Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

long time wrestlezone reader, been reading news on this site since 1999. first time registering with the message board to post.

not really watched all that much wrestling since late 2005, early 2006. been trying to get back into watching it again. so far i think danial bryan, cm punk, santino, dolph ziggler are my current new generation of stars.
hi i have been looking at theses fourms for ages so i decided to join
The Doctor is a friend of mine and begged asked me to join up for All-Stars. I'd love to do the efed here, but I'm not a fan of super serious analytical wrestling discussion in text form, so we'll see if I get the post count...
Well I've been around this site for about a year and I thought it was just tile for me to join the friendly debates on here seeing them to be very compelling.I can't wait to start creating new posts to hear you all's opinions
Been looking in on the site for a few months now. Thought it was time I should join up, and hopefully responding to some posts.
Hello everyone! My name is John and I'm a huge pro-wrestling fan. Everyday I try to fill my appetite for wrestling by watching matches I can find on YouTube or other video websites, news sites, etc. I have been a since I was a young kid in the 90's. As a adult I'm still a fan and hope to become a contributor to the forums and meet fans from all over the world.
Hello all ...been a wrestling fan on and off my whole life ..the old ECW got me back into wrestling ..enjoy the old NWA stuff as well as the new Indy stuff ..ROH,PWG,Chikara etc ..enjoy some WWE and TNA is hit and miss .
Look foward to yapping here with fellow wrestling fans.
Whats going on everyone? I'm a huge wrestling fan, I check out this site a lot so I decided to sign up for the forum here. Good looks on the forum, hope to be a solid contributing member here.
Hi all i like many have enjoyed this site for a while now but finally got around to registering. Here opinions matter because "it's real its damn real"
Hello everybody. I've been coming onto Wrestlezone for years now. I've read several among several threads and I've been wanting to join up for some time. I look forward to finally having the time to reply to some threads that catch my interest.
Been coming for news for a long time now, and finally decided to sign up the site. I should have a long time ago. I love this site!
Hello! I've been coming on this site for about 2 years now and finally decided to join up. Im looking forward to talking about wrestling with you guys.
Same as pretty much everyone else. Been viewing the news on this site for the last few years. Made this account a few months back and only just remembered that I had it. So yeah, howdy!
Hey guys, I'm CQB. I've been on a few wrestling forums before, so I have somewhat of an idea on what I'm doing.

My name is a reference to the movie Christine. :)
Hi everyone, they call me Fuji.. I have been a fan of pro wrestling for the past 20 years... I have seen the industry go through many eras.. through many ups and downs and remained a loyal fan through it all.. I hope to provide interesting and insightful opinions and ideas on the topics found in this forum..
Hi guys, name's Alex. Big fan of WWE and of course HBK, not so much HHH anymore find he's become a bore, I like Y2J too. I've viewed wrestlezone alot so figured I'd join.

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