KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I still maintain that Bayley could be a good heel. Imagine her still being a "hugger" where she beats up someone so bad that she still hugs their unconscious body. Heck, even her heel turn could consist of her hugging another face after she gets beaten by them and she turns it into a Bayley to belly.

The first time I mentioned this (it was right before or after he debut) you shot it down saying she's too big of a face. Well I think they've successfully botched her booking enough that's out the window. Of course anyone can be salvaged. I just think it's an option.

AFter last night, I wouldn't trust WWE to book Bayley as a human, let alone as a heel.

Maybe down the line but it would have to be perfect.
AFter last night, I wouldn't trust WWE to book Bayley as a human, let alone as a heel.

Maybe down the line but it would have to be perfect.

What do you do with Bayley now? Do you send her back to NXT? Do you have her go on a road to redemption-esque storyline? There are so many routes this can end up leading to and I don't know which one seems the most plausible.
So we're looking at...
Joe vs. Lesnar at Great Balls of a Shit PPV Name
Braun vs. Lesnar at SummerSlam
Reigns vs. Lesnar at WM34.

Any chance between SummerSlam and Mania Brock defends, say at Survivor Series or the Rumble? If so who would be your guess(es)?
Is it possible the Kendo stick wasn't meant to fall down at the very start? It's the only reason why I can explain the match being what it was.
What do you do with Bayley now? Do you send her back to NXT? Do you have her go on a road to redemption-esque storyline? There are so many routes this can end up leading to and I don't know which one seems the most plausible.

I'd think the third option but right now I'd have her sit on the sidelines for a few weeks to let last night fall back a bit.

What the fuck was that in the Bayley Bliss match last night ???

Probably the worst character assassination I've seen since the Renegade was taken out back in 1996. Honestly though, it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't some form of punishment. Say for possibly turning down Total Divas?

I'm not KB, but I guess this was a sign of WWE realizing they were in a winless situation and decided to 'abandon ship'.

At least, that's what I think. We'll hear from KB later.

They weren't in a winless situation. They made it a winless situation.

So we're looking at...
Joe vs. Lesnar at Great Balls of a Shit PPV Name
Braun vs. Lesnar at SummerSlam
Reigns vs. Lesnar at WM34.

Any chance between SummerSlam and Mania Brock defends, say at Survivor Series or the Rumble? If so who would be your guess(es)?

I would assume we're getting a few title defenses in there, say at Survivor Series and the Rumble. Odds are it would be Balor and Rollins.

Is it possible the Kendo stick wasn't meant to fall down at the very start? It's the only reason why I can explain the match being what it was.

I thought that might be the case but it doesn't explain the match going that short. Just do a regular match for a few minutes to fill in time and then go there. Even if it was supposed to go longer, there was still time to have Bayley get the stick and swing away, which was one of the biggest problems.
What do you think of my idea that Bayley really struggles talking in front of big crowds? Down in NXT she was fine but that was like five people. While being on the main roster she has stumbled with her words multiple times, been unable to keep her composure when the crowd gets really loud and chanting the 'be my girl' thing while Bliss has shown that her strength is talking amongst 20,000 heckling fans with the 'What' chant. I believe it's a major issue Bayley has and it's one of the reason I think she has been passed over by Alexa as the next big star.
Possibly, though I've never thought she was that horrible of a talker. If that's the case though, it's more of a reason to not let her be pushed as hard. That can be fixed, but they need to do something soon.
What do you think of my idea that Bayley really struggles talking in front of big crowds? Down in NXT she was fine but that was like five people. While being on the main roster she has stumbled with her words multiple times, been unable to keep her composure when the crowd gets really loud and chanting the 'be my girl' thing while Bliss has shown that her strength is talking amongst 20,000 heckling fans with the 'What' chant. I believe it's a major issue Bayley has and it's one of the reason I think she has been passed over by Alexa as the next big star.

