WZCW Show Reviews

Well, I promised I'd review Ascension, and I've taken it out to dinner, liquored it up and now I am going to review the shit out of it.

A week in review; Part 2;


Ah, hello again Steven Holmes, good to see you being your aristocratic best and not troubling us with your insanity, and it looks like you’re setting a bounty. Hey Numbers, remember when I pitched the idea getting fired and it went to Holmes? I asked to follow that up with a bounty storyline, and it’s gone to Holmes. . .

Okay, so that’s playful joshing now for the most part, while Steven Holmes getting fired and then rehired the next day was one of the lamest things I’ve ever seen in the fed, ever, especially as it was a hatchet job of the storyline idea I pitched, Barbosa was supposed to bully authority figures until S.H.I.T got rehired, instead what we got was fucking lame, but I digress, I am glad that this one came to fruition with Holmes, no really, because it suits his character down to a tee, “I am above XXX, someone else deal with him.” Simply done, well done.

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Match 1;

STA vs W.I – Or how I learned to stop worrying and campaign against Male on Female violence, see later for why.

Well, I assume that because Reese got those bad boys in late he got the no show treatment, and it was nicely executed, that’s all there is to say about that. Hopefully because Remix seems to be playing ball that isn’t the end of the STA though, toodle pip.

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Grand Mystique wishes to address us, and prophecy a future, a future of doom for us all.

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Match 2;

Ricky Runn vs Isabel Stone – Or how I learned to stop worrying and love Male on Female violence.

I like that much like the STA vs W.I match, this was written with the characters personalities in mind, in my day when a chap no showed they were simply stomped out of the company, see King Shabba. Isabel Stone goes out after Ricky Runn gets a bit akward attempting to sit on her face or vice versa, the only danger this creates is that Ms Stone has become a somewhat sympathetic character, although I am sure that’ll be killed off if/when She returns.

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XXX, haven’t seen you in a while, I see the announcers appear to be trying to cash in on the bounty, much fun and merriment to be had by all, this is all fun and games at the moment, but this is somebody’s career we are talking about here.

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Match 3;

TITUS! vs Grand Mystique – Or how I learned to stop worrying and try to work out how Mystique, Ty Burna and The Undertaker do that.

Loong match, much like S.H.I.T on Meltdown young Titus looked set to put this bad boy away, only to be interrupted by theme music, the veteran is distracted, making us all feel better, it’s okay, it happens to every guy, and Mystique gets the pin. Another classic heel/face encounter, with the bigger Mystique using his size and strength but Titus showing the heart to come back and almost pick up the win, unfortunately he came up short due to the distraction.

So, this fuels the fire of Titus vs K.O, while Mystique moves on to, well, whatever he’s doing at the moment. I am glad of this, because outside of Prophet IRL no one has attacked the “White Knight” more-so than Titus, and this moves their feud further on. Still, the real question remains, has anybody tapped to the ankle lock?

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Ricky Runn is heading off to crack one out, may I suggest sitting on your hand first young man.

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Match 4;

Mister Alhazred vs Sam Smith – Or how I learned to stop worrying and wonder what imaginative soul came up with the ring name of Sam Smith.

Sam Smith, using the six degrees method manages to state that he is the best wrestler in the company, thing is, using his logic its hard to argue, its all true, Smith is better than Burna.

A fine display of athleticism in this match, lots of people jumping over each other, I was going to put the 100M hurdles on but I am glad I didn’t now. You think you get a sense of where this one is going when the ref starts checking on Alhazred, we are talking Matt Tastic/Rush territory here, but once again the Powerglove being used as a great equaliser and Alhazred is able to engage the champ on a more equal footing than Tastic on Meltdown, until eventually getting finishered. Good bit of back and forth at least.

Smith gets a mic again, and gives a pretty good speech, what if they actually have nothing to do at Unscripted? That’s actually pretty cool.

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Oooh, Da Who Church and Chris K.O. Evil Overlord and Psuedo White Knight motherfuckers!

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Contract signings, they are cool, and we get a bit of an explanation behind the Empire, basically Constantine is using it as a vehicle to win the belt, Cooper and Bowen are just your average, everyday ethnic cleansers. Obviously Showtime cannot allow this rant to go on uninterrupted and decides to come out, mocking his opponent, much to all of our amusement. Okay, I really enjoyed Constantine being denied the four corners match yet again, good throwback to the PPV there, you could guess that Showtime wasn’t going to get decked again, and Barbosa flying out from under the table was FUCKING cool! Really enjoyed them clearing the ring between them, once again I personally would’ve liked to have seen a S.H.I.T appearance here, perhaps coming out and throwing Constantine back to the wolves before staring down with Barbosa or something, but meh. It was fucking cool.

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Main Event;

Drake Callahan vs Mikey Stormrage – Or how I learned to stop worrying and appreciate the fact that we’ve got this far and this is the first time we’ve seen Drake Callahan.

Pure, unbridled hatred, I take back what I said about the entrances for certain people. Good lord lol.

Well, Mikey is really angry, or hungry, and once again we go with the contrast here, Mikey’s huge size adding a comedic element to the match against the more serious Callahan, is this Callahans new gimmick by the way? Get dominated by wrestlers he thinks are beneath him and then pull out the win. This was, well, this was a Main Event, and a good match that ended with only the two people in the ring and no distractions or whatnot, not that I am against such things, but its nice to go clean through sometimes. Bad luck Mikey, but I think you can play with the big boys now.

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Ah Titus is down. . . Did we ever find out who attacked Black Dragon all that time ago? Oh well, PSEUDO WHITE KNIGHT! JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN’T KNOW! Anyway, with any luck this backstage attack gives us some pay off. Unlike the one with Dragon. . .
A week in review; Part 3;



Multi-layering. If there is one criticism I’ve had of you in the past, and obviously there has been more than one, but it’s been your recent inability to build more than one feud at a time in your segments or matches. Using Action Saboteur to not only promote their own match but to put over the bounty on XXX’s head kills two birds with one stone and removes the need to have XXX or Holmes on the shows yet again. This is the sort of thing I’d like to see more of.

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Match 1;

Brent Blaze vs James Carter – Newbie vs No Show

Like the little pre-match clip and the subsequent reaction.

This is a case of a no show working out for the best, the fed being what it is makes it rare for a brand new character to earn himself more than one or two wins at a time, as someone that doesn’t believe in paying your dues I can understand why so many people do duck out before long. The addiction Brent Blaze goes two nil up and hopefully his RP’s improve at a rapid enough rate for him to stand a chance when he’s challenged by another.

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Here we go again with the multi-layering, seriously, not that long ago something like this would’ve taken you two segments to do, Barbosa interviewed, comments on SHIT, Empire and current opponent, liked the one word answers and Callahan turning up puts over the conspiracy theory part.

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Match 2;

Angel vs Darren Bull – Fuckin turn up for fucks sake!

Bulls gone, I appreciate the effort he went to but it’s not to be. Angel has hope, I hope Ryder follows up.

Bull gets decked, TNC have yet more to say.

Not entirely sure Mystique should be entering to different ring music than the rest of the New Church, show some solidarity here guys. Honest to God, pro-wrestling or not, that is an assault that should have bought the cops in.

GM grabs a mic, very talkative for a dark mysterious chap is this fellow. Me, I’d have Westhoff be the mouthpiece with Mystique as the silent dictator. Especially if he is going to say things like “spending the next few weeking eating through a tube.”

And now Stormrage comes in and chases Mystique off, before the Bearded Gents arrive. Why did I just state all of that? Just complimenting the multi-layering here.

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Match 3;

The Bearded Gents vs The New Church – I have no tagline

Okay, I am done reviewing the matches as a whole, mainly because I am not the best match writer out there and other people are far more qualified. Basically if I say a match was a lot of fun, then that means good and this one was a lot of fun, with good face/heel psychology, which is what I enjoy in a match, even a written one. Not surprised to see the Bearded Gents win this one, RP wise they smashed it this round. The only drawback is that the “Big Evil Stable” suffers a setback, which is something that didn’t happen to the Apostles (shameless plug) but this was covered well enough with the removal of Mystique and it makes it look like only a temporary setback. Booking 101 basically, try not to make people look like shit.

BAM! Back to Stormrage. Honestly, if I thought the appearances of TNC on Ascension were pointless and achieved little, Aftershock has fucking wiped that clean away. This is one of the better feuds I’ve seen in a long time on here. Good work.

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Brent gets his challenge, he’s had a two round window to step up his game well enough before the momentum starts getting sucked away from him, which is more than most get, let’s see what he can do. We transition to Krypto, who must pick his opponent. Yep.

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Match 4;

Barbosa vs El Califa Dragon – Barbosa vs Mini Burna

Barbosa. . . Playing ball with someone else?

Seems our resident conspiracy theorist is late to the party with thinking Dragon is Ty, the match was classic Barbosa with perhaps the expected outcome, back and forth and all that jazz with the notable point of Dragon going for the Consecrated Banishment which certainly filled Callahan’s pants full of joy. A clean finish, which is nice, perhaps the right outcome although I thought the RP’s were very close for these two.

Ooh, what are Bowen and Cooper planning? A statement in the ring, you bad mofos.

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Main event;

Action Saxton and Saboteur vs The Empire – Whatever happened to their ever changing ring name? vs The Empire

Rome indeed wasn’t built in a day, as despite attempted aid from The New Church Action Saxton and Saboteur were able to beat Empire in what for me was joint MOTN with Bearded Gents against New Church. I like this because the two most fun teams have advanced all the way and while I put ActSab as the favourites I’d really like to see Bearded Gents really step it up and give them a fight. The Masked Gent certainly has the tools and The Beard is finding his way up there, I am looking forward to the final here.

The Evil Stables suffered another setback here, as TNC got run out by Action Saboteur and Bowen and Cooper were ambushed by Barbosa and S.H.I.T, I said before that I was disappointed with S.H.I.T’s and to a lesser extent Barbosa's lack of activity so far but if this was the plan all along I’ll concede it was for the best. Setting up for the next round with the 6 man tag, S.H.I.T and Barbosa put their differences aside so far, but we’ll see if those two can co-exist with each other and Showtime next round.

Thoughts, well this was the best show of the week, probably because it was the payoff show. I dispute Showtimes comments about it being the best show because of the lack of guest writers in the discussion thread, as I think some of the guest writers upstage certain members of creative in match writing skills. This was the best because of the storylines coming together in the way that they did, and all in all was probably the most concise of the three shows and didn’t leave me scratching my head or rolling my eyes even once.

Good job.
Meltdown Madness 85 Review

Okay here we go.


-So we open with Big Dave and the only thing of relevance he says is that "there are no qualifies for this year's Lethal Lottery only entrants will be at the discretion of WZCW management. Which brings me to ask does this mean creative gets to choose who gets to be in the match? If so I have to ask how they plan to do this. Looking at the roster thread there is a little over 30 characters minus whoever is in the world title match, I assume they will be saving spots for surprise entrants. I'll let them explain this when the time comes but hopefully they do it soon.

- Holmes interrupts, goes on the usual tirade about how he doesn't like Dave, he beat Triple X, he's #1 contender, etc.

- Showtime interrupts him, talks about how he's the best, World Champion, catering the crowd etc. Dave interrupts them both and announces the World title match on Aftershock between Show, Celeste, and Saboteur.

-Overall it's the usual Meltdown opening with Big Dave and whatever two creative members are feuding for the belt. Glad to see a title match is taken place even though it's probably going to be Show or for a real shock Saboteur winning it. No offense to Ech or his RP this week, just bad luck for him to put out the RP he did when he earns a title shot.

Blaze vs Reese

-Not going to be going into detail with the matches, never really been a critic of that.

-Surprised to see the new kid on the block get a win over Connor here. Definitely something to brag about, no real story advancement though, and I don't really care about Remix's vocal RP gripe so nothing to see here really.

-Overall this first match is fine, shame that the first match of the night is a standard nothing interesting on the line type deal though, but hey they can't all be crazy street fights.

-Mikey Stormage now has a backstage segment where he's calling out Mystique again, nothing new to be honest.

Krypto vs The Head of Creative (Sandy Desserts)

-Sucks to lose again, especially when it's conveniently to the newly Head of Creative but I'm not going to cry awful and be subjected to ridicule. That's what those bastards want me to do.

-The match was brutal good fun however.

-Sandy getting a shot at the Mayhem title is interesting, assuming Vega is still champion after this round let's see if Falkon can maneuver his way into championship gold.

-Overall and pointless kidding aside I'm fine with this, as I've said in the Discussion thread it will be fun writing what I've got planned due to this.

-By the way is it just me or is the Runn/Reese segment a complete rip off of this John Morrison/Jericho segment minus the Old lady thing?


Chris KO segment/Vs. Alex Bowen

-Titus is gone for the time being unfortunately, only thing I got out of the in-ring segment.

-KO beat Bowen in a predictable match, once again no offense to Phatso, just easy to see these things coming now.

-Blaze, Hunter, and Thrash have a backstage segment. Looks like a Thrash/Hunter feud is brewing, get your tickets for this show stealing Kingdom Come match while their hot!

Ricky Runn vs Mikey Stormage

-This match was good, really good even, I like violent matches.

-Mystique shows up at the end of the match to stare down Stormage in their usual song and dance to end the show.

-Overall it was a fun match, decent show, hopefully Ascension has more substance to be honest. This show just felt like it was missing something but I think the purpose of this round was the have everything cool happen on Aftershock or something.
Meltdown Madness 85 Review:

Opening segment

It was a nice little segment featuring WZCW's resident big wig, and it was a neat way to introduce the unique rules to the Lethal Lottery this year though it does raise some questions.

The roster for WZCW is 31 members on a good day, and to have a match with 30 whole people would be dangling out one poor soul from the match. It is also a bit upsetting to see that Lethal Lottery qualifying matches are gone and instead end up being at the choice of creative on who gets in the match. Granted, it seems like everyone will be in the match but last year there was a lot of fun in the cards having people trying to win number 30. (Like what Baller did last year, and as a result he was writing up some pretty solid stuff.)

Oh well, moving on.

The Holmes/Showtime segment was alright, but it felt a bit underwhelming with the announcement of the Triple Threat match at Aftershock. Which to me, is more of a draw than the Holmes/Showtime match, if only that we might see a chance of Celeste grabbing her first gold, or Saboteur reaching the coveted brass ring.

Brent Blaze vs Conner Reese

Now this where creative got a ton of flack from Remix, because according to Remix, his character this week went through a promo that made it evident he wouldn't speak, or some jazz like that.

(Also side note, I don't know if it was suppose to be an error on Reese's behalf, but Dave said that)

and furthermore, from this point forward, there will be no qualifies for the match.

(From the sound of that, it seems to me that both Ricky and Conner won their spot in the Lottery, so I don't think Reese would worry about that, right?)

The match itself was alright, writing a heel vs heel match could be tough but it was a great effort to work them together in a match that made sense.

At the start, I wasn't too sure about having Blaze try to grab a quick win over a fellow heel. What good would that have done, getting heat for cheating a heel who has cheated in the past as well? I know it ended in a two fall but a heel cheating to win over another heel just doesn't do it for me.

This might be a comment more for IHW than it is for creative, but where exactly is Blaze in the alignment chart? He's a heel, but he seems to care about the fans opinion and what they think of him. I thought his gimmick was that he has fans and that they can't help but cheer for him, yet when someone is cheering for him he get's all befuddled and confused?

