WWE Wrestlemania 31 General Discussion thread

Taker vs Lesnar II needs to happen or not?

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Hard to say really, which is a good thing. Over the past couple of years Wrestlemania has been too predicable to predict. But I'll just throw a card together for the criac.

wwe whc: Brock Lesner vs Roman Reigns
Undertaker vs Sting
Triple H vs John Cena
Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins
US Title: Rusev vs Sheamus
Divas Title: Nikki Bella vs Brie Bella vs Paige vs AJ Lee
Tag Titles: USO's vs Any Team
Andre: Hard to pick but since i haven't booked Ambrose or Wyatt, i'll pick one of them even though Wyatt will more than likely have a bigger match.
Besides, if HHH is The Authority, why wouldn't he just enter himself in any title match he wants to?

Well that's the problem with heel authority figures in general and always has been. Why doesn't Triple H just strip Brock of the title right now and proclaim Seth Rollins the new champ? Why didn't the Authority just fire Daniel Bryan? How come Vince McMahon didn't just fire Steve Austin? Why didn't Eric Bischoff just book a handicap match between Scotty Riggs and Hollywood Hogan & The Outsiders with the stipulation that if Riggs lost WCW was dead? You have to suspend your disbelief for anything like this to work.

I hear what people are saying about Sting's shine fading the more we see of him but honestly I think a two minute cameo in the Rumble wouldn't hurt him. All you'd get of him is his entrance and him eliminating himself and Triple H with a brawl going up the aisle. I think that would leave fans really wanting to see more rather than take away from the guy
Well that's the problem with heel authority figures in general and always has been. Why doesn't Triple H just strip Brock of the title right now and proclaim Seth Rollins the new champ? Why didn't the Authority just fire Daniel Bryan? How come Vince McMahon didn't just fire Steve Austin? Why didn't Eric Bischoff just book a handicap match between Scotty Riggs and Hollywood Hogan & The Outsiders with the stipulation that if Riggs lost WCW was dead? You have to suspend your disbelief for anything like this to work.

There's a difference between vastly overstepping your power and making insane proclamations or stipulations that no fan would buy, and general match making.

The fact is Triple H makes matches. He decides who gets title shots, etc. If Triple H wants a world title match, then Triple H puts himself in a world title match. It fits his character and isn't too big of a stretch for anyone to roll their eyes at.

Therefore the original point you quoted stands. It makes no sense for Triple H to enter the Rumble, the prize is something that he can have whenever he wants, at the drop of a dime. The risk he'd be taking climbing into a ring that could include ten or more of his disgruntled employees that would be foaming at the mouth for a chance to team up and exact some revenge for what he has put them through would be something that is far more out of character and difficult to believe than the notion that he could just insert himself in the WM main event if he wanted that spot.
It looks like Bryan or Reigns will go one on one with Brock Lesnar and Rollins vs Randy Orton could also take place as the last time we saw the two together in the ring they were just getting started with their feud and Orton was out. But what about Dean Ambrose? Who should he face at Wrestlemania?
My card is this:

Ryback dethrones Rusev

Paige defeats Nikki Bella for the Divas Title

Dolph Ziggler wins Andre De Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Randy Orton defeats Mr MITB Seth Rollins

Roman Reigns defeats John Cena

Dean Ambrose defeats Triple H in some stipulation match probably

Bray Wyatt defeats Sting

Daniel Bryan defeats Brock Lesnar to win the WWEWHC
Seth Rollins cashes in on Bryan (First cash in at Wrestlemania)

As much as I hate Brock losing to anyone at this point, especially since he ended the streak, I think Bryan beating him is a much better loss for him than to Roman Reigns simply because the man is not good enough yet. If Rollins cashes in on Bryan, they can begin an exciting feud which can culminate before Summerslam and that way someone new can step up to face Bryan (Ziggler imo should feud with Bryan and their feud should have an iron man match)

I think Orton should go over Rollins because he hasn't won at Wrestlemania in quite some time now and Rollins had a great year last year and besides, he is winning the championship later on.

Ambrose-Triple H makes sense because Triple H had messed around so much more with Ambrose last year than with Reigns, who was out through out the second half of 2014. Wyatt-Sting can be a great feud and I don't think Taker should return and lose again, albeit I would really love to see him return.

I'd like to see a Sandow/Miz match somewhere down the line, probably at Fast Lane or something. And also, a Ziggler Barrett feud maybe involving Jericho or Sheamus to it as well.

