The Nirvana 20 Day Song Challenge

DAY 1- Smells like teen spirit is the first Nirvana song I ever heard. I had meant to post on here for a week since Nirvana is my favorite band ever but I have been busy. I will come back here in a day or so to update to day 10 or 11 and then do it daily after that like I'm supposed to but I'm just too damn tired to do it now. I'll shut up now....
Day 09 - A song you know all the words to and and sing loud while you head bang or cry

I am not going to repost the video as I already have chosen this song once, but I am going to go for "Come As You Are" again, although it was a toss up between that and "Smells Like Teen Spirit".

Both great songs that I know most of, if not all, the words to.....but I would pick "Come As You Are" if pushed.
Day 11 - Your favorite song from In Utero

All Apologies

While Heart-Shaped Box was the first song I heard from In Utero, it didn't take long for All Apologies to overtake it. The cello adds a new dimension to the previous Nirvana sound and is almost a prelude to the Unplugged set. I didn't realise for a good few months that the line "Aqua seafoam shame" wasn't actually "I can't see for shame." Bloody mumbly Kurt!
Day 10 - A song that makes you happy


This. Seriously, how can you not laugh while listening to this "song". It may just be Kurt f*cking around with voice effects and an acoustic guitar but it makes me laugh every single time.

Day 11 - Your favorite song from In Utero


I think it may be "Serve the Servants" but since I used that as my favorite lyrics choice I'll choose "All Apologies". Such a beautiful song and so well crafted. The drawn out "All and all is all we are" refrain is great and I chose the unplugged version because personally I think the song benefits from it. I also love the second verse with the line: "Sunburn, freezer burn, choking on the ashes of her enemies." Good stuff all around.
Day 10 - A song that makes you happy


I love this cover! :3 It's so upbeat.

And even though I don't really get what the song means, it sounds good and always gets me singing along.
Day 10- A Song That Makes You Happy


Hard choice this one, as Nirvana are not really a "happy" kind of band, but I will go with "Sliver". I remember hearing this back in high school from a friend who was a big Nirvana fan, and compared to the other songs of theirs I knew (Teen Spirit, Lithium etc) this just seemed a bit ridiculous and weird. It was just bizarre. Now, I wouldn't say I love it, but its alright and when I hear it I think of some of my high-school friends and smile, so yeah I would say this makes me happy in a way.
Day 10 - A song that makes you happy

This is kind of hard seeing as I generally listen to Nirvana when I'm not generally happy (whether that be sad, annoyed or what) but I guess if I had to pick a song that made me feel a bit happier it would probably be either Sliver or Molly's Lips.


Day 12 - A song you did not like at first, but now you love it

In Bloom.

This was one of the songs I would consistently skip on Nevermind as there was just something about it I wasn't keen on. Perhaps it was down to having heard the Bleach version which just sounded cheap and weak, and I would just think of that version and move on. However, I came to enjoy it more and more and is now up there amongst the favourites.
Day 11 - Your favorite song from In Utero

This is a bit tough for me as I just listen to the album without really paying attention to the tracks (there are exceptions) and I really like them equally. But I guess if I were to pick one it would be Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle


I don't know what it is about this song that I really like, the music is certainly great but the lyrics aren't exactly upbeat as they seem to be talking about depression, but I guess I like it because of what it is.
Day 11 - Your favorite song from In Utero


It's so unique. At least I think so. I was hooked to this song the moment the tune got into my head. One day. I was about to make my friend listen to it and she asked me what the name was. I told her - "Serve the Servants" and she was like "Wow. Haha, nice."
Day 12 - A song you did not like at first, but now you love it

"Radio Friendly Unit Shifter"

I suppose it was all the feedback at the beginning of the song that drove me away many a-times before giving the track a full listen to. The whole rhythm of the song is just weird. It's got a couple changes in signatures and the drums as always are explosive courtesy of Mr. Dave Grohl.
Day 12 - A song you did not like at first, but now you love it


Didn't like it. At all. I had downloaded quite a few songs from Incesticide and when I first came across it, my initial reaction was O___O' and just skipped it. The way Kurt screeches in it made my skin crawl even though I liked the music. But soon enough, I didn't mind it at all. In fact I love it so much that it's my ringtone. Not a good move though, since I tend to become weary of any song which becomes my Ringtone or Alarm tone to be specific. xD
Day 11 - Your favorite song from In Utero


I am not a massive fan of alot of In Utero, I just don't find it as easy to listen to as Nevermind, which is one of my favourite albums. However, there are a few gems on In Utero, this being one of them, and Pennyroyal Tea being another.

If I had to pick one though, I would go with "Heart Shaped Box", it is just a great song and probably the most "Nevermind-style" song on the album.
Day 13 - A song from your favorite Nirvana album

Nevermind is top of the totem pole for me, only just ahead of Unplugged.