Match Grade: D+

Mikey Stormrage Segment

I call gimmick infringement if only because Ricky is the one who screws up sayings like Friend or Foe

All the rest though was solid in showing some of the tougher side to a character who is mainly goofy and half-hearted. It also builds up the feud against Grand Mystique, just in case anyone thought it was over.

Sandy Deserts vs Krypto

Ooo neat, a Mayhem Contenders match, this should be fun.

Man poor Krypto took a fucking pounding this match didn't he? I think after a match like this, it would be fair to show how the match was voted on, because if it wasn't the roulette rounds, you would have thought Krypto broke every single rule of the RP rulebook. He had a few shining moments against Sandy, and for a moment you would have thought he would have pulled out an upset, not the case.

Can Sandy end Vega's streak? One can hope, all we can really hope for is that it will be an entertaining read.

Match Grade C+

Runn/Reese segment

I won't pretend like I listen to Remix's vocal RP's completely, and whether or not that is a bad thing is completely different subject, but this segment was pretty amusing.

Where did Ricky push this woman? The pits of jobbers hell? Don't get me wrong, I love bad luck Ricky, but that part of the segment had that Tom and Jerry feel to it.

Runn was written pretty damn well, I like to think Reese was written as according to Remix, but like I said earlier, I don't listen to the full play of his vocal RP's so who knows what I missed.

Oh hamburgers.

Titus/Chris K.O segment

Yes Lee, someone read this segment. :P

When I worked with Numbers, one of the biggest conflicts we had was the spelling differences when it comes to thinks like savior and saviour. When it is written like saviour, I always imagine a British guy saying it, or at least someone is speaking in a British accent. It isn't a knock at you Lee, nor is it really something that demands changing, but that is just my two cents.

Titus announces his hiatus from the fed during a heel promo from his rival? That's a rather odd time to do it, don't yeah think so?

"I beat Titus at All or Nothing"

"Ohh yeah mate, well guess what?"


"I'm going on vacation."

You see what I mean where it just comes off as awkward? Though it is a nice little surprise to have K.O injure Titus, once you return to the fed you will already have yourself a nice feud ready for your return.

K.O vs Alex Bowen

What, no gimmick match this time of round?

For a quick finishing move, it is surprising how many times Chris K.O misses with it. If it were a real sword, you would think Chris would have chopped off his own arm or poked out an eye by now. I get wanting to build up suspense by dodging the finisher, but I think you would get the same effect with a signature, right?

Other than Chris who seemed like he had the visual acuteness of a bat, it was a solid match that gave two heels a solid back and forth. Further building momentum for a once staggering Chris K.O.

I know I said earlier a heel cheating to win against another heel doesn't really work all that well to gain heat, but it was a good choice considering if you want to make the Empire look strong despite the loss. Good showing from both men.

Match Grade: B

Dustin/Blaze/Thrash segment

Yellowwwwwwww fonttttttttttttt

Here I was thinking Runn and Stormrage were the only dudes in the bag who had a non tag-team bromance. It is obvious that Hollywood Nightmare and IHW are buddies, so them tagging in the fed would make some sense. Or at least it will if they go down that route.

Thrash is smiling when talking to the heel who attacked him from behind? Weird.

Runn vs Stormrage

Sweet Mary Balls of fire, we got ourselves a street fight.

I wonder who it will be between....


Runn and Mikey are in the Main-Event tonight, and who would have thought that Mikey's segment from earlier was foreshadowing?

I love the bit with the "For Lucky" T-Shirt, it is nice to feel you guys are reading my stuff and I also need to thank Barbosa here for originally working this into Ricky's gimmick.

These two are not going to goof off this match are they? The last time they were in the ring they were doing matrix flips and airplane spins.

Wait what the fuck, what is Vega doing on my T.V screen? NWO Takeover!?

Oh no, he's just gloating.

So he's defending his title on Ascension? Sweet, so might be facing someone different if someone got lucky on the draw and dethroned the king of Mayhem.

Moving on.

I think I will work in the Miz style flying clothesline to Ricky's move-set. Seeing as he is a spot monkey it'll make for an easier transition to any high placed spots you guys want to use.

Man Runn is being manhandled by the fatter bigger foe, he's going to need some equalizer if he wants to stay in this match.

A trash can will work.

In a battle if you want to use wits vs strength, it helps to actually have some wits (unlike Runn) though granted it seems his wrestling instinct is far sharper than his clumsiness outside of the ring. After throwing trashcans were ineffective, using one to psych out Mikey was pretty damn cool.

The ladies go wild for Runn, neat. Too bad women these days when they get near Ricky tend to get hit by meteors.

After Ricky was dragging Mikey's fat ass around the backstage they end up in the garage with what I presumed to belong to either Ricky, or Darren Bull (those one beer cans can really mess you up). Rick seemed to have control over the match until Mikey uses his ****** strength to break.

Ricky seems to love trashcans more than people love calling Thrash, trash.

Taking Mikey to the shitty car was a bad move in hindsight, as he gets clobbered to death on that thing before he counters with a facebuster.

Yup, that car had to belong to Darren Bull, who's stupid enough to leave the keys in the ignition anyway?

Wait Ricky is going to try and murder his friend isn't he?


As awesome as a spot as the car was, Mikey was able to pull it out and end up making Ricky's strange fascination with trashcans a deep regret as Mikey uses one to beat Ricky out cold for the three count.

Considering these two tried to murder each other on a car, I don't think it was a respectable bout between two faces that are friends, both of them wanted to win, and I think the two are big enough to understand the business comes first, but I don't think using a car as a weapon is respectable. Just my two cents on that.

Match Grade: B+ (Match of the night)

(Overall Grade: 8/10) It was a fantastic show all around with only minor kinks keeping it from being a 9/10 in my book. It tied up any loose ends from All or Nothing and it did a damn good job starting up and continuing new feuds even with the madness that is the random roulette rounds. Let's see what Ascension brings.
Opening segment- Congrats Harthan, and welcome to the short list of people who have successfully written Saxton and Saboteur.

Smith/Myles Promo- The Overlast return was a cool bit at the end… but how can Myles send Smith to a grocery store for a match? What if he spun an empty arena match? Isn’t the roulette wheel the GM for this round of shows? I thought the Smith promo was kind of generic, but I did like parts of it, particularly the part about how he was kind enough to grace the arena with his presence even though Rush didn’t.

Flynn vs. Grand Mystique Ladder Match- I thought this was a very well done match. Most of Flynn’s offense came from intelligent wrestling, and that’s exactly what suits his character. What I liked even more was how he got virtually no offense in based on strength, an area where Mystique dwarfs him. The match was quick, clean, and got the point across: Grand Mystique is a big bad dude. Nothing wrong with bringing Stormrage out to keep the feud hot, either.

Showtime segment- Cocky, but in an amusing way: exactly what we like to see from Showtime. And I feel you Klamor, I can’t wait either, but we’ve got at least one more match, and I’m betting it’s got my boy Action Saxton involved!

Tag Team Grocery Store Brawl- Wow, I guess Chuck Myles is really lucky to predict the roulette wheel like that.

One thing I will say off the bat is that the logistics of this match are confusing. In every grocery store I’ve ever been in the dairy section is a long way away from the checkouts, so it seems illogical that Saxton and Smith got there so quickly. A wrestling ring is a known commodity, but it’s harder for the reader to figure out the geography of your imaginary grocery store.

I will say that the spots ranged from hilarious (Beard in the freezer, Saxton punching through the cereal aisle) to vicious (Hunter choking Beard with the mop) to all sorts of uncomfortable (the lobster pinching the frozen nipples of Beard was… strange), and I loved Klamor’s enthusiasm throughout the match. Sad mah boy Saxton didn’t win, but a fun match nonetheless.

Main event- I’m writing this in stream of consciousness, and I want to say that I just started reading this and my heart is already beating a little quicker than usual! The build throughout the show has been dynamite!

Nice job playing the three personalities off each other at the beginning of the match. Celeste is certainly the cool quiet type, but you know what they say about those types…

I don’t know what it is with you people and making Saboteur into an imaginary human ragdoll, but there must be something to it because it seems like every match writer enjoys seeing Saboteur go flying at sometime or another. That’s not to say that he isn’t wont to do so.

FalKon always did have his own unique way of writing Saxton. It’s not exactly how I’d do it, but it can certainly provide a few chuckles.

The Stephen Holmes watching bit is so very ominous. He and Saboteur have had very limited interaction, so what the heck is he so interested in Saboteur for?

The bromance of Saxton and Saboteur has been the most heartwarming thing WZCW has ever done. I mean, my knowledge of WZCW history doesn’t go past Saboteur’s debut, but this is pretty heartwarming stuff. Oh, and I grow increasingly anxious as this match goes on.

Crazy good ending, even if the wrong man won. In all seriousness though, I’m not sure if that was a great match or if I was just so emotionally invested that I am overrating it, but I found that match wildly enjoyable. The spots were terrific and I loved Saxton’s involvement. The Holmes/Celeste bit is a little confusing, but I assume that will be clarified in future episodes of WZCW programming.

I didn't do match grades or show grades. I'll just tell you that I liked almost all of the show except for the problems with the grocery store brawl that I already pointed out. Other than that though, solid stuff.
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Lethal Lottery

- poor Ricky. His bad luck continues to drag himself and others down with him. I know this gimmick was sort of foisted on Pancake without his consent but I think it has worked well for even when Ricky is not winning he gets a silly segment because unsurprisingly, Creative enjoys finding creative ways of using that gimmick for comic effect.

- It is also nice to see someone else with something approaching a catchphrase - "Oh hamburgers." Get WZCW Merchandise on that immediately. The Ricky Runn Hamburger would sell in big numbers - what is unlucky about it? It is either really a hotdog or it does not have any meat in it at all. Or through an unfortunate string of events that took place when Ricky visited the factory, it contains a strong laxative. Hey... there is an RP in that for Pancake!

- much like the Royal Rumble, the numbers section always intrigues me. I am assuming that because only #7, #13 and #8 are listed as winning entrants means that one of them was won from twice?

- the excellent run of graphics continues as well as the good choices of music.

Action Saxton and Saboteur def. The Bearded Gentleman and The Four Faces/BarboSHIT/Barbed Wires/Technosa to win the WZCW World Tag Team Championship
- much like everyone else, I found this too close to call on both an RP and a kayfabe level. I suppose you could argue that BarboSHIT were the favourites coming in having beaten both their opponents and brought down the Empire but that does not mean very much.
- if I had one criticism of the match, it was that I found it a little short or maybe more accurately I found the ending a little abrupt.
- otherwise, I had no issues with this as once again my own character is made to look like a monster despite being no bigger than Kurt Angle, SaboSax regain their tag titles
- I'd like to think that even though we have had to say cheerio to the Empire and seemingly to the Bearded Gents (Grizzly Bob vs the Beard anyone or even the invention of Grizzly Beard as a team?), that my original plan to aid the tag team division by joining up with SHIT has come to some fruition, especially now with the additions of CoC and Natural Selection, the seeming return of Strikeforce, the bolstering of TSA and the continued greatness of SaboSax.

- Holmes having to play on a level play field? Yeah right

Drake Callahan def. El Califa Dragon in a Mexican Death Match
- never been a fan of Last Man Standing/Texas Death Matches myself. I think they undermine the idea of pinning your opponent being difficult. Would have rather seen a straight No-DQ match myself, although it still produced a decent match for what would seem to be the end of this feud with Drake's exploits later in the match
- as I have said already, the over-telegraphing of Ty's return has bugged me a little; I know I suggested the whole fore-shadowing of Ouija Scroll wielding menace but I think that the line was crossed into full on spoiling of what might have been a surprise.

- was that Saboteur use of POOP a mention of Manic Barbosa's calling SHIT "Poo"? If it was, good; if not, then Miko and I continue to be disappointed.

- Mikey has a friend? A friend that will help him when times are tough? Let us find out with...

- hey there is Triple X! Why isn't he defending his title?

Mikey Stormrage vs The Grand Mystique in a Steel Cage Match
- unlike others, I had no problem following what was going on but I do think Creative crammed a little too much into one scenario - the match itself, the redebut of DC, the return and then turn of Jacobs, the abduction and attempted brainwashing of Mikey and then the return of Howard - Kermit suggests that there might have been a little too much asked for by the participants and maybe all involved could have had used a little more coordination between them
- the story itself is not bad at all. I just think Creative over-stretched and perhaps even hot-shotted it. You have to remember that there is quite a bit of time between LL and KC and there was more than enough there to fill out a round or two. I would almost have held off on the return/turn of Jacobs for a while and have Howard save Mikey (although remain unseen), which would have removed the question of why did Howard not come out to help Mikey during his abduction rather than wait until his return during the Lottery?
- to be honest though, that is only a minor criticism - "Hey Creative, you are trying to be too creative" - except maybe was there an actual winner of the match?

- Chris is smitten once more

- Smith vs Rush. My prediction has already been made.

Steven Holmes def. Showtime Dave Cougar to become the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion
- I have absolutely no problem with Holmes winning or how it went down - it actually reminded me somewhat of my request to Ty about when Barbosa won the title - make it as heelish/cowardly as possible and I think the outside interference suited Holmes down to the ground
- my concern over the use of Celeste still remains though. Creative and Ech need to be careful about how they play that as Celeste could easily become nothing other Holmes' lip-locking arm candy rather than a Chyna-type bodyguard who continues on her own competitive path.
- just a quick mention of Showtime stepping down as I am going to miss his match writing. Easily one of my favourites, probably up alongside Ty. Certainly did a fantastic job with Barbosa/SHIT.

- interesting development with the KFAD; a bit disappointed that it looks like my idea has not been used though... well, not that disappointed. I could not get everything I asked for during my brief Creative stint.

- hey there's Vega! Why isn't he defending his title?

Drake Callahan wins the Lethal Lottery
- early start for Drake; he has no chance now, although his BFF is already in the ring
- not a good night for Masque
- the right usage of a returning Jacobs even if I think it was rushed
- Alhazrypto might even trump SaboSax and BarboSHIT for utter silliness... oh wait, they are both gone
- I won't say much more on the Ty return as I essentially wrote the outline of Chris KO as #1 (although I had him demand it rather than be forced into it) and the dual Califas. I might have been tempted to have Chris KO and Ty exit the match a lot sooner too to make it more obvious if the feud is going to be between them - although that way we would not have gotten the interactions between Ty and his past associates/opponents.
- Drake was right but also wrong
- knowing that Howard was returning did not detract from it at all.
- DC causing a lot of bother on his return
- nice cameo from Grizzly Bob - I also refer to my suggested team of Grizzly Beard from earlier...
- Barbosa actually appears in a Lottery that he was meant to participate in. Doesn't prevent him from continuing his annual killing session though
- Vega vs Triple X? Yes, please
- SHIT, Barbosa and Ty's staredown was rather nifty
- Blade vs Vega? Yes, please
- even though I had figured it out (I had asked Coco if Kravinoff could appear at Barbosa's birthday party and he rebuffed me saying that he was being used by someone else), Kravinoff returning was great, especially Barbosa's reaction to it - his two great allies/opponents returning in the same match
- I made no secret of my want for Rush to win the Lottery and go on to face Showtime at KC and also said that if Holmes won the title, there was no obvious challenger from a kayfabe stand point, which definitely made the Lottery more intriguing
- no problem with Drake winning but it was hardly the big change that had been mentioned and I am most certainly in the anti-heel vs heel camp for the KC title match so Creative will have something to do regarding the main even scene. For my money, neither Holmes noe Drake should be sacrificed with a forced heel turn. As triple threat with Showtime or maybe even a four way with Showtime and Celeste is the way to go, even if it does mean going against the "tradition" of a 1 on 1 title match.
I promised to do this and I hate that this is my first one.

