30 day song challenge

As I got older I went from being a huge Nirvana fan, to thinking they're overrated. The song I listened to the most was probably Smells Like Teen Spirit. I don't know what changed. But now a days I can't even listen to the song the whole way through. It wasn't like I even got sick of Grunge, I still love Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam ect. Anyway here's the song...........

Day 17: A Song You Hear Often On The Radio

Middle Class Rut- New Low


I'm not going to lie, I usually despise this type of music, but for some reason this song is fucking addictive. I listen to this modern rock station here and I usually change it when I hear someone with this style of voice start singing, but my girl convinced me not to change the station. I tried fronting like I didn't like it but like 2 weeks later we were heading somewhere and the song came on again. She got to rip on me because I actually knew all of the words.

It's really simple from a music standpoint, but as you may be able to tell, I don't need to be challenged on an intellectual level while listening to music.
Day 17: A Song You Hear Often On The Radio


Not a bad song. On my local radio they have a tendency to play songs over and over and this is just one of about 5 songs I could have picked. But the Kasier Cheifs got the nod as they are from Leeds. They also have songs like I Predict A Riot you might have heard of.
Day 16: A Song You Used To Like But Now Hate​

Well el Señor Anderson already post the song that I used to love. "Smells like teen spirit" has been so over played since the 90's that after a year of lsitening to it, I just couldn't stand it anymore. It's 2011 and it hasn't changed at all. Anyway here's my other pick, the worst song that my 2nd favorite band has:


Yep, I hate "The trooper" but Maiden is my favorite metal band. I don't know why, I know it's a great song but man is so fucking cliché that I just cannot stand it. There are 635653 Maiden songs that are far better than this one (both musically and lyrically speaking) and yet it is probably the mainstream song they had. Everybody knows this one and IT IS NOT EVEN THE BEST :banghead: Sorry...that's a song that I used to love and now I hate.
Day 18-A song you would like to hear on the radio.

Bruno Mars-Marry You


They probably even started playing this on the radio. Which honestly I don't listen to the radio as much as I use to. I very rarely listen to it because I either have the album or download the songs onto my ipod. However if I were to lose the album or it broke or my ipod crashed for some reason I would hope I could here this song on the radio.
Day 16- Song that describes you
Hatebreed In ashes they shall reap

Born to bleed fighting to succeed
Built to endure what this world throws at me

Let me tell you of a force crashing through my veins again
Like a page torn from a chapter of a book of better days
In the moments that we see together some will never know
Its these words that never give to justice screaming all alone
I was BORN to bleed fighting to succeed
Built to endure what this world throws at me
Born to bleed fighting to succeed
Built to endure what this world throws at me

You may trusted me an answer and put hope in
Me a seed
All these memories come haunt us if we still feel to believe
Now the fear we all once held is a breath we must attain
Because those who sow in flames in ashes they shall reap
Ashes are all that youre left with what you sow in flames
Our life sorrows of my own creation saving sand for a love

I was born to bleed fighting to succeed
Built to endure what this world throws at me
Born to bleed fighting to succeed
But those who sow in flames in ashes they shall reap
Those who sow in flames in ashes they shall reap

This song discribes me alot, I was living in ashes because of what I was putting myself through the shit. No one was forcing anything on me, but now I'm working harder at pushing past the bullshit and I'm fighting to succeed. I don't need that shit anymore, I was born to bleed, but that will only make me stronger. That's why this song is me.
Day 15- A song that describes you

I haven't posted in this thread for a few days because I've been absolutely stumped by this one! Hell, I'm still kind of stumped, but I wanted to post something so I can move on with the list.


Another Bruce song? Gimme a break, I'm from New Jersey, just be thankful I'm not posting Bon Jovi. In addition to being one of The Boss's best songs, Born to Run is a song that can send shivers down your spine if you have a dream. Bruce's dream was to get out of New Jersey and play his music all over the world. My dream is to go to California and make movies, television, or anything that can entertain people. It might be difficult or even unlikely, but it's a dream. Born to Run is all about getting on your bike and riding towards that dream.
Day 18: A song from my favorite album.

Coldplay: Lost.


This is from their album Viva La Vida. I actually have a few favorite albums from different groups but I was trying to do a group I haven't done a song from yet. So anyway this is litterally at the top of my list though. I can never get tired of the Viva La Vida album. This album is so epic.
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio
Rob Zombie- Never gonna stop me

Still years later on my local rock radio station I hear this song being played all the time. People turn in and request this song, when I first saw the music video for this song I was kind of impressed. I liked the music, and apparently so do the people in my area. It's still one of them most requested songs on that rock station.
Day 7: A song that reminds you of a certain event:

Ok, so im really starting to suck at this. Not because I can't think of anything, Ive just become really damn forgetful lately.


