The WrestleZone Posters Tag Team Tournament

How should we pick partners?

  • Out of a hat.

  • Pick our own.

  • Who cares?

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The WrestleZone Posters Tag Team Tournament!
The first thing that will happen is we'll have 32 people sign up, and then they will be divided into teams, so we will have 16 teams altogether. Once we have the teams, I will start to create the matchs in the form on a few thread, with a name somthing like "WZPTTT Round 1: "Poster 1 & Poster 2 VS Poster 3 & Poster 4. There will be a poll, vote for who you want to win, and when the pole expires (I say after 2 days) Whoever has more votes wins and moves onto the next round. It's a simple tournament, I'll keep things on track. All you have to do is vote, keep this thing alive.

1. Derf
2. CM
3. Eternal Dragon
4. Bambam
5. Polly:Wanna_cracker
6. Mighty NorCal
7. HBK-aholic
8. IrishCanadian25
9. Mr Sam
10. Skullz Crack'em
11. RKO Orton
12. Pete Rose Haircut
13. Klunderbunker
14. Jonny B
15. Slim Pickens
16. Uncle Shocky
17. Monkey Mania
18. TheOneBigWill
19. Brahma62
20. Precip666
21. Cage917r
22. Mr Friday Afternoon
23. Dewey Cox
24. Luther_Hull
25. AJ
26. Steamboat Ricky
27. Yoko Romo
28. Y2 Jake
29. Echelon
30. Shadowmancer
31. Justinsayne
32. Slyfox
33. Total Impact
34. Xfearbefore
35. Papa Shango
36. Colamania
(I can't count?)​
I say pick our own partners. This isn't Battlebowl.

But there has to be a few rules - no dual mod or admin teams. Mods and admins must pick a NON mod or admin as a partner. It's almost like a mentoring system. I have two or three peeps in mind.
damn straight IC. thats a good thought, I was gonna post something like that, but just didnt get around to it.

But seriously guys...when the fuck do Tag teams EVER in life get picked by random??? If your a team then your a damn team!!!
damn straight IC. thats a good thought, I was gonna post something like that, but just didnt get around to it.

But seriously guys...when the fuck do Tag teams EVER in life get picked by random??? If your a team then your a damn team!!!

Kind of changing my mind...... Pick your partner... Norcal is right.
It'd be like high school prom.

"Would you be my tag team partner in the posters tournament? If yes, check this box..."
Although I wanted random partners, I actually like the idea of Tag Teams being chosen by us as long as their not Mod/Admin teams, simply because those would be extremely unfair to anyone else.
So far we have...
Eternal Dragon
Mighty NorCal
Mr Sam
Skullz Crack'em

10 people already, this is gonna be awesome.
Aww crap, I don't think I can add the extra option of "Non Mod Teams"

Derfster, if you like the idea of the mixed team (1 mod + 1 non-mod) then don't worry about the poll and run with it. Your poll helped us come to a resolution - so in that vein it was successful. Make a list of mods who are participating, and make a list of non-mods who are participating. Then, we'll start to pair up and let you know. You can do a random seeding and then start the tournament. Simple!
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