Lethal Lottery 5

A fantastically funny intro with Ricky and a great numbers package.

I can see Barbosa’s point about the tag title match being brief. Looking at it on the screen, it looks short. I know match length is rarely if ever dictated and quite rightly so but I would say that this would have benefitted from another paragraph or two of action. However, every match on the show is pretty epic and this probably has the least feud-like build so brevity is not a major issue.

Nice and logical segment with Dave and Holmes.

I’ve enjoyed the feud with Dragon and Drake. After a MOTY candidate at AoN, this brutal encounter would be the perfect ending. This had good length and although the amount of near falls was a disappointment, I can see the logic as these two were shown as near equals.

Mikey / GM is another very well written match. The action so far has been great and this continued through the show. I’ll take some blame on the ending as some time had passed on Yaz and I discussed. I don’t think it matters in the long run. Quite frankly, the fuss about the bazooka was ridiculous and a couple of members took it upon themselves to exaggerate things way too much. I thought that bit was handled brilliantly. I am not keen on the part Jacobs played at all. I don’t understand why he had to show himself as an ally of TSA. But the result played itself exactly as planned, giving us massive build for KC which will have a winner. Plenty of positives outweigh a couple of minor negatives for me but definitely not enough to stop this beast of a feud moving along.

I enjoyed the WHC match, the title change was written really well. This whole situation was handled well enough that I can ignore what I thought was really poor build into this. While the Celeste thing was clever, I still maintain that the snog was out of character.

The lack of KFAD was a big announcement deserving of the hype. I hope the tournament lives up to its’ billing but for me a lot of it depends on its size and the entrants. I hope it’s treated as an anyone-can-win situation.

I can understand the point of no title defences for Vega and X. Probably in a no win situation here. A small nitpick is that maybe X should have got the same kind of interview? The assault of Showtime was very well done.

I enjoyed the LL match. Every significant superstar got a big moment. The Ty/Califa thing has been planned for ages and I can only assume it went exactly as planned. The TSA/Mikey story rightly dominated the middle act and the events should play a big part in the KC feud. I especially loved how DC helped take out Mikey.

The ending didn’t disappoint either. Massive drama with all the big names going out, it was written excellently throughout but this was top notch. If the ordering was random then it definitely lent itself to the story that played out.

My main negative: Some really bad spelling mistakes that should have been caught. If the show was sat on for some time, then there were some errors that would have been caught. There were also some formatting mistakes that could have been caught with some quick editing.

I do wish that the delay had been handled a little better but I suspect there was a big reason for it coming out so late. I speculated that it was due to a surprise (and maybe inconvenient) outcome and I think I was right. I would be surprised if it was because of late votes. You guys know how important it is to get things up by a certain time but it is normally easier for a PPV, well any PPV that isn’t the LL. I guess it would have been worse if some of us had to RP twice.

This was a really good show, not without faults or controversy (and my biggest gripe isn’t going to be aired here - what a waste huh?) but generally pretty well written and handled on the road to KC. If I wasn’t psyched for this cycle before, I am now.
All-Stars 3


* It's official - Saboteur is the face of All-Stars. This makes it the third instalment we've seen him be apart of (Wrestler; Commentator; Announcer).
* Good to see Blade & Blade get the commentary spot. I'm counting the amount of times these guys make Blade's mum jokes.
* ... All-Star by Smash Mouth... really guys?
* Not sure if Saboteur teleported from the backstage area to the ring or stayed backstage to make the opening announcement.

Analysis - Very quick but this show is about the characters and the matches, not the segments.


Cooper vs. Reynolds

* I liked the transition between Saboteur to the Blade(s). Following build up for the match was as good as you could hope for considering the disappointing no-show.
* Here comes the Rubbish Rainbow - not the awesome kind, though. I've been in one of those at a Lamb of God concert and it was great.
* Definitely Saboteur as the announcer. He doesn't sound like an Anderson or a Truman so far, which is good. Thumbs up!
* More Cooper humiliation with the peeing and the self-knock out.
* How does Reynolds end up with pee on himself? Isn't a five-star frog splash normally delivered to the upper body?
* ... and the crying, fetal position. How pathetic is Cooper!
* Saboteur has a new colour (or lack of)
* ... and more garbage & a recap. K.

Analysis - As I said previously, for a no-show on what was the "hyped" match for the card, this was the best anyone could hope for. No rating.


Segment 1A

* Umm... what intern from earlier? From Red Skull's RP, I'm assuming?
* Classic Klamor
* That cup is scary.

Segment 1B

* Joe Mason, being politically-correct? Heh...
* Not an over-the-top Ricky Runn which we normally see. Intentional or not, I appreciated the touch since All-Stars brings out the weird side in people. Runn being serious is weird.
* Blade's mum joke numero #1

Analysis - Nice filler segments. Nothing more.


Tag Team Action #1

* Saboteur has a third colour? Well, he does break the fourth wall a lot so who cares?
* Here comes the barrage of jobbers! I'm loving that this is a thing.

Analysis - Yep, straight into this one. This was a good solid match but apart from the involvement of the posse, this felt like a regular match. Not that it's a bad thing but normally, All-Stars throws the physics and etiquette books out the window and we create things in a match that we wouldn't see because it's too unrealistic. Sure, I had a couple of chuckles with Jameson eating the microphone & Blade's commentary but it felt too... normal.

Post-match felt too short and I thought the entrances could have used a bit of commentary.


Coffee Cup Match!

* Nice way to write off another no-show. Love how his original opponent was the man who to do so. The song was the cherry on top. Good selection.

* Mark Madden's entrance was well-done.
* Both men having mic's? That's an interesting twist on a match that already has my interest.
* O2 Arena? This isn't Apocalypse!
* How can the crowd be annoyed at Walter's mannerisms! I'd be laughing if I were the crowd. Stupid IWC. Show 'em Mark!
* Madden does a hurricanrana, impresses the fans enough for a cheer and then Madden tells them to go fuck themselves. Excellent idea to have these guys wired up.
* That cup is doing some damage!
* A triple threat match... and now we've lost feed. It's okay, Blade & Blade have got this... oh, I just realised how screwed we are...

Analysis - My favourite match thus far! This is what I'm expecting from an All-Stars match. A heated verbal physical discussion with the wacky cup somehow competing. I especially enjoyed Blade describing what happened during the feed cut-out so we can use our imagination. Great work on this one.


Fatal Four Way!

* I don't understand the Boston Strong character so forgive me if I critique.
* Saboteur has become normal... this isn't good
* Oh... know I get Boston strong. He's from Boston and he's strong... okay...

Analysis - Again, another solid match that would be good for regular television and not for All-Stars. The Boston Strong gimmick was heavily emphasised and after all the beatings/him getting taken out, I knew he was going to be the winner. Pretty predictable. The other characters... well, they were just other characters. The supernatural elements were there (Recoome/Monroe) but weren't capitalised on - a little shocked that there wasn't any DBZ Abridged references.


My Match!

* The coffee cup strikes again... and the intern again. Was this supposed to happen before the first coffee cup segment or was this supposed to be an indication that the coffee cup will continue its terror on an everlasting cycle?

* Saboteur is back to his quirky self! Yay!
* Runn on commentary? I'm flattered! Good interaction between Blade/Runn as well.
* Blade's mum joke #2
* Liking how Pinkie's being used.
* Blade's mum joke #3
* I didn't know the Italians memorised Pinkie's favourite song. Good to know... although, the Italian version of MLP has an epic opening song so it makes sense.

Analysis - The commentary was awesome and Pinkie's "wrestling" made this match. I felt Tiffany was a bit under-used here, especially as Pinkie sang the entirety of a song for what felt like most of the match. However, I enjoyed it - not because of the win but because this was a match that was out of the ordinary. Good match.


Extreme DDR!

* I can't wait for 3013! Although, I'm pretty sure Hollywood Jameson has achieved the boob trident so I'm very sceptical.

Analysis - I can imagine how difficult a match like this would be to write, considering all people would be doing is dance and whilst it was enjoyable, it felt a little serious... almost as serious as WWE's attempts to do talent shows. Don't twist my words here - WWE's attempts are horrible and our version is a million times better but it felt like something was missing. Still, it was good. Don't know about the lack of Blade commentary though and I half expected Saboteur to win the match after attacking Michael Jacksons' reanimated corpse and dancing to the beat himself.

* Oh, and Blade's mum joke #4


Final Match!

* Yaz vs. Kermit... the real Cooper vs. Reynolds. Good choice for main event.
* "Mass homicide is far more acceptable than hitting a guy in the balls"... brilliant! Let's hope Jessie Lynn doesn't read this. She won't understand. #malepeopleproblems
* Blade/Blade commentary is awesome here.
* Here we go... All-Stars mayhem... and we destroyed the Coliseum? Well shit...

Analysis - The third match that was more suited for regular television but, in saying that, considering the ending and the fact that this was the final match on the card, I'll be more forgiving. The felt more PPV quality than TV quality and the commentary made up for the seriousness of the match. Solid showing and the ending is very All-Stars worthy.



This wasn't the event I was expecting it to be concerning how the matches were written. For the most part, the stuff that was included in the matches was something I'd expect from regular television and that's not a good thing to say as this is the one event of the year that requires people to go silly. For the range of characters we had enter All-Stars this year, I didn't feel the silliness was reciprocated. This is my main criticism about the show.

I liked how, for the most part, the announce team was generally enjoyable and fit right into their characters. This was the most executed part of the show and I'm glad that this was written well. You can't have Saboteur & the Blade/Blade phenomena lacking in the comedic department. It happened a few times but nobody's perfect, right?

Grammar & spelling was great for the most part, didn't notice any errors there... there were a couple of mistakes or weirdly-worded sentences (is that a thing?) but forgiveable. Flow of the show was relatively well although I was expecting a few more segments. The ones we had were good but they didn't have that kick that I've seen us deliver on regular shows.

A lot of the characters were written (almost) perfectly but I did notice that a few were neglected. I saw a lot of potential for someone like Recoome to give this huge generic wrestling spiel (since that is how he is portrayed in the show that Killjoy chose to base Recoome off). However, characters like Pinkie Pie and the Boston Strong guy were done to how they were specified.

My Favourite Bit: Coffee Cup Match - This had everything I was hoping for in an All-Stars show. It was quirky, funny, and well-written. The commentary was excellent and the added feature of having the two guys verbally abuse each other was awesome. I was honestly shocked to see Mark Madden do a hurricanrana, despite that I read the application and was discussed prior to the show. I knew to expect Mark Madden as a hi-flier but the writing of the match got me so into it that I really was shocked to see it. This is how you write a match, as stupid as a coffee cup match might sound.

Biggest Pet Peeve: Not enough comedic/stupid stuff - This is what made All-Stars, All-Stars... and to read the entire show with some sections heavily lacking in that department was a let-down. I felt disappointed after reading a couple of matches and see hardly anything go down. But for the stuff that was quirky, for the most part, was very enjoyable.

And only four Blade's mum's jokes? C'mon man, Blade's mum can take much more than four.
Meltdown 96


A good start to the show - Ricky Runn was well-written and concise. His words didn't take up much of our time and although it should probably be more for a World title feud, there are only so many things Ricky can say in the one speech before becoming repetitive. Well done.

I'm not sure what to think of Mr. Banks sicking Barbosa on Ricky Runn and then applauding it. Banks has been all over the shop and I have no idea what to think of him yet. Something's coming, I can feel it. If I'm right, this has been great anticipation because I'd like to see the end-game of Banks' defining moment. If not, terrible writing.

Why is Copeland's dialogue not blue?


Saboteur vs. Fallout

Nothing much I can say about the match apart from the lack of choosing a referee to officiate the match. There was a ref but their identity was unknown. However, it was a solid match that made Fallout look good whilst giving Saboteur the victory. Fallout definitely deserves the attention. Great choice for an opener.

The bit at the end of the match could have probably be given a few more lines of text. Considering how short it is, I feel a lot of people could have skipped over it. Something like this should alert the reader by using the commentators saying:

Cohen: Fallout had his moments, but he made rookie mistakes and telegraphed too many moves. If Saboteur plans to stay on top he will need to step it up against more seasoned tal-

Copeland: Wait a minute, who's that approaching Saboteur?

As Saboteur celebrates, hugging the ref...

Or, we can have a small paragraph about Saboteur celebrating right after the bell had rung. Then the commentators talk as they did in the show before transitioning into an extra paragraph, detailing the events.

It's these little things that make the segment seem much more powerful and attention-grabbing. If you're going to include a segment like that at the end or during a match, make sure to snap the reader's concentration and almost put up a sign saying "hey, look over here."


Krypto & Ricky Runn Segments

Missy's dialogue colour is very hard to read.

No complaints with how either Krypto or Missy were written, nor that we are getting a possible wedding (a first for WZCW?) in the near future.

Ricky Runn's mini-segment was good too for a filler.

Two things:

1) Try to be consistent with your colours. In this segment, it was Saboteur orange and in the opening it was violet. It'd be nice if we could associate one character with one colour if they are going to be repeated in multiple segments. It's hard to manage but one quick look over the show at the end is easy enough to spot. However, this isn't as important as the next point.

2) Why are these segments done right before their match? I'm having a hard time picturing both Krypto & Ricky doing their segments and then instantly teleporting to the ring. My rule for characters involving in segments & matches = keep them one post apart.

For example: Opening (1st post); Saboteur vs. Fallout, Krypto segment, RR segment (2nd post); Krypto vs. Ricky Runn (3rd post)

The break in posts gives us the illusion that a commercial break has happened and that, to me, makes much more sense than having the segments occur right before the match.​

If you do have segments right before/after a match that involves the same characters, put up something in-between the break them up, such as manually writing a commercial break (posting a Old Spice ad) or putting up a filler segment. At the very least, make sure that you position the segment happening backstage very close to the gorilla position.​

Little things that make the show flow more smoothly is what you want.


Ricky Runn vs. Krypto

Again, another solid match. Good work here.

I liked how the YOLO Roll & Rolling Saucer were compared by the commentators, especially in Cohen's condescending tones.

Another issue on consistency - the first match had italicised the "pre/post" match descriptions whereas the match was done in normal font. This match, it was normal font all the way. It has been brought up before and I noticed it on creative as well but from out here, picking a consistent format would work. When I looked over the show, I never really minded but as a reader, it gets confusing. Picking a consistent format for matches will help people read the shows easier.


Porkpie Segment

Good filler segment. Made me chuckle, annoyed Bateman, Saboteur being Saboteur when Saboteur isn't around to be Saboteur. The colour choice for Porkpie is acceptable but you're nearing the line of which colours are hard to read.


Kurtesy vs. XXX

This is getting really repetitive but good match.

There was a big chunk where the commentators fell silent. Also, I cannot help but notice that Keith Morse has officiated two out of three contests (although the third contest has an unknown referee). You've got six ref's - try switching it up because I noticed that I used to use Keith Morse or Elizabeth Prince as my go-to-refs when I was writing.

Personally, I was a little concerned when I didn't see anything post-match that hinted towards building feuds that both men are in and it ended like nothing was happening. It got fixed on the later shows but I felt this was the opportune moment to continue at least one of these feuds.


Warren interview

I was liking the segments happening prior to the matches (it was a nice touch than just adding them after the match like we used to do) but I felt this was one of the segments that could've happened at the end of the previous post. Warren does an interview and then it almost gives off the vibe that she teleported to the ring... almost.

The way it was written, after you read it, gave some explanation.


