30 day song challenge

Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure


I completely forgot about this song until last summer when my brother found a LFO CD and we put it on and this song came on I still knew all the really bad lyrics. The song is beyond awful, but it is like Scott Steiner's mic skills. It is so bad that it is good. I'll admit to jamming out for it and it is a nice little chill song when you just want to sit around and be incredibly lazy.
I'm a bit late to the party here, but I like the idea, so I shall get involved.

Day 1 - You're Favourite Song - Yes by Manic Street Preachers

Like most people, I don't really have a favourite song - I get one overplay it and then get a new one. However, the Holy Bible album by Manic Street Preachers is one I always come back to, and I think this song is probably the best one one there. Musically, it's almost flawless, and unlike the other songs on the album, it actually has a catchy enough riff to have been a popular song. Or it would have been if it didn't say cunt within the first ten words and swear in the chorus.

Lyrically, it might be the best song ever written. On the surface, it's about a prostitute, but written from a point of view that makes you empathetic. However, anyone who is aware of the band will be able to spot the obvious underlying introspection of Richey Edwards, the deeply depressed author of the song - the line "I eat and I dress and I wash and I still can say thank you, puking, shaking, sinking I still stand for old ladies, can't shout, can't scream, I hurt myself to let pain out" could equally be said by the character in the song or Edwards himself, who disappeared within a year of this songs release, never to be seen again. It seems ridiculous to relate to a song about a prostitute, but the line "Everyone I've ever loved or hated always seems to leave" really resonates with me. You probably won't like it on first listen, but if you really listen to it, you'll see how perfect a song this really is.

day 19 - a song from your favorite album


Best I Ever Had - Drake

I don't have a favourite album, I usually download individual songs or half an album. But recently I've downloaded some great free mixtapes from here: Datpiff.com.
I actually like Drake and I think he's pretty underestimated. This song's been in my head for the last week or so.

day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry


Black Cotton - 2Pac

I don't know if I'd say I listen to this when I'm angry. More when I'm down and very irritable. It seems to pump me up.
Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love


Here's a little tidbit. This song right here comes into my head at least once a day. It is just so damn catchy. I'm not a fan of Avril Lavigne at all and the first time I heard this I wanted to punch the radio cause it was so damn annoying. Then I went on a little road trip and this song came on at least three times and I would find myself singing it throughout the day and I started to dig it. Ever since it has been stuck in my head on random occasions.
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy


Gone Going - Black Eyed Peas (Ft. Jack Johnson)

One of the only songs I like by them. Probably because that dime-a-dozen **** Fergie isn't in it :lmao:

I love Jack Johnson and of course he makes me happy, but I've already posted a song by him so I thought I'd go with this instead. The lyrics are great and Johnson's chorus fits in perfectly.
Day 15 - A song that describes you


This song is pretty much me to the t. Y'all know me here as a drinker that likes to have fun and this song speaks the truth. I'm not really good at one set thing when it comes to working, but I'm pretty damn good at drinking beer and that's for sure. I love to have fun, going out, and drinking with my best of friends. A bunch of people I know told me that this song was the perfect description of me and I hadn't heard it. I finally did and couldn't agree more.
Two today, I missed yesterday.

Day 2 - Your Least Favourite Song - Cupid's Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes

I have heard a lot of shit songs in my time, especially when I was watching a lot of bands and most of them would be worse than this, but I chose this for two reasons. 1) It is a song that people will be familiar with, and I think that's what makes this interesting. 2) It is a song that was almost ubiquitous in the Summer of 2007. At the time, my job involved 12 hour shifts of scraping metal panels in a factory, a time which left me physically scarred and emotionally drained. This song reminds me of the whole time, and as it's a shit song to boot, it gets the nod.

