Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

Results are only viewable after voting.
I don't care who wins this and I see nothing wrong with someone working the whole site instead of just pandering to the old guard. That would seem to be the intelligent way of doing things actually.

Sure, it's effective, but in essence it's saying that he knows that the people best qualified to judge his character (the people who have posted alongside him) are not people he can convince to vote for him. He's surrounded by nobody noobs who hopefully will just leave and forget this place before election day, and the type of posters who take themselves way too seriously. So, again, it's just ripping off Deexter's playbook, which I admit isn't the worst idea in the world. From my position of having seen the guy's work on a handful of different things, be it posting or game making, I just have to go with the feeling that he's shit.
This is a popularity contest up until someone wins. Then, the staff makes the final decision. So, you're both right and wrong here.

So it is a popularity contest until it is over, which means it is nothing but a popularity contest. If you have your time to "finalize" things why not just have the decency to wait your turn for once?

Not to sound like a dick, but then why are you even involved here? Either you care or you don't. Be a part of the solution or a part of the problem.

I don't care who wins but I never said I don't care why they win.
Jack-Hammer is probably THE best thread starter on Wrestlezone. He doesn't need pizazz. He has ideas, he formulates them perfectly, follows our rules, and constantly contributes to both his own wrestling threads and just about every other one on the forum. That's enough for me.

I don't know who starts what threads in the wrestling sections, but every time I go in there, the threads are utterly boring.

The "good threads" are like listening to people talk about finances at a corporate shareholder meeting.
The "bad threads" are like listening to 1st graders talk about Pokemon cards.
So it is a popularity contest until it is over, which means it is nothing but a popularity contest. If you have your time to "finalize" things why not just have the decency to wait your turn for once?

Ask Sly and KB. They made the rules and this is their brainchild.

But if I had to answer, it'd be because this is a forum. What's the point of doing something that requires no participation?
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3623482 said:
I don't know who starts what threads in the wrestling sections, but every time I go in there, the threads are utterly boring.

The "good threads" are like listening to people talk about finances at a corporate shareholder meeting.
The "bad threads" are like listening to 1st graders talk about Pokemon cards.

Purely subjective and it doesn't make you wrong. However, you're a small fish in a big pond, considering that Jack-Hammer has won the non-wrestling WZ award for the past two years in a row. That means he's doing something right and you might be alone in your opinion.
DirtyJosé;3623476 said:
Sure, it's effective, but in essence it's saying that he knows that the people best qualified to judge his character (the people who have posted alongside him) are not people he can convince to vote for him. He's surrounded by nobody noobs who hopefully will just leave and forget this place before election day, and the type of posters who take themselves way too seriously. So, again, it's just ripping off Deexter's playbook, which I admit isn't the worst idea in the world. From my position of having seen the guy's work on a handful of different things, be it posting or game making, I just have to go with the feeling that he's shit.

Did Deej try to pull some of this shit in the NXT contest?
I think it was for an annual WZ Tournament or something...one of those things that people would talk about a lot. But he did try the same kind of thing when NXT rolled around.
Purely subjective and it doesn't make you wrong. However, you're a small fish in a big pond, considering that Jack-Hammer has won the non-wrestling WZ award for the past two years in a row. That means he's doing something right and you might be alone in your opinion.

I'm not trying to state a scientific fact or anything here, so I can't /prove/ anything, but I've voiced this opinion before, heard it voiced by other people, and generally hear waves of agreement about it around the spam sections.

Fortunately, the spam sections are interesting enough to keep people like me sticking around.

I just wish people didn't feel the need to verbalize every single mundane thought that goes through their head while watching wrestling in the form of a non-spam thread.
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People are vilifying Dagger for eliciting participation among non-mainstays. Seems an assbackwards reason to say someone would not be a good mod. I was under the impression that was the point of the job.

See this thread? See the other threads? That's called participation, no matter what way you slice it. And that is what I'm advocating.

So you only want participation that matches your viewpoint? Can you even see us from that tower?
The forum's most comparatively intelligent people support me. Idiots and worse (like Newfies) don't. Is intelligence too mainstream for you?

Even if that were true, it would be terrible to think that way. After all, American politics relies on the "undecided" voter to determine an election. Most of those are young and quite stupid, but their vote counts just as much as the "comparatively intelligent" voter. I'd argue that having the "dumb vote" is quite beneficial.........just ask our president.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3623505 said:
I'm not trying to state a scientific fact or anything here, so I can't /prove/ anything, but I've voiced this opinion before, heard it voiced by other people, and generally hear waves of agreement about it around the spam sections.

Fortunately, the spam sections are interesting enough to keep people like me sticking around.

I just wish people didn't feel the need to verbalize every single mundane thought that goes through their head while watching wrestling in the form of a non-spam thread.