6 Man Tag Team

Another solid match... well, as good as half the opponents not showing up can get. I liked the added bell sound and chants. It gives an extra dynamic to the match. Akiyama being the ref also made a lot of sense.

The lack of bold text for the commentators disturbs me. It always has... again, consistency.



Solid show - matches & opening were well written and the segments were good filler. The overall bulk of the show was good and that's what earned you the rating.

However, as I've been saying throughout the review, these shows need consistency and a structure to make it run more smoothly. Use the same format, create a show template and go from there.

The lack of storylines and angles also got me worried. This is your flagship show - why is there very little storylines moving forward? The Barbosa/Ricky Runn opener was great but apart from that, what else was there? A few mentions here and there during the matches but that's it.

I will say though - much better than last set of shows... much better.
Meltdown 100


I'm quite surprised the segment I wrote was positioned as the first moment on Meltdown 100. To be honest, I was expecting a huge elaborate introduction featuring a short video package (written, of course) about Meltdown's history with Banks/Myles/Bateman discussing things in the ring with some legends such as Everest or Steamboat Ricky.

I'm flattered that what I wrote got chosen to kick-start MD100 but I wrote it as if it was going to be inserted somewhere during the middle of the show. Otherwise, I would've wrote a much longer piece.

Seeing Kurtesy "return" is a good idea to start things but with him leaving at the end with nothing following really gives off a slow start to MD.


SHIT vs. Tastic

Wasn't expecting this as the first match.

The match and commentary was done well (I commend Pancake for typing out SHIT with periods every single time) but there were a few small details that got overlooked:

  • No Referee listed
  • Short descriptions for the entrances
  • Not enough hype at the start of the match
  • No official match start

To elaborate on point #3, I felt like this feud could've used a few more lines from the commentators to really beef up the intensity of this match or maybe even a stare-down before the match with the commentators saying something before Tastic starts the match without notice like he did.

If this was a random pairing, this match would've been fine but we've seen these guys go at each other before with some bad blood between them: why not capitalise on that?

I did like the post-match speech very much as it was Matt Tastic through and through but it felt out of place. Again, this was a blow-off match of sorts and further emphasising the end with Tastic celebrating & SHIT leaving without knowing what to do would've done much better. Again, allow the commentators to wrap up things and then use the post-match speech somewhere else on the show as a filler segment.


Vega & Kurtesy Segment

I liked everything about this segment except for the fact that it happened. This came out of nowhere and shocked me a little, leaving me with a few questions:

  • Is Kurtesy actually leaving?
  • Will he be involved with Vega?

It was good just surprised me that it happened. The position on the card was good too. Any later and someone would've questioned why Kurtesy was hanging around.


Elite X Ladder

I was expecting this match to be first as it would've started the broadcast with something exciting.

  • No Referee listed
  • No official match start

Similar to the first match - I had to figure out that the bell was rung in the background and that there is a referee officiating the match. I know the ref's aren't crucial to the match but for all I know, this could've been an unsanctioned bout. I'm not asking you to make a sign saying "We've started the match now, idiots" but I do expect you to at least acknowledge the presence of the ref. They have their uses.

Also, a big thing for this match: it felt like the match order was jumbled up. I got to the part where Theron got driven into the ladder by Fallout and I was really shocked at how the match ended, especially with the description... then Theron got up quickly and the match continued for a moment before Fallout took him out with a very weak finish... what the fuck?

That match should have ended with Fallout driving Theron into the ladder, have Fallout grab everything and scatter the dice everywhere before dragging his body out. Would've made much more sense and created a better flow. The way it is, it felt like you wrote two matches Yaz and combined the best of both worlds.

To me, it felt like Fallout's match (well-written psychology for Fallout, by the way) and Theron was just another challenger.


Magnitudinis & LMD Segment

Really cool to see the cameo appearance of Holmes & Celeste here as they both deserve to be on Meltdown 100.

I liked the interaction they had with LMD, especially Holmes retaining his cocky heel status and the whole royalty aspect. I love continuity like that.

This segment did it's job to hype up the big tag team match.


LMD vs. Strikeforce

This was a pretty good match.

A lot of the issues in the first two matches are non-existent here although I will say that, like the Ladder match, this was Strikeforce's match to take the lead and LMD were just the opponents. Sure, they won the match and defeated them (and they got a segment before hand) but all the psychology was dedicated to Strikeforce. If you wanted this to be a truly competitive battle, I feel Califa & Warren should have had more interaction with the fans and get into the spirit of the competition rather than just fighting.

The segment afterwards did well enough to put everything in place for Unscripted but I feel a little off-put by how Mikey can go from wrecking shit everywhere to being an emotional wreck. I know that's the idea but to me, it seems like you guys are going for two different extremes here.


Titus vs. Constantine

I certainly didn't pick Constantine but when Dave appeared in the Discussion Thread, I had a hunch he could be one. Still, a great return moment for Constantine.

Match was well done, not really much I can do to complain about this one although I was say, to nitpick, that the pinfall attempts were hard to read. I find they are better as numbers rather than spelling out the actual words. It takes me a few seconds to realise that a cover is being made, even when the text clears states one is taking place... sorry, 1 is taking place.

The lack of an ending gets me though. Something could've gone there to break things up.


Showtime vs. Drake Callahan

I thought so... still a good pairing.

  • No referee listed (although the interactions are great)
  • Little-to-no descriptions for the entrances
  • No spoilers for the "secret" entrant
  • Double spacing & different format

The last point has pro's and con's. Whilst it is very easy to read and follow through, it doesn't match up with the rest of the show. Copeland's colour being the wrong shade of blue is an example of this - you can create a unique format, Killjoy but make sure to be in sync with everyone else. It does detract from the overall show when we have to change how we read things... but this goes for everyone and not just you so don't feel singled out here.

Your match writing skills have improved leaps and bounds since I've departed (and I commend you - these are good matches you're writing) but sometimes, you have missed a couple of things in the match. At the start, it sounds like Callahan just puts Showtime in the corner and for some reason, becomes instantly groggy before hitting a corner dropkick. That's how it reads to me.

Aftermath Segments

The transition between the match and the whole Callahan/Zeus/Beard was completely messed up. Showtime rolled out of the ring and left, then Showtime rolled out of the ring and stayed... um, what? A quick edit to fuse the end of the match to the start of this segment would've sufficed.

However, the segment was well written here. Interesting reveal and it did very well to take this feud to the next level. Nothing else to say here although I feel that the next segment following probably deserved its own post.


Titus/Showtime segment

Yep, it probably deserved its own post.

An intense segment, for sure. Probably the best of the night and it did exactly what it needed to do. Very well executed, not much else to say about it apart from the whole "separate post" thing.


Ty Burna vs. Big Dave

A match that could've been the main event of the show. An excellent show-down between two big legends of WZCW and it was a treat to read. Ty & Phoenix definitely still got it.

The ending segment of embracing and mutual respect does conflict with what happened during the previous shows but these guys are legends and these things happen all the time. The farewell for Dave was cool, I guess. Shame he won't be around any more but I guess a proper NPC should probably fill the void.

And no mention of the referee's name.


Beard/Zeus vs. Saboteur/Stone

Similar to your other match Killjoy when it comes out to watching what you write. This one had a couple of flowing errors and you should make sure when you re-read that they make sense. Apparently Beard jumps off the stage onto the stage and it's 20 feet? I think you meant to say stage to the outside.

Anyway, this was a great match from start to finish. The Izzy spot was wicked and really shows how evil this team can be. The match was a good handicap match for the while until Izzy made a triumphant return which gave me goosebumps.

The post-match stuff was pretty cool as well, even if it made me cringe with the whole Euthanasia thing... but then I realised it's happened before and I was alright.


Mack Attack & Unscripted Ad


Lime green, really?


World Title Street Fight

This feud has really picked up my interest. Good writing guys.

Damn, that end spot though... can't really say much about the match except for again, not mentioning the name of the referee's! Why do we even have that list? Anyway, I enjoyed the match but with a spot like that, how are these guys going to top Unscripted, let alone compete?

The ending was very abrupt though. Not sure what could have gone there but it was abrupt and felt like something should be there.



A lot of great matches and moved forward on a few storylines with the right direction. This show definitely got me interested in viewing Unscripted and the hype train is high for the PPV... but that's also a bad thing. This was supposed to be Meltdown 100 yet it was used to promote Unscripted. If this was a normal Meltdown, this would be an A+ show but I was expecting to have some memory revisits and a lot more cameo appearances from the likes of Everest, Steamboat Ricky... hell, Ace David & Vengeance would've been cool to wish their partners (Big Dave & Ty Burna, respectively) good luck.

This same point also ties in with the lack of segments (+ weird choice of opening & semi-lack of ending). All this show needed was a few old school guys and moments in-between the show and this would've been an excellent show. It was great, don't get me wrong, but it could have achieved maximum potential if you guys recapped on 100 episodes of Meltdown.
Ascension 75

Opening Segment: Triple X, Bateman and Blade.

I personally liked this a lot. I love angles that involve the whole "you can't touch each other" stuff because I think it makes people have to get more creative in their antagonistic ways. I also really like those portions when the villain thinks he's one-upped the hero but then someone from outside goes "ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word." I do have some minor complaints, such as this portion:

"He struts down to the ring and gets inside. He’s handed a microphone."

It's just a minor thing but the "He's handed a microphone" feels jilted in a way. Really, it's a minor, minor complaint.

Same for this part:

"The crowd pops as Blade storms down the ramp and slides into the ring. He gets right in X’s face."

Just don't think the final sentence had to actually be its own sentence.

Opening Match: Stratton vs. Taylor

I'll be honest, I like Stratton but I hate him at the same time. Which is a good thing since he's a heel and since I like heels I like him and his evil ways. But what I hate about him is that I personally feel like I've seen everything in his range of evil. With that said though, I think he could (and probably should) be far more dangerous in the ring. I wasn't surprised that Eve won but I was a bit disappointed that Stratton didn't look a little stronger and only got one attempt at a pin. It wasn't a bad match, just not sure it was as good as it could have been.

Backstage Segment: Cerberus, Hyada and Haven

Alright, so since I wrote this segment it won't be a review but more of a "this is what I was trying to go for."

I wanted everyone to look strong in this without having a clear winner or loser. I wanted to shine a light on the continued teamwork of Cerberus as well as the lack of unity (particularly from Jon's side) between Jon and Haven. I also wanted to put a bit more direct spotlight on Ramparte vs. Jon, which hopefully can ramp up rather than cool down at the Unscripted pre-show.

Tag Team Match: Diabolos/Ilapa vs. Haven/Hyada

There were some things about this match I liked and didn't like. I like how Ilapa, Haven and Hyada appeared; Ilapa put up quite the fight, Haven got to showcase some of his ability and Hyada got to show off more of his MMA training and reveal a bit of hidden personality with the crowd rallying corner punches. What I didn't fully care for was (while it was explained by Haiku in the GD thread) how Jon and Haven seemed to be completely on the same page with no hang ups whatsoever. Even a few subtle things like if Jon and Haven missed a tag, or messed up their timing or a small disagreement of who should start the match would have given a bit of in-match proof that they aren't fully together yet. And it just kind of overall sucks that Diabolos because of a no show was really not that much into the match.

Segment: Goldielocks Owes Me Money (aka Saboteur and the Bear)

Not bad for a chuckle, but honestly this part was just a skim read for me.

Tag Team Match: Cerberus vs. Demon Foreigners

Good match but I have to ask about a few things...

Cuba begs off, as Flex looks to the crowd, and begins the spin to win! He starts to spin around

Cuba tags in his partner Atushi, who jumps over the ropes, sizing up Flex.

...uh, what happened? Did Cuba make the tag while being spun? Did Atushi just jump in and watch Flex as he was spinning his partner?

Atushi gets up, and in a rage, pushes Ramparte into the corner, and starts slapping Ramparte in the face, in a rage.

I think one too many "in a rage"es.

Flex Mussel rushes over to the corner, to try and break up the brawling between his partner and Atushi. Cuba actually enters the ring, to attack Flex, and anarchy brings out in the ring. As the referee attempts to maintain order in the ring, Flex and Cuba start brawling in the ring. Cuba goes for a delayed vertical suplex... But Flex reverses it, and holds Cuba high in the air.

A bit too many "in the ring"s, and anarchy should break out not bring in.

He grabs Flex's head, and sets him up for a reverse DDT, but Flex actually flips Ramparte over his head, and hits a devastating powerslam.

I think you meant Cuba here?

Other from these, I liked the match and thought everyone looked good. Honestly I'd like to see Cerberus kind of exploiting more team based moves, not just them going for the same move on each singular opponent, but actual tag team moves.

Singles Match: Darren Bull vs. Blade

I'm hoping for the awesome day when Darren wins and truly hope I am not the one he beats.

Segment: Bank's Meltdown 100 Hype

Not much to say here, bit of hype for Meltdown 100.

Main Event: Triple X vs. Grizzly Bob + Aftermath

What happened to Bob's introduction?

Honestly, I liked the aftermath of the match more than the match itself. I really dig that kind of stuff from villains, call me crazy, but I love it when the villain is able to do whatever they like with the hero being unable (or unwilling) to do a thing. The match was good, don't get me wrong, but I definitely liked the aftermath portion better because it helps move the Triple X/Blade angle forward in a way I like. I would have enjoyed the match a bit more if Blade had been present during it, which could have let Triple X antagonize him a bit more before the aftermath.

Overall Score: I'd give it a B-.

Favorite Segment: Cerberus, Haven and Hyada

Favorite Match: Cerberus vs. Demon Foreigners
Unscripted 2014 Pre-Show:

The snippets of the Elite X match were fine. I quite liked the slightly in-depth highlights of the ones in Redemption and Apocalypse a little better, but it's OK. It's nice to give Eve Taylor some more time to speak her mind though, as she's a character that's been just kind of there since her debut, but you can see she has potential in her RP's. The interview was well-done.

I love these Daddy Mack vignettes, and I have no idea who's behind it exactly. Keep them up and do something new with them each time.

Constantine segment was a good addition to add suspense.

Young Justice vs Cerberus:
I was looking forward to this match as these guys are excellent teams and this is essentially the number one contenders match. Here are my nitpicks:

Flex flexing his muscles before going for a cover shouldn't have got 2 in my personal opinion, especially as Haven had only just come in.

There were long stretches without any commentary whatsoever, to the point I forget they existed. Make sure to make good use of commentary, it can break up the match quite nicely, and it's a lot more realistic if they speak regularly (but not too regularly of course)

Ramparte slapped Flex's hand whilst not making the tag, which was quite confusing at first. Yeah, I know Ramparte interfered, but try not to make the partners slap one another as it makes me think a tag was made.

I don't think Haven did enough, but that's not horrible considering the heels are supposed to gang up on one of the faces to showcase their stuff.

Other than that, it was a very well-written match that clearly had a lot of effort put into it. I'll give it a B, because whilst the match itself was kind of standard, it was clear that a lot of effort got put into it and there were a lot of big moments involved. Good work, especially considering it was Pre-Show, and it got me hyped for the PPV.

I'll get to reviewing the PPV later. I've got to get my passport photo taken now, which sucks but it's the only way I'll get to Paris.
This is a rare one for me, but I felt the need to give a review because I wasn’t completely impressed by the show, which was a shame. Before I move onto the show itself, I want to get some criticisms I have with some of the things that I've noticed in general and express them now so I don't repeat myself during the review.