Day 3 - A song that makes you happy - Ride On Time by Black Box

This song is a pretty run of the mill 90s dance song. It makes me happy in the way that any light song from that era would in its nostalgia and dancibility, to coin a word, but the real strength of this song in terms of making me happy is that I realised I could do a pretty good impression of it. I still air it now, when I'm drunk, and at a cost of my voice for the next day or two. However, because of that I associate it with having carefree fun, so it makes my list.

day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad

Iris - Goo Goo Dolls

Just a sad song.

I don't ever have a reason to be sad, I live a pretty good life. But if I am sad then I gravitate towards sad songs like this.
Day 28: A song that makes you feel guilty:

So Ive quite dropped the ball on this one! I had every intention of finishing this say, 3 weeks ago? Anyway, a song that makes me feel guilty? I'm not sure what to make of that, because I don't listen to music to feel guilty, I listen to it for enjoyment, as a stress reliever, for purposes of identifying with others, and to get amped for things. Certainly not to feel guilty about a situation. But if I had to come up with something.....


So the White Stripes are no more, but they live on in my mind. Specifically, I have vivid memories of this song. Why? Because during my college and graduate days (circa 1998- 2006), I was a cheating bastard. There wasn't a whole lot redeeming about me as a human being, to be honest. I entered graduate school, specifically, in a long-term relationship. So what did I do? The first girl that caught my eye, we screwed. I came up with lots of "studying" excuses for reasons I was spending alot of time "at school" with my classmates, but the only time I was spending was in the bar, in the backseat of a car, or somewhere else. How do the White Stripes fit in? One of the girls I was screwing around with had made a CD specifically of f*cking music(she was a keeper :rolleyes:), and this was her favorite song on it. I know Im an extremely different person then I was then, and Im quite thankful for that. But I hear this song, and the twinges of guilt come back, knowing I cheated on people i say I "loved" with some I barely knew. Hey, I guess music can make us feel guilty after all!
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding


Hero - Enrique Iglesias

I think it would be something good to play at the reception.

I don't really plan on getting married for at least another 15 years so I haven't really put much thought into it.
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral


Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Eric Clapton

Again, I don't give my death or funeral much thought.
I suppose this would be pretty fitting to play at a funeral.
I prefer this version over Bob Dylan's or that shit Guns N Roses cover.
Day 4 - A Song That Makes You Sad
I'm back on the bandwagon. I'm not sure why I stopped posting in this thread after three songs. Anyway, this is a difficult category for me. I don't really get sad because of music. This is the only one I can think of, and it's for a personal reason.


This used to be my favourite song back when I was eleven or twelve. When my parents separated when I was at that age (they've been back together now for some years), this was one of the songs we'd listen to in the car on the way to my dad's house. Now, I can't even listen to it because it takes me back to that sad time in my life.

It's also a sad song in itself, as it all about reflection and change. But that's not why it makes me sad. I know this because I can listen to the Johnny Cash version.
Gotta catch myself up

Day 16 - A song that you used to love but now hate


I'm not a real big fan of Eminem to begin with, but I really enjoyed this song when it first came. It is a good song just to chill to and get psyched to. But when your group of friends and brother play the song and praise it like it is the best song ever composed it tends to get a bit on your nerves, so I lost interest in it.

Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio


I'm not saying this is a bad thing as I quite like the song surprisingly. It is a nice little ditty and I just enjoy the overall flow of the song. Not exactly a get psyched type of song, but it is a melo song that you can just drift away to.


Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio

Judging from my selection you'd probably think I'm not much of the hip hop listener, but I do enjoy a lot of hip hop stuff and B.o.B is probably one of my favorite artist. He has that distinct voice and I just enjoy a lot of the stuff he produces. This one especially. I heard it during bowl week for NCAA on ESPN and I wish they'd play it more often on the radio.
Day 13 - A song no one would expect you to love


I Will Survive by Gloria Ganior. Why? Because of the scene from the Replacements where they sing this song in jail. Yeah, I don't have very deep reasons for liking these songs, sue me. I haven't had a lot of earth shattering things happen to me so far in my life, so sorry (:suspic:).

