WZ is going PG

Exactly it got locked, but any of these thousands of children that should be flocking here can still see it. If anyone is going to get me to even consider falling for this, they'll need to remove every single gratuitous image and swear word from all 1 million or so posts in the forums history. Good luck with that.
Planty I would join your WZ P-Generation X.

Seriously though, how can you have a PG online community when the majority of the people on here just like to complain and get stuff off their chest? It really doesn't make sense. So I can't cuss anymore.

If you go and find my last few posts and give me an infraction for every cuss word, I might not be here anymore.
I have no problem with it. Wait until I forget about it and swear a lot in a post and get an infraction. Then, and only then, I may get a little cross.
Planty I would join your WZ P-Generation X.

Seriously though, how can you have a PG online community when the majority of the people on here just like to complain and get stuff off their chest? It really doesn't make sense. So I can't cuss anymore.

If you go and find my last few posts and give me an infraction for every cuss word, I might not be here anymore.

Haha. Let me just get a rough idea how many people would be interested. I don't wanna claim a mass exodus on the forums if there's like 3 people interested. Haha.
Wz is taking baby steps just like the E did. One week they'll eliminate all the S** threads, next week they'll do the swearing. It takes time but with that time WZ will be a nice clean forum...
Jay, you know I have had your back all of the time but you need to stop this. I don't ant to see you go but you are beginning to annoy everyone with this. Everyone is putting up with the rules, liking them or not. Just get over yourself and then the rules.
I just got that thread I posted deleted, I realise it was a bit immature and lame. :lmao:

JKO, I'd laugh if your legitimate name was Jacob KO
This PG joke is ridiculous. I just read a two posts each in non spam sections, each just posted a few minutes ago, and each by a G-mod and guess what people, they had swearing in them.

C'mon on people.
It's been pointed out in another thread, but, these are privately owned forums. If they wanted to, they could create a totaltarian dictactorship. They have no obligations to allow us our god-given rights, as promised by the Constitution, Magna Carta, or the Geneva Conventions. That's part of the reason I love this place.

Works are awesome.
I love it too, however, if I watch someone else curse in a thread and not get an infraction but I do, then I am not going to love it that much longer.
You don't know if they've been infracted for it though.
If they continue to curse then I am pretty sure that they haven't been infracted.

One was in the When should John Cena leave, I think and why is it important? So you can keep this ruse going?

If we can't express ourselves freely then you are taking the fun out of posting.
I don't see it, and you've never been able to express yourself freely.
It's there, trust me, I just read it again. I'm not going to tell you who because it isn't my business.

I have always felt like, besides completely bashing another poster, that I have been free to express myself.

While I can certainly get my point across without cursing, sometimes, it feels great to just post angrily. I don't think that it shows a lack of intelligence. I think that it is the way in which a person might use curse words. I won't use them every single post, however, I would like to be free to.

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