Elite Bar Room Closed?

Yes. I'm sure nobody can tell how threatened by me you are behind that turn of the millenium "humor."
Yes. I'm sure nobody can tell how threatened by me you are behind that turn of the millenium "humor."

Im as threatened of you as Richard Gear is of a gerbil up the anus


Does that look scary there padre..................................I didnt think so!
You're right. I'm certain Richard Gear is both loose and European enough to welcome the anus wanderings of a gerbil. My mistake.
You're right. I'm certain Richard Gear is both loose and European enough to welcome the anus wanderings of a gerbil. My mistake.

No offence taken, Im sure its more due to the fact that your attracted to dark and mysterious people like myself, its fine though all you had to do is express your intimate feelings and i would have just let you down gently Coco.

i dont go coo coo for cocoa puffs
No, it's been deleted. ST gave me rep for the thread I made about him, and now it's gone.
So is that the final verdict then? Is that it? Was the illustrious ELITE BAR ROOM only a hiccup and a footnote in the WrestleZone history book? Will Batman be able to escape the clutches of the diabolical madman the Riddler? Find out next post(Hopefully), same Bar time, same Bar Channel.
Well, it wasn't TM. He told me you only got in if Slyfox allowed your profile. Xfear didn't answer me.

They're both receiving their punishments as we speak.

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