Sophisticated Bar Room Discussion Thread

Anyone want to violate me while I attempt to drown myself in seal urine as the best of the Beach Boys plays in the background in front of a setting of Hiroshima's atomic bomb detonation?
What type of mature intelligent discussions should we have? Please tell me because i'm at a loss. I thought that is what the cigar lounge is for?
Are you stupid enough to think that the weather is the same everywhere? Who cares what the weather is like there?

Anyone here that matters care?
That's real fuckin sophisticated right there. Damn i'm glad we have you to make the bar room worth while.
Almighty lord repent these sinners sins.

God doesn't repent the sins of the sinners. Sinners are supposed to repent for their sins, and God is supposed to forgive them.

That's in accordance with many monotheistic religions, especially Christianity.

Now boss don't be so cruel. It's not his fault that he's that low level of intelligence. We shouldn't confuse him by telling him two things like that. Stick to one name: twat.
This is my favorite epic fail of all time. Nearly every post you made has had some form of grammar or usage error.
The boasts of liars and hypocrites ring in my ears, you say there is no need to make the Bar Room more intelligent, yet you disgrace your own putrid ideology when you create these meaningless vulgar posts in the faint hope that someone will respond to your crude posts. I am now totally convinced of the need to make the bar room a civilised and sophisticated place for mature discussions.
Why are you so stupid? It's been said time and time again that the bar room is here for Nonsense and Stupidity. If you want Intelligent Non-Wrestling Discussion go here:

IF you don't get this you are the stupidest Son of a Bitch that has ever graced God's Green Earth. and your mother should never have given birth to you
:lmao: yea seriously, the bar room is where we can talk about whatever the fuck we want, without having to unload a huge post, and debate. People come here when they are not in the mood to think hard, and type long drawn out posts. If you want more intelligent discussions go to the fucking cigar lounge. If you keep this shit up you might as well fucking leave. The bar room is quite possible the biggest draw to the forum, and you will not change the way it's run. Now shut the FUCK up, get out, and leave this alone.

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