Now what is your Wrestlemania 31 card?
Might be a long shot but I think he's going to join Bray Wyatt, which would be the reason why he lost this feud so bad. Sadly that doesn't really give him a Wrestlemania spot unless they go after the tag team championships? I mean, most likely it'll still be the Usos. Bray could actually try to recruit them, because they've shown signs of turning in their feud with Miz. Granted that's like the only option if they go this way.

I could also see them sliding him into a filler feud with maybe a John Cena? Both of them faces. Just a, who's better feud. It could definitely work
I'd say he goes after Rollins again, regardless of him failing against Bray Wyatt. But that can only happen assuming the ill fated Ambrose-Wyatt feud is over after the Ambulance match.

Beyond that, I can't really say at this point which direction he goes, as his major beef is still with Seth Rollins, something he alluded to after HiaC in his promo on RAW after that event.
This again? I saw this on facebook and it drove me nuts, the guys like "it's so predictable! Maybe..." No it's not predictable if you aren't certain. People chastise WWE all the time for being "predictable" yet it's usually not.

For instance, you see Rollins being there to be the fall guy? I see him there to be the reason Cena can't win. Why does everything have to be a swerve? Maybe the swerve here is that Rollins and Lesnar are going to assure Cena can't win at Royal Rumble. Cena barely beat Rollins, and hasn't beat Lesnar in years. Them together, means Cena can't win! WWE protects Lesnar a lot, but they're also protecting Cena here as they normally do. Remember when he got whupped by Lesnar and they fed the Wyatt Family to him? They're making the odds so high that Cena losing makes sense! We might get another teased cash in but I highly doubt Rollins will actually cash in.

Plus keep in mind, Rollins' only actual feud right now is with Cena and Orton, Orton will be out till the Rumble. The plan was probably to have them fight at the Rumble but now what is there for Rollins? Lesnar is back so Cena is too busy for Rollins. Orton is still out so can't go there. The Rumble match itself? Well just like how people are complaining Seth is in the title match, they'd be mad if he was in the Rumble. If you keep him off PPV then he doesn't look as important as he did before. I mean when was the last PPV Rollins wasn't on?

Again, I see this being a way to keep Cena looking strong heading to Wrestlemania. Lesnar's relationship with Rollins will be a little strained by the end but Lesnar is going to Mania as champ.
good card,

I'm not really interested in the lower/midcard/divas so I'll name what I think the last few matches will be and also what I hoped they would have been if WWE wanted to smash wrestlemania PPV buys/ratings.

John Cena vs Seth Rollins (John Cena puts Rollins over CLEAN (as one of the next TOP guys) and has time off after mania for a few months.

The Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt (Taker wins but helps establish Bray in the match with him pushing him to the very edge so Bray gets Taker's respect at the end of the match.

Sting vs HHH (HHH put's Sting over in his first WWE match after a few near falls from both men)

Next night on RAW they bring Taker out to retire and BAM out comes Sting to offer one last challenge at next years mania in Takers home state in front of a record attendance of 100k in Texas

Main Event - WWE title: Brock Lesnar (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan (Since Brock is leaving I think they will go with Bryan winning as to keep the fans happy if Reigns wins the crowd will turn hostile and Vince always keeps the fans happy at the end of Mania)

what the card's best matches should have been

Kurt Angle vs Rusev (Angle returns and wins representing USA's colours and finally stops Rusev after a solid match)

The Rock (with Vince) vs HHH (with Stephanie) (control of WWE match, of course HHH goes over. I would of loved a interference from HBK super kicking The Rock to cost him the match teasing a further altercation of the two legends and maybe planting the seeds for next mania since we have never seen them have a match and it's known they never liked each other in real life.

Sting vs The Undertaker (Phenom vs Icon. After a heavily built up feud/match Taker goes over clean and both men show respect after the match and both retire - giving Sting his Big Mania moment and the opponent he truly wanted to face)

Main Event - WWE Title: Brock Lesnar (c) vs John Cena vs Daniel Bryan vs Batista vs Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns. (John Cena wins. Crowd believes Cena wins again and same old routine until Seth Rollins comes out to a POP cashes in and wins and turns FACE. Again Cena has some time off and goes away until at least June, Lesnar then returns to UFC and Batista returns to Hollywood.
I could see them going with a Big Show or Kane to give him a much needed victory. He hasn't won a ppv match since the Shield split so this could give him a win on the big stage while also giving a vet something to do at Mania.

