30 day song challenge

Day 17: A song you hear often on the radio.

Black Eyed Peas: Jus't can't get enough.


The Black Eyed Peas are very popular in Ireland. They get a tonne of radio time with all their songs, and the latest one, Jus't Can't get enough is no exception. I hear it twice a day on the radio, and I only listen to radio for less than an hour with car journeys. I'm not a huge fan of the group, but the song isn't errible, I can listen to it without having to swap station or anything.
Day 30-Your favorite song at this time last year.

One Republic-All The Right Moves.


This was my favorite song this time last year. I'm not sure why but I thought it was an awesome song. One Republic is winning me over. I haven't listened to them much but this song and Apologized have definately got me looking and checking out their music.
Day 18: A song you wished you heard on the radio.

Shinedown: Second chance.


I love Shinedown. I love this song so much. It is just a fantastic song with amazing vocals and instrumentals. Though, radio in Ireland, or at least in my area, won't play any music outside of pop and a bit of country. They despise bands like this, regardless of the talents they may possess. You could request music like this all you want, but they'll never play pit. They really should as Shinedown are very good. I could have picked any of their songs, but this is the first one of theirs that I came across so I picked this one.
day 01 - your favorite song

Drive By Truckers - Puttin' People on the Moon

There are a number of songs I could probably put in this spot, but DBT really just hits everything for me here. Good music, interesting story, a real emotion in the vocal, and it made me look into the story behind the song.
Day 19: A song from your favorite album.

The Killers: Spaceman.


My favorite album is by The Killers called Day and age. I love the album. It has a good number of awesome songs. One of those awesome songs is Spaceman. It's a fun song. Fun lyrics and a fun beat. It isn't my favorite from the album. I already posted that on another day. The video is kind of eccentric but I like it.
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty
DevilDriver - Hold Back The Day

It's not that it makes me feel guilty. Well it does, but it was the song that I had playing last month when I found out that one of my best friends had died. We were pretty tight, but the last time I had talked with her was about a week before she died. I guess I feel guilty that I never called her back because I told her that I was to tired. A week later she was dead, I didn't tell her I missed her and I didn't tell her I loved her. Now I feel that way because I was selfish and didn't call her for 5 minutes to tell her that. I'll never get a chance to do that again either.
Day 28: A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty

Rise Against- Help Is On The Way


It's not so much the song that makes me feel guilty, but it's the video. I make fun of a lot of things that are considered to be politically incorrect including Hurricane Katrina, but this video kind of makes me feel like shit for doing it. It's not like me to get a little choked up at something like this, but for whatever reason, this really pulls at the old heart strings.

It's a pretty awesome song, though.
There are many songs that I find funny, but NoFX definitely has quite a few funny ones. Many of them are anti-theistic, anti-conservative, anti-tradition, and some are just goofy.

I'll pick this one because it makes fun of over-zealous Christians from "the real America." Take this, right-wing whackos.

Day 29: A Song From Your Childhood
Yeah I know I just posted a couple of hours ago, but it's a new day and I want to get done with this.

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony- Thuggish Ruggish Bone


Back when I was in Elementary school my uncle would pick us up every now and then and it never failed, he was always listening to this album. This song is the one that stands out the most though as it was the one me and my brother would always sing along to. Of course, I had no fucking clue what they were talking about but it was a smooth ass song that, even at an early age, I loved.
Day 19: A Song From Your Favourite Album


In my opinion, "Definitely Maybe" from Oasis is the greatest album ever made and "Slide Away" is one of the best tracks on there. Liam Gallagher's vocals have never sounded better on this song, and its one of the most epic sounding Oasis songs of them all.
day 29 - a song from your childhood
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication

This was a song that was played heavy in my childhood. I can remember watching mtv in 2000 and you could litleraly see this video on any music program. It would be on about 4 or 5 times a day. I fell in love with it in 2000, I can remember just watching Mtv for this song. Mandy Moore hosted a show, yes I know lol Mandy Moore. But she hosted that show and would play this song every day untill the single ran out.
Day 15: A song that Describes You

SomethingI really suck at is putting myself out there. Not in a way that "I can't express how I feel", because I can, although as a dude, its only to a certain extent. But to tell people who I am, I don't want to come across as cocky, arrogant, or full of myself in any way. Im exactly the opposite. That's why this choice was so tough. Anyway, I picked a song that i liked a long time ago, and liked the cover even better, even if Im not a huge fan of the band. I just feel like they nailed the song, and it even conveys in way exactly how I am the way it's sung. Ill post both for those not familar.