Drain You is a great song with some bizarre lyrics. The first 3 lines have always stuck in my head for the imagery they conjure up;
One baby to another says I'm lucky to have met you
I don't care what you think Unless it is about me
It is now my duty to completely drain you

The 40-50 seconds or so of Kurt repeating 'you', feedback, distortion and what sounds like a release valve or some shit before the riff picks up again is quite odd but a pretty cool way to lead up to the end. I dunno, I just like it.
Day 13 - A song from your favorite Nirvana album

My favorite is definitely Unplugged. So beautiful and it had the polar opposite atmosphere that was usually created at their live events. Without actually looking it up I would say roughly half the songs they did were covers. All of them unexpected and all but one or two obscure. My favorite constantly changes but today I'll go with "Lake Of Fire" originally by The Meat Puppets.


I remember I was so consumed by this song that I went out, hunted down Meat Puppets II, bought it and immediately listened to it. It sucked so hard. Bad singing, slow slow pace and the biggest shocker of all? That kick ass solo at the end of the song was not originally part of it. Turns out, that solo was composed specifically for the Unplugged version.

Anyways, great song.
Day 12 - A song you did not like at first, but now you love it


I wasn't a particular big fan of Kurt's singing style on this one, seemed to pure shouty for me. i then was flicking through the booklet of the CD and I started reading the lyrics and I started to understand why he sang it the way he did because I could relate to it. I now love the song so whenever I get really annoyed about something I might play this song and it helps me deal with it.
Day 13 - A song from your favorite Nirvana album


I've always found this song quite haunting. But I like it... The way he depicts a rape is just O.O And once I hear this song, it just hangs around in my head for a long time... Just like how Funkasaurus' theme song does. D:<
Day 14 - A song that makes you sad

There's not too many songs from Nirvana that make me sad. But if I had to choose one that comes close to putting me in that state it would have to be:


"Sad" may not be the best word. Maybe "depressed" more than "sad". I had read somewhere that this was Kurt telling the true story of how he lived under a bridge when he was homeless. Krist on the other hand explicitly said he never actually lived under the bridge as it was inhabitable. It was just a lot of mud though it was however a place that they used to hang out. I choose to believe Krist as I could see Kurt saying this in a very Bob Dylan way. Kind of making your own legend grow by saying whatever it says to make people connect more with your songs.
Day 14 - A song that makes you sad


"Sad" may not be the best word. Maybe "depressed" more than "sad". I had read somewhere that this was Kurt telling the true story of how he lived under a bridge when he was homeless. Krist on the other hand explicitly said he never actually lived under the bridge as it was inhabitable. It was just a lot of mud though it was however a place that they used to hang out. I choose to believe Krist as I could see Kurt saying this in a very Bob Dylan way. Kind of making your own legend grow by saying whatever it says to make people connect more with your songs.

This, exactly. This song manages to get me down and I often skip it. I had come across what SorgFamily's talking about. Something in the way is a purely depressing song. It really makes me feel sorry about all Kurt had gone through.
Day 12 - A song you did not like at first, but now you love it


I never hated this song, but I used to find it boring. It's a lot quieter than tracks like "Blew" or "School" and it didn't click with me but the more I heard it the more it grew on me and the more I appreciated the lyrics.

It will never be one of my favourite Nirvana tracks but I never skip it now, its always worth a listen.
Day 14 - A song that makes you sad

Like Sorg and Lilac, I have to choose Something in the Way as their saddest song. There's such a contrast between Something and the rest of the album which although may not always be upbeat in lyrical content, the energy is generally positive aside from Polly. To then get to the end of Nevermind and hear such a mournful song really caught me off guard the first time I heard it.

Similarly to lyrics in Heart-Shaped Box, Kurt could be talking about himself in a negative manner via imagery when he sings, "It's ok to eat fish as they don't have any feelings," with fish representing his starsign of Pisces. Very sad but still one of my favourites.
Day 13 - A song from your favorite Nirvana album


I just find the song funny in a trippy sense and the music is intense which adds the craziness of the lyrics to me.
Day 13 - A song from your favorite Nirvana album


"Nevermind" is easily my favourite Nirvana album, and it shows what a masterpiece it is when a song as good as "On A Plain" is just a throwaway track at the end.

I remember the first time I heard it, I was listening to my new CD of "Nevermind" as I was sitting in an aeroplane waiting to go on holiday, and as we took off the lyrics "I'm on a plain...I can't complain!" came on the headphones. I thought it was "plane" not "plain" and thought it fitted perfectly.

Anyway...pointless story but thats why I picked this song.
Day 15 - Your favorite from MTV Unplugged in New York


Also my favourite song covered by Nirvana like I said before. :) It's beautiful and I didn't know this song was a cover until a few days after falling in love with it. That's when I checked out the original and really saw what they had done with the song. It's like Kurt made it his own.
Day 15 - Your favorite from MTV Unplugged in New York

I've already mentioned "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" and "Lake Of Fire" on previous days which may indeed be my two favorite songs from this album so I'll pick something else.


This may be the most beautiful song off the album. This and the latter half of "Plateau" are some of the greatest acoustic guitar work I've heard. Not in a flashy technical sense but in a evoking emotions sense.

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