KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I'm sorry if these are repeat questions or if they've been answered elsewhere:

-What are your thoughts on TNA releasing Awesome Kong?

-Patrick Clark recently worked a match during an NXT live event, what were your thoughts on him during Tough Enough?

-What was your favorite match from Season 1 of Lucha Underground?
Brian James aka Road Dogg said that "wins and losses don't matter in the WWE."

If you get the time, can you do an analysis of how wins and losses affect WWE Superstars or if, in fact, Dogg's assertion that they do not matter is true? Would be greatly appreciated.
Shawn Michaels
Triple H
John Cena
Kofi Kingston

Best year for those listed above?


Would Owens retiring Taker by defeating him via shenanigans solidify him as a great heel or be damaging to his career?


Brian James aka Road Dogg said that "wins and losses don't matter in the WWE."

If you get the time, can you do an analysis of how wins and losses affect WWE Superstars or if, in fact, Dogg's assertion that they do not matter is true? Would be greatly appreciated.

It's true in that you can make up for them later, but it's VERY false in that the fans remember them. See also Kevin Owens debuting vs. Tyler Breeze debuting.

I also I would love to ask him

"When you heat someone up or push them, you are gonna send them on a losing streak right?


Yep. Though for some reason the mentality seems to be that a losing streak is the best way to turn a heel for whatever reason.
Not sure how many people realise it, but even though WWE have gone all out with the Roman Reigns push over the past two years, they have managed to "make" Seth Rollins and now they are seemingly "making" Dean Ambrose.

Is it possible WM 33... SHIELD Triple Threat/ SHIELD Reunion?
Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella will be in the Hall of Fame before CM Punk.

Agree or disagree?

Probably yeah.

What was the difference between main event Ric Flair in the 80s pre and post 4 horsemen formation?

Not a lot. He just had more ways out. Also Flair was a face for a good chunk of the early 80s.

Not sure how many people realise it, but even though WWE have gone all out with the Roman Reigns push over the past two years, they have managed to "make" Seth Rollins and now they are seemingly "making" Dean Ambrose.

Is it possible WM 33... SHIELD Triple Threat/ SHIELD Reunion?

It's possible yeah, though I'd think the night after.

Can you explain why this is a good idea? I might be missing something but from the looks of it I would think it's one of the stupidest things I've seen in a long time.
Is it just me or has Bray Wyatt been destroyed beyond repair? He's lost so many programs and big matches it's hard to believe he'll win anyway. Then when you add in the fact that over the past to weeks Dean Ambrose has created more interest in a Lesnar match for himself than Wyatt has done, it seems like there really isn't a big place on Mania where Bray fits in snugly. I'm almost just wanting him to beat Kalisto for the US title or something like that.
I'm also curious to know why you picked Triple H having his best year in 2008? I remember that year very vividly. I was incredibly excited to see Triple H on Smackdown in the draft era but once he got there I remember the whole run being lackluster. Underwhelming matches with Edge. Terrible matches with Koslov and Khali. He had good match ups with Jeff Hardy though but that's really about it.

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