shipped out a few days earlier and it made me think of him. He takes great pride in what he does and is one of the most humble people I've ever had the pleasure to know. This is his favorite song and when I heard it I realized just how special he really is.
Day 08 - A song that you know all the words to


I know the lyrics to a lot of songs, but I just saw Little Big Town on Conan on decided to go with this song due to a story behind it. My brother hates country music, while me and my best bud love it. Well whenever this song comes on, the three of us jam out to it. I make sure to put the song on a CD if we prepare for a road trip. It is humorous and because we are so bad that it is awesome and rock it out. I of course try to feminize my voice as much as possibly while they sing at normal tone.
Geez, I'm getting a late start on this so I'll try and do two a day.

Day 1 - Your Favorite Song

Jason Mraz - I'm Yours


It's so damn catchy. Not gonna lie, I'm addicted to this song at the moment.

Day 2 - Least Favorite Song

Lady Gaga ft. Beyonce - Telephone


God, I really hate anything by Gaga, but this one really takes the cake. Although probably the funniest moment in music video history takes place very shortly after where I bookmarked this vid.
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love


September - Earth Wind & Fire

I'm a big fan of G Funk and stuff like that, so I find it easy to transition into this sorta song. I listen to music to feel happy, and a song like this really helps.
I suppose no-one would expect me to like this coz I'm mainly into rap & hip Hop.
Day 3 - A song that makes you happy

How Do You Like Me Now - Toby Keith


Love it, ultimate song of revenge and success.

Day 4 - A song that makes you sad

Red Light - David Nail


Been there, had the feeling of my world crashing down. Listening to this song brings back all those painful memories.
day 15 - a song that describes you


I Hate You - 360

I really wanted this to be a 360 song as he live about 20 minutes away from me. Plus he's one of few Aussie rappers who appreciate the music behind it.
The first verse is me. That sorta shit happens all the time! Verse 2... not so much me. And the third works as well.
I like this and I think it 'describes me' coz I can relate to it so much.
Day 5 - A song that reminds you of somewhere

Lost in This Moment - Big & Rich


First dance of my wedding reception

Day 6 - A song that reminds you of somewhere

Toes - Zac Brown Band


Living in the land of 10,000 lakes how could this not remind me of the lake, the beach, grilling and beer?
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate


Highway To Hell or really anything by - ACDC

I don't know. When I was in like year 7 I hadn't opened my mind up to very much music.
Now I think ACDC are shit and all their songs are the same. I started to hate them when I read an interview with the drummer who said he really only ever used a standard 4:4 rock beat, which is literally the first thing you learn.
If day 16 was 'A band you used to love but now hate', you'd get the same answer.
Day 9 - A song you can dance to


I'm not a dancer, but I know how to do the motherfuckin macarena. The songs quite annoying, but as you can see, I dance like a white man, so there's your answer.

Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep


I have probably fell asleep to music once or twice, and I remember this was one of them because I was quite tired. However, the song is played quite softly and kinda reminds me of a lulabye of sorts. I do like the song, but its the only song I can actually remember falling asleep to.
Day 09 - A song that you can dance to


I love to dance, so any song that has a good beat that I can move along to could go here. However Ballroom Blitz is my go to boogie down song. I see dancing as bringing life into the party whether it is dead or alive. If dead it can give that much needed spark. The first time I ever danced to BB I tripped over my computer chair in my room. Thankfully no one was watching. And whenever this song pops up on shuffle I instantly break it down white man style. Hell I even have a video of me busting a move to the song on my facebook. Watcher beware, it contains some serious white man dancing:


Day 10 - A song that makes you fall asleep


I remember Rascal Flatts playing this in concert when I saw them and they said it was the first time they played it in front of a live audience and it was beautiful. The song is a great song and it is very soothing and relaxing. I have the CD this is on and I'd always get to this song and drift off due to its relaxing nature.
Day 11 - A song from your favorite band


I think it is pretty obvious that I love country music at this point as I believe a majority of my music selections have been country. Country is weak on the group scene as there really aren't that many successful country bands compared to other genres. Zac Brown Band is probably my favorite band out there. It was close between them and Rascal Flatts (and Bon Jovi). I just love the style that ZBB brings to country. It has that old school folk style mixed with all the other elements that country brings to the table. They do a fantastic job of telling a story. The song above isn't even their song, but it is the best cover of Devil Went Down to Georgia I've ever heard. They do a great job of making it unique, yet keeping the same style that Charlie Daniels' struck gold with.
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio


Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO

I don't listen to the radio, but I assume this gets plenty of airtime coz it's been number 1 on Itunes for ages.
I hate shufflers, but I like house, techno and dubstep. I like this song, but it's definitely getting old.

day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio


She's Enough - Atmosphere

Again, I don't listen to the radio.
But this is a song currently doing the rounds that I haven't heard people talking about. I heard it on Rage (music video show that goes from midnight till 6am on weekends in Australia) on Friday night and have taken a liking to it.
Day 12 - A song from a band you hate


Green Day was "cool" like ten years ago. When I was a kid they were alright as I remember my sister listening to them and they had a song that I really liked which I can't even be bothered remember. Then I got older and actually cared about music and Green Day was something I just didn't care about. I hate everything about them. Their voices irritate me and so does their music. This song just takes the cake as my least favorite Green Day song.
Day 11 - A song by your favorite band


I always flip flop between KSE and BFMV as my favorite bands, and right now it's Killswitch (and crazy enough I'm wearing one of their shirts right now). I didn't know whether to put this or My Curse, but this one won out. Don't know how much of an explanation that I need, other then KSE is quite awesome.

Day 12 - A song by a band you hate


I could've gone Justin Bieber here, but that's too easy. Instead why not Green Day. I actually didn't think they were that bad when they had American Idiot come out, but some of their newer work just pisses me off with how annoying it is. And as such, my thoughts on their early work have gone down slightly, partially for my despise of them. They seem too punk-pop for my liking.

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