General Criticism
  • The first problem with the Unscripted format is that there wasn’t any kayfabe acknowledgement of the voting process and showing the selection. I understand that the polls can negate that for people of the current product, but to anyone who’s new, it doesn’t show why Unscripted is special and makes itself stand out. The loss of any nod to the voting was a significant one right there.

  • I really don’t like this format for the pins:


    Kick out!

    I feel it disrupts the flow of the match and places too much emphasis on the pins. If they’re within the paragraphs, it keeps things going nicely and allows matches to breath.

  • Creative really needs to have a unified approach to all matches so that each writer can make everything flow nicely between each match and segments per show. The fact there's different writing styles for each match can make good and bad writing stand out.

  • I really don’t like the use of the spoiler tags for match endings, especially when there’s 5 of them. Spoiler tags can have their fun moments but they need to be used just once or not at all, this goes with the unified look in the show. You need to keep things nicely consistent between each other because I think that is affecting the product.

  • The same referee was used for four matches in a row, I would recommend that Creative assigns referees to matches so they all know which ref is being used in which match.

  • Big one here but I really need to be vocal about backstage segments, one of my main problems with the shows of late is that there’s a lack of backstage segments. They help make a transition between matches but also helps to tell more of the story that occurs with different matches. At Unscripted, with the exception of the Bob stuff, it took three matches before something happened backstage and you had two big matches taking place during those. You could easily insert an interview with Matt Tastic/Fallout about their match coming up next, or a mini moment with Triple X/Blade before or after the match with EMTs or post-match words. Blade was also featured at the end of Bob segment and it didn’t roll into the next match? That was a bit of poor execution there.

    The only thing that got treatment between matches was the World Title scenario, and quite honestly, I found it disappointing and rushed. You could have easily given time to have a segment dedicated to what’s going on through combining the segments into one. Also, WZCW.com had reported the quitting prior to the show, from a continuity standpoint, the events of what happened made no sense since Mr. Banks was preparing to find a potential replacement before Unscripted had even started, and at the show, he was in a panic trying to fix a problem that seemed spontaneous.

    Another problem with the segments is that one of the biggest matches on the card is Titus/Showtime, and there was no build-up to this match prior to the segment it takes place in, you could have had moments like them arriving at the arena, interviewers trying to get words about this match. The fact it didn’t get mentioned before the match arrived didn’t do the justice of how big this match was.

That's the end of my general criticism, now onto Unscripted.

Fallout covered the Pre-Show pretty well, so I don't have any further comments aside from a well done to Infinity who did a really job with the match.

Diabolos vs. Grizzly Bob
Usually the special referee should play some sort of significance to the match, while some moments worked for Becky, she felt like a non-factor. Why doesn’t Diabolos threaten her during the match? She’s not like normal refs, maybe something could have happened to help sway the ending since she’s responsible for one of these guys getting fired. Outside of that, it was a good solid match, but felt short. The backstage segment need to be highlighted better so we know it’s taking place elsewhere because it helps with switching of gears. While the first backstage look was part of the story, it just felt like an odd transition.

Triple X vs. Blade
Superbly written match with a nice bit of flow to allow the 3 falls to happen without it slowing down. The ending was unique, but also highlighted how much these two hated each other. Yaz’s writing here was top notch.

Elite X Title match
That was one short match, if you exclude commentary, it was about a 650 words for this match. Remember I said that I don’t like the pinfall format that some Creative members use? This shows how using it highlights how bare a match is. I know Haiku gets a lot of praise for his hard work for putting the shows together, but when this is a big PPV title match with such a rivalry going into it, you need to give it a PPV feel. This felt like a quick match you’d get on Meltdown and really didn’t do justice for Fallout and KJ.

S.H.I.T. vs. Constantine
I get that it’s a bonus match, but there could have been some sort of reason for this match taking place. Backstage altercation, something went down in the battle royal; why are we getting this match in the first place? This isn’t a knock on the RPers, but we need a reason to have this match take place on the PPV.

The match itself was ok, it felt more detailed than the previous bout, but for a seasoned veteran and former World Champion, Constantine tapped out way too easily. S.H.I.T’s finisher is a submission hold, so what’s the one thing a submission specialist does? He wears down the area that his submission will hurt the most; S.H.I.T. didn’t do any of that to warrant the submission by Constantine. If there’s anything I would have recommended changing is having him hit the Piston Chop and getting a pin. It’s little things like this that make me question why this match took place without any build for it.

Tag Title Match
As pointed out by others, this was a squash that made the Demon Foreigners look weak in comparison. Once again, this was a PPV match and it was treated like a Meltdown match.

Drake Callahan vs. The Beard
This is where the voting system could have been applied for big psychology, you have Callahan come out first, then find out who he’s facing as it puts him off his game for the start.

My biggest problem with KJ’s writing style is the emphasis on the pins and there’s too much commentary, it breaks the flow of the match up and I found it hard to follow which the quick switches from description to pin, to commentary. Less is more and much like I said earlier, if the pins are part of a paragraph and flow (like how you did the countout), it works so much better.

The ending was unique but odd. Had I not later discovered that Zeus and Beard look-a-like, I would have said it was an unusual thing for a ref to do, but I’ll give the ending some credit for giving Drake a win without ruining Beard’s momentum, but it needed a bit of cleaning up as I became lost about what happened.

EurAsian Title (I Quit)
This was a top notch match and Infinity did a superb job in telling a story between the two, allowing the match to pick up momentum and be about the pain and what they’re going to do to make the other one quit. Given the significance of the TLC match to these two, I’ll let the repeated use of a ladder and table in two different matches slide.

I’m in two minds about using the spoiler tag for the end part, but I think it worked for this match because of the way it ended. I thought Infinity did a superb way of letting the ending work out for both those men given their history. Top work there. Only criticism is that you just had the same referee from the previous match, who took a knock to the head.

Titus vs. Showtime
Akiyama is having his third match in a row. That aside, this was the Match of the Night, perfect storytelling and psychology by both competitors, the match felt big and ended in a big way. My only criticism is that this match didn’t receive any big match treatment before it happened with earlier segments on the show. The multiple use of the spoiler tag for the post-event was annoying and I felt it could have been contained within one tag as it makes what happened feel overbooked.

World Heavyweight Title HIAC Match
The first controversy was Triple X being the surprise replacement for Barbosa, if anything, I would have just let it be a Triple Threat match because all three guys earned this. If the replacement was based on best RP in the whole show, then I would have rewarded them with a title shot at AoN, not to mention Triple X went through a big match with big bumps already.

Akiyama in his FOURTH match in a row. Does he ever rest?

Well that was an abrupt ending, out of the HIAC matches we’ve had at Unscripted, this was the weakest one we’ve seen. I felt the match didn’t have time to evolve and grow to allow the destruction to take place, and there isn’t anything outstanding about this match aside from the fact that seven pin attempts happened. While I've said about how the pinning format ruins the flow of the match, it was the most obvious here because the Cell was barely utilized and it felt bland, for a lack of a better word.

The handling of the referee during the tap-out was odd because of the fact that it was revealed he was shoved after the tapping, when it would have been better to have shown the shoving happen first to make better sense of the moment. Given Yaz wrote such a better match with Blade & Triple X, I was surprised to see he he wrote this, which seemed to hint he was rushed to finish this. It was such a lackluster match that if you had removed the Cell from the match itself, it wouldn’t be different, that’s how lacking it was.

Overall View
In short, Unscripted delivered for some matches, and others not. It started off great, then dropped down, picked up for Drake/Beard and peaked at Titus/Showtime, and ended with a forgettable Hell in a Cell match. It feels a bit like Wrestlemania X8 where the main thing it will most likely be remembered for is the Titus/Showtime match and the World Title was an after-thought. There's some interesting things in place to prepare for All or Nothing, but for Unscripted, it was average and some work needs to be done.

While I might have been harsh towards Creative, I understand it's a transitional period, but I hope things pick up for All or Nothing with some consistency across the team. I know you guys can deliver great shows, it just needs some tightening in places.

This should have been a full match. I would have preferred to see the contendership fatal fourway be a full match as the pre-show event while the tag team match of Haven & Hyada VS Cerbrus made it onto the actual card. As for the results? The right person won. When I read all of the RP’s I had a feeling Eve would take it. When disregarding myself (so as to not be biased) Eve’s was the best, then Ilapa, and then Stratton, so I agreed fully with creative’s elimination order here.

These were fine. No major thoughts on them.

Wow, this was awesome. The match was very well written, and the right team won. My only problem, as I had previously stated, was that this should have been on the main card. I’d have opened up the show with it, and what a pace it would have set for the rest of the event!

The action starts immediately before the entrances even have a chance to play out. I’d have preferred to do the entrances, but it makes sense for it to have begun the way it did. I really don’t have any problems with this one either. Well written, and it gave Bob a good farewell at the end. I’m sad that the Grizzly Bob character is leaving, he was my first singles opponent and someone who’s RP’s I often enjoyed. I have to say the right guy won though. Diabolos’ RP was superior.

Another well written match. I liked the spot of Blade on the stretcher crashing into the table at the end, it was the best part. Once again I agreed with creative’s decision of who won. I’m surprised this wasn’t further up on the card though. The show is off to a good start….!

Alright, here we have the first disagreement I have with an outcome. I honestly thought Tastic had the better RP. When going solely based off the RP’s, I thought we would be seeing a new champion. The match itself was good, but it seemed a bit short. The ending just felt like it came out of nowhere. It will be interesting to see how Fallout does against Eve next.

This should have been announced ahead of time. I hate when matches get put on a PPV without being announced first. It irritates me when “real” feds do it, let alone when it happens here. This is a match that could have generated interest had it been announced. Having not read any RP’s for it, I’d have been fine with either competitor winning although Constantine probably needed the win more.

While I agreed with who won, the match is a different story it has already been discussed in the general discussion thread. No point in beating a dead horse. I’m not as disappointed as others were, but it could have been better.

I’d say this was handled well. When I saw the bulletin about somebody leaving, I spent a long time speculating who it could have been. I had my suspicions when I read Barbosa’s RP, but it wasn’t until everyone else assigned to a match had submitted an RP that I finally figured it out. I liked this segment and the one earlier where Barbosa’s personalities all shouted that he/they quit.

This was ok. I initially didn't quite agree with Drake winning based off the RP's as I thought both were better than his, however it is better he got to win his last (for now) match. The ending had me scratching my head a bit, that was a complicated finish.

This one I liked. It ended up being much better than I expected it to be, honestly. The Powerbomb off the top of the ladder and Hurricanrana off the ladder through the table was an awesome spot. I liked the ending a lot too, best match so far.

This is the match I was looking forward to the most. I think it could have gone on a bit longer, that was really my only issue with it. Titus winning was a nice surprise. I thought Showtime would as I felt he had the better RP but Titus definitely needed the win more. I'd have been happy no matter who won, both are awesome. Could have and should have been longer, the bit at the end with Winters and Constantine made up for that.

Didn't like this one. Way too short. Runn, Saboteur, and Vega all had extremely good RP's going into the match. I do agree with Runn retaining, and I liked seeing Triple X get a world title shot. However, I felt that Saboteur and Vega should have both been booked stronger than they were. This match should have been far lengthier with many more pin attempts.

Other than a few matches needing to be longer and a couple if winner decisions that I disagreed with, there really were not that many things wrong with this show. I genuinely enjoyed reading it overall and that is what matters in the end, the creative team put together a show that was a good read. Could have been a bit better, but I liked it in the end.

I’m doing this show review because fuck you Harthan and your requests.

Opening Segment

All of the feels. Beautifully done and a perfect way to write off S.H.I.T. and give Barbosa a little bit of a goodbye he never really received.

Elite X Contendership Match

Pretty solid multi-person match here. Aubrey is a fine choice to win and the stuff I wanted was in there. M got a nice debut, but it’ll be interesting to see what happens with him because we’ve seen plenty of people have strong debuts like this and quickly fade away. Nothing Earth-shattering here, but I’m glad to see this was actually written this time rather than just results.

Blade vs. Diabolos

So I’ll admit I’ve been skimming shows lately, but I remembered that this match was happening but didn’t remember buildup. I went back to look at the last round of shows, and there was no build at all in the last round. When I went farther back, I know that the story is that Blade was mad that Diabolos retired Grizzly, but the build totally came across as “we want these guys to have a match, quick, throw together a feud.” The match itself was good. I know ridiculous is kind of Diabolos’ thing, but Baller’s head and a ***** under the ring was a little too much for me. Overlast’s return was totally unexpected and I’m interested to see what he does.

War & Death vs. Vega/Theron

Unlike the last match, the buildup to this match was excellent. The match lived up to the build, however, I think I would’ve liked a spot or two of miscommunication between Vega and Theron. Not necessarily something major, but just a reminder that the two of them were teaming up to fight a common enemy more than them liking each other. That’s splitting hairs though, especially with how great the finish was.

Tag Team TLC

The Dragons introduction didn’t get bolded; THANKS FOR THE SPOILER GUYS. The pacing of this match was a bit odd for me. For any Ladder/TLC match, I like it to start a bit slow before ramping up with the biggest spot either leading directly to or coming right before the finish. This was going 100 mph from the start and I don’t think I was a fan. I mean, Amber was hit with a signature move from inside the ring through a table at ringside in the second paragraph of the match. The way Young Justice turned was very clever and I enjoyed it quite a bit, as I also did with Amber’s turn.


I would’ve liked to see what Amber can do on her own, but adding her to the ranks of War & Death is definitely intriguing.

Mortlock vs. Fallout

This match wasn’t very good. It was short (shut up, I can say things are too short) and seemed to be a collection of spots rather than a coherent match. Fallout hitting his finisher after essentially being squashed is annoying as well, but is more forgivable due to the result of the next match.

Constantive vs. Fallout

I didn’t read the RPs, so maybe the fact that Fallout isn’t still champ should be surprising, but when I saw these two matches announced, I figured it was the end of Fallout’s reign. So the results don’t surprise me, but how the matches were written does. I know it is two different writers, but in both matches Fallout had to be resilient and survive, which is fine, if he hadn’t been in the middle of a pretty dominant reign as Elite X Champion. In the two matches, he hit a couple punches, an axe kick, a drop kick, a suplex, a sleeper slam, and Half-Life. Matches where a guy gets beat down like that can work, but he has to have some sort of comeback to even it out. I know he had the rampage after the match, but beating up a referee after how the two matches went doesn’t do much for me. I have no doubts that Fallout won’t be hurt by this, but it’s hard to see a guy who has been on the kind of roll he’s been on be written like that

El Califa/Legends segments

Poor El Califa. Hopefully his writer will be able to handle the disappointment of no longer being in the main event.

Do we have a number on how many Men in Black there are? Also, which one is Will Smith?

Tastic vs. Fatty

Shame about Yaz no-showing, but a pretty good match here. This story reminded me a bit of the Summerslam in London where it was implied that either Warrior or Macho was going to turn, but neither one did. That was a nice added subtext for this match.

Banks and Leon segment

I know I’ve been ignoring most of the shorter segments, but I’ve got issues with this one. First, Leon’s first line should be a question mark, not a period. More importantly, they talk about a mystery 3rd entrant and Leon, along with the commentators, sounds surprised. THE LEGENDS PANEL JUST SAID THAT THERE WAS A MYSTERY 3RD ENTRANT IN THE SEGMENT BEFORE THE MATCH. Continuity issues like this should be caught in the last look over before the show is posted.

