My Unsolicted But Nevertheless Informed Opinion on the Candidates

I try to look at as if the criticism doesn't benefit the current conversation, then it shouldn't stay because it would eventually lead to someone bashing his own critique and turn the thread into a anti/pro TNA spiral.

Yes, but that's not against the rules. You can try to guide discussion through posting, but you can't infract someone for spam if they have a point backed by reason.
Muffin Top Merkley: Merk is my second choice from the party. He'd make a solid non-wrestling moderator as he is pretty well rounded in those sections. He's a nice guy, has a good attitude, and I think he'd fit in well as a mod. However, he has a tendency to go disappearing for a while, and the last thing we need is another absentee mod.

Verdict: Merkley is a great guy and I suggest you take the time to get to know him. If you value experience over consistency, vote Merkley.

Really appreciate the kind words. It means a lot to get some non-physical love and attention from the likes of you, FunKay & Doc.

If I may, I was very open in declaring my come & go posting as my biggest weakness heading into this shin-dig as my family, work etc. take priority over WrestleZone. This is something that won't change, even if I get elected as mod.

That being said, my real life is straightening out again to a point where I have been logging on and posting on a more regular basis, and I don't see that coming to an end anytime soon.

Also, I never really was absent from the forum for more than a few days so if I was elected moderator, with the current amount of traffic that the VG&T section gets, it wouldn't be an issue at all for me to stay on top of it.
I can honestly agree with pretty much everything you have said Mr. Glass on the candidates and have swayed my opinion on everybody... good thing I didn't put my name in the hat because I would have cleaned up the competition. :p

Only thing I would say is that Mike Killiam and habs should of had a higher rating (not because of my affiliation with my party) as they wouldn't abuse it as much as you say they would... but yeah, don't vote for Ba-Bomb... at all... ever...
Habs is gunning for the TNA section. Overlooking all the other ways in which he'd be a terrible mod, how would him achieving that goal not be Sidious all over again?

Because Sidious was an unrelenting douche who infracted anyone who disagreed with him, sometimes without a warning. Habs may disagree with people, but he's been fair in his posts to the contrary and is in general a fan of even discussion. Truth be told, I believe having his yin to IDR's yang could be the best thing to happen to the TNA forums in a lot of ways.

Many of us believe that good discussion comes from disagreement between intelligent individuals. No one should feel that their thoughts, if presented in a formative way, should be shunned due to them not fitting in to the status quo. That's why I believe that people too emotionally involved in a product as a fan don't necessarily make incredible mods. I mean, I like IDR a lot, but since he took over, the stigma is that dissension from his viewpoint is a negative and in no way productive. I don't believe that to be true and I think someone to balance out the section would be productive.

Mostly, I think we all would like our next mod to be someone that is fair to everyone and allows them to post their thoughts, as long as they are within the rules. I don't believe habs would abuse his power at all. In fact, of all the people running, he's probably the last person I'd believe to abuse his powers. Well, JGKY wouldn't but I don't think he's getting the nomination. I do like that guy though and I trust he wouldn't. Habs wouldn't either though. He's even-keeled and a solid presence around these parts. Sounds like a good candidate to me.
Mods abusing their power has never been a problem, at least as long as I've been around. I don't think any of us have to worry about any of the candidates using their new mod powers to wreak havoc on the forums.
I mean, I like IDR a lot, but since he took over, the stigma is that dissension from his viewpoint is a negative and in no way productive.
You're talking shit. Plain and simple. I rarely go to the TNA section, but when I do I sing Rob Van Dam's praises in ways that must make IDR sick to the stomach. Never have I felt that my views aren't welcome. Just because you've got beef with just about everyone on the board who likes TNA, doesn't mean IDR isn't good at his job.
You're talking shit. Plain and simple. I rarely go to the TNA section, but when I do I sing Rob Van Dam's praises in ways that must make IDR sick to the stomach. Never have I felt that my views aren't welcome. Just because you've got beef with just about everyone on the board who likes TNA, doesn't mean IDR isn't good at his job.

Agreed. I am one of the more openly anti-TNA posters here, but if I comment on something in the TNA section that piques my interest, which, while rare, does happen, IDR hasn't given me any shit as long as my points have been well articulated. We may completely disagree about WWE vs. TNA, but I have not noticed IDR abusing his status as a mod at all. He isn't Sidious, not even close. IDR has shown that he can keep his role as mod and as TNA fanboy completely separate...which is exactly as it should be.
You're talking shit. Plain and simple. I rarely go to the TNA section, but when I do I sing Rob Van Dam's praises in ways that must make IDR sick to the stomach. Never have I felt that my views aren't welcome. Just because you've got beef with just about everyone on the board who likes TNA, doesn't mean IDR isn't good at his job.

Actually, IDR and I are tight, JGKU and I get along fine, and I participate in the LDs each week just fine. I don't have "beef" with anyone. Actually, I haven't heard that turn of phrase since high school so thanks for the nostalgia moment!

I do think that habs is capable of generating discussion as a non-mod Joe, but I think him being a mod brings a balance to the section which would be a great thing. I stand by that and have no reason to reneg on my position.

And CoCo, if you are as big an RVD guy as it seems, hit me up. I'm not a big RVD guy, but I've done is radio show (as a fill-in host) and it was great fun. I think you'd be a good fit for that crew. It's usually talk on RVD's philosophies and only a little wrestling talk. Very interesting experience and I think you'd like it.
I have beef.
Is RVD's radio show the rambling hippie circle-jerk I imagine?

Sort of. There's an English dude, a chick who is how I got involved with this thing in the first place, and another dude and they do talk about many of the RVD philosophies. I kind of had fun with it because I don't buy into most of them so I got to play devil's advocate a bit. Still though, it was fun to do something out of the box and I'm sure it's even more fun when RVD is a part of it. I admit to not following the show much after I did it, but for that time, it was fun. I don't know you well enough to know if you are into RVD's lifestyle or just ring style, but if it's the former, you might be into it.

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