Day 26- A song you can play on an instrument

I can play quite a few song on the guitar, most fairly unimpressive, but many that I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to play. I'm going to go with The Zephyr song by Red Hot Chili Peppers, because it's pretty much the first song I learned to play all the way through. I've forgotten how the chorus goes, as well as the bridge, but I can play through the intro and the verses like a champ despite the fact I learned it about 8 years ago.

Day 20: A song you listen to when your're angry.

Shinedown - 45.


When I get angry, which isn't that often, I find solace in listening to a song that I like, not necessarily some happy bubbly pop crap. I prefer to just get lost in some of my favorite tunes and block out my thought. After awhile, I calm down and can get back to normal life. I like Shinedown very much, so when I'm angry I usually hit their playlist and lie down and just chill. I posted my favorite song of theirs yesterday, so I'll put up another one which I am very fond of, 45. Song is great. It is nothing ridiculously heavy, so I definitely can sit back with this one, and let off steam.
Day 30: Your Favorite Song At This Time Last Year

Breaking Benjamin- Give Me A Sign


This time last year I was dealing with a lot of relationship bullshit and for some reason, I found my self listening to a more mellow style of music. This song was one of the ones I discovered and for some reason I just took to it. I know all of the words, but I really don't know what it's about. It's just one of those songs that made me feel better just by the sound of the lyrics.

I'm not that into it now, but I still hear it every now and then.

Well that's it for the 30 day challenge. Now I'm off the Phatso's crazy 365 day challenge.
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year
Job For A Cowboy - The divine falsehood

This was my favorite song last year, around this time I was just wraping up wrestling. Every match, and I meen everyone. I had this song playing before it, this was my good luck song and It turned out that it pretty much did give me good luck. I went 35-15 and was one match away from state.

Also with this being my 30th day, I would like to point all who want to to finish out this 30 days. Then run over to my new thread, the beast. 365 day music challenge... That's right, one whole year.
Day 14: A song Noone Would Expect You to Like

So I accidentally skipped this day, so I figured Id go back and do this.


I hate rap, its just not my genre of music. But this music takes me bac to the best vacation of my life. Id just graduated college, and 3 friends of myself and I hopped in my friends Jeep and headed to Ocean City. I brought along a caseload of CD's, but they were all rock, grunge, or alternative music, and my friend who drove hates my style as much as I hate his. The problem is, he brought a whopping total of 3 CD's, and when youre going on an 8 hour trip, that doesn't exactly cut it. So we were stuck with G-Unit, and two other groups I can't remember for the life of me. Anyway, this became the most popular song on the trip, and I have especially fond memories of my normally laid back drunken friend rolling down his window and singing the chorus over and over at the top of his lungs at anyone, everyone, or everything that he could. Its the only song Ive ever liked by these guys, but it grew on me over that trip and Ive liked it ever since, especially because of the memories of the trip, including us getting kicked out of the biggest club on the East Coast 2 nights in a row. When youre the one not drinking, watching your friends act like fools made it even more fun. This song is one of my mosty vivid memories of the trip, and I actually like the song now for some reason.
Day 27: A song that you wish you could play

There are many many MANY songs I would love to be able to play on guitar. Some I can't play because they are too hard, too difficult to learn, or I have no way of learning them. This song falls into the first category. It's got an awesome guitar part, possibly one of the best riffs of all time, and it's a rocking fuckin song dude. Seriously, I could rock out to this song all day long, and playing it would just be epic.

Day 21: A song you listen to when you are happy.

Florence and the Machine- Youv'e got the love.