Triple Threat World Title Match

Another shortish match, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. All three guys looked good and Triple X was protected by not taking the fall. I’m not sure how I feel about Ty being back, especially since I could see Califa getting the World Title in the not too distant future, but I’m willing to hold off judgment for a couple of rounds to see how things go. Also, if Banks just called him like an hour ago, how does Ty have a custom belt already? I mean, I know he would never wear Ricky’s belt, but it seems unlikely that he’d have one ready when he just found out he was in the match.

Final Thoughts

A ton happened this show, which is a huge compliment to Creative. Maybe it’s just because not a lot had been happening with my character, but I feel like there wasn’t much going on in the fed, but this show got me excited. Other than the issues I pointed out earlier, everything was well-written and the matches were PPV quality. There is a lot of potential going forward into the Roulette Rounds and, eventually, the Lottery. Well done.

Grade: A-
Let me preface this feedback by saying thanks to creative for letting me back into the fed.


With that being said, please keep in mind this is the first show that I've thoroughly read in a while, so if I miss something go easy on me.

What was your favorite/least favorite match of the round?

Favorite match: TLC for the tag team championship. Least favorite match: Diablo vs. Blade. Not really a fan of Diablo, but to each his own. I missed the mark on swagtastic Ricky Runn, so I could be wrong about Diablo too.

What was your favorite/least favorite segment of the round?

Favorite segment is a tie between BarboShit's farewell and the aftermath of TLC where it's brought to light that Amber Warren has joined War and Death. (Would that make her Pestilence, or Famine? hmm...

Before the round, what matches/storylines were you most/least looking forward to?

As mentioned above, I really haven't paid that much attention to the fed since I left, but the World Title match is always something to look forward to, and I always love me some TLC.

Coming out of the round, what wrestlers/storylines are you most looking forward to in the next round?

Can't wait for the Anarchy rounds. Those are a fucking blast. And of course Lethal Lottery is right around the corner.

Any other general comments?

I've been a part of WZCW for 3(holy fuck has it been that long already?!) years and I think that this was the best AoN I've ever read, as well as one of my favorite PPV's. Great job guys.
AON Review

Opening was a nice little surprise, not the outcome but the people that were involved. Was really hoping that it would lead to the return of Barbosa, but I pretty well knew it was going the way it did. S.H.I.T. was an incredible surprise to us on creative. We knew what we were getting from the writer, but the fact Miko was able to keep things so fresh and interesting with his character, even up to its very end, is a real accomplishment that surpassed all our expectations. Well deserved send off. Since Unscripted we have lost Barbosa, Saboteur, and S.H.I.T., and that has left a really big hole in the upper middle card. Crossing my fingers at least one will make a grand return at LL.

Elite-X Contenders match

Right off the bat, I have a minor cosmetic complaint. It’s one thing for the ring announcer to use different openings on different match, but each opening was different in this match. Eve Taylor we had her hometown announced. M was debuting with no other info (seen the app, understand why), and Sloan we had both her weight and hometown. Try to keep it standard. In multi man matches like this I’d keep it as short as possible. The other issue I have with the match is a logical one. Westhoff and M are 238 and 243.7 lbs respectively, while Sloan and Taylor are 155 and 125. Never in a real match would you see them successfully Irish Whip someone that much larger than them, let alone reverse it, but that’s what happened, several times in fact. The larger wrestler almost always reverses the move, and that’s what needs to be displayed when those two wrestle other people. The match itself was alright, Mason Westhoff could’ve been a little more dominant in his return. I honestly would’ve like to see him run house on all three before Taylor and Sloan hit a few double team moves to out him away. Pretty good debut for M.

Blade vs Diabolos

A lot of action crammed into this match. It wasn’t a very long match, but most of everything written was about offense. Each wrestler hit some impressive moves and both came out strong when all was said and done. My issues were that, because there was a lot of back and forth offense with very little filler, there wasn’t any high points in the match. Every move read the same and it didn’t seem like the moves had any overall effect on the wrestler. Example being Blades last comeback before the ref got knocked out. Diabolos hit a few moves in a row and then missed a springboard splash. “Blade gets to his feet with Diabolos and...” Hits a few big moves like it’s still the beginning of the match, but it’s not. There could’ve been seconds on the mat, back and forth punches to build the next big move Blade hits, other points in the match could’ve benefitted from a moment of breath or pause in the action to get the crowd involved or to show fatigue. Something to make one or two moves stand out as bigger than the others. The ending was fine, by WZCW standards anyway, and Overlast’s return adds some intrigue. I hope the two remain faces on the roster as there are already a few heel tag teams/stables.

My other issue was with the announcing. I haven’t followed this feud very closely, but it seemed odd for the announcers to be the only ones who knew about a Falls Count Anywhere stipulation, but the ref and wrestlers didn’t. The whole thing seemed out of place and I’m not sure whether this was an inside joke, or if there will be something more to this odd discovery.

War and Death vs Theron and Vega

Easily one of my favourite matches of the night. From the few RP’s that I’ve read of these 4 of late they deserved a nice long match. The heels I thought were too dominant at times, but i’ll account that for the almost no show Vega RP. Theron in particular could’ve had a bit more offense in this match. I probably would’ve had him get the hot tag, clean house, tag back in Vega, and then get knocked out later by Beard leading into the finish. Beard and Dr Zeus were very well written, with each wrestlers strengths really shown well in this match. My only complaint here actually has to do with the ending, surprising considering the ending to the last match. Theron’s sword seemed like an odd prop as it was never mentioned more than once then all of a sudden Beard as it and bonks him over the head with it. Maybe I’ve missed the cash in, but why didn’t Beard use the KFAD briefcase? There was no mention of it, and if Beard is going to use a weapon in match that should be his go to.


I'm on the fence about whether I really liked this match or not. There were a lot of good spots in it, but the overall pace and action didn't sit right with me while reading it. I know that in a big multi person match like this it's hard to make sure everyone gets a fair amount of ring action. The planned finish may have played a factor in how the match was written, I'm going to guess the match was written backwards or you wrote the ending and turn and then wrote up to that point from the beginning. I think one of my biggest complaints was there was far too much dialogue from the announcers. I didn't mind the many breaks that made the action paragraphs smaller, but I'd have just had 1 or 2 lines only of commentary each time with 1 or 2 of them talking, not all 3 or in an extended convo. The more talking there was, the more time it spent away from the action. Things I would've liked to see: More Winters, perhaps I'm biased with him being my partner, but I felt there wasn't a whole lot of offense by him. More tag team moves, a lot of the match seemed to read like 4 singles match with everybody changing partners every minute or two. I would've really liked to see more tag team moves by YJ and Cerberus in particular, as they are the two tag teams with long term future. Less unnecessary filler "Probably because of the table" bothered me. They’re in a match together, that's the reason she's slapping him, as the reader I shouldn't have to ponder whether it was because of a big move or not, that's something the commentary should make, not be in the match description. Ending was solid and Amber joining W & D should make for an interesting storyline (As well as a potential stable war).

Fallout vs Mortlock

The match read like an ECW check list. Belt. Check. Metal Sheet. Check. Fire Extinguisher. Check. Taser.... you get the idea. A taser to the balls could’ve killed Fallout, let alone everything else that happened to him. Definitely would’ve paralyzed him for 3 seconds. I hated the match (sorry Pancake). The variety of different weapons did nothing for me, and really made Mortlock look weak and desperate. The weapons itself are meaningless unless there is a point and logic to the attacks. A well placed strike or two when Fallout makes a comeback, or a particular body part being focused adds so much more than random weapon attacks. I’d have much rather seen him use a Kendo Stick (or Nightstick, he is a detective after all) 10 times over everything else he used. Fallout essentially hit three moves (drop kick, Sleeper slam, Half-Life) so why on earth did the ref need to be knocked out after the Sleeper slam? Again made Mortlock look weak, and with Fallout scheduled to compete next, there’s no reason he should’ve taken so much damage unless the next match is a squash.

Fallout vs Constantine

Well not a squash, but typically what you find in a MITB cash in. Starts off with some weak offense because Constantine thinks he’s got it in the bag. Would’ve liked to see a bit more of this before they went into the sleeperhold. Would’ve also liked to see Fallout use more desperation strikes. After the previous match, the last thing I’d expect him to try are a bunch of Irish Whips and lifting moves. Would’ve also liked to see more pin attempts by Fallout, definitely after Reactor 4. Again, my bias with my character, Showtime should’ve been involved in the finish. After reading the two matches, I want to let creative know that The Elite should not be viewed as a Showtime led stable. Giving directions and coming out after the violence has ended is something I would like to see less of. Showtime I felt should’ve came through the crowd to hand Constantine the weapon during the distraction. That way we each look strong as a stable, rather than Constantine and Winters doing all the dirty work for Showtime. Match was good for the set up it had. Amazed at how much Fallout had left in him after the bell. Segment at the end was an interesting little way to move Fallout away from the title. My guess is K.O. is the cloaked figure.

Stormrage vs Tastic

Lots of grammatical and spelling errors early on (Hey, look who’s talking). I really wish the pin counts were in numbers not letters, looks better and it’s easier to spot. The match was good for the length that it was. Shame about the no-show RP as these two vets should’ve had a much longer match, especially being right before the main event. Nice to see a face alliance.

Runn vs Triple X vs Burna

Way to ruin the surprise guys. :p

The match was too short for a main event, but what was there was very good. Runn was portrayed perfectly in the beginning, and I’m happy he slowly gained confidence as the match went on. One thing I would’ve really liked to see was Runn and X team up on Ty for a series a moves. Being the two heels in the match, they should’ve done a number on Ty to keep him out of the match for an extended period. At least have us think that Ty wasn’t going to win. Another thing I also liked was the fatigued shown early by Ty, being away from the ring for so long you would expect a little rust. The right person lost and poor X has been screwed again. I haven’t read any of his RP’s since he returned, but I hope he plays up on that angle. Unless the roulette rounds pulls a swerve on us, Ty vs X at LL will be awesome. New belt looks great and I can’t wait to beat Ty for it. :)

Segments and set up.

I want to point out something about the match set up. All the title matches were placed at the end and the non title ones at the beginning. I don’t know if that was done intentionally or by accident, but there should’ve been some separation between some of them. War and Death vs Vega/Daggershield should’ve been one of the final three IMO.

Not much to say about the segments. Mostly pointless filler. I liked Tastic’s and him mentioning his previous EurAsian title matches. Mikey really should’ve mentioned something about the belt or match. It felt like he just wanted the night over and done with already. Most of the segs I felt should’ve been put before their matches. Runn and X definitely deserved some backstage love. I really felt El Califa’s segment was unnecessary. I would’ve rather been left in mystery about whether he would be back, rather than him tell us bluntly what he’ll do when he returns. Especially after what happened to him in the match, I would’ve just written him off for the night and had Banks say he’s been taken to a hospital and had X and Runn inquire about the status of their match.

PPV was alright. I’m not going to sugar coat it, or dismiss it with a grade. Given the amount of time it took to post, I felt it could’ve been better. Most of the matches were good, some were better than good, but nothing really stood out as spectacular or PPV quality. It felt like a MD or AS with a little more meaning and a few more surprises. A big plus about it was all the turns and mysterious surprises, The Men in Black, the clocked Horseman. I’m looking forward to what the roulette rounds will bring and I’m hoping LL will be awesome before we head to KC.
Figured I'd give a show review while I read Meltdown Madness, so this is basically a live review. Keep in mind I'm not fully up to date on everything going on but I think I have a good idea for most of it.

Opening Segment with Tastic and Stormrage:
This got a chuckle out of me, mainly for the live mas part. This team has potential to be pretty funny down the road though if it continues.

Banks and Ty Segment:
Nice little way to explain Ty Burna being back in the fed while also establishing him as a face. I expect a rematch with Ricky Runn soon but as for this show, Ty Burna vs Showtime should be insane!

Ladder Match:

Before I even get to the match, I noticed Amber was wearing the mask when in JAM mentioned in the changes thread that she wouldn't wear the mask. It's a small thing but it stuck out to me right away. Now onto the match itself.

I wasn't a fan of this match at all. It really had no flow to it and seemed like it was just big spot after big spot until the end when Zeus came out to cost Flex the match, which is the only thing I liked about the match. I also wasn't a fan of the match being written in the past tense as it just seems weird to me but that's not a huge deal. For a Ladder Match, it was awfully short but considering both of them just had a badass TLC Match, that's understandable.

Triple X Interview:
I liked this. It looks like X is gonna hang around the title picture for awhile longer and this could be a nice direction for his character to go in.

Tag Match:
Some interesting pairings here which is to be expected. However I have no clue who Daddy Mack is, but I get a Dusty Rhodes/Dude Love vibe from him. The tag, or should I say handicap match was good. The team of Corvus and Diablos worked together much better than I expected. I thought Zeus might return at the end to attack Eve but i'm glad he didn't after the beat down Eve just took. Nice ending to the match as well.

Chairs Match:
One thing I noticed here is Theron didn't get an introduction yet he had an entrance. Simple mistake but I thought it was worth mentioning. As for the match itself, this was brutal and hard hitting which is exactly what I'd expect from a match like this. M has only had 2 matches but man has he looked strong in both of them! Theron gets a nice win here and now I'm wondering what he'll do this cycle, but right now he's my pick to clean some house in the Lethal Lottery and put on a strong showing.

Falls Count Anywhere Match:
Damn good match here and I'm glad it didn't turn into a 3 on 1 match like I was somewhat expecting. Glad to see Ty retain over Showtime here, though I did expect to see The Elite get involved at the end but it wasn't needed. A very good first title defense for Ty here.

Pale Riders Attack/KFAD Cash In:
I knew this was coming from Theo's RP but damn that was a brutal beat down Ty took from Amber and Fallout before even getting to the match. Did Copeland suddenly become Jim Ross? Because that's who's voice I was reading all his lines in here, not that it's a bad thing. Going into the actual cash in now and hopefully after the brutal beat down we're getting a new champ to prevent The Pale Riders from looking weak.

Obviously a very short match which to be expected and I'm VERY happy to see The Beard win the belt. I've been a fan of Beard forever and Theo is an awesome dude so glad to see him win the big one here. The fireball spot was brutal and felt like a bit too much considering the beat down Ty already took, but at the same time this is Zeus we're talking about so maybe I'm just taking things too seriously.

Overall it was a pretty good show which is nice to see after the awesome All or Nothing PPV. Two things that drove me nuts was the misspelling of the word "grandpa" throughout the show and the amount of interviews. The latter really got annoying by the end and I would've liked to see those same points getting across in different ways. Congrats to the new champ and looking forward to Ascension Anarchy.
Lethal Lottery 2014 Pay-Per-View Feedback

Hey guys, so I’ve decided to review the Lethal Lottery just so that you guys can have some feedback for it. Be advised that my feedback isn’t meant to bash anyone obviously. I’ve done Book This so if my criticisms are nit-picky, apologies. Here we go!

When it comes to the opening of a PPV, I’m sort of expecting some sort of video package instead of videos along with some text so the opening to the PPV was a little underwhelming for me. The poster looks cool and the lines before it were good as well but I would’ve liked to have seen it in a video package format. The one where narration happens and then the scenes come up just as the narrator mentions certain superstars.

I also have a bunch of feedback for the formatting that is normal around WZCW but I’ll save that until the end.