I'd be more interested in seeing a feud with BNB for the intercontinental title. Those two could put on a physical match.
I quite like the idea of Reigns winning the Andre the Giant battle royal rather than being in the main event - but assuming things go as expected and it Brock vs Reigns I'd have it happen like this.

Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins earlier in the night - Rollins goes over to draw tremendous heat. (just imagine that match though)

Reigns vs Brock Lesnar - Reigns wins in a long match, Rollins comes out, having already drawn monster heat, cashes in to win the title and close out Mania.

This solves a couple of potential problems in that the fans who are against Reigns being in that main event get to see him drop the title, and the fans who are on the fence about Reigns will garner sympathy for him seeing him get screwed after his big moment. It also cements Rollins as the undisputed number 1 heel in the company.

Side note: Rollins joins up with Heyman next night on RAW, as Lesnar leaves the company.
It all boils down to the main event and finale.

My best case scenario: Lesnar vs Bryan. The ultimate David vs. Goliath story. Perfect Goliath and Perfect David. This is how WWE can get out of the corner they've painted themselves into with Lesnar as the champion. Now, on one hand I have no problem with Lesnar as the champ. If you look at his entire career in and out of WWE it just makes sense. Who can beat Lesnar? Realistically the answer is nobody, unless WWE signs Cain Velasquez or a juiced Overeem or maybe if Meng stops by to hang out backstage. Nobody wants to watch Cena do it, because that would suck and Cena is the LAST person who needs any sort of rub. For that matter, I don't want to see Daniel Bryan beat Lesnar, either. Follow along...

I think the best route is to have Lesnar beat Cena at the Rumble. Rollins should be avoiding both men as much as possible during that match, almost like he's just watching and taking notes. Occassionally he should take shots at Lesnar and Cena, testing the waters so-to-speak. In the end, he makes sure Cena loses to Brock. Lesnar looks a bit uneasy, not knowing what to expect from Seth. No cash-in happens. Maybe Rollins even shakes Brock's hand. Tease an alliance with the Beast and Heyman.

This ending leads to Cena vs. Rollins at Mania... but that's another story. Carrying on, D-Bry wins the Rumble. The fans who hated last years finish feel vindicated and the dirtsheets and discussion boards light up with praise for the Rumble finish. Lesnar vs. Bryan at Mania.

Start the match off with Lesnar dominating Daniel Bryan completely and ragdolling him around the ring just like he did with John Cena at Summerslam (which was probably the original plan before Bryan got injured.) Brock is playing with Bryan like an Orca plays with a seal. Not hungry, just bored. Finally, Lesnar goes for a merciful pin. 1-2- kick out and the Beast is stunned. Another F-5... another cover... another kickout. Bryan comes alive deapite the beating he's taken and suddenly it's a match. Bryan tosses out all of his signatures and kicks. Attempts a Yes! Lock to no avail, but keeps fighting. It's back-and-forth until Bryan hits the flying knee/shining wizard out of nowhere and makes a pin. 1-2... ROLLINS yanks him out of the ring and bashes him around with or without the briefcase. Heat rains down on Rollins like a meteor. Bryan gets back into the ring and tries to keep fighting, but Brock finally puts him away and retains. Both men are exhausted... Brock begins to rise to his feet but then it's Curbstomp City on his face and Rollins makes a cash-in and WINS the title to end Wrestlemania to NUCLEAR heat.

If you thinj of how Rollins' character is portrayed, it makes sense. If Lesnar is leaving, it makes sense. If you've ever watched a Tyler Black vs. Bryan Danielson match, it makes sense.

Rollins would not only have caused D-Bry to lose, but would also be gloating about being the "one to beat the one in 21-1" (if this happens I will bet the farm that this EXACT phrase will be repeated on every WWE show for years.) Have Heyman jump ship and join Rollins' camp since a.) Brock is gone and b.) Rollins will have done everything Heyman has preached About John Cena needing to do in order to ever beat Brock Lesnar. Seriously, all of that is a recipe for neutron star heat. Plus, it sets up a Rollins vs. Bryan title feud which would mean we (theoretically) would get to watch some really great matches for several months.

