365 day music challenge

Day 5: A Song That You Quote To People

Tech N9ne ft The 57th St RDV's- Sorry N Shit


I had a hard time coming up with something for this since I'm not one of those people who just go around shouting song lyrics at people, but then this song came to mind. People always get so pissed off at me because I say sorry n shit whenever I apologize for something and it comes of as be disingenuous, which is the point as I only say it if I really don't mean it. I've been in many arguments over this shit lately, and it's always fun. Good times.
Day 5: A Song That You Quote to People
The Transformers Theme - Lion

May seem like a strange choice, but it's the only song I can think of here that I would 'quote' a lot of the time. I say a few different lines from this one, and it's something I 'sing' (loosely used here) on a semi-regular basis. I wheel out the classics like "More Than Meets the Eye" and "TRANSFORMERS!" but I also occasionally take lines such as "It's judgment day and now we've made our stand" and "Something evil's watching over you" (generally when I stand over them, adds a little more drama). Weird pick for sure, but it's the best choice for me.
Day 2: A Song That Reminds You of Summer

k'naan - Waving Flag


This reminds me of the summer simply because it was played non-stop last summer in relation with the World Cup. A remix of this song was produced by David Guetta and featured Will.i.am and was used as one of the official World Cup songs. However, k'naan's original version received a lot of airplay during the World Cup, and prefer this one to the remix, despite being a big fan of Guetta. So, although the World Cup was mostly disappointing, especially for England fans, I really like this song and it definitely makes me think of summer.
A song from an Artist you discovered from a TV show:
IN FLAMES - Take This Life

In flames is a great band that I saw during a comercial on Adult Swim a few years ago. They played a snippet of this song, and I was like wow that sounds pretty good man. I do enjoy them, but alot of their cds are hit and miss for me. They put out some really amazing singles and have really good singular songs. But in the long run the whole cd is never really amazing for me.
Day 6: A Song from an Artist You Discovered from a TV Show
You're Not The Boss of Me Now - They Might Be Giants

Malcolm in the Middle is one of my all time favourite shows and I loved every minute of it. One of the many things that made the show so great has to be the opening theme. It was a cool opening that completely and utterly summed up one of the show's core themes; rebellion. The song (as you can see above) was by They Might Be Giants and I really hadn't heard of them before, but I like them quite a bit. They've got some cool songs, though I'm not sure if this one will ever be topped.
Day 6: A Song From An Artist You Discovered On A TV Show

KoRn- Falling Away From Me


I had actually heard of Korn in Middle School, but I avoided like the plague just because I thought the name was so ******ed. I kept avoiding them until a Halloween episode of South Park that actually had Korn as guest stars. Awesome episode by the way. So after that, I decided to actually give them a chance and well, now they're one of my favorite bands.
Day 3: A song you listened to to seem cool as a kid.

I don't remember anything I used to listen to to seem cool. But I remember catching a lot of hell for liking this song.

Day 4:A song I like from a movie soundtrack

I much rather prefer the original by Sade,but this one's still pretty romantic. I loved this scene in SP. It spoke to my inner chick :lmao:

Day 5:A song I quote to people

:lmao: Get ready, this won't be the last time you see this song.I guess I love it cuz it's so catchy,and I say Which seat can I take like all day.

Day 6: Song I heard from a TV Show

Once I heard this song it immediately stuck with me,and now it haunts my idle moments. It kinda speaks to my dark side...
A song that wrenches your heart out from sadness.
Johnny Cash - 'Hurt"

I don't expect this to be the last time I put this song on here. This song reminds me of my dad who died in 2006. He was a huge music fan, but also a larger Johnny Cash fan. This song never really set well with me, because at the time it came out Johnny was dying and so was my dad. He held on longer than the man in black, but as time has gone on it really hasen't got any easier. It will be 5 years in August, I expect to be in allmost the same mood I have been for the past few years. It never really gets any easier.
Day 6- A Song I heard from a TV show


Obviously, I heard this song as the theme music of The Soprano's TV show. I immediately loved it, but had no idea it was an actual song until I saw the music video on a TV music channel. Brilliant track, and its one of my most played songs on my IPod
Day 7: A Song That Wrenches Your Heart Out from Sadness
I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston

