WZ is going PG

Cuz Sidious we fucking can! Who the hell wants to be clean, when they push a stoner as the good guy!!! That's why pg fucking sucks... Because there is no reason for me to clean up my act. You are right, if this starts I need to get this out of me now. So why don't you go fuck yourself you cock sucking son of a bitch. No one likes you here anyways... you shameless asshole. Remember all those hate threads for you... Yeah, that's right we hate you! go suck a dick and kiss my ass...

(Long Pause)

When I got done reading this ... I had to take a deep breath. I like to think I typically come off as calm, cool, and collected .... but truth be told, I do have one drawback .... that being that I unfortunately possess a very bad temper. I can usually control my anger ... although sometimes I have to try a little bit harder to keep my temper under control. Fortunately, I was able to do that this time, although I am not going to lie ... my buttons were pushed a little. It's amazing what a simple count to 10 can do some times.

With that being said, I am going to calmly and rationally dismiss that little negative outburst of yours and chalk it up as simply the alcohol doing the talking. However, do not test my patience.

WZ is going PG and all the IWC who is infatuated with the PG Era should be absolutely thrilled. Since the Attitude Era was a black mark on wrestling history, everyone should be absolutely thrilled that now even Wrestlezone is taking the lead amongst wrestling forums in getting rid of all that naughty vulgarity coming from the mouths of its posters.

In the spirit of going PG, instead of advocating violence against you for those comments, I think an infraction or a nice suspension will do nicely for that kind of talk in the future. Maybe even to go so far as a washing one's mouth out with soap. It's all about rehabilitation.
Holy water [PG reference], is this the Lord's subtle way of telling us he is soon joining the WZ staff? Or is this the Club House where kiddies speak absolute non-sense?

Meh either way...
Holy water [PG reference], is this the Lord's subtle way of telling us he is soon joining the WZ staff? Or is this the Club House where kiddies speak absolute non-sense?

Meh either way...

I never made any mention in that post of joining the staff. How did you get that out of the post?
You were talking of infractions. Everytime I have mentioned it, I get a letter sent to me from the staff saying "stop that kid." :lmao:
I never made any mention in that post of joining the staff. How did you get that out of the post?

FalKon can be a little out there sometimes lol. I think he saw you say infraction or suspension or what have you and thought "Sidious for WZ Staff!". Just my estimation.
FalKon can be a little out there sometimes lol. I think he saw you say infraction or suspension or what have you and thought "Sidious for WZ Staff!". Just my estimation.

Firstly, Im Australian.

Secondly, :lmao:

Thirdly, I must be like 20 feet tall with every other poster being less than 3 feet, as my sarcasm seems to go over everyones heads :suspic: [i.e. I was being sarcastic]

Fourthly, Im Australian
Firstly, Im Australian.

Secondly, :lmao:

Thirdly, I must be like 20 feet tall with every other poster being less than 3 feet, as my sarcasm seems to go over everyones heads :suspic: [i.e. I was being sarcastic]

Fourthly, Im Australian

I just think that you lack the subtlety that goes with sarcasm. Or you just don't make it obvious enough, as it gets lost in the translation of internet dialogue.

And I didn't want to get into the Australian thing, but I almost said something about you being Australian. I forget.
I just think that you lack the subtlety that goes with sarcasm. Or you just don't make it obvious enough, as it gets lost in the translation of internet dialogue.

I blame the accent here. However, everytime I am being sarcastic... this is my way of doing so:

[Sarcastic comment] ... :suspic: (i.e. sarcasm)

And I didn't want to get into the Australian thing, but I almost said something about you being Australian. I forget.

I may speak English, but your dialect confuses me ... :suspic: (i.e. sarcasm)
First off, fuck you! Lol, just kidding FalKon, <3. But you can tell different accents in America.

In all seriousness... I can guess what state you are from in America if I were to actually speak to you in person. It is exactly the same basic sounds of speech that happens all over the world.

You say First off... whats the second bit?
In all seriousness... I can guess what state you are from in America if I were to actually speak to you in person. It is exactly the same basic sounds of speech that happens all over the world.

You say First off... whats the second bit?

Haha, the being able to tell different American accents was the second bit. I just didn't add secondly.
aww is that like taking your ball and going home?

It's more like a last straw kind of situation. When most people, 'take their ball and go home', they're typically either burned out or tired of the state of matters. So I guess you could say I would be taking mine home if this is the case. But I truly believe it's a work. And if it's not, like I said, I can find other things to occupy my time that doesn't involved having to be paranoid about what I say and who will ban me.
Cuz Sidious we fucking can! Who the hell wants to be clean, when they push a stoner as the good guy!!! That's why pg fucking sucks... Because there is no reason for me to clean up my act. You are right, if this starts I need to get this out of me now. So why don't you go fuck yourself you cock sucking son of a bitch. No one likes you here anyways... you shameless asshole. Remember all those hate threads for you... Yeah, that's right we hate you! go suck a dick and kiss my ass...

Look, an old saying goes 'People hate what they don't understand.' This is a classic case. All Sidious does is post intelligent, albeit skewed points of view on wrestling. Just because someone doesn't agree with a stance doesn't mean you should throw your toys out of the crib and start swearing to get a point across. And trust me, more people like Sidious than they like your sorry ass. I would say you suck as a poster, but I don't think you've even posted in the wrestling sections. So grow up, grow a pair, and go wash your mouth out with soap.
...& Lariat hits the Stan Hansen Western Lariat to finish him off for the count



I like that you know Stan Hansen originated the Lariat. Before Barry Windham, before Bradshaw, before the Stenier Line and the Russian Sickle, Stan Hansen was hittin' the Lariat on Inoki, Giant Baba, Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and Bruno Sammartino.
I thought Lance Cade made the Lariat? Wasn't Hansen a rip-off of Cade? :lmao:

You know, if old school Bradshaw & Hansen had a love child, it would be Cade.

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