WZ Posters Tournament

Would you be interested in having a tournament for posters?

  • Yah

  • Nah

Results are only viewable after voting.
In no particular order, the people I am including in this shindig:

1. Big Wes
2. Mr. Sam
3. Shadowmancer
4. Sincade20
5. The Enforcer
6. TheOneBigWill
7. admin
8. Classic Jonny
9. Y 2 Jake
10. A.J.
11. Conspicuous Asparagus (A.KA. The Shockmaster)
12. Death Is A Right
13. Echelon
14. Luther_Hull
15. justinsayne
16. HBK-aholic
17. Melon Farmer
19. Kasey
20. Slyfox696
21. IrishCanadian25
22. This Tomko Bloke
23. Easy-Free
24. Eternal Dragon
25. mighty norcal

7 more, please help.

That would be a good amount of people for a people Poll season.

I'm just sayin.
No I don't believe they are debating, it's just a popularity contest.
wait WHAT?? vote on what??? lol...what I mean was, say the match up is Wes VS Will...are they given a topic to debate, and then everyone decides who won??? and then the winner moves on to the next round???

No we just vote on them, sort of like a popularity contest sort of thing. But the votes will be anonymous, otherwise people will vote for the admins in the hope of becoming a mod.
oh ok. Yea thatd be cool. Itll just end up being the most popular mods by the end, but itll be a cool thing to see who is most respected around here. Im down, I think thats a pretty sick idea actually. good stuff
not in the least lol....I think the number you have is stretching it, I didnt think even THAT many people posted regularly on here lol

hmmm...Ill go look around though....
for rankings to start the tourny Lew you could do it by how long there been here. I mean that seems easy to rank everyone once you get a list of people to have the tourny
1. Big Wes
2. Mr. Sam
3. Shadowmancer
4. Sincade20
5. The Enforcer
6. TheOneBigWill
7. admin
8. Classic Jonny
9. Y 2 Jake
10. A.J.
11. Conspicuous Asparagus (A.KA. The Shockmaster)
12. Death Is A Right
13. Echelon
14. Luther_Hull
15. justinsayne
16. HBK-aholic
17. Melon Farmer
19. Kasey
20. Slyfox696
21. IrishCanadian25
22. This Tomko Bloke
23. Easy-Free
24. Eternal Dragon
25. mighty norcal
26. Colamania
27. Downward Spiral
28. xfearbefore
29. Big Ace
30. Prax
31. gginferno
32. wzkevinkelly

There, done.

When she will start this beast?
I guess u could prolly start it whenever, just leave the voting open for a couple full days, to get good voter paticipation on every match...
I probobaly won't make it past the opening round.

I think there should be an award. The winner should become a mod. If a mod, then he should become a G-Mod. If a G-Mod he should become an Admin. If an Admin...hmm IDK.
In no particular order, the people I am including in this shindig:

1. Big Wes
2. Mr. Sam
3. Shadowmancer
4. Sincade20
5. The Enforcer
6. TheOneBigWill
7. admin
8. Classic Jonny
9. Y 2 Jake
10. A.J.
11. Conspicuous Asparagus (A.KA. The Shockmaster)
12. Death Is A Right
13. Echelon
14. Luther_Hull
15. justinsayne
16. HBK-aholic
17. Melon Farmer
19. Kasey
20. Slyfox696
21. IrishCanadian25
22. This Tomko Bloke
23. Easy-Free
24. Eternal Dragon
25. mighty norcal

7 more, please help.

Edgefan # 1
Dj Martyn

There's 7 more

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