I think I'm going to create an "Elite" Bar Room

I really don't see the point in this. Its not like there isn't another private section on the site for select members which is so interesting we have to get told about its going's on :D

But really- the bar room is constantly going through long dead peroids and short bursts of excitement and thats with the large quantity of potential posters. How is another section with far less members going to keep itself interested for any length of time with only a small selection of these?
If anything, it'll make the bar more exciting as a result of all the bitching from people who aren't allowed in the elite bar.
I really don't see the point in this. Its not like there isn't another private section on the site for select members which is so interesting we have to get told about its going's on :D

You need to be bold for that and the board rooms hardly secret now is it?

But really- the bar room is constantly going through long dead peroids and short bursts of excitement and thats with the large quantity of potential posters. How is another section with far less members going to keep itself interested for any length of time with only a small selection of these?

Quality not quantity.
You need to be bold for that and the board rooms hardly secret now is it?

Quality not quantity.

And there I thought the latter was meant to be an apt description for the former. Is the Bored (I am sorry- just too late for me I guess) room becoming pretty appropriate ? :D
The board rooms for generally discussing forum matters. It's nothing like the bar room at all.

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