The Fall of the Bar Room

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This late? :eek:

Flames Out

Junior High basketball open gym.

Oh you mean the section of the forums that serves little to no purpose and shouldnt even be what you log into "WRESTLEZONE forums" to be looking at???

Your right. just an absolute tragedy.
You know, come to think of it, the Bar Room REALLY got bad about the time you became a mod...

I wonder if there is any significance to that fact.
As far as the name goes, who really cares? The threads are the same, and we all know what it is. I didn't even notice the name changes for about a week. What difference does it make?
Don't kid yourself Sly, "I" take full responsibility for the fall of the bar room.

I returned to save_us and succeeded about as much as Chris Jericho did for the W.W.E.
barroom has been pverrated since its inception??

yea. Makes little sense to sighn up on a wrestling forum, and primarily post in a section that generally has nothing to do with wrestling.


which is why I find it annoying when people complain and moan about the bar room "dying"....well if it sucks so much, go fucking post wrestling. You know, like you most likely sighned up to do in the first place. And if people were in such dire concern of the bar room, then gee how bout we spend time making ways to make it fun, like Derf did, instead of making a bunch of threads to cry about it, and sit around complaining.
barroom has been pverrated since its inception??

yea. Makes little sense to sighn up on a wrestling forum, and primarily post in a section that generally has nothing to do with wrestling.


which is why I find it annoying when people complain and moan about the bar room "dying"....well if it sucks so much, go fucking post wrestling. You know, like you most likely sighned up to do in the first place.
I signed up to argue John Cena and Bryan Danielson with xfearbefore. I did that.

So, what now, oh so Mighty NorCal, whose modding powers of three days somehow grants him this great wisdom? Why is it every poster who is made a mod, instantly changes their posting style?
how has my style changed??? I said this exact same thing, the last time someone made a thread crying about the bar room. And is it wrong of me to step up a little more since ive been placed in a leadership position?? I suppose, since ive been modded, i should speak out how I feel LESS then, eh Sly??
barroom has been pverrated since its inception??

yea. Makes little sense to sighn up on a wrestling forum, and primarily post in a section that generally has nothing to do with wrestling.


which is why I find it annoying when people complain and moan about the bar room "dying"....well if it sucks so much, go fucking post wrestling. You know, like you most likely sighned up to do in the first place.

The Bar Room has had its moments and what made it so great was the people, thats what kept me coming back from the start and thats what this place has been lacking lately the bar rooms dead because weve lost some of the best people weve had on here and thats what this place is about for alot of people, come for the wrestling stay for the bar room that should be WZs slogan.

but to be honest on the topic of wrestling I hardly have time to watch wrestling anymore so I have nothign to say on any current issues so I just stay in here for the limited time Im ever even online anymore
and honestly. says the guy who just started post a lot (if at all??) in the bar room becuase he got infracted twice. You were the most consistent wrestling poster on these boards, or at least top three. and very very rarely ever posted in the bar room
how has my style changed??? I said this exact same thing, the last time someone made a thread crying about the bar room. And is it wrong of me to step up a little more since ive been placed in a leadership position?? I suppose, since ive been modded, i should speak out how I feel LESS then, eh Sly??

You know he did the same shit when I first became mod right?, I think it's his new game, that or his admin powers over on that other forum he's a member of are going to his head
Justin I was juuuuust about to say the same thing you just said. I remeber him doing it to you too. Not that I care that he said it to me, becuase he is obviously wrong.
how has my style changed??? I said this exact same thing, the last time someone made a thread crying about the bar room. And is it wrong of me to step up a little more since ive been placed in a leadership position?? I suppose, since ive been modded, i should speak out how I feel LESS then, eh Sly??
See, this is what I'm talking about. "Leadership position"? Are you kidding me?

You're a mod on a free forum, in which very few people regularly post on. There are millions of forums out there, and plenty with more posters. You're not a "leader", you're the equivalent of a garbage man. You clean up trash and fine people who leave poor trash lying around the forums. Seriously.

It's like people get "power" then all of a sudden they think they're hot shit. I don't understand it. You should have turned down the mod spot like I did so long ago. You've been a mod less than three days, and already doing the "infraction" bit, and worrying less about posting, and more about taking your "job" seriously.

and honestly. says the guy who just started post a lot (if at all??) in the bar room becuase he got infracted twice. You were the most consistent wrestling poster on these boards, or at least top three. and very very rarely ever posted in the bar room
What does this have to do with ANYTHING? Are you trying to say I can't make an informed opinion because I didn't post in the bar room before last month?

You know he did the same shit when I first became mod right?, I think it's his new game, that or his admin powers over on that other forum he's a member of are going to his head
That's not true.

I said you were a mod who didn't even understand the rules and concepts of Internet forums. I said something to the effect of "how can you be a mod, when you don't even understand what you're supposed to be doing?".

No no, CM and Uncle Sam were the ones I said that too, and now NorCal. And unfortunately, I'm correct. It's like I told them, Corporate Sly was gimmicked off of them. People who used to be fun posters who got the ability to mod and suddenly thought they were important.

Wes never got that way. I never felt that Wes let modding change his posting style. The same with OneBigWill and IrishCanadian. They posted the same before and after.

Whatever. I don't even know how we got on this tangent. Understand that I don't have a personal problem with NorCal, just think it's amazing how different some act with they are placed in a "leadership position".
meh. I dont feel as if my posting style has changed in the least. Still do the crazy reveiws of shows. still post the same way on the wrestling board. and the "infraction" thing is really just a big joke. you seem to have taken it a little too seriously. the only reason I didnt do it before was becuase I feel it wouldve been rather silly for someone who couldnt give infractions, to be running around threatening people with them. Id call it character development, not me changing LOL
meh. I dont feel as if my posting style has changed in the least. Still do the crazy reveiws of shows. still post the same way on the wrestling board. and the "infraction" thing is really just a big joke. you seem to have taken it a little too seriously. the only reason I didnt do it before was becuase I feel it wouldve been rather silly for someone who couldnt give infractions, to be running around threatening people with them. Id call it character development, not me changing LOL

Haven't taken anything seriously about your infractions bit, just noting subtle changes. And while you may not feel like it, it has thus far. Maybe once the novelty wears off, you'll post like normal, I don't know.

And, developments IS change. For a mod, you sure aren't very bright. ;)
The Bar Room is dying because things are taken way too seriously. Plain and simple. I would be surprised if no one has said that already.
direct me to these subtle changes sir??? I am still unaware of what you are talking about. Like you said, ive hardly been a mod for three days, how could I have changed??
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