WZ is going PG

BTW, CH Dave... look under my username. I think it sums me up adequately. In tune with the PG era, time to do my Chavswoggle review thread.
A Club house is still a place of alcohol with no children allowed. May I suggest adding the words "Mickey Mouse" before the word "club" to remove confusion.
Its an OLD one man... get with the times :lmao:

You have been sigged three times from me, stop trying to get a fourth :lmao:

I don't care if it is old or not. It is amazing.

And I'm only good enough to be sigged for like 10 minutes lol. I need as much as I can get lol. But don't worry, your sigs are usually very hot, so I understand when I have to be taken out.

BTW, CH Dave... look under my username. I think it sums me up adequately. In tune with the PG era, time to do my Chavswoggle review thread.

People don't die inside, they just get a little stupider for having to go "Huh?:headscratch:". It happens lol.
I don't care if it is old or not. It is amazing.

And I'm only good enough to be sigged for like 10 minutes lol. I need as much as I can get lol. But don't worry, your sigs are usually very hot, so I understand when I have to be taken out.

Maybe if you stopped calling me on my sarcasm... :icon_cry:

How about this new sig in tribute to the BP?

People don't die inside, they just get a little stupider for having to go "Huh?:headscratch:". It happens lol.

I can see that with the way you spelt the highlighted word. There is no such word as "stupider." :lmao: My plan is working :theyareontome:

I think I can kill people with my sarcasm. For example, I am the only one on this forum that laughs everytime I see Tastycles on the screen. When I say it, I rofl hard. Everytime.
Cuz Sidious we fucking can! Who the hell wants to be clean, when they push a stoner as the good guy!!! That's why pg fucking sucks... Because there is no reason for me to clean up my act. You are right, if this starts I need to get this out of me now. So why don't you go fuck yourself you cock sucking son of a bitch. No one likes you here anyways... you shameless asshole. Remember all those hate threads for you... Yeah, that's right we hate you! go suck a dick and kiss my ass...
I strongly disagree with Sid. I don't hate him. Watch your step, guy.
...I like Sidious when he's not talking about fixing the WWE and making petitions. He has a nice sense of humor as proven by his posts in this thread, and is a pretty smart guy.

I thought Paradox's post was a joke...
I get jokes.

Eh.. what the hell is this all about?

Yea, funny joke.. just hilarious. Whats funny is the fact that anyone would put stock into anything serious the mods say now, I mean jeez, you want new posters? Don't play with their heads and make them think they will get banned and/or infracted for swearing.

Though, the name changes of the sub-forum topics were a nice touch.

Anyway, i'll play along.. so I only got a little less than 2 and a half hours till I can't swear or talk about sex and drinking? OKay, then fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Pussy. Tits. I'm drunk off budweiser, coors, whiskey, vodka, and rum! And I just came...
From what I take out of this thread, it seems a few people did buy into the stuff that was going on, then backtracked and said they were just going with the flow and being sarcastic.

Pretty obvious that some were fooled.
What I find more amusing than all the people claiming that they weren't fooled, is all the people who are at pains to point out that others definatly bought into it. If no one believed it, kinda makes everyone claiming that they weren't fooled pretty pointless :)
I felt no pains in pointing out that people were fooled.

My back hurts, but I had some rough sex with a hot chick last night, so that explains that injury.
Well when I first read it i was like no... And then I read through and was like yeah this is a joke. So I went on to being extremely sarcastic on everything that I said. Then people thought I was being real.... Sidious even knew I was joking
So what...less then an hour left.

Is this on EST or what.

or does it go by everyone's time zone.

Like say its Midnight here and someone in Cali cusses its only like 9 out there right...did they break the rules as its not Monday there.
I simply can't believe how fucking stupid some of you are.

I fully support the PG Era. My new puppy signature represents how a young dog is much more appealing then disgusting "puppies".
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