Personally, I never really got the hype for Bayley. I'm not taking anything away from her, she's a good wrestler. But she's always kind of felt like the weakest of the four horseman. (Especially compared to Charlotte) Her backstory of being a long time fan is relatable though and I think that's what really drove fans to her. But here's the thing, like Nia Jax said back at Extreme Rules; that's not going to fly forever, at some point you need to change things up.

Promos, especially in front of big crowds are not her strong suit, like; at all. Sure, she had a few really good ones back in NXT; but there's only so much you can do with a script and nerves getting the better of you in front of a big crowd. If she can get over that fear, then i'd say Bayley deserves to be the face of the RAW womens division; bar none. Until then, I don't think it's worth the risk.

So really, the problem with Bayley is that whether it's the fault of flanderization, over-exposure, not living up to the hype, terrible booking nerves getting to her or heck even a combination of some or all five of them is that Bayley needs to evolve. And quick. I think there's still hope for Bayley, but it all depends on what happens when she comes back. (I'm still holding out for the road to redemption storyline, but an extended break in which she decides to completely reevaluate her career and come back a more serious competitor would work wonders)

Really though, i'm done with the Bayley discussion. It happened, it was bad, that's ok, i'm going to move on from that and focus on the next topic.

Like where the hell is Rusev?
Is it possible the Kendo stick wasn't meant to fall down at the very start? It's the only reason why I can explain the match being what it was.

I was going to ask this question as well. If you remember when it fell they both stood and looked at it for a moment, I couldn't help but feel that they were both saying "Oh damm what do we do now?"

Also shouldn't the match have ended once they got the stick? So in reality there should have been a lot of tussling before that stick came off the pole. There was basically none.
I was going to ask this question as well. If you remember when it fell they both stood and looked at it for a moment, I couldn't help but feel that they were both saying "Oh damm what do we do now?"

Also shouldn't the match have ended once they got the stick? So in reality there should have been a lot of tussling before that stick came off the pole. There was basically none.

Yep that's what I saw as well, and I think they realised that they couldn't do what the cruiserweighhts did back in WCW with the piñata and leave it there. Well that's what I'm hoping, it wouldn't really explain the short match as I'm sure they would've been told to fill it in on the fly. It probably wouldn't of affected Bayley either as what KB said.
Is there too much talent on the Smackdown roster for a 2 hour show? Where's Tye Dyllinger? Luke Harper? Erick Rowan? When was the last time American Alpha was on TV?

I mean, these are some pretty notable names being left off the air for a decent amount of time, no?
Do you feel like visionary because as I remember you predicted Bayley flocking even before she got on main roster?

And who is taking the blame for that awful segment of "This is my life"? Because we already saw this week that Alexa took shots from Angle for that so seems WWE is bothered by that.
I was going to ask this question as well. If you remember when it fell they both stood and looked at it for a moment, I couldn't help but feel that they were both saying "Oh damm what do we do now?"

Also shouldn't the match have ended once they got the stick? So in reality there should have been a lot of tussling before that stick came off the pole. There was basically none.

Nah. The rules said whoever got it could us it. Now, in theory, that would mean if the person who didn't get it used it, they would be disqualified.

Yep that's what I saw as well, and I think they realised that they couldn't do what the cruiserweighhts did back in WCW with the piñata and leave it there. Well that's what I'm hoping, it wouldn't really explain the short match as I'm sure they would've been told to fill it in on the fly. It probably wouldn't of affected Bayley either as what KB said.

Yeah it made no sense and that's becoming more and more obvious.

Is there too much talent on the Smackdown roster for a 2 hour show? Where's Tye Dyllinger? Luke Harper? Erick Rowan? When was the last time American Alpha was on TV?

I mean, these are some pretty notable names being left off the air for a decent amount of time, no?

Yeah it's getting there. However, I'd put it on Money in the Bank as we just have to have two or three matches between the participants every week so they can "build momentum".

Do you feel like visionary because as I remember you predicted Bayley flocking even before she got on main roster?

