30 day song challenge

Day 29- A song that reminds you of your childhood

Paul McCartney is one of the most talented rock and roll singers ever. My dad is not. My dad is in fact one of the worst singers I know, and it totally tone deaf, but that didn't stop him from attempting to sing Penny Lane to me when I was a little kid. I have no idea how I remember it, I must have been three by the time he stopped, but I remember my dad would sing Penny Lane, and because of that Penny Lane will always have a special place in my memory.

Day 19: A song from your favorite album:

Wheels; Foo Fighters:Greatest Hits

The Foo Fighters are my second favorite band, they've been so for a long time. I hate to pick a Greatest Hits album as my favorite album, but its one that is truly worthy of the title. In addition, while they've churned out so many brilliant songs, Wheels is one my favorites, and only available on this album.


This song is an illustration of why Dave Grohl may be the most talented and versatile musician going today. Of course he's a phenomenal drummer and guitar player, but he also displays his entire vocal range on this song. The writing is brilliant, a song simply about movng on with a good attitude. It's done so in such a ferverent manner that I feel drawn in, and want to adopt the same attitude myself. It doesn't get much better then that.
Day 2 - Least Favorite Song

Who Let The Dogs Out?
Baja Men

I put the title under it so you won't have to put yourself through torture to see what song it is. I despise this song in every way. It's terrible, yet ridiculously catchy: a recipe for absolutely hateable crap. The fact that it was a massive hit still baffles me to this day. Crap. Crap. Crap.
My Favorite Song?
Well I don't have 1 almighty favorite song, but here goes my pick....

Good die young by D12
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R.I.P Bugz, I hope you are up there in heaven chillin to this song.
This shows those haters that rap still has meanning, as this is their way of morunning fellow group member and friend, Bugz. This is one of the songs that got me fully behind D12 in the first place.I just love everything about the song: the vocals, the beat, the meanning.Great idea, very innovative.
I wasn't going to do this as I arrived late, but now that I've seen others start late I'm going to give it a shot :)

DAY 1 - You're Favourite Song

Most people wouldn't be able to answer this, myself included. There are to many to choose from. I also think they should have made this the day 30 question, as by then you would've listend toa lot of songs and you could reflect and make a better decision. But oh well, I suppose I'll pick one of my faves.


Waiting In Vain - Bob Marley(:worship:)

I don't think this will be the only time Bob appears in my list. I remember as a small kid my dad would play Legend every weekend. I think as a 3 or 4 year old this was my favourite, and it still is.
Day 30- Favorite song at this time last year

Finally, day 30!

My favorite favorite song rarely changes, so it's difficult to answer this question. It would still be Thunder Road by Bruce, but I'm sure there were a few songs on my iPod that were getting a lot of play time, so I'll focus on one of those.

I don't know much about The Roots, but I know this song is awesome. Bumping beat, sweet music, and the rapping is amazing. I bought this song on iTunes and I must have listened to it everyday for a long long long stretch of time.

Day 20: A song you listen to when youre angry: I can't believe Ive made it this far with my forgetfulness! And I play on(trying to) tackling the 365 day challenge when Im done!

This one is hard for me, because I dont get angry very much. I guess being a has its advantages in that when I do start to feel myself getting angry, I know every technique in the book for calming myself down. But when I do get really pissed, music IS one of those coping skills that I use, perhaps even the biggest one. There are few things in this world that relax me more then music, and if I need time away, Ill take a walk with my Ipod.

The problem is, sometimes I want to hear something loud and angry, and sometimes I want to hear something soft that will just relax me. I was going to use Athlete's Wires, but I decided on the angry song instead. Wires is worth a listen to anyone who hasnt heard it before. But for this one, I went with.....


Run away, make hate, you get laid, get laid. The song is actually about using whatever works for you when youre pissed off. Its funny, because this is exactly what I used to do. In my early 20's, if a girlfriend or life pissed me off, I did run to another girl, and did exactly the thing they're describing here. Not exaclty the best waay to deal, as I was a cheating bastard basically, but it always made me feel better, for the moment. Til the guilt sunk in anyway. Damn conscience. ;) Now I try other novel things instead, such as exercise, music, or *gasp* talking things out. But music certainly helps, and this one has since I first started listening to BB 6 years ago.
Day 23: A song you want played at your wedding.

Aerosmith - Don't wanna miss a thing.


