WZ is going PG

the only G-Mod posted in there is Becca. Fear says why the fudge but that's not swearing now is it now is he a g-mod is he?
He's a mod isn't he? IDK, why does it matter? It is a ruse.

I never said that I couldn't be angry without cursing, but when I am angry, I like to curse. I could post all day without cursing and I, for sure don't curse as much as others. I would just like the freedom to be able to curse if I want to. Who is it going to hurt? I hear worse by ear at college and a youth group I work with all the time.

Cursing does not show stupidity, however, if every other word out of your mouth is a curse word, then one might come across as stupid or ignorant.
For a PG era forum, I'm still seeing a lot of sexual innuendo and foul language, typically, this stuff can be weeded out pretty significantly in such a short time. Asspoop.
Everything on the internet is at parental discretion anyway. There's no censorship at all. If I uploaded anal shitting grannies onto the internet and put a big PG on it, it would be as PG as this forum is now and ever was. Has anyone actually fallen for this?
Everything on the internet is at parental discretion anyway. There's no censorship at all. If I uploaded anal shitting grannies onto the internet and put a big PG on it, it would be as PG as this forum is now and ever was. Has anyone actually fallen for this?

Uhhhh... crap.:theyareontome:
My sex thread was locked, which is utter BS...but not really. Like I said, if this is legit, or one big prank, I have other things to bide my time than a candy cane forum. It's stupid. And I see Luther looking at this.
I'm bored of this now.

The first post in this thread was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but people believed it so it kind of escalated. I expected people to have forgotten about it by the time I came online today but the mods ran with it and people fell for it.

So swear all the fuck you want, you humourless *****.
Hahaha fucking a. I actually changed some of my language in posts to suit kids. Damn you Luther. Well played everyone.
Wow everybody fell for that including myself. I actually was wondering why nobody got an infraction every time somebody posting warnings never infraction
Seriously, I read the first post. Thought "that's quite funny". I come back two days later and people have fallen for it.

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