Maybe it's because I had a really warped sense of humor(or it was because I was always high at the time), but in the process of being actively involved in planning my wedding 5 years ago, both sides of the family were sitting down to dinner, and they asked us what song we were going with at our wedding. Without cracking a smile, I deadpanned, "99 Problems". Of course, noone but my wife and I knew what song I was talking about, and she started laughing. Out of curiosity, my now mother-in-law, whose very old-fashioned, asked to hear the song, because she said it didnt sound like the "name" of a "wedding song." Maybe it was because I was high or disrespectful, or because my now wife thought it was dumb funny too, I played it. Noone laughed but us, especially when my wife said the real song she wanted played was "Rape Me" by Nirvana. Hey, she had her song, and I had mine. ;) Both sides of the family were highly disgusted with us both, and told us we were too immature to get married.

Neither song made the cut for some reason. I still can't figure out why. :shrug:
Day 18: A Song That You Wish You Heard On The Radio

This one seems like a stupider question to me, but fuck it. I'll answer it anyway.

Rev Theory- Wanted Man


Not necessarily a song to set the world on fire, but I think it was much better than songs like "Far From Over" and "Hell Yeah." I think the wrong choice was made as far as releasing singles goes, this song was much better. I hate this era in modern rock where everyone just tries to imitate what's selling a lot of records instead of trying to be unique.

There actually is another song on the album that's pretty good, I just can't remember what it's called. Something about Headlights or whatnot. Could have been a big single.
Day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio​

I don't listen to radio that much but the few times there is always this song:


Yeah, yeah I know more Enrique Iglesias, what can I say the man is kicking some serious ass here in Latinoamérica. I don't like this song, but neither I dislike it. it's pretty "meh" only you hear it everyday on the radio, partys, clubs etc... ENRIQUE IGLESIAS FTW!
Day 18- a song you wish you heard on the radio.
I feel like dying - Lil wayne

I've been blown out of my mind with this song playing in the car. Nothing feels better than this when your allmost comatose. I have no clue why it does, but it just melts me when I'm high. Sometimes I wish what happened over the summer never did, but I can say this. I will never miss it. I was at my lowest point this summer, and I was also at my highest point. Shitty how it all crumbled under me, but that's life.
Day 20-A song you listen to when your angry.

Bon Jovi-Have A Nice Day.


I find this song to fit wonderfully with me when I'm angry. From what I get about this song it's about not letting those people or things getting to you or bother you when you get angry. Don't let things get to you because it is your life and you know what makes you happy. You know what's best for you. This definately helps me when I'm angry. Reminds me to forget those people or things that made me angry in the first place.
Day 16- A song that you used to love but now hate


I'll give the devil its due, this song has it's high points. The guitar riff is sweet, and the chorus is also pretty gnarly, but I just can't listen to it. It takes too long to get through the song for the parts worth listening to. The verses are just un-fucking-bearable, and the bridge is awful. I used to love it because of the few good things I said about it and because of the fact that it's an awesome pump up song. However, I found better pump up songs, MUCH better pump up songs, and this one has been collecting metaphorical dust on my iTunes for years.
Day 8: A Song You Know All the Words to

Yes! Back to back days! And Im kinda shocked i know all the words to it myself.

Brand New: Ok, I Believe You, but my Tommy Gun Don't.


Normally, I hate whiny emo bands, but Brand New is an exception, because they're actually really talented lyricists as well. Depite saying the same things most whiny emo bands do at times, they've stpped out of that niche nicely as well, even though this song doesn't. This isn't the song that got me into the band, not even close. But this album(Deja Enjendu), the bands second, is one of the things got me through a really painful breakup in college, from a girl id been dating for over 3 years. I wished some of the things on her that singer Jacob Lacey talks about in the song( Hope you come down with something they can't diagnose, don't have the cure for), and this song still stays on heavy rotation on my IPod, 8 years later. But rather then wishing horrible things on someone, I just dig the song now, which is probably why I know all the words. It has over 500 plays and Ill sing it for you, word for word, if you visit me sometime and ask nicely. ;)
Day 19: A Song From Your Favorite Album

Guns N Roses- Mr. Brownstone


My all time favorite album is easily Appetite For Destruction from Guns N Roses. I usually lean toward Use Your Illusion 1, but as I got older I realized there were a few shit songs on it, like Dead Horses and Coma. AFD has solid songs the whols way through with some great songs mixed in.