Well, I'm young, so I have no idea what song I want played at my wedding. Most people, who are with someone that they eventually marry, come across that special song that they want, and I have not yet found that. I'll go with Aerosmith, "Don't wanna miss a thing". Although it is kind of rocky, it is one of those songs where you can actually picture having a slow romantic head on shoulder dance with your new wife. If this question meant for the first dance, well I probably would pick something different.
Day 3 - A Song That Makes You Happy

That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)
Panic! at the Disco

I think I've mentioned my love for Panic! on this site a few times before, and this is definitely my favorite song of theirs. In fact, this song convinced me to give their stuff a chance, and I'm glad I did.
Day 02 - Your least favourite song


Rebecca Black - Friday

need I say anything?

Day 03 - A Song That Makes You Happy


Los Lonely Boys - heaven

I first heard this when it was in Guitar Hero (shameful, i know).
I don't really listen to sad music, so this was another tough pick. We've been back at school for 3 days, and everyday whilst walking home I've listened to this. School puts me in a sad music so I need something happy to hear while walking through the nice Autumn weather we've been having.
Day 4 - A Song That Makes You Sad


I'm a huge fan of Atmosphere, but this is their one song that I just cannot listen to. It's a painfully accurate portrait of how mundane everyday life is for most people. It has to be the most depressing thing I've ever heard.
Day 24: A song you want played at your funeral.

Johnny Cash - Ain't no grave....

Ok, Not really.

Louis Armstrong- What a wonderful world


I don't exactly want to think about the details of my funeral to be honest. I'll be dead so they could play Rebecca Black and it wouldn't bother me. If i had to choose, it would be this all tiime classic by Louis Armstrong. I love this song. It has such impactful lyrics. I would have no problem with this being played at my funeral.
DAY 04 - A Song That makes You Sad


Jeremy - Pearl Jam

It's about a kid that shoots himself in front of his class! Is that not sad?!

The lyrics are just so strong in this. i think you'd have to have a pretty black heart not to be saddened by this. In my view, Eddie Vedder ranks inside the top 10 musicians of all time. His voice is so different and often unintelligible. It fits the song perfectly.
Day 21: A song You Listen to Whe You're Happy

Despite everything that's ben going on in my life lately, Ive tried to stay as happy as one can be. I dont know that Ive succeeded, but music is always something that picks me up when Im down. There are plenty of songs I feel happy to when I hear, but that's because I enjoy them. Pinning down a song that I choose to listen to specifically when I'm happy? Thats a bit tougher. I wen t with something a ltttle different from my usual style of music.

Regina Spektor: Fidelity


I do like some folk music, mainly because of Regina Spektor. It's not the lyrcs that make this song appealing for me, because they're not exactly "happy" lyrics. But its the quirky music that bring me back to this song time and again. She's singing about commitment issues since having her beart broken, and what life would have been like had she never met this man she had great memories with. But it's the music and the enthusiam with which she sings ths song that is so infectious, and always makes me smile. Check out Eet, Us, and Laughing With for some other good Regina. amongst others.
Day 25: A song that makes you laugh.

Rebecca Black - Friday.


Well this isn't exactly a very popular song, at all. I don't like it that much myself, but I have a good laugh in school when me and a friend play the song aloud on one of the computers, and everyone starts going insane, while I'm at the back of the room laughing my ass off at everyone. People need to chill out some more and don't get so flustered, which is part of the reason I'm laughing at them. So the song itself doesn't make me laugh, it makes me cringe, but what I do with the song is what makes me laugh.
DAY 05 - A Song That Reminds You Of Someone



This reminds me of my uncle.

He died a few years ago after years of cancer which resulted in him having one leg amputated. Just once it looked like he was gonna get through it, he passed away.

He was always happy with his actual job of a librarian but art was his true passion. This song is so weird and deep it just reminds me of his artistic side.
Day 23: A Song you Want Played at your Wedding

Well, unless I divorce, and then re-marry, Im going to try to go hypothetically. I mean, at my first wedding, I pushed hard for 99 Problems, but my mother in law had a big problem with it, so my wife and i relented and went with Rape Me instead. ;)

To be serious, there was a song I heard on the radio one day, and even though it was long as hell, I knew from the moment i heard it that it was the song I wanted played at my wedding. It perfectly encapsulated everything about my wife. The song describes many characteristics about their loved one, one by one, leading them to the point where they note that the person truly is Everything to them. When it comes to a relationship, my wife truly is "All I want, and All I Need". It was a pleasure, despite not being a traditional song, to have our first dance alone as husband and wife to this song.

Day 25: A song you can play on a musical instrument.

Celene Dion - My heart will go on.