If you can book a better ending to Wrestlemania, let's see it. But that's perfect.
Late night guess work -> More a guessed yet realistic WrestleMania card then My Card but I'm happy with it. It's a long shot but I'd be happy with it on the whole.. Winners are on the left, but in most matches I'd be happy with whoever wins!
Lesnar vs Bryan (Rollins successfully cashes in)
Sting vs Triple H
Rollins vs Orton
Ziggler vs Cena - Ziggler's job up for grabs vs Cena Being a No.1 Contender for a Year
Reigns vs Rusev (US Title)
Bad News Barrett vs Ambrose (IC Title)
Wyatt vs Ryback - Wyatt finally recruits someone giving him a purpose
Cesaro/Kidd vs Usos vs Ascension vs
ATGMBR - Gives wrestlers who don't fit on the card a spot in the match so why not.. winner Big Show for a WrestleMania moment to him (hopefully a final one in my opinion)
WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman vs. Daniel Bryan

Sting vs. Seth Rollins w/J&J Security

The Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt

No Holds Barred: Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon vs. Dolph Ziggler

John Cena vs. Rusev w/Lana

I.C. Championship: Bad News Barrett vs. Dean Ambrose

31 Man Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton vs. Corporate Kane vs. The Big Show vs. Sheamus vs. Ryback vs. Luke Harper vs. Erick Rowan vs. Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd w/Natalya vs. Goldust vs. Stardust vs. Jack Swagger vs. Big E vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Xavier Woods vs. Jey Uso vs. Jimmy Uso vs. Konnor vs. Viktor vs. Adam Rose vs. Fandango vs. Adrian Neville vs. Tyler Breeze vs. Finn Balor vs. Hideo Itami vs. Sin Cara vs. Kalisto vs. R-Truth vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Titus O'Neil

The Miz vs. Damien Mizdow

[Pre-Show] NXT Championship: Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens
So I could be in the minority here but I don't want to see Roman in the main event (I'm probably not in the minority) I think the money match is Bryan vs Lesnar. So what does Reigns do? A lot of ideas have been thrown around, Reigns/Cena, Reigns/HHH, Reigns/Rusev, Reigns/Undertaker. Here is an idea I haven't seen thrown out there (unless I missed it) Roman Reigns vs Batista! 2 powerhouses who are very similar in the ring and on the mic. Would it be good? Probably not great but it could be fun! Would it make Reigns look strong! If WWE devotes the time in building Batista back up as an actual threat then yes! Batista could return demanding his title match, Hunter can say he has to earn it by taking out the thorns in the authority's side. Have Batista take out Ziggler, Ryback, and Rowan (we all know they will be back) not at the same time but throughout a few weeks. Have him do it from behind or using weapons so nobody looks weak.

Have Reigns make the save when Batista is trying to take out Cena (Reigns has saved Cena like 10 times already) Roman could get on the mic after a spear and say "There is a new animal in town! Believe that!" Hopefully he could say that without any errors

At "Fast Lane"? Thats what its called right? Have Cena and Reigns lose to Rusev (I expect Rusev to be feuding with Cena) and Batista when Batista pins Reigns clean to make him look dominant.

Next night on RAW have Batista attack Roman backstage and scream "You're no Animal! You're this Animal's bitch!" This could continue all the way to mania, just random brawls from the 2 powerhouses with no talking involved.

At Mania have Reigns win in a dominating fashion even with run-ins from J&J security and Bigshow.

Great feud and match? Probably not, but a good way to give Reigns a good win at mania and keep him out of the ME till he is ready

thoughts? any better ideas?
Yes, you are not in minority. Reigns must not main event Mania. He needs to develop more. He must spend time in developmental or in midcard to evolve. Still,he needs a meaningful win at Mania. Reigns vs Batista is great if Batista returns as dominant Animal. Reigns must interrupt Batista while cutting a promo demanding a match against him. Batista was the man who eliminated Reigns at Rumble last year. So,they can feud using this.
Well first of all Reigns and Batista might be similar in the ring, except for the fact that Batista gets gassed quickly, but they are not similar on the mic at all. Batista is not great, but he can hold his own, Reigns is flat out horrible.

Secondly of all Batista will probably not be back for Mania. He is off filming movies in Hollywood and he isn't looking back.

I do agree though that Reigns should not at this time be in the main event at Wrestlemania. He's just not ready for it yet. What he does need is a good feud under his belt, and maybe he should go after either Barrett or Rusev and hold a mid card belt for awhile. With Bryan back, and Orton due back, there is no place for him there right now.

He has the looks but needs the experience in the ring and on the mic. Once he gets those down, he'll be unstoppable.
I completely agree that Roman isn't ready. But where he isn't ready isn't his in-ring ability but his promos. WM is promo packed. It adds to the buildup of the match. I think Roman needs a manager.

