KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I'm not sure I buy Rock winning the title, and if he does he certainly won't hold it long.

The other guys have another title to go after, so they're not left out in the cold.

Am I the only one who thinks Rock would be up for doing a straight three month shot at some point? Somewhere between filming something and promoting something? I think it's possible. Maybe not likely, but definitely possible. He seems happy to be there, and I doubt he's faking it - he's not that good of an actor.
Has something just sparked within the WWE that's made them super popular? They seem to have been attracting a hell of a lot of people that don't even usually watch wrestling recently.
I can't seem to put my words to text at the moment, so no point making a thread, But would It work if the rock came back and wrestled matches like normal wrestlers, but use the fact he is a movie star as part of his gimmick. So he could still leave to shoot movies. I know he would still only be a part timer, but it could be a way to give him the belt for a few months inbetween movies.

...If that makes sense.
Have we seen the last of Theodore Long on WWE TV? Or will he have another role on TV eventually?

Nah he'll be around.

Am I the only one who thinks Rock would be up for doing a straight three month shot at some point? Somewhere between filming something and promoting something? I think it's possible. Maybe not likely, but definitely possible. He seems happy to be there, and I doubt he's faking it - he's not that good of an actor.

It's possible but I'd be surprised. There's too much money to be made in Hollywood.

Has something just sparked within the WWE that's made them super popular? They seem to have been attracting a hell of a lot of people that don't even usually watch wrestling recently.

Yeah, it's called having a mainstream celebrity around.

I can't seem to put my words to text at the moment, so no point making a thread, But would It work if the rock came back and wrestled matches like normal wrestlers, but use the fact he is a movie star as part of his gimmick. So he could still leave to shoot movies. I know he would still only be a part timer, but it could be a way to give him the belt for a few months inbetween movies.

...If that makes sense.

He doesn't really need to use that as a gimmick. Everyone knows he's an actor and I think the fans understand what's going on with him. It wouldn't be a bad thing but I don't think it's needed.
I think I've asked you this before, but I'm not sure. How much do wreslers get paid? Like say someone like Jinder Mahal. It's something that's always interested me, but no-one seems to know.
I really don't know specifics, but the way I understand it, a lot of the lower card guys get enough to get by on, whereas the bigger guys have guaranteed deals and make a good amount of money. Also they get a cut of their merchandise sales, royalties from DVDs and games, and from what I understand, the game royalties are a VERY nice paycheck.
Is the fact that Rock/Brock will draw in new (or possibly old) fans who left to product going to outweigh the fact that younger guys like Sheamus/Cody/Ziggles will need to take a back seat in the short term?
Yeah, that was probably the big problem I thought of as well. There just really aren't that many shows up to Summerslam that seem all that worthy of Cena/Lesnar. Maybe Extreme Rules, but at the same time I think that's way too soon.

Also, what to do you think the likelihood is that we'll see the World titles unified at either WM 29 or 30? I mean, the Brand Extension is for all intents and purposes dead, might as well just put the final nail in the coffin and make it official.
Favorite Starrcade match?

Probably Magnum vs. Tully.

Yeah, that was probably the big problem I thought of as well. There just really aren't that many shows up to Summerslam that seem all that worthy of Cena/Lesnar. Maybe Extreme Rules, but at the same time I think that's way too soon.

Also, what to do you think the likelihood is that we'll see the World titles unified at either WM 29 or 30? I mean, the Brand Extension is for all intents and purposes dead, might as well just put the final nail in the coffin and make it official.

With the way things they are now, no. They need two world titles if they're going to stick with things this way.
King Mo the mma fighter is supposedly interested in moving to professional wrasslin with his being suspended. Do you think he'd make a good wrestler?
Bearing in mind Stone Cold wanting to do one more match, i thought of 3 matches for next years mania

John Cena vs The Undertaker. Cena being the last real threat to the streak
CM Punk vs The Rock for the WWE Championship. Would be the rub of a lifetime for punk if he were to win the title off rock.
Stone Cold vs Brock Lesnar. Pretty much the last believable dream match.

What do you think?

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