When I'm happy I could listen to the same music that I listen to when I'm sad or angry or anything else. But I suppose when I'm happy I listen to different music to my usual, and I usually go to Florence and the Machine. I absolutely adore Florence. She is an incredible artist and one of the few genuine music talents in the world of female pop. Her style is great and she has an awesome look. She is the perfect example of an eccentric music act, unlike over the top eccentricity from the likes of Rhianna and Lady Gaga. Love all of her music so if I'm in a good mood I'll certainly listen to her.
Day 16: A Song you used to love, but now hate

Yeah, so I mentioned before that Live was and is my favorite band earlier here. This isnt a bad song per se, its just something that I so overplayd in college so many years ago that Ive never been able to come back to it, even after a long break. Making matters worse was my roommate was a Live fan as well, and he played them when I didn't. The real kicker was when my roommate and my best friend entered a gong singing concert at college, where you get gonged when the judges are sick of hearing you. They did the worst, ear piercing, nails on a chalkboard, rendition of this song. 8 years later, and Im still not over it.

Day 28- A song that makes you feel guilty

A song that makes me feel guilty? About what? I honestly can't think of a song that would make me feel guilty. I suppose a lot of that is because I haven't lived long enough to have anything that deserves long term guilt (despite the fact that Jewish mother of mine tries to instill guilt on me with every turn). I have a lot of songs that make me feel regret, which is kind of like guilt, so I'm just going to say that.


I don't really like this song, but I love the lyrics. Apart from the part about being a rock star, these are all things I'd love to say to my ex. She dragged me down for months and literally sent me into depression. When I broke up with her I was a crying mess, and my regret is that I didn't see the situation for what it was and tell her the fuck off.

Once again, don't know anything that makes me feel guilty, so I went with regret. Similar emotions, but obviously different.
Day 22: A song you listen to when your sad.

Alter Bridge - Metalingus.


Music I listen to when I'm angry, happy and sad. I honestly don't ever listen to music according to my mood, and I doubt many do. If I was to pick, it would be Edge's theme, Metalingus by Alter Bridge. I loved Edge as a wrestler one of my favorites. I was gutted to see him go, so whenever I hear this music I feel bummed so technically, since I get bummed listening to this song, it’s a song I listen to when I'm sad, I think. I love the lyrics and the vocals with it being Edge's theme, it means a lot to hear it.
Day 1 - Favorite Song

I haven't been on the forums for a while, so I had no clue this was going on. Well, here I go...

Grizzly Bear

Wonderful, wonderful song. So very simple, yet so very elegant. Listen; do yourself a favor.
Day 17: A Song You Hear Often on The Radio

Kings and Queens: 30 Seconds to Mars

I bought the This is War CD after hearing this song on the radio for the first time. I rarely buy CD's these days, but I make exceptions for bands I really like or if I hear a song I love and figure its worth the cash. Im not sure how Jared Leto's film career is doing, but his band keeps getting better with every offerring they put out. I generally try to stay away from overexposing myself to a song because I don't want to get sick of it and hate it as a result, but Ive yet to sicken of this song. My local rock station tends to overplay anything even remotely new on the hour, which is why I don't listen to the radio often, but when I do, Im bound to hear this song, and happy when I do.

Day 18: A song You wish you heard on the Radio

Closer: Burn Season
Who? Yeah, that's what I thought when I first heard these guys a few years ago when they were featured on Edge of the X, a Sunday night show on my local rock station that plays new music, both from popular bands, and more obscure ones. They fall into the latter, at least for me, but I really liked their sound, and downloaded some of their music. This is easily my favorite song of theirs. I'm generally not a fan of bands that just throw in F*ck for shock sake, but the line F*ck with me fits perfectly here. The band is singing about a lost love, and the song is simply a plea for said love to keep them in their life, anyway, anyhow. We've all been there, right? I know I have. I dated a girl years ago, who, when we broke up, I was desperate to stay in her life. I didnt care that she wanted to sever the emotional attachment and just keep the physical, because I still had her in my life. She certainly was messing with my head, knew it, and I tried not to care, because I was getting to be close to her, irregardless. Perfect depiction of that feeling here, and the song rocks. Yet Ive never heard it on the radio, despite it apparently being their biggest single.


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