Day 14- A song no one would expect you to like


Why is it 'Ice Ice Baby' by Vanilla Ice, even though it's been regarded as one of the worst songs around (by some)? Because of it's catchy beat. I know Vanilla Ice ripped off 'Under Pressure' by Queen and David Bowie with the beat, but with it and the lyrics, it just gets me bobbing my head to the beat. 'Ice ice baby...'
day 25 - a song that makes you laugh


Roses - Outkast

Re-discovered this the other day. I loved it when I was like 7 years old.

"I know you like to thank your shit don't stank, but lean a little bit closer see that roses really smell like poo-oo-oo." Nuff said.
Day 19 - A song from your favorite album


Hey hey more country. Aside from Trace Adkins Paisley would be my favorite artists. I really liked his 5th Gear album and it had a handful on really good songs. This is probably my favorite from the album. It is humorous and Paisley is at his best when he throws some humor into his songs. This song really speaks the truth when it comes to us guys and what we'd do for a woman, yet we always try to keep our manhood.
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument


Kim - Eminem

LOL, I play drums so I can play pretty much any hip-hop/rap song coz they all have really simple beats. I had this playing so I picked it :lmao:
I don't feel like doing this for 30 days straight so I'm going to do it all at once

day 01 - your favorite song : Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls
day 02 - your least favorite song : Bruno Mars - Just the way you are
day 03 - a song that makes you happy : Lady Gaga - So happy I could die
day 04 - a song that makes you sad : Alesana - As you wish
day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone - Lady Gaga - Poker face
day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere - The Used - The bird & the worm
day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event - Aerosmith - I don't wanna miss a thing
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to - Metallica - Fade to black
day 09 - a song that you can dance to - Lady Gaga - Judas
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep - Pink Floyd - Comfortably numb
day 11 - a song from your favorite band - Metallica - One
day 12 - a song from a band you hate - My Darkest Days - Pornstar dancing
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure - Justin Beiber - Baby
(I don't beleive in guilty pleasures , lying , or hiding things... but other people would certainly call that one to feel guilty over)
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love - Chris Young - Tommorow
day 15 - a song that describes you - Arch Enemy - I will live again
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate - Not answerable
(In growing up I realized anything I ever thought that about was a lie , and me lying to myself to attempt to feel cooler or some shit)
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio - Katy Perry - E.T.
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio - Machine Head - Halo
day 19 - a song from your favorite album - Metallica - Ride the lightning
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry - Machine Head - Aesthetics of hate
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy - Lady Gaga - Fashion of his love
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad - Asking Alexandria - Another bottle down
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding - The 69 Eyes - Dance D Amour (and when it says play at my wedding , I mean sing it myself!)
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral - Avenged Sevenfold - Fiction
day 25 - a song that makes you laugh - Bruno Mars - Grenade (Because its so bad)
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument - Basically anything.......
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play - I don't know? (Insert the single Hardest song for drums Dream Theater ever made here)
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty - Taylor Swift - Back to december
(The lyrical theme is about regret for quitting on a past relationship , and in that sense makes you feel regretful or "guilty" I guess right?)
day 29 - a song from your childhood : Afi -Days of the Pheonix
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year - Attack Attack! - Turbo Swag
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play


Time Will Tell - Bob Marley

I don't think the song's the important bit for today. It's the instrument. Recently I've been getting the urges to learn the... UKULELE!
I don't know why. It's a smaller version of a guitar and I like the sound better, especially for reggae songs.
Catching up on this chico. Been away for a few days.

Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry


I've recently learned about Tech N9ne thanks to the guys here. I just love some of his stuff and this is probably my favorite of his that I've sampled. I happened to be in a pretty foul mood due to my hours getting cut back at work and this song came on my playlist and it just felt right. It even got my built up to confront them about cutting my hours, but I never did.

Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy


Bruno Mars ain't my cup of tea, but this song relaxes me. It is pretty chill and most of the time when I'm happy I feel like being completely lazy. Cause if I'm doing shit I'm likely going to get stressed or bored. When I'm happy I just love to pop on some tunes, lay down, and chill. This is usually first on the playlist when I'm happy and wanna relax.

Day 22 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad


I love this song. It is a nice party song and a great song to just chill during. It has a nice uplifting beat and a motto to live by. That being, get drunk, toast it up, we don't give a fuck. Seriously life will always bring you down at some point, but in the end everything is always alright. So whenever I'm down or sad I pop this song up and it cheers me up a bit.
Day 29: A Song From Your Childhood.

I was a huge Nirvana fan as a kid. I remember being at a friends hous listening to the radio and playing NBA Jam(awesssssommmme game!) when the usually irreverent and sarcastic DJ came on and solemnly noed that Kurt Cobain had passed away. It was one of those moments you remember for the rest of your life, it sticks with you that much. My neighbor and I stayed in instead of going out side for our daily basketball game with our friends trying to get any details whatsoever on what had happened to Cobain. I missed dinner at my parent's house, and blew of homework well into the evening until more details were realesed. I wasjust a seventh grader, I didn't understand why anyone would do what he did, but I wanted to know every detail at the same time. The "Top 8 at 8" countdown they ran every night was just a countdown of Nirvana songs, and to this day, I remember what song came in at #1(Smells Like Teen Spirit). But the song I liked the most from them, and do to this day, is this one.

Day 5 - A Song That Reminds You Of Someone
This song isn't very good. But it reminds me of someone. So if you're a fan of mildly offensive, UK grime music give it a listen.


It reminds me of my friend, Tom. Basically, you know how couples have "their song" (yeah, it makes me want to throw up too). Well, this is "our song". We share a hell of a lot of time together at school because of our similar timetables. We spend free periods just reciting lines to eachother to make ourselves laugh. I still laugh out loud when I listen to it.

My favourite line is "You don't think I'll hit you because you're a woman? Look at me when I'm talking to you. Grrrrrr." (1:10) while his is "It will take 24 hours for the poison to get to my brain. So you can lick my balls for six hours and after that we'll play my game." (1:24). With our music tastes being quite different (he likes metal, I like good music), this unintentionally funny grime song is the unifying force between us.
I'm getting sick of this so I'm finishing it now.

day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty


Rock That Body - Black Eyed Peas

WTF?! Song that makes you feel guilty?! Why would a song make me feel guilty?!
I've just picked a song that I'm guilty of liking when almost everyone else doesn't.

day 29 - a song from your childhood


Goodbye Stranger - Supertramp

Another irrelevant one for me. I'M STILL IN MY CHILDHOOD!
So I I'll just pick a song I remember from my early childhood. My dad played Supertramp's greatest hits a lot.

day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year


Blackout - (HED) p.e.

I looked back in my Itunes library and found that I added this song on this day last year.
I stumbled across ska last year and instantly liked it as it blended my two favourite (At that time) genres, punk and reggae. I liked (HED) p.e. coz they added a rock-rap feel to it. They cover a lot of genres.
Day 30: Your Favorite Song At This Time Last Year

I can't believe I didnt finish! I get through 29 days and I just let the last one go. Oh well, better a month late then never.


Damn, I still love this song and these guys. The entire This Is War album is one of the few albums I own that I like each and every song on it. I loved the anthem nature of this song and the defiant "No, Im not saying Im sorry", because one of the things I decided about life years ago was that I wouldn't live with regrets after guilting myself for a long time about the person that I used to be. It took a death in my family for me to get there, but I truly realized how short moments, however fleeting, can make us who we are, and to regret those things is to deny part of who we are. I think that view was echoed by one of the people in the video, which was a nice touch from what I already thought was a great song. Definitely my favorite song from my favorite band at this time last year.

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