Here's my WM scenario for Reigns:
1. Rollins wins title at RR by cashing in MITB after Cena Pins Lesnar.
2. Daniel Bryan wins RR
3. Lesnar goes on a mission to destroy all in his way.
4. Lesnar runs into Reigns and both fight hard at Fast Lane. No actual match just a build up.
5. Lesnar vs Reigns at WM
6. Have Paul Heyman cost Lesnar the match and shake Reigns hand.

This scenario will not only send Lesnar out but it keeps Heyman on TV with his new Beast Incarnate. Then you have a voice for Reigns and a legitimate case to really push him. I think SummerSlam is the best time for Roman to win the title. It isn't Mania but it is the next best thing. You have him carry the title all the way to WM 32 and he will then be ready for Main Event status.
I agree with pretty much everything MachoMansBeard said. Only difference is at the Rumble, I'd have Cena pin Rollins to win the title, have Lesner destroy Cena and then Rollins cash in to win. Rollins/Bryan closes WM for the title.

I really like reigns/Lesner for mania with Herman turning on Lesnar and aligning with Reigns. I think reigns could use the mouth piece and needs to go heel.
If Reigns doesn't find himself as the last man standing at the Royal Rumble, they certainly need to figure something out to keep him relevant going into Wrestlemania. I'm not opposed to Lesnar losing at the Royal Rumble, I just don't see it happening unfortunately. I think whoever wins the Royal Rumble, whether it's Reigns or Bryan, will go on to main event WM against Brock for the title, not Rollins. Still, there are booking concerns with this scenario. There's a lot of speculation that Cena will go against Rusev at WM, but if Brock does indeed retain this month, who does that leave for Rollins? Maybe Orton comes back at Royal Rumble and costs Rollins the match, setting up their inevitable feud we've all been expecting.

In all honesty, I think it would make sense for Brock to retain and here's why. We're just about certain that Brock will be returning to UFC after his WWE contract is up. That being said, we can count on the Royal Rumble winner defeating him at WM. That being said, why waste the MITB cash-in at the Royal Rumble? I think it should be used at the end of the main event at Wrestlemania to solidify Rollins as the number 1 heel in the company moving forward. Once Lesnar leaves, who is realistically going to be left in the main event heel pool? I think the cash-in would have more meaning if it was on Bryan at WM as opposed to Cena/Lesnar at RR.
I completely agree that Roman isn't ready. But where he isn't ready isn't his in-ring ability but his promos. WM is promo packed. It adds to the buildup of the match. I think Roman needs a manager.

Here's my WM scenario for Reigns:
1. Rollins wins title at RR by cashing in MITB after Cena Pins Lesnar.
2. Daniel Bryan wins RR
3. Lesnar goes on a mission to destroy all in his way.
4. Lesnar runs into Reigns and both fight hard at Fast Lane. No actual match just a build up.
5. Lesnar vs Reigns at WM
6. Have Paul Heyman cost Lesnar the match and shake Reigns hand.

This scenario will not only send Lesnar out but it keeps Heyman on TV with his new Beast Incarnate. Then you have a voice for Reigns and a legitimate case to really push him. I think SummerSlam is the best time for Roman to win the title. It isn't Mania but it is the next best thing. You have him carry the title all the way to WM 32 and he will then be ready for Main Event status.

Given that Brock Lesnar is going out, how about Heyman doesn't screw Brock at all, but actually, Brock gives his blessing to Roman Reigns(after Reigns beats him clean at Mania, of course) becoming the new Heyman guy before leaving the company.
Thus, there won't be a hole in the storyline with regards to Brock leaving without seeking revenge.

Of course, having Heyman by his side doesn't mean that Reigns gives up trying to improve on the mic, however. IF he is to be crowned the new "Face" eventually, then he'll have to get that aspect to a certain level.
First off, I can't take credit for this idea, but I absolutely love it and wish it would happen. Former WWE creative writer Adam Goldstein wrote an article where he booked WrestleMania XXXI, and I thought this was his best idea of all. You can read the entire article here http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/541499-former-wwe-creative-writer-books-wrestlemania.

Here is the section of the article I'm talking about...