This isn't really for me, it's for my mother. Apparently this is the song my mother heard soon after she discovered her grandmother had died. She would get very emotional either talking about it or even listening to the song. It usually brings a tear or two to her eye. It's pretty damn upsetting to watch and you can tell she's still somewhat pained by it. It's vastly popular but also very important to my mother. I was a baby at the time so I think my mother considers it very much a change in her life and this song represents that.
Day 7: A Song That Wretches Your Heart Out From Sadness:

Poorly worded, but I get what you're going for.

Tech N9ne- One Good Time


Gotta hurry up before the day ends. Basically, this song gets to me because I can relate. I haven't been able to truly cry in years and it really gets to me at times. Terrible things have happened, my heart has been broken and yet still, I can't do it. Part of me feels like it would relieve a lot of stress and take a lot of weight off of my shoulders but still, I have been carrying this burden for a long ass time. I really wish I could cry sometimes, and this song fucks me up because of it.
Day 8: Your Least Favorite Song From Your Favorite Band

Guns N Roses- Coma


I've made my undying devotion to Guns N Roses pretty clear I believe. They're my favorite band of all time, sometimes rotating out with The Offspring. However, there are a few songs of theirs that I don't care for and one that I just hate. That would be this song, Coma. It's just way too long and yes, I realize that there are some pretty epic long ass songs, this isn't one of them in my opinion. Axl was going into Prima donna mode around this time and was wanting to focus less on what brought them to the dance and making epic opera-esque songs, but this one, unlike November Rain, fucking failed. I can listen to this whole album but as far as I'm concerned, the album ends at track 15.
Day 7: A Song That Wretches Your Heart Out From Sadness:


This song is actually one of the most, if not THE most emotional, soaring and incredible pieces of music ever written, with probably the greatest voice of any human that has ever lived. Pavarotti was incredible. I do not like opera, but I can appreciate his IMMENSE talent. This song brings my Dad to tears every time he hears it, and it can also have the same effect on me.

Day 8: Your least favourite song from your favourite band


I found it really hard to choose an Oasis song that I didnt like, but I have settled on this B-Side. I do not "dislike" it as such, but its just boring and really doesnt give much indication to the immense talent of Noel Gallagher. Very much a throwaway song tbh, nothing like the balls out rock 'n roll that made Oasis my favourite band of all time. I wouldnt miss it all all if it suddenly vanished from my Ipod
I'm back! I kept forgetting about this, but I'm gonna see it through to the end.

7. A song that wrenches your heart out from sadness.


I could listen to Suenos,cry myself to sleep, and still wake up sad. It just reminds me of loss in my life.

8. Your least favorite song from your favorite band.


Love F.O.B, hate the shit outta this song.

9. A song that if someone said they liked it, you would like them a little bit more


If you like this song, you have a freaky and goofy side,which I love. This song makes me LAWL.

10. A song from a band that you think should be more popular


I first heard of I Fight Dragons on Money in the Bank last year and I got their EP,which I love. I hope their upcoming album does really well.

11. A song you indulge in shameless self pity to

I'm actually gonna use the same song because I think of myself as a person with morals not fit for this world,and that most people find me and my ideals useless :/

12. A song you play when your getting ready to get your confidence up


Told y'all it was coming. This song makes me feel loud and goofy,and also helps me talk to people I don't know very well.

13.A song that reminds you of a past love


His and Her ringtones. Same song different parts. I am NOT proud of it,but I don't regret it.

14. A song you like that's instrumental only


Basically anything Dynasty Warriors,but this one really gets me amped.
Well, I'm pretty far behind; but I plan on trying to catch up eventually. I guess I'll get started right now with #2, a song that reminds me of summer.

This ones pretty easy, as I could find hundreds of songs that remind me of summer time, but for this one I may as well just pick a song that reminds me of a recent summer, last summer to be exact.