The tag match got me confused a little bit though. I thought Eve and Lexi were going to be in the corners of their respective teams from the get-go but that wasn’t the case here. So when they made their appearance later in the match, it sort of disrupted the match for me. Also, there was a time when I think Ramparte was written to have taken a belt from somewhere. That just sounds awkward to read. If you do something like this, you should mention specifically where they got it from as it can really help the reader imagine all of the things going on. There was one point in the match where Lexi was taken out by an Axe Handle and was pretty much a non-factor for YJ for the rest of the match. I don’t think a simple Axe Handle would put down Lexi Hayes. Plus, it’s her first PPV, I think in her psyche, she’d be prepared mentally and physically for anything to happen so seeing that an Axe Handle put her down for the rest of the match was kind of disappointing. The ending of the match was pretty interesting though. It worked out perfectly here. Even if Eve isn’t able to score a pin, she still made her presence felt and ultimately got her team the win. The image of all three members of Cerberus standing tall over YJ was a good sight to see but I wish there would’ve been some short description as to how YJ were feeling or reacting towards their loss.

Also, the match sort of had no flow here. It just seems like the match writing goes something like this…..”Hyada lands a ___ while Haven connects with a ___. After that, Ramparte and Mussel counter with a ___.” What I mean by this is that it just seems like they’re writing move after move with no real detail as to how everything happens. Like when going for a DDT, it’s just written as Hyada goes for a DDT. Instead of that, it could be something like, “Hyada latches onto Ramparte’s head and holds tight before snapping down, hitting a devastating DDT.” Something like that has more description and makes the reader have a better visual of things happening in the match.

Didn’t like the transition to the Ricky Runn stuff. I think there should’ve been some comments from the announce team before getting interrupted by Ricky and Becky. This segment was pretty good though as it was logical and was entertaining. However, when Mr. Banks came out, I was hoping for some description. How was Mr. Banks feeling? Did his face look adamant in firing Ricky Runn? Had his mind been made up? Things like that would add more to the segment. He basically came out to his music and told Ricky he was fired. To me, it’s a bit awkward. Did he have a stern voice? A loud voice? Here, it looks like Mr. Banks just came out and calmly told Ricky that he was fired. I know you used exclamation points and capital letters but I don’t think that’s enough.

Again, there was no transition to the next match, we just got right into it. I know this is how things have been forever in WZCW but I think changing some things up would be for the better.

The Constantine/Daggershield match was written better. However, I didn’t like that blood came into play in this match. What was the point of it really? I don’t think this feud was heated enough to warrant any blood. Plus, the blood came after 10 headbutts. If there had to be blood here, there should’ve been a pause or something. Not sure if someone can deliver 10 straight headbutts. The tenth headbutt should’ve come after a pause and should’ve been written as the one to finally bust Daggershield open. It’s all in the details. More details equals a better read for the audience.

The next segment was pretty brutal. I’m still scratching my head as to how Ty was able to recover from that brutal attack from the Pale Riders a week later. I think Ty should’ve sold the injuries for a little bit. But to have what happened to Ty happen to Zeus was poetic justice. What a way to write out Zeus. It was very fitting and sets up a nice story for whenever I come back with Amber Warren.

The Showtime/Tastic match might be the best written match in the PPV so far. I like the length of it all and the details added into it. Was this a gimmick match though or was it a straight up one-on-one match? Because with all the weapons Showtime was bringing out, I’d think the referee would try and stop him or even warn him of being disqualified. When the ladder was brought out, there definitely should’ve been some reaction from the referee. There was a line before the match began that said Tastic’s grandfather has made a full recovery but is not out of the hospital, so it kind of threw me off thinking if his grandfather was released or not. But since he was involved in the match, I guess it was just a typo and he is indeed okay. Not too sure if I liked the involvement of Grandpa Tastic here but it wasn’t bad at all. I knew that as soon as he was going up the ramp, someone from the Elite was going to meet him there, and I was right! That’s some good storytelling there. I think Tastic losing by passing out probably hurt him a little knowing that he won the LL match though. Probably should’ve been a tapout instead or have him give into the Elite’s demands and take the pinfall. But Mr. Banks has something in store for the Elite? I have no idea what it could be. Should set things up nicely for KC though.

Was great to see Saxton on the show. Still not liking the transitions though.

I know that writing a Lethal Lottery match is probably the most difficult match to write so I commend the three writers who wrote it. The first part of the Lottery match was sort of boring, no offense. Like in the tag match, it was just mentioning move after move after move after move. There wasn’t really any description written from the crowd or the surroundings. For example, it could’ve been written that Ty was feeling exhausted already since he entered first, things like that. The second part of the Lottery was better as it had more description. But at times, it also suffered from move after move after move just being mentioned. Finally, the third part was probably the best written. At times, it suffered from just mentioned move after move again but it contained a lot more description here. I also really liked it because of all the shenanigans going on with Alhazred/Diabolos. Glad to see Alhazred back, finally! I think I can see a few feuds coming out of the Lottery match but I’m not sure how it work. I can see Alhazred/Blade, Alhazred/SHIT, Mikey/Ty, and many others but I can’t really see them happening because I’m not sure how it would happen. The KC card right now is so unpredictable at this point.

That’s all I have to say about the LL PPV itself. But now, I want to talk about the format in WZCW that’s been around for years. Not a big fan of every person talking having their own color. Whatever the main color scheme for MD, AS, and AF are, just make those the colors of the text. Not quite sure what color schemes each show has. I’d like to the logos right now but I think they’re all brightly-colored. Also, there has to be a consistency on how each match is written. For example, when it comes to pin attempts, I always see different writers writing pin attempts differently. I know different people write in different ways but some consistency would be nice. Now when it comes to PPVs, just use the color scheme that best suits the PPV. Maybe depending on the official PPV poster? I think things like that really make a PPV stand out more and makes it have a bigger feel to it. But that might just be me. Lastly, the transitions. There was little to no transitions between segments and matches. A commercial about a company that wants to get promoted on the PPV would be nice. Something like Coca-Cola or something. Or even when transitioning to another match, there should be some lines from the commentary team to “switch gears” so to speak to talk about the next match/segment.

I know that the things I’ve pointed out haven’t been changed for a long time. As the saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But I think changing it up will more than likely keep things flowing better. Not only that, but I think it’s more appealing to a reader as well. This is probably just my inner Book This side coming out but I think it applies here too.

Overall, the PPV was an average one in my opinion. It wasn’t great but it wasn’t bad either. Some surprising results here for sure. The KC card is so up in the air right now that I don’t think anyone has an idea what could be on it. I think that’s a good thing as it keeps the roster guessing and should set up for a few nice surprises. Again, I meant no offense in my feedback. I simply just stated things I would change or just change things up a bit. Kudos creative!
Kingdom Come 6 PPV Feedback

Haven't done one of these in a while and I figure it's more appropriate than ever now. Let's get to it.


Basic stuff that's essential for a PPV as big as this, montage of ongoing feuds, epic words, and a nice video made by Killjoy followed by pyrotechnics and the welcoming from the commentators. Good start.

Cerberus vs Hard Metal Penetration

Results aside I felt this was far too short and didn't reach the level it could have. This match was practically the same length at Chris KO/Holmes and one of the people there no-showed. Thriller wrote a cohesive match but this could have taken place on an Aftershock which is the entire problem. It's just disheartening to put as much work into your RPs as Spidey and I did and not only have a pretty head scratching result (we should not have lost this match) but consistently have your PPV matches written like regular Meltdown openers with nothing special to them. Same thing happened at Lethal Lottery with Harthan writing a very clustered and lackluster match, the plus here is that at least Thriller is very good with punctuation and grammar but not so much on anything that would have made this stand out. Very disappointing compared to how much everyone was looking forward to this.

Sloan vs Taylor

I like the opening promo and build for this personal feud as it's practically a landmark for two women to be fighting on the big stage. Shame that Harthan never RP'd and once again a no-show is given a better match than someone who did RP but I can kind of understand where this is coming from as it's Harthan's send off and what not. It needed to be personal, physical, and brutal and that's exactly what it was. Written as such to Aubrey out for good. Everything that needed to happen here did, not much else to say about the match other than very well-written.

Constantine vs ECD

I like that this was written as a big deal with recapping all of Constantine's previous defenses leading up to this moment. Gave it a bigger feel that it needed as is the case with most of the matches on the card they just don't feel like KC ready. The result was never in doubt as someone needed to complete the gauntlet but this was better compared to the other matches in that it didn't feel like just another Meltdown match.

Super Ladder Match Melee

I was worried that this wouldn't have the proper time it needed to really steal the show and I was right. I do understand how hard it is to manage and write a multiple man match and I don't know if it was the fact that there was no heels or maybe even not enough big spots but once again another highly anticipated match falls under the radar and just kind of happens. Daddy Mack wins in the very surprising victory and good on him if he earned it. Has to be gutting for Dagger who was once again seemingly so close to victory.

Chris KO vs Holmes

I feel this should've opened the show. I understand KO and Holmes are a big deal but nobody would've bat an eye considering the situation.Pretty much everything I said about Eve/Aubrey applies here. Well-written, short like it should have been, accomplished what it needed to.

Ty Burna vs Mikey Stormrage.

This got the build and treatment like it should have as it's one of the only two matches that actually felt like it should have been on the KC card. It was the classic fight of good versus evil and everyone wanting to the fan favorite face in Mikey finally earn a shot at the big one but in the end he fell short to the one of the greatest stars in WZCW history. While Ty in the title picture is certainly something we've seen before the match was great and at least gave everyone the feeling that Mikey was so close and can one day be in that upper echelon of competitors.

Hall of Fame

You don't need me to tell you how good this was. It honored two of the biggest stars the fed has ever had in tremendous fashion. I'm only bringing it up due to the very weird parts of people booing Ramparte for his comments. Not sure if this was the embarrassing thing Falkon was talking about or if creative didn't like his comments but it felt incredibly unnecessary.

Main Event: Tastic vs Beard (World Heavyweight Championship)

Much like Ty and Mikey this was essentially the same battle of good/evil, underdog/dominant evil figure, etc. Only difference is the world title is on the line. Special entrances and the big fight feel helped this one a lot and just like the match before it actually felt like a KC main event. Tastic gets the big win he needed to solidify his title reign and celebrates to give the fans of the happy ending they didn't get with Mikey. Well done.

Overall thoughts

I have to say if I'm comparing this KC to ones I've been around for (KC 4 and 5) I'd have to rank it just lower than those. I know this was a very chaotic cycle you guys worked with what you had and did your best but the matches themselves are what made it felt like a run of the mill PPV before the last two matches. We recently had a discussion about matches being written to be more memorable on PPV's but for the most part we've yet to see that. Hopefully that changes in the near future.

This isn't to put down anyone's work but that's just how I feel.
I have to agree with Dynamite on most of his points. The show was incredibly lackluster outside of Ty/Mikey, Constantine/Califa, and Tastic/Beard. That's more than half the show.

The tag match was far too short, felt like an Aftershock match. I understand the lack of build to the match and chaocticness of the cycle but it didn't feel special. Its KC every match should be big.

Sloan vs Taylor and KO vs Holmes were fine for what they were.

I enjoyed the rest of the show, the ladder match could have had bigger spots and Daddy Mack winning was cool.

Ty vs Mikey was great, felt like a big match like it deserved.

The Title match was awesome, had a great pre match hype and the match delivered. Ty vs Tastic should be interesting.

Overall it may be the weakest KC since I've been around. This may sound harsh, but I feel creative lacks creativeness that JGlass, Kermit, and Haiku brought with them. I know the last few cycles have been crazy but the storylines leading up to it and the matches themselves outside of creative members matches felt uninspired. Hopefully things pick up as I know creative is better than this and shits been nuts lately. The roster is small but there's so many interesting characters and awesome feuds to be had that everyone should have something to do.
Spidey's Review of:

Kingdom Come VI

Now it's been a while since I've done a review, so what is a better review than one my friend Dynamite just did and call it my own? In the words of our glorious moderator who barely keeps up with this shit yet reviews it anyways, "Lits git ta et".

Da Openin

It was just okay. The usual "Good vs. Evil" thingy is a classic, albeit a wee bit clichéd. Compared to the past 3 or so pay per view openings, this one did fall short badly to illicit that hype, and I can see why KB and Dynamite say this doesn't feel like the uber special pay per view that it is already. Openings matter more than anything else really.

Rating: A truckload of Japanese stuff to remind folks that this is still Japan.

Da Elite vs. Cerberus Segment

STABLE WARS!!! Needs to happen, but will it? Eh. Nice to finally see these two groups finally meet though. Was a solid moment.

Rating: 6 mark out moments worth another look down the line.

Hard Metal Penetration vs. Cerberus (Tag Team Championship)

Loved the special openings for both teams. Good start to the show, even though the victory over Cerberus didn't seem all that great. This is not me loving the smell of my own shit. Putting on my spectator goggles, the rise of Cerberus and their last-minute challengers could have been handled a lot better storyline-wise in the ring. Now you have a duo that outside of Discussion talk, were shown as a mixed pairing on the shows that came out of nowhere and now appear to be flavors of the month. I am looking forward in seeing Cerberus now having a reason to face HMP at the next pay per view, though. So there's that at least.

Will say having your only tag team match go on first seemed really silly, especially compared to a fight that was barely even hyped at like K.O. vs. Holmes going almost last. I keep hearing how everyone is still in this purgatory of not being completely main event and not being in the bottom card, but this looked like that was a lie. LMD was hyped to the moon in it's time but Cerbs goes on first. Kinda weird.

Rating: 3 broken hearts and a chainsaw.

Stormrage & Tastic Share A Moment Segment

I would ship these two. Has been a romance that's been budding for quite some time now. I like Tastic wanting to face his fears with Beard on his own though. He seems like the one that wears the pants. Good on him. Can't help but think of that image of Vegeta and Goku fist-bumping. Though neither of these guys are Vegeta. Majin Buu and Goku maybe.

Rating: 3 broken hearts revived. Love prevails.

Aubrey Sloan vs. Eve Taylor

"Mouthing each other off" had me hooked the entire time. For a match that had a No Show, it was pretty well written I thought and kept my interest all the way through. Of course the surprise of Eve winning doesn't shock anyone but that's just how it is.

Rating: 4 long legs and a fubar'd friendship.

Dat's Racist Segment

We're really scraping the bottom when we are doing this. Thank god for El Califa Dragon. #FML.

Rating: Sensitivity training. Lots and lots of sensitivity training.

El Califa Dragon vs. Constantine (Elite X Championship)

For Constantine's 7th consecutive defense, allowing him a shot for the WZCW World Heavyweight Title (or at least I think that's still an option at this point). Before I go on about how I loved this match, I do want to point out something a little troubling. The rules with the Elite X Championship belt was that the challenger must face a different competitor each time. Aubrey Sloan faced him twice. By default this should be the 6th Title defense and not the 7th. But I doubt anyone cares and just wants somebody to capitalize on the belt at long last.

Now onto less nerdy moments. This was my favorite match of the night writing-wise. Like seeing how Constantine came close to losing via arguing with the ref. Rarely ever see that. Wish the announce team was more alive about the ordeal when Constantine picked up the "W", but then again it's a nice change of pace from the usual hype, so I didn't mind it.

Rating: 1 luchador mask and a time slot on NBC.

Dat Foreshadowing Segment


Rating: 4 contenders actually predicted to win.

Dat Prop Comedy Segment

ElegANT, coming from what I assume is a well-educated background being a gentleman and all, is scared shitless of a lot of fluff coming from a beheaded 3 headed dog plush. Noticed the fans being horrified at this spectacle in the tag match, too. What is up with the WZCW Universe being a bunch of *****es?

Rating: A case of testosterone and a sewing machine.

Kagura vs. Daddy Mack vs. Theron Daggershield vs. M (Eurasian Championship)

Daddy Mack's win feels forced. Going to go ahead and say that now. I'm sure it was to keep Tasty around as we do need good writers in the fed, but still. Looking at everyone else's RPs from this round everyone can make the argument that this was not entirely deserved.

