The first bar post.
Here's what happened yesterday...all times are British Summertime
The Luther bar room was created [which was all of luthers bar room threads], this then added loads of posts to everyone because the post count was on for that. This put me up by about 50 and Luther by 300, I noticed because I had just posted in the personal landmark thread about overtaking luther. I pointed it out to Jake that teh post count was on in the Luther bar room (after I ran a test myself to notice that I had gone up) Then the post count was switched off.
It was about 3.15ish because I was doing a live discussion on the match [which we won 1-0 incidently] and it was just after the Luther bar room thing. It said my thread could not be found, and after initially thinking my thread had been closed I went into the bar room to notice a load of threads had vanished [other than the luther ones moved into the luther bar room]. The last thread was the personal landmark thread but the games room and luthers bar room were there, then the bar room vanished. I PMd Jake at 3:20 [according to my sent box] asking where it had gone because I initially thought he was just rejigging something to get everyones post counts down, that's why I was saying it was a glitch with the post counts.