This specific song is one of my favorites, purely on the delivery and story telling. Heroin was the big thing in the 0s and it was fucking up his life, he knew it. Great song.
day 19 - a song from your favorite album
Horn Of Betrayal - Devildriver
Ironicaly, the first rep I ever got on this site was from Ech about this song. I posted up a couple of Devildriver songs on Wz, and he told me to Look up the Horn Of betrayal off of the new album. Well the next day I did and I fell in love with it, I love all the little tiny things you can find in it from hearing it as many times as me. But this to me was the best song off their album.
Day 21: A song that makes you happy.

Owl City: Fireflies.


This song makes me happy because it's SOOOOOOOOO MAGICAL. Seriously though I just like this song. At first I though it was weird but then the more I listened to it I realized I loved this song and couldn't stop listening to it. It truly does make me happy. It's been out for a couple years now and I still like it.
Day 17- A song you hear often on the radio

I don't listen to a lot of radio, but when I do it's usually sports talk or classic rock. That said, I haven't listened to the radio in months, but I remember a few summers ago they played this song on the radio frighteningly often. Its a solid song at least.


It's probably my second favorite Steely Dan song, but I'm not a very big Steely Dan fan in the first place. It's a fun song though with some sweet guitar work and a fun vocal part.
Day 20- A Song That You Listen To When You're Angry

Tech N9ne- Stress Relief


This game has really shown me that I need to broaden my musical horizons. This is like the 4th or 5th Tech song I've used so far and I'm sure it won't be the last. At any rate, this song is definitely something to listen to when I'm pissed off. You can scream along with the words and no doubt, something will be said that defines your mood.


This is actually one of my least favorite Tech songs but when I'm pissed off, it works for me.
Day 18: A Song That You Wish You Heard On The Radio
There are so many songs I wish I heard on the radio, it all depends on what mood I'm in. But I think I'm going to answer this question by saying Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton. Because yesterday while I was driving home from work, my Clapton cd started jumping just as this song started. Instead I had to settle for Layla, which wasn't jumping fortunatley.


Day 19: A Song From Your Favorite Album
I have a feeling myself and The Natural will be picking a song from the same album. In 1994 Oasis released their first album Defienitley Maybe. It became the fastest selling debut album in The UK, up untill the Arctic Monkeys realesed their debut album 12 years latter. 11 fantastic songs were realesed all of them written by Noel (I think). Like a lot of other things I feel you can't beat the original. And despite the fact my favourite Oasis song isn't even on this album there's something about it that makes it better than their 6 others.

Anyway the song I've choosen is Supersonic. The song shows just how unique Oasis are. They provided a different style, Just like The Stones, The Beatles, Queen, and The Who before them. They had the same amount of authenticity and originality.

I'm a little late to the party but I'm going to do this anyone. Let's just say I'm a... maverick.

Day 1 - Favourite Song
This changes week to week. There are so many incredible songs it's hard to pick one. Anyway, I'll go with this.


I love everything about this song. The opening notes of the piano, the meaning of the lyrics, the harmonies, it's all brilliant. Strangely enough, it's from my least favourite Beatles album. But that's not saying much as every Beatles album is fantastic. It was tough to choose between this and Stawberry Fields Forever (LOVE version) but this has more personal value and therefore takes it.
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry
Machine Head - Imperium

I love Machine Head, Infact I was the one who pushed for Rob Flynn to get put into the singers portion of the Wz tournie earlier this year. I belive Rob is one hell of a guitarist, and a really underated singer.

This song's lyrics just help me out alot when I'm pissed. I had it on my ipod for about two years, alot of the music Machine Head puts out helps me when I'm mad.

Hear me now
Words I vow
No fucking regrets
Fuck these chains
No god damn slave
...I will be different
I'll stand here defiantly
My middle finger raised
Fuck your prejudice
Carved upon my stone
I will go on
Patience, belief
Love will ascendSee More
Day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio

I don't listen radio, only when I'm on public transport but I block myself since there's always shitty music. However, since it's the fucking "challenge" I'm going to say a song from a local band (for me cause I'm on Bolivia and they are from here), porbably the greates bolivian rock band in history. Listen to this and I would appreciate if someone tells what they think about. I think this band deserved international recognition, but they broke up, anyway enjoy osme bolivian rock:


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