Now the match was pretty short. But what action there was it was pretty good. Just nothing to really shout about. No real spots to talk about, so I'd say this was an average match. I was looking forward to this and the tag team championship the most, and I feel neither delivered.

Rating: Whatever counted as ratings in WCW.

Dat's Racist Segment Vol. 2

Jesus Christ. Did you people forget that this is Japan and not Mexico? The fuck.

Rating: More sensitivity training and a dead jobber horse beaten.

Chris K.O. vs. Steven Holmes

The other match with a no show. It was fine, but you have to ask what state creativity is in if we are having no shows by well established posters on what is meant to be the biggest pay per view in WZCW.

Rating: Delusions of grandeur and a copy of Castaway.

Dat Ordinary Ty Burna Segment

So I guess The Beard isn't getting hyped at all and Ty gets two segments he's featured in. Alrighty then.

Rating: 2 obvious wins now coming up.

Mikey Stormrage vs. Ty Burna (#1 Contenders Match)

Like I said, saw this coming a mile away. But it was an excellent match nonetheless. Once again the entrances were superb and the exchange was exciting. I just wish Ty would be featured in something other than the top prize all the time. I get that he's a mainstay very much like The Undertaker, but with how the fed has had an influx of new and talented people I'd rather see newcomers get a shot.

Rating: Diabolical eyes and Diabetes.

Ramparte's HOF Shit Segment

I'm all for my character being used for a joke. I have no problem with that. But not telling me beforehand and then editing what I originally said is a pretty shitty move. I take it this was Falk's doing. I'm all for my character being embarassed. But that was a bit unnecessary and makes me feel like I'm not that good at all for WZCW.

Rating: 7 devils and a book on common Kurtesy.

Matt Tastic vs. The Beard (WZCW World Championship)

When did Tastic become an anime fan? Like seriously.

Tastic deserved the win. It was a solid match and was invigorating to see the good guy come out on top. My only real gripe was how The Beard was handled before this match on pay per view. There was enough hype going for Tastic. None whatsoever for Beard, who walked out on the company. Other than that it was excellent and a good ending for Kingdom Come.

Rating: 8 half-eaten Chalupas. Live Mass.

Overall Rating: However KB grades your usual WWE programming. Not entirely great stuff, but it was enough for an alright show. Underwhelming? Well yeah, but then again most of the matches weren't properly hyped or were only shades of things to come. This seems like an ideal reset button for some of us to rethink our characters. Probably what I'll be doing, since it's obvious Creative isn't into characters that are both comedic and dark. Gotta pick one to get ahead.

Thank you all for reading this and I hope I didn't come off as overtly critical. I see the problems in things and go on about that. Bad habit. I hope Creative takes certain things we say under consideration to produce a more solid ppv down the line. They work hard. We should work hard in helping them instead of remaining silent.

*drops da mic*
The obvious high points of the show were Tastic vs Beard and Ty vs Stormrage, these are the matches that Kingdom Come was built on, since they were the only guarantees from the matches decided by the Lethal Lottery cycle where everybody showed, and happily the matches delivered.

Which brings me on to my next point, I have to agree with my fellow tag team performers in this one; I know Thriller is a man of few words, I am not offended that we opened the PPV since I am a firm believer that one of the biggest 3 matches on the card should open a PPV to start things off big, so even if that wasn't the intent I am not bothered, and had this match happened at either of the other Kingdom Come's that I was a part of I'd have been happy with it, not every match can be an epic.

But this Kingdom Come was lacking, where Harthan and Funkay no showed, thereby removing all suspense, and Ty basically admitted that El Califa's effort against Constantine suffered because of his work with Ty Burna removing all suspense (I've RP'd against Dave about four times and I believe we are 2-2, I know that you have to be at your best to beat him) then those matches where the result was in doubt, where all RP'ers gave it their all should've been bought up to strengthen what was missing, but Eve Taylor vs Aubrey Sloan, a match with a no-show, was more of an epic, the tag match was closer to Holmes vs K.O in scale. The ladder match also, while it was fun, was too low-key despite the anticipation.

I think this is more disappointing since these matches were largely predicted to steal the show, and apart from the two main events (which delivered) were the ones that were going to keep long term readers guessing until the very end. I guess I am saying that while I don't think every match should be a kick out of finishers galore epic, its possible that some of the wrong choices were made here.

The good; Constantine vs El Califa was pretty much what it should've been, Ty vs Stormrage as has been mentioned, Tastic vs Beard, though Beard seemed to have too little hype. Obviously the HOF. There was enough good to carry this show, and a lot of the faults were out of creatives hands it has to be said, but despite being perfectly fine, it is the weakest of the three I've been a part of so far.
Ascension 87

So here is the review Spidey had requested, I'll take a look at the 87th edition of Ascension. Let's get started.

We start off with a big moment already with a Mr Banks promo. The announcement of the Elite X Championship match where El Swago will have to defend against 5 others. I'm looking forward to that. The conversation between Banks and Constantine was well done.

Frankie Woods VS Vikram
Short match, but I was not expecting a lengthy one due to only one competitor having submitted an RP, thus a win for Vikram.

Matt/Mikey/Califa Segment
This was good, however I would have liked a translation for what Califa and Matt said to each other. It doesn't have to be word for word, just so readers have a better idea of what was said. Maybe in a spoiler tag beneath it or something. Foreign language usage can help set characters apart from the rest, but lack of translation can be annoying to some if they want to know what the character said. Everyone should be able to have some type of idea of what was said.

Frank Driscoll VS Veejay
Another match where only one RP was submitted. Veejay gets a win, and it was understandably going to be shorter due to a no-show.

S.H.I.T. / Alhazred / Serra Segment
Nice addition of the tag team title match being an "I Quit" match. This could have been a little longer, it got the job done on what it was needed for though.

Kagura VS Mikey
The interference by Constantine caught me by surprise. Good development on the feud between Constantine and Stormrage.

Chris / Howard Segment
I'm really getting interested in what Howard's announcement is going to end up being. This kept said interest growing.

Makarov & Beard VS elegANT & Califa
This was a well written match and a refreshing read after the shorter ones that came before it. Cool ending spot with the Mother Russia move. Nicely done.

Crashin Claus VS St Everest
LOL! This was hilarious. I in particular loved that Stratton appeared with the jobbers, he should be used for silly stuff like this more often. Crashin tapping out might have been the most memorable part of the whole show to me, this whole part had me laughing a lot.

Ty Byrna & Slaughter VS Hard Metal Penetration
This was the match of the night. It was very well written and the appearance by Cerberus was a nice surprise. The right result took place in my opinion, given the RP's.

So here we have the mask man showing up with a bunch of people in Christmas garb, then we get a good promo by Tastic to further hype up his match against Ty for the World Heavyweight Championship. Great way to end the show.

So, I really do not have many major points to criticise. I liked the show! The main problems were there only being two really good matches (which was not Creative's fault whatsoever due to the no-show's) and the lack of translation of some foreign lines. Had those guys who no-showed still submitted RP's it would have resulted in superior matches, but you guys put together a good show here given what was submitted and helped generate anticipation for the upcoming PPV event. It gets a thumbs up from me! :thumbsup: Keep it up and thank you again for all that you do with writing these shows for us.
Meltdown 114​

We start the show with an announcement on Tastic and Makarov defending their titles tonight. It may be a very small thing but I like that it gets mentioned way before either match start. Good television there.

Cerberus interrupt Cohen and Cohen to rub their Revolution win into the fans' faces. Dressed to the nines, they go on about how much a year's difference can make and gloat about each one of their title wins. Eve becomes the first woman to hold a singles title and Cerberus is the first team to not only compete in the main event, but win as well. The Gold Rush poster has them as the sole superstars on it and they throw down an Open Invitation for any duo to step up to them.

My Thoughts: Nobody interferes which makes this moment even more impactful for the next show. Can't wait to see who will be the ones to leave Cerberus with their tail between their legs.

This is not a gripe, but something I would like to see changed. The opening intro for Meltdown is 2 years old. I feel the current roster we have now would look great in the next video. The only superstar I can identify in the clip that is still with us is Constantine. Would be awesome if we could get a more updated opening for Meltdown and perhaps Ascension too.

Dorian Slaughter has a vignette on Mikey Stormrage. He lights a match and eats the flame. Wicked little shit.

Bruce Irwin vs. The Beard
(Winner Advances to Semi-Finals of the Gold Rush)

We have a Gold Rush Quarter-Final Match to start up the action. Bruce Irwin squares off against The Beard and seems to be immediately put down, toyed, and then put down again in a squash match. Bruce Irwin does get some offense in, but not enough to really question who will win. Beard delivers Poetic Justice and advances to the Semi-Finals.

My Thoughts: I did read both RPs and rather enjoyed Bruce Irwin's a little bit more than Beard's. But I can see why Beard received the win here. Beard was the main event of Kingdom Come and ever since has been on something of a decline when it comes to another main event. Securing a win here either sets Beard back up as the monster we all should fear that hasn't seen the last of the World title, or will make another superstar look good for the Gold Rush. Irwin is still a fresh face that can kill the beast another day.

Leon Kensworth interviews Kagura and Gozaburo about the Elite X title match. Stacey Madison interviews Viktor and Freddie Fortune about the same thing. Both needed translators and both hype up their championship dance. Gotta say I loved the parallel between the two a lot and it made for a good read to be a back-to-back interview thing. Creative spin right there. I was even more interested in their bout than I was before.

Kagura Ohzora vs. Viktor Makarov
(Elite X Championship Match)

"The International Incident" should go down as a historical thing. Just sounds cool. Kagura demonstrates a striking strategy while Viktor goes the grappler route. All was lost for the lady of Japan until she tugged at Viktor's tights and a mysterious postcard fell out. This distracted Viktor for Kagura to pick up the win. She is now the 2nd female wrestler to ever hold a singles title. WZCW is hitting new ground.

Showing that he wasn't done fighting, Makarov goes nuts until his manager Freddie Fortune calms him down- insisting that "He" is here.

My Thoughts: I thought it was smart for Viktor to lose this way. It will provide further backstory for him that many of us might not already know, and he will more than likely be paired with someone in a tag team. I am all for this since we need that kind of thing, and who doesn't like a little mystery on the show? Kagura is a worthy champion so I can't wait to see where she goes from here either.

Leon Kensworth is back again to ask Mikey his thoughts on Dorian Slaughter psyching him out. Apparently Leon has been trying to contact Stormrage for a while. Mikey's demeanor has drastically changed since the last time we saw him at Revolution. He dons his old mask and tells him flat out Dorian shouldn't have threatened a man that had nothing to lose. This new side of Mikey is intriguing and as a fan it had my interest.

Mikey Stormrage vs. Dorian Slaughter
Winner Advances to the Semi-Finals of the Gold Rush)

Dorian Slaughter attempts to get into his opponent's head again before the match even starts. Stormrage no-sells it and they both trade blows. They take the fight outside of the ring where Slaughter smashes his face into the apron, suplexes him into the audience barrier, mounts him with fist after fist, and rams him into the outside ring post. Gawd almighty, King. Slaughter pins him but it's not enough. Stormrage fights to stay alive throughout the rest of the match, and even Live Mas Slams him. There is an air of urgency afterwards as he pins the rookie but it doesn't get to 3. The crowd is dismayed Slaughter isn't put away with the move. Stormrage goes for Game Over! but Slaughter counters with a punch that busts Mikey wide open. It is worth noting that Slaughter has held on to a weapon at this point and while the referee checks Mikey to see if he is still capable of competing, he puts it away. Slaugher finishes the match with Death Becomes You and secures a spot in the Semi-Finals.

My Thoughts: The match was well written and even though it seemed a bit one-sided throughout, I was glad to see the fighting spirit of the face character come to life and was silenced by an underhanded tactic. This moment marks the Stormrage vs. Elite saga as 0-3. The Elite and Cerberus are pound for pound killing it as stables which makes me yearn for a war between the 6.

Viktor Makarov and Freddie Fortune are backstage. Fortune tells him to wait and comes out with a mysteriously tall man. Together the 3 walk away. Looks like the tag division is about to pick up.

Here we have the Daddy Mack Retirement Speech. Truly a heartfelt moment that brings up his Kingdom Come win and some history about the guy before he came to WZCW. The fans chant his name but he tells them that this is a young man's game and he is here to say goodbye. He invites Mr. Banks out to make it a more realistic affair but the lights go off instead. The tron illuminates the arena and the newest member of the fed, Acutus, appears. He questions Mack's ethics and has a Raven moment as he shouts out "WHAT ABOUT ME?" to a very positive effect. Acutus ominously tells him hell awaits WZCW for he will torture them just like how he was once tortured. Daddy Mack goes back to what he was saying, pauses, and tells the crowd he has unfinished business. He walks out.

My Thoughts: This is the kind of segment that I think should get its own review. What was already going to be a pretty emotional moment is cut in two by the newcomer that shares a lot of frustrations of his own. Looks like Daddy Mack isn't finished yet and will face this brooding Acutus. Awesome. Already starting to like Acutus but I am curious to how he will divert himself from being just like Burna, Slaughter, and Ramparte. Intriguing stuff.

Ty Burna vs. Matt Tastic in a Steel Cage Match
(WZCW World Heavyweight Championship)

Rematch from Revolution. Before the match begins, Tastic gives Ty a smirk of confidence. Both try to psyche one another out as Ty refuses to give Tastic entry into the Cage without repercussion. Having no other option, Tastic comes in flying with fisticuffs and the match starts. The moment Ty Burna goes down, Tastic immediately tries to climb the Cage. But for some supernatural reason the Cage burns his hands! Tables start to turn as Burna gains offense- applying pressure to the injured hand. Tosses Tastic into the Cage wall and knees him there. Tastic kicks out of a pin. Ty executes a straight-jacket hold. Tastic bravely struggles out of it. Ty uses Mo' Murda and gets a pinfall of 2. Burna is infuriated at the stamina Tastic is showing. Burna touches the Cage unaffected by the heat that was shown previously. With that hand, he rakes Tastic in the face and burns him some more. Burna misses with a corner kick and Tastic attacks Burna's old leg wound. Burna shifts the fight with a backbreaker that causes Tastic to experience pain in his neck- another old wound. They both go down. Tastic pins Burna for 2. Burna X-plexes Tastic into the Cage wall, sets up his new finisher- Desecration Annihilation, but his leg gives in so Burna waits for his older move, Consecrated Banishment. Ty connects with a wall and his leg is hurting again. Tastic finds time for a Headache Driver. They both go down to the mat again. Instead of covering, Matt springboard screw attacks Ty. It connects but again Tastic won't pin him. Tastic climbs the Cage which appears to have cooled down now, blows Ty Burna a kiss, and escapes the Cage, retaining his title.

Ty Burna is shocked. As Tastic makes his way to the backstage, he is attacked by Dorian Slaughter. The WZCW Champ puts effort into fighting back, but it's no use. Constantine comes in, pulls Slaughter away, and gives Tastic the Axis of Evil. Constantine grabs the title and looks at Ty Burna. The show concludes with the two Elite members staring at one another.

My Thoughts: Oh boy. Thrilling main event and great ending. Overall I enjoyed how one stable opened up the show and one stable finished it off. Tastic looks even stronger than before and whoever takes the title off of him will have a major chip on their shoulders. The Elite look ready to burst at the seams which is great television. It was a great show that definitely gets everyone ready for the next one.

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