And who is taking the blame for that awful segment of "This is my life"? Because we already saw this week that Alexa took shots from Angle for that so seems WWE is bothered by that.

Nah. I'm still trying to get over "AJ will win the fourteen Divas match and then Paige will debut the next night to win the title." I still have no idea how I nailed that one to perfection.

My guess: Bayley and Alexa.
Any chance of SHIELD vs Balor Club by SummerSlam? All of the guys needed seem to be in limbo at present anyways..
I've been watching all of WWE's stuff from 96 and 97. Few questions.

Did Cornette ever eat a stunner? Virtually every announcer, manager, official, every non wrestler in the company did but I have still yet to see Cornette take one.

Why didn't Farooq ever get any kind of title run during the NOD days? Dude was really underrated during this time. He got great heat and actually cut some pretty good promos.

Diesel was far more entertaining between the time he lost the title until the awesome IYH match with Shawn than he ever was at any point in his career. True or False.

Did Nash ever have a kickass singles match in WCW? All I'm seeing are duds.

Do you think they could have salvaged Vader's run if they had turned him face a little sooner? You know, like before they turned him into a glorified job guy? I personally think that ,save for a few moments, his heel run never really worked but once he went face he was actually really over. People wanted to cheer for him.

I'm sure I'll have more later.
I've been watching all of WWE's stuff from 96 and 97. Few questions.

Did Cornette ever eat a stunner? Virtually every announcer, manager, official, every non wrestler in the company did but I have still yet to see Cornette take one.

Not that I know of, but Cornette was being phased out during Austin's rise.

Why didn't Farooq ever get any kind of title run during the NOD days? Dude was really underrated during this time. He got great heat and actually cut some pretty good promos.

When you have Rock, Austin, HHH, Kane, Undertaker and Foley, Faarooq wasn't quite on the radar.

Diesel was far more entertaining between the time he lost the title until the awesome IYH match with Shawn than he ever was at any point in his career. True or False.

Yep. It's almost like Kevin Nash is far better as a heel than a face.

Did Nash ever have a kickass singles match in WCW? All I'm seeing are duds.

The first Goldberg match might be his highlight, though I do remember a decent match with Mysterio.

Do you think they could have salvaged Vader's run if they had turned him face a little sooner? You know, like before they turned him into a glorified job guy? I personally think that ,save for a few moments, his heel run never really worked but once he went face he was actually really over. People wanted to cheer for him.

Probably not. Too old with far too many injuries piling up. ALso that Shawn loss at Summerslam 1996 killed him.

I'm sure I'll have more later.

Sweet. These rapid fire ones are my favorite to answer.

How much further would Awesome Truth have gone if Truth didn't like the ganja so much?

I'm thinking maybe an extra foot and a half. There's only so much room for a top heel tag team.
Not that I know of, but Cornette was being phased out during Austin's rise

A shame, really. Episodes with him on commentary are definitely a breath of fresh air. And his opinion segments were gold.

When you have Rock, Austin, HHH, Kane, Undertaker and Foley, Faarooq wasn't quite on the radar.

I was actually thinking more of the Intercontinental Title. From the time he debuted until Rock joined the Nation and slowly turned him into an afterthought, we had guys like Goldust, Marc Mero, Hunter, Ahmed Johnson, and Owen Hart as IC Champion. I'd rate him up there with those guys during this timeframe.

But yeah he definitely wasn't on par with the guys in the world title picture.

Probably not. Too old with far too many injuries piling up. ALso that Shawn loss at Summerslam 1996 killed him.

I had always heard that Vader was originally supposed to be Shawn's opponent going into Survivor Series and the Rumble instead of Sid. Do you think Vader would have been just as good? Sid got inexplicably hot during this time. Do you think Vader could have gotten the same treatment?

