KB Answers Wrestling Questions

Do you have any feelings about Starcade coming back?

I read that WWE offered Cody Rhodes an invitation to wrestle on the show, do you think it's just them trying to extend a kind gesture or so you think they are trying to get him back into the fold while his name is on the rise?
Not really, though it comes off as one more kick to WCW's ribs to do it as a house show than a pay per view. I'd much rather have Starrcade tahn some of the stupid pay per view names though.

Could be a mix of both actually.
Oh it was bad. Above all else, it was due to the fact that it was HHH's spot. He wasn't healthy on time though and since IT MUST BE DONE IN DECEMBER FOR REASONS THAT AREN'T EXACTLY CLEAR BUT YOU CAN IMAGINE VINCE SHOUTING ABOUT IT LIKE THIS, Jericho got the spot in the short term. But yeah, he was treated like a side act with the two titles not helping.
Aside from the champions who lost within a week or two, Swagger is up there, along with Sgt. Slaughter who was nothing but a transitional champion. Jericho at least had some good matches.
Aside from the champions who lost within a week or two, Swagger is up there, along with Sgt. Slaughter who was nothing but a transitional champion. Jericho at least had some good matches.

I always found his booking weird for that reign. He was treated really well in 2001. He was finding his groove at the top. Then after that, he fell way down.

Why was Jericho positioned so low after 01? Bigger names and timing? I remember him being on Raw a lot. Was he overshadowed by big WCW names and being a heel on the same brand as HHH?
Names, timing, probably some political nonsense. Also he was mainly viewed as an upper midcarder and that's the role he was filling.
Since it seems like it's just going to be a normal match, wouldn't it make a lot of sense to put Nakamura vs Jinder inside the cell? Jinder keeps winning with help from the Singhs, the cell would be a way to keep them out.

Do you think Jinder's reign ends at Hell In A Cell?
Nah. They tried that with a cage match in the Punjabi Prison and not only were they inside, but they were thrown out. Have Nakamura beat him and the Singh Brothers at the same time as it makes him look like the guy that can do what others can't.

I certainly hope so.
I don't think Nak is the guy to end Jinder's boring pointless reign. I think his English promos have been so underwhelming it hurts his chances of holding the WWE title, if he ever does get it I think it'll be a short transitional reign. I could see Nak feuding with AJ & eventually taking the US title of him & running with that for a long reign though. Not really a question in any of that, more just an opinion, sorry.
I'm sure you recall many of Mark Henry's displays of strength over the years during feuds. Him vs Ryback comes to mind for just one. How much fun could they have had with that in a Braun Strowman vs Henry feud? A legit strongman vs a legit power lifter. Obviously it would work better with a prime Henry.
Not sure if you feel the same, but around last year I loathed the thought of Lesnar vs Strowman now i'm just chomping at the bits waiting for it. I didn't think much of Braun at first but now he's one of if not my favorite parts of Raw.

For you who was someone you didn't really see much in then they completely changed your mind after awhile?
Kofi Kingston. He had the worst debut match I've ever seen and did pretty well for himself.

I don’t think I’ve ever asked why you feel this way. It was a short debut match with Matt Striker not knowing the names of Kofi’s signature moves and that weird tribal tatted guy getting in too much offense but his debut is worse than Eva Maria or Jackie Gyda or Tensai (if he counts). You know how I feel about Kofi, but I disagree with this and always have.

Anyway, with your earlier point about the Punjabi Prison, do you think Nakamura vs Mahal is going to be in the Cell? Right now they only announced Shane/KO, but what other matches do you think will take place in the cell? Could you see them only putting the latter in to make Shane feel like a bigger deal?
I remember it being really sloppy with neither of them looking like they were in the same book, let alone on the same page.

I doubt it and I certainly hope not. The Tag TEam TItles, which has been built up with different kind of matches. It makes sense for a change.
A bit of both. The racist stuff was dumb but they were chanting it at the Mr. Miyagi stuff, which was really not that bad.
They should've been chanting "This is awful".

What are the odds this Dolph mocking other wrestlers entrances ends with him getting jumped from behind by someone who's entrance he's mocking?

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