I think I'm going to create an "Elite" Bar Room

Calm down, it's not like I said "Puerto Rico deserves to be a state."

Bitch, our star will be OUTSIDE the flag! Innovative shit in the works.

Back to the point though: Why would the non-invited people see the section, but not the contents? That would just piss some of the n00bs off when they see it the first time
It should motivate people to do better in the non-spams. If they're allowed to the section, it's because the staff has taken notice and wants to get to know you better. If not, you guys get to play Whack-A-n00b with any rioters. Its pretty much a win/win.
Bitch, our star will be OUTSIDE the flag! Innovative shit in the works.

Back to the point though: Why would the non-invited people see the section, but not the contents? That would just piss some of the n00bs off when they see it the first time

Or motivate them. Imagine seeing the section list and then seeing the "Elite Bar Room" section. Tag line: "Want To Post Here? Prove Yourself Worthy."
It may actually motivate me to post more frequently. To be considered elite, would brighten my day, so I'd work toward it.

Oh, and will Rolling Rock be in stock?
I think before you guys do that, you should clarify what exactly you mean by "good".

You know, just so us hopeless cases can be....not so hopeless.
I think steve has the best idea.

Or even have it so you have to make 5/10 non spam posts a day to stay in?
Sounds like a good idea. My only problem would be who gets in. There would need to be a set number to keep the conversation going but not oversaturate the place.
This idea sounded good up until this was said.

No, it still sounds good. I like Lee's idea. Like others have said, it would motivate some of us to better our posting skills. There's no reason I should have only scored a 68 in his ratings, as often and long as I've been on.
The point of the bar room is a spam section. Adding a non-spam restriction of getting a certain amount of posts per day is silly, to be honest.
The point of the bar room is a spam section. Adding a non-spam restriction of getting a certain amount of posts per day is silly, to be honest.

Not to say that I think my opinion on this matter is worth more than a pile of vomit, but I'm inclined to agree with this logic. But I find Lee's idea more palatable than the idea of a vote or an invite only, as that usually leans more towards popularity than it does towards post quality. Again though, not that I am an expert in these things.

I, for one, would not be offended that you guys have a private thread. There's more important shit to worry about in life. I have fun enough in the open threads!
No, it still sounds good. I like Lee's idea. Like others have said, it would motivate some of us to better our posting skills. There's no reason I should have only scored a 68 in his ratings, as often and long as I've been on.

I don't think post count has anything to do with the rankings considering I got a 71. Lower than BC, and the same as $hake.

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