Now you see why I take this so seriously. Your last paragraph is what I hate the most about WZ. There are few people who create original ideas that aren't either a fantasy booking, a snapshot of frontpage news, or a complaint about the televised show from the previous evening. Regardless of how much we complain, it's never going to stop. And if we don't choose the right person for a new mod spot, who's gonna clean up all of that dogshit?
Even if that were true, it would be terrible to think that way. After all, American politics relies on the "undecided" voter to determine an election. Most of those are young and quite stupid, but their vote counts just as much as the "comparatively intelligent" voter. I'd argue that having the "dumb vote" is quite beneficial.........just ask our president.
You're right. Let me revise:

Those voting for me are intelligent. Those voting against me are not. I have yet to devise a system with which to judge undecided voters.

See? I'm willing to own up to my mistakes!
People are vilifying Dagger for eliciting participation among non-mainstays. Seems an assbackwards reason to say someone would not be a good mod. I was under the impression that was the point of the job.

Getting newer folk to start participating by helping them out and showing them the ropes when it comes to the rules and the standards (ha!) around here? Great. Good. Awesome.

Engaging the newer folk around here by promising them rep (and making rep seem more important than it is) and getting them to click on a poll about something they know next to nothing about? Um...yeah.
Now you see why I take this so seriously. Your last paragraph is what I hate the most about WZ. There are few people who create original ideas that aren't either a fantasy booking, a snapshot of frontpage news, or a complaint about the televised show from the previous evening. Regardless of how much we complain, it's never going to stop. And if we don't choose the right person for a new mod spot, who's gonna clean up all of that dogshit?

Dagger can't do it, Crock hasn't been known to do it, and Coco's running for a spam-mod spot, so you must think this election is a complete waste of time.
Everyone starts somewhere ODJ. :shrug: Why is it that we are supposed to believe only nobodies support Dagger again? I keep seeing this charge levied but I was curious the source.
You're right. Let me revise:

Those voting for me are intelligent. Those voting against me are not. I have yet to devise a system with which to judge undecided voters.

See? I'm willing to own up to my mistakes!

Fair. Pompous, but fair.

Forget judging them though. I'd say that getting them to vote for you should be of the utmost importance in your campaign. After all, there are only so many established names on here and their vote counts as much as the kid who signs up tomorrow. And while I wish for the country's sake and for wrestlezone's sake that there was a way to eliminate dumb people from humanity and certainly from the voting booth, until then they are an easily manipulated group. I'd say whichever candidate is best at getting them will ultimately be our mod.
So you only want participation that matches your viewpoint? Can you even see us from that tower?

I love when you try to do this. You keep twisting shit... not necessarily to make your point seem valid. More because you try to make the other's point invalid.

The entire process of the election has created TONS of participation. Whether it suits your personal needs is completely irrelevant... kind of like most of your arguments. Participation is participation, no matter how you slice it and the proof is right in front of you.
Tommy "Two-Times" Mozzarella;3623534 said:
Dagger can't do it, Crock hasn't been known to do it, and Coco's running for a spam-mod spot, so you must think this election is a complete waste of time.

Since day 1. Hence the reason why I haven't decided who I'm endorsing yet.
The way i see it why not just see what happens, If Dagger gets voted in then so be it, it's not the end of the world, he either excels by shunning his past antics and matures both as a mod and a poster under the assumed position.

Or he screws up and gets de-moded and the another one is picked to fill his shoes.

It is really is that simple...
The way i see it why not just see what happens, If Dagger gets voted in then so be it, it's not the end of the world, he either excels by shunning his past antics and matures both as a mod and a poster under the assumed position.

Or he screws up and gets de-moded and the another one is picked to fill his shoes.

It is really is that simple...

I thought you died.

...Anyway, most of us want to skip the process of Dagger fucking it all up then getting de-modded.
Fair. Pompous, but fair.

Forget judging them though. I'd say that getting them to vote for you should be of the utmost importance in your campaign. After all, there are only so many established names on here and their vote counts as much as the kid who signs up tomorrow. And while I wish for the country's sake and for wrestlezone's sake that there was a way to eliminate dumb people from humanity and certainly from the voting booth, until then they are an easily manipulated group. I'd say whichever candidate is best at getting them will ultimately be our mod.
I agree completely, which is why I'm so sure Dagger is the next mod. Because as divisive and confrontational I can be, I'm not as sleazy as Dagger or anyone in the ABC Party. And that's a shame given all the big talk you guys have had about doing what's right for WrestleZone. If you think getting uninformed votes for an inferior candidate is the best thing for the site, you're wrong. But it seems what you're really about is winning at all costs. You guys have managed to do nothing but put your party above the good of the board since day one.

You guys are sleazier than used car salesmen.

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