The "Rocky Sucks" and Die Rocky Die" chants are supposed to be what caused Rocky's heel turn. When exactly did this happen? Because I watched his whole Maivia run and while he definitely cooled off a bit toward the end of his IC Title run, It seemed like he was actually pretty over. I don't remember hearing any negative chants.

As a kid I never really noticed but now when I go back and watch Austin prior to the neck injury, it's remarkable how much better he was in the ring. The way he bumped around back then was remarkable. At the same time though, it was during the time that he was hurt that he was cutting those awesome promos and beating up announcers and whatnot and got white hot. Do you think he still would have gotten as hot as he did if he didn't get hurt?

Are there any guys that you think WWF missed the boat on back then? Again, I'm talking 95-97. Guys that could have been World Champion (Shamrock, Patriot, Vader, Razor, Goldust, etc?)

If Flair had come over in 98 (which I've recently heard was literally minutes away from happening) do you think he could have fit into the Attitude Era?
A shame, really. Episodes with him on commentary are definitely a breath of fresh air. And his opinion segments were gold.

They were, but unfortunately the company tried to turn them into storylines and he said no.

I was actually thinking more of the Intercontinental Title. From the time he debuted until Rock joined the Nation and slowly turned him into an afterthought, we had guys like Goldust, Marc Mero, Hunter, Ahmed Johnson, and Owen Hart as IC Champion. I'd rate him up there with those guys during this timeframe.

Not the worst idea in the world. He did lose in the finals of the tournament against Owen in late 97.

I had always heard that Vader was originally supposed to be Shawn's opponent going into Survivor Series and the Rumble instead of Sid. Do you think Vader would have been just as good? Sid got inexplicably hot during this time. Do you think Vader could have gotten the same treatment?

I'm not sure and unfortunately it was because Vader was more competent as a heel. Part of Sid's popularity was because he was so over the top and completely crazy that he was hard not to like. Vader would have worked and should have won the title at some point (allegedly he was going to until Shawn freaked out) but Sid made a bit more sense.

For your trivia, that WWF Title was Sid's first major career title.

The "Rocky Sucks" and Die Rocky Die" chants are supposed to be what caused Rocky's heel turn. When exactly did this happen? Because I watched his whole Maivia run and while he definitely cooled off a bit toward the end of his IC Title run, It seemed like he was actually pretty over. I don't remember hearing any negative chants.

Oh they were there, but it was more out of apathy at times than hatred. Also, try some of the shows from New York.

As a kid I never really noticed but now when I go back and watch Austin prior to the neck injury, it's remarkable how much better he was in the ring. The way he bumped around back then was remarkable. At the same time though, it was during the time that he was hurt that he was cutting those awesome promos and beating up announcers and whatnot and got white hot. Do you think he still would have gotten as hot as he did if he didn't get hurt?

He would have gotten hot and been a multiple time World Champion. He wouldn't have been the biggest star ever.

Are there any guys that you think WWF missed the boat on back then? Again, I'm talking 95-97. Guys that could have been World Champion (Shamrock, Patriot, Vader, Razor, Goldust, etc?)

Vader should have been. Razor definitely could have been. Goldust was WAY too controversial and got them in a lot of hot water with some of his antics.

Ahmed Johnson should have been World Champion, and allegedly was going to take the title from Undertaker before he got hurt.

If Flair had come over in 98 (which I've recently heard was literally minutes away from happening) do you think he could have fit into the Attitude Era?

Oh yeah. Make him a veteran who talks his way into the title scene and wrestles an old school style to go against the high impact style and he'd be gold. Of just say "he's Ric Flair and he's fighting Steve Austin." Then again Russo would have probably turned him into a member of the Nation.
I have more questions but I'm kinda tired so I'll just leave a quick one for now.

I know you don't like ranking things or top 10 whatever but this should be fairly easy. Rank the parodies.

NWO parodies the Horsemen
DX parodies the Nation
DX parodies the Corporation
DX (Hunter and Shawn) parodies the McMahon

Also, any other good ones I'm not remembering?

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