I picked up a CD by A.M. Architect last year around 4/20 as I was looking for the perfect late night smoke session music to bust out for the homeys, well after listening to this CD a few times it really stated to strike a cord with me, so I burned a copy and took it over to the parentals for a little pool party they where having. I tossed the bastard into the CD player and before you knew it there was an impromptu pool party in the works with everyone and there mothers asking where those chillaxing tunes where coming from.

Day 2 - A song that remind you of summer

9. A song that if someone said they liked it, you would like them a little bit more:


I absolutely love this. I found it on a free CD that came with "Classic Rock" magazine in the UK. I have heard their other stuff and don't like it, but this particular is awesome!

Everyone I have shown it to has also liked the track, but if I came across someone who already knew it, I would be extremely impressed as the band is unknown pretty much on these shores, although I have no idea if they are big in America
Your least favorite song from your favorite band.
DevilDriver - Devil's Son

I just really don't like this song, to me it's not up on par with the rest of the cd. It also sounds way to much like Dez's old band Coal Chamber. But I guess it's still a good song, and a rather good cd. But it's not the first song I go looking for on my Devildriver playlist.:disappointed:
Day 1 - A song that reminds you of your first car

Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen


My first vehicle was a 1989 Poop Colored tiny Toyota pick-up. God, how I hated that thing. For the first year it had no radio, no CD, no cassette, just me and my thoughts...:banghead: When I finally installed a CD player this was the first and most frequently played song in it. Love this song
15. A song your parents played on road trips when you were young

We never went on road trips :/ sooooooooo I'm just gonna play a random song.


16. A song you have seen performed live


Attended an Asher Roth/Kid Cudi concert two years ago. An indian kid had a seizure and scared half the crowd.Luckily his mom was there to help him out.There was also a chick in the balcony with no underwear on. Luckily her boyfriend was there to cover it with his hand :/

17. A song you remember dancing in public to


I performed this song for my 4th grade musical. Tore.the.house.down.
Day 10- A song from a band you think should be more popular


A scouse version of Oasis basically, and one of the bands who got the Gallaghers on the road to success, letting Oasis use their recording studio and contributing lyrics to several of the early Oasis tracks including "Columbia" and "Rockin' Chair".

They are awesome live. I heard of the band when I was doing work experience at a local HMV store when I was 14 and heard a CD playing, and thought it was the new Oasis . The guy in the store put me right, and lent me the CD to make a copy.

I ended up bumping in to him about 3 years ago, and we have become really good mates, bonded over our love of the Realies. The band has finally released their new album after over a decade of waiting, and are back touring again.

Its such a shame that they new really broke through to the big time, especially during the big Brit-Pop boom in the mid-90s, but maybe it was not meant to be.

Enjoy the track anyway, its fucking awesome.
A song that if someone said they liked it, you would like them a little bit more:
Bolt Thrower - Mercenary

I'm not a person to judge based on music. All people have diffrent tastes in music. In fact so much I believe I have one close friend who is a fan of just about all the bands I like. You can like any type of music, or just be a fan of any band in my eyes. I won't judge because chances are you won't like my music. I'm allmost 100% sure of it, I have to wide of a like scale. I can lisiten to just about anything, and it won't bother me.
Day 2 - A song that reminds you of summertime

Summer Girls - LFO


Not really a fan of LFO, but this song definately has that summer feel to it. Coming back from college and seeing all those girls coming back to town, one year older...damn:)
10. A song from a band that you think should be more popular:
Gojira - From Mars

This is a band that I constantly push to metalheads. This band has fantastic lyrics, and a whole group of great players. I've been a fan of them, and they are getting on tours more often now. But in the Us they aren't really well known. They are most often looked over for bands like Mastodon, and other more "popular" bands. But I believe some day they will get the exposure that they totaly diserve.
I do not understandn what number 11 is asking, so I will jump to number 12

12. A song you play when your getting ready to get your confidence up


Probably the song that gets me pumped up and ready take on the world better than any other. Roy Jones Jr and his boys have produced an absolute classic tune with this one. The music just makes you feel like nothing can stop you and you can get out there and take what you want. Its perfect in the gym or before you need to impress.

Awesome tune man

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