When I was younger, I used to watch Titanic all the time when I was younger. After the movie was over, the most iconic song from a movie, even though it was for the credits, plays. I liked the song. It was a huge ballad and an interesting song. When I was older, I decided after seeing the movie again, to try and play the song on Tin whistle. The tin whistle is basically a long slender instrument with six holes that you blow into, covering various amounts of hole to get different sounds. I picked he song up very easily. It doesn't have the same sound as the original, as it’s done with a different instrument. It's the only recognizable song I can play, as I only play traditional Irish music otherwise.
Day 01 - Your favorite song


I heard this songs numerous times in my life, but when I heard it on my favorite show (How I Met Your Mother) I became attached to it. I instantly fell in love with the song. The song is the ultimate song to get psyched to. It has a great beat, lyrics, and everything else you look for in a song. Plus the song got me to further my knowledge of Bon Jovi and they've become my favorite non-country artist. I just absolutely freak if I hear the song in public. If I'm walking around a store and it comes on, I immediately start jamming out. And when I jam out I go hard dude. Vocals, air instruments, and dance moves. I don't think any other song could make me just burst into spontaneous rockage.
day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere


Eagles - Hotel California

This reminds me of Plantation Island in Fiji.
There was a little person (I don't know what the mods stance on the word midget is) that was fuckin' awesome at guitar. I think everyone in Fiji has a naturally great singing voice.
The workers at the resort and the little guy would play the best acoustic covers ever at the restaurant. This was the one I remember best.

day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event


Limp Bizkit - Rollin'

This is gunna sound so stupid.

I am an avid supporter of the AFL team the Western Bulldogs. They're basically west melbourne's team and I live in the western suburbs. So anyhow, a couple of years ago we pick up a player who is known for being an awesome forward, but a nutcase (Barry Hal). He could blow his top at any minute.

So I was at a game and it was at a bit of a stand-still, so I chucked my headphones in. Rollin came on and then Bazza did this:
The dogs are the ones in all blue tops and the other team have the stripes. I find it hilarious how he's taking on 3 men with ease :lmao:
The place went off and I was the only one with the pleasure of watching him go crazy with Rollin in there ears.

Now I can't listen to the song without thinking of this moment, so that's why I chose it.
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to


Snoop Dogg - Lodi Dodi

An updated version of a true rap classic by Slick Rick.
It's not exactly hard to learn the lyrics to this. I'm good at remembering lyrics so I had lot's to choose from, but I thought I'd share this one :)
Day 24: A Song You Want Played at Your Funeral

Im not sure why I should give a damn as to what plays at my funeral. Depending on what you believe, I'll either be just a rotting corpse, stuck somewhere in the afterlife, or in Heaven. So what they decide to play for me when Im gone isn't going to be one of my dying declarations, or in my will. If anything, what I'll want is for my family and friends to have treasured the life they had with me, and not be sorrowful in my death. So I think Ill go with:


I know, not exactly funeral music. But I love the line in the chorus where James Michael says "Will you swear on your life, that noone will cry, at my funeral?" That's truly one of my wishes in my passing, for my loved ones to know I lived a full life, happy and healthy, lived to the best. Happy, knowing Im in a better place.
Day 02 - Your least favorite song


I can not stand Taylor Swift. I just can't. She annoys the hell out of me and this song is easily my least favorite song of hers. I get a lot of hate for hating Taylor Swift, because she seems to be universally loved and if you hate her it is a sin. It doesn't help that most of the girls I hang out (lets not kid ourselves, thats like 4 girls) absolutely love her so that just fuels my hate. All of her songs practically are the same mumbo jumbo. This one just takes the cake. Vastly overplayed here on the radio. I just can't get rid of the damn song.
Been slacking a bunch, so I'll give out 2 today:

Day 5 - A song that reminds you of someone


I've been fortunate enough to have not lost anyone important in my life yet (whether it be Grandparents, Aunts/Uncles, etc.), so I'll pick Do the John Wall by Troop 41. While I am certainly no fan of rap, this song just has a catchy beat to me and I do like to see a dougie whether its performed by Wall or Drew Stanton (if you haven't seen him do it, youtube it. It's great). So yeah, this song reminds me of him because it talks about him throughout. Not deep enough? Screw you.

Day 6 - A song that reminds you of somewhere


Downfall of us all by A Day to Remember is a song that is played at least once whenever my friends and I are all together doing something. Pretty good party song too, and A Day to Remember is getting up in my favorites.
Day 03 - A song that makes you happy


This song makes me happy for numerous reasons. One I love country music and it has that chill beat that you can just sit back, relax, and enjoy a few beers too. Also me and my best friend have chose this song as our theme song. Reason being that whenever we seem to get together something awesome occurs, even if it is a simple trip to the store to pick something up. We always have a good time and nothing beats reminiscing with your best bud, now does it?

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