"NXT MITB Ladder Match:
Perhaps my best and most sound idea in this exercise. Think about it: Zayn, Neville, Breeze, Itami, Balor, Owens, Corbin, and Enzo in an 8-man, MITB ladder match with a WWE contract for the taking, suspended above the ring? That sound you hear is every wrestling nerd with access to the WWE Network sprouting a Hacksaw Jim Duggan-sized, two-by-four piece of wood. Aside from the collective wrestling boner this would give the WWE Universe at large, am I alone in missing the MITB match at Mania? Normally, I’m not a fan of crash-and-burn, kitchen sink, free-for-alls with no purpose other than popping the live crowd (Just check my recent WK9-related Twitter back and forth with Young Buck, @nickjacksonYB) but the MITB match at Mania is different. There’s a clearly defined method to the madness with that match and always provided a forum for the undercard (and in this case the super-under card) to shine on the biggest stage in the game. This one really should happen come April."

There are so many great reasons to do this. One, it brings NXT to the biggest ppv of the year and puts it on a huge platform. For those who have never seen NXT, they'll be that much more likely to tune in from here on out. You'll gain WWE Network subscriptions and NXT will therefore gain viewers. Second, most people want to see the MITB match brought back to Mania. This way, WWE can have their cake and eat it too. They can bring the match back to Mania and still give MITB its own ppv in June. Third, it's a great way to bring the winner into WWE. Obviously whoever WWE feels is ready to be brought up to the main roster will have a lot of hype surrounding them by winning a match like this. I see no negative side to this whatsoever. Hopefully WWE makes this happen.
First off, I can't take credit for this idea, but I absolutely love it and wish it would happen. Former WWE creative writer Adam Goldstein wrote an article where he booked WrestleMania XXXI, and I thought this was his best idea of all. You can read the entire article here http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/541499-former-wwe-creative-writer-books-wrestlemania.

Here is the section of the article I'm talking about...

"NXT MITB Ladder Match:
Perhaps my best and most sound idea in this exercise. Think about it: Zayn, Neville, Breeze, Itami, Balor, Owens, Corbin, and Enzo in an 8-man, MITB ladder match with a WWE contract for the taking, suspended above the ring? That sound you hear is every wrestling nerd with access to the WWE Network sprouting a Hacksaw Jim Duggan-sized, two-by-four piece of wood. Aside from the collective wrestling boner this would give the WWE Universe at large, am I alone in missing the MITB match at Mania? Normally, I’m not a fan of crash-and-burn, kitchen sink, free-for-alls with no purpose other than popping the live crowd (Just check my recent WK9-related Twitter back and forth with Young Buck, @nickjacksonYB) but the MITB match at Mania is different. There’s a clearly defined method to the madness with that match and always provided a forum for the undercard (and in this case the super-under card) to shine on the biggest stage in the game. This one really should happen come April."

There are so many great reasons to do this. One, it brings NXT to the biggest ppv of the year and puts it on a huge platform. For those who have never seen NXT, they'll be that much more likely to tune in from here on out. You'll gain WWE Network subscriptions and NXT will therefore gain viewers. Second, most people want to see the MITB match brought back to Mania. This way, WWE can have their cake and eat it too. They can bring the match back to Mania and still give MITB its own ppv in June. Third, it's a great way to bring the winner into WWE. Obviously whoever WWE feels is ready to be brought up to the main roster will have a lot of hype surrounding them by winning a match like this. I see no negative side to this whatsoever. Hopefully WWE makes this happen.
NO!!!!!!!!!! NXT is NXT, leave it where it is. How would the wwe even justify giving nxt wrestlers, which is supposed to be like the minor leagues, a damn near 20 min ladder match at WM while leaving actual main roster talent off of the event? 8 nxt wrestlers have a match on WM...so how many main roster guys will have a match? Almost the same amount? Do you see why this make no sense?

How about this match happen at fan axcess and is broadcast live before the Wrestlemania preshow begins, which imo should also be main roster wrestlers. If NXT wrestlers get a huge match at Mania every year, than what is supposed to make them strive for more? You'd actually have a better chance of getting on the Mania card if you just stay in NXT!!! This idea is ridiculous and should never ever happen. So except for the two main events (sometimes 3) you want NXT wrestlers to have one of the longest and more memorable matches on the card? While guys like Ziggler have still never had a big match at Mania!!! Id rather a main roster belt be put in an 8 man ladder match.
Oh yeah i needed a tissue after reading that! Given time that would be match of the freakin Decade! It wont happen but dear god would I love it! I'd expect Owens or Zayn to win and it would be HUGE for their image to do it at WRESTLEMANIA if Vince or HHH read this they need to be smart and steal that idea

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