WWE Wrestlemania 31 General Discussion thread

Taker vs Lesnar II needs to happen or not?

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WrestleMania 31 Card

WWE World Heavyweight Championship 4-Way Match
Brock Lesnar (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan* vs Dean Ambrose*

*Voted in by WWE fans

Winner: Daniel Bryan, but ...

Seth Rollins cashes in his MITB contract ...

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Singles Match
Daniel Bryan (c) vs Seth Rollins

Winner: Seth Rollins

Not the typical 'happy happy' send off for WrestleMania but most fans would still understand it and heck, have a 'dark segment' after WM goes off air where Seth stays in the ring too long and Bryan kicks him out after recovering. That will send live fans home happy and still make for a compelling end to WM for the fans at home.

Singles Match
Triple H vs Sting

Winner: Sting

I think it would be better if Sting won but knowing Trips' ego and Vince hating WCW guys, Triple H would probably win. Sting winning would be good though if it was for a real END to The Authority.

United States Championship Singles Match
Rusev (c) vs John Cena

Winner: John Cena

Say what you want about Cena but this match does make sense. Cena will stop the unstoppable anti-American. Kids will rejoice and most adult fans should understand.

Intercontinental Championship Singles Match
Bad News Barrett (c) vs Ziggler vs Wyatt***

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Wyatt could really use a singles title reign and WM would be a great place for him to start. This would likely be a very hard fought, action-packed match.

*** If Undertaker is okay to go then I guess it will be Wyatt vs Undertaker. Doesn't really matter who wins that one because it will benefit both Wyatt and Taker's legacy can't really be really damaged worse now that he's already lost once.

Divas Championship Singles Match
Paige (c) vs Natalya

Winner: Paige

Deserving TRUE female wrestlers should get their spot on the card. Still won't likely get more than 5 minutes but they can do their best with 5 minutes and it will be fine.

Triple Threat Tag Team Championship Elimination Match
The Usos (c) vs The Ascension vs Kane & Big Show

Winner: The Ascension

This kind of depends on how fans react to The Ascension leading up to WM but WWE needs a new dominant heel tag team and The Ascension could do well in that spot. The Usos do better as a chasing team, especially now that they've been champs for so long, they could use a bit of a reboot. Kane & Big Show can be used to make The Ascension look strong in victory. Maybe Kane and/or Big Show take that Fall of Man and maybe Konnor does a power move to Kane or Big Show to show off Konnor's strength.

Singles Match
Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton

Winner: Seth Rollins

Seth will be needed later in the show so this match has to be fairly quick but it can be hard hitting, none the less. Both guys can get their signature moves in and Seth can win by J & J Security interference distracting Orton so Seth can use an object to get a cheap win.


Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Other Superstars not used

Winner: Luke Harper

Let Cesaro be in this match and get the most eliminations so he kind of stays relevant after his showing in the match last year. This match can establish Harper as new Giant of WWE!
As far as the Royal Rumble goes, what's done is done, but that doesn't mean WrestleMania 31 can't be a great show. Here's what should happen...

Roman Reigns is the #1 contender. He won the Rumble in decisive fashion and it really wouldn't make sense for him to put his Title shot on the line. You could do an angle where the Authority forces him to put his Title shot on the line, but that's not necessary. Instead you have Seth Rollins come out and say that he's the man, and the future is now. He says that he deserves to headline WrestleMania and since he is Mr. Money In The Bank, that's exactly what he's going to do. He will use his MITB contract to face the winner of Lesnar vs. Reigns in the main event at WrestleMania. I like this idea more than a cheap cash in, because we've seen that with heel countless times. Rollins wants the spotlight of the WrestleMania main event, and he's using his MITB contract to get it. Rollins and Lesnar would both be aligned with Paul Heyman, and Heyman would want his two guys to face each other in the main event.

Meanwhile, Randy Orton makes his return and comes after Rollins, since Rollins was the guy that put Orton on the shelf. This sets up a match between them at Fast Lane, and Rollins goes over. The next night on RAW, Orton is attacked by Bray Wyatt. Wyatt says that Orton lost to Rollins because he is no longer the Viper, and that if he wants his revenge he will have to become a monster again. Bray wants to help him become that monster. So here we have a set-up for a match between Orton and Wyatt at WrestleMania.

Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins have some unfinished business from last year, so I think it makes sense for Ambrose to call him out and want to settle it on the grandest stage of them all. Ambrose vs. Rollins was basically the hottest feud of 2014 so I'd like to see them get a match at WrestleMania. Since Lesnar and Reigns both have to compete before one of them defends the Title in the main event, it's only fair that Rollins has to compete as well. Yes, I'm basically ripping off WrestleMania 10.

So we would have a WrestleMania card shaping up like this...

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins
Ambrose would go over, like how Owen went over Bret in the opener at Mania 10.

Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt in a No Disqualification Match
Bray Wyatt goes over, but after the match Randy Orton snaps and beats the shit out of him, becoming the Viper again. Wyatt wins the match, but Orton is the one that walks out. Sets up a potential Last Man Standing rematch.

John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan, Career vs. Career
Cena and Bryan would be feuding with the Authority leading into WrestleMania, so Triple H would make them face each other, with the added stipulaion being that the loser will be fired. It makes sense given that Cena was basically responsible for Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan losing their jobs, that Triple H would try and make Cena responsible for Daniel Bryan, the biggest fan favorite in the company, losing his job as well. I think this would be a great WrestleMania match. Both guys can go, and the crowd would be really into it. In the end, Bryan goes over. Cena can take some time off and make his return in the summer in time for SummerSlam. If they really wanted to take a risk they could bring Cena back as a heel aligned with the Authority, and set up a rematch with Bryan at SummerSlam. But that's another story.

Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Title
Lesnar will get cheered and Reigns will get booed, but that's okay. Reigns goes over to win the World Title, hopefully getting massive heat in the process. He will move on to defend the Title against Rollins later in the night.

Triple H vs. Sting
This match is inevitable. Sting goes over because there is absolutely no reason for Triple H to win.

Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns for the WWE World Title
Reigns beat Brock Lesnar, so it looks like Paul Heyman's last hope is Seth Rollins. The Mania crowd will be pulling for Rollins in this match for sure, especially if he tears the house down with Dean Ambrose earlier on. So even though Reigns is supposed to be the face and Rollins the heel, Rollins will get cheered and Reigns will get booed. Time to pull the trigger on the double turn. Heyman swerves Rollins and helps Reigns retain the Title. Mania closes with Heyman handing the belt to Reigns.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship (Main Event)

Roman Reigns (2015 Royal Rumble Match winner) vs Brock Lesnar (c)

The build-up in this would be that since Roman won the Rumble, Brock could take serious issue with Reigns in the sense that he feels that Roman Reigns is not worthy enough to be in the same ring as him and that if they were ever in the same ring that Brock would tear him apart as Brock could say that ever since he has become WWE World Heavyweight Champion that he has conquered almost everyone in the WWE and that Roman Reigns will be no exception. Roman then afterwards doesn't say a word but rather just hits a Spear on Brock Lesnar out of nowhere therefore setting the stage for their match. Cue The Authority also getting involved here in the sense that they obviously want to throw roadblocks in Roman's way but also have Roman overcome said roadblocks but also have him one-upping Lesnar too. And Lesnar also one-upping Roman too in the sense of leaving him laying with an F5 in like the last few weeks leading up to WrestleMania 31.

Triple H vs Sting (Authority vs Anti-Authority)

No explanation needed but just a battle of 2 greats just a battle of 2 icons going at it but also I would ultimately have Sting go over but Triple H putting on a really good match with Sting

Daniel Bryan vs Bray Wyatt (Reignited Feud Renewed)

I mean honestly at this point it actually makes sense from a certain standpoint given the way Wyatt eliminated Bryan but also whenever these 2 are in the ring together putting on a match it is like fireworks and really the promos leading into this match would make this match worth seeing especially if it is at Mania

WWE United States Championship

Rusev (c) w/Lana vs John Cena w/Hulk Hogan

I would book Cena here against Rusev and why? Because not only would it elevate the prestige of the WWE United States Championship but it would actually make it worth something even despite Rusev being undefeated even despite Rusev being WWE United States Champion he hasn't really been put to the test sorta speak but with Cena he is the ultimate challenge for Rusev when you really think about it. Cena is the ultimate American going up against the Russian in Rusev, this is perfect really and if you want to throw The Hulkster into this feud you can by having him in Cena's corner

Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins

No explanation needed, this writes itself and for Orton I would have him return just the night after Fast Lane by showing up on RAW and drawing first blood on Rollins in this feud by attacking Rollins just when Rollins has a match like right after his match and Rollins is with Noble and Mercury, cue Orton coming out of the crowd and from behind in the ring as Orton attacks Rollins from behind only for Noble and Mercury to intercede on Rollins' behalf. Just when Noble, Mercury and Rollins are setting Orton up for the Shield 2.0 Triple Powerbomb Orton RKOs Noble and Mercury and just when Rollins tries to attack Orton, Orton RKOs Rollins. Match is set.

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

The 2nd ever edition this time with 31 superstars and in my final 4 would be Cesaro last year's winner, Ziggler, Ambrose and Big Show however as for who I would have win...I would have Ziggler and Ambrose both go out with both of their feet hitting the floor at the same time something like Bret/Luger Royal Rumble '94 or Cena/Batista Royal Rumble '05 with Ziggler and Ambrose going over at the same time and the match having to be restarted with Ziggler ultimately winning

WWE Divas Championship (Fatal 4-Way Match)

Nikki Bella (c) w/Brie Bella vs Paige vs Natalya vs AJ

The only realistic divas match at this point you can really book and at this point the only one that realistically makes any sense given that these 4 are perhaps the best divas in the division so why not have them be showcased at Mania and in this match? Nikki dropping the title but as for who wins? I would have AJ win the title back for a 4th time becoming a 4-time WWE Divas Champion

Kick-Off Show

WWE Tag Team Championships (Turmoil Match)

The Usos (c) vs Ascension vs New Day vs New Age Outlaws vs Gold & Stardust

No need to really explain this, perhaps the best teams in the WWE Tag Team division going at it, why not?
Based on various reports and sheer guess work as to the lay of the land in WWE right now, the matches that look to be, alleged to be or are guaranteed to be on are:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns
John Cena vs. Rusev
Sting vs. Triple H
Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler
Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

I'm guessing that they'll also be some sort of Divas match, probably some multi Diva tag match.

There could be a tag title match involving The Usos vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd, The Ascension or Cesaro & Kidd and The Ascension.
As WM season is pretty much underway I'll put up my idea of a card and predictions for this year's event. I'm honestly looking forward to this year. New stadium, new Mania city it's being hosted in, and Sting will obviously make his first Mania appearance.

Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. It should be a good one. Reigns will be champ as Brock will be on his way out of the WWE and Reigns' first feud with the title will be against Rollins.

Sting vs HHH personally I'd like to see Batista vs HHH in a retirement match and have Sting face Undertaker this year but Sting vs HHH should be alright. Perhaps winner gets control of the WWE

Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt Even though taker will probably not face Sting I do like the sound of this match. The mind games both performers can play on each other building up to the event would be trippy. I just wish Taker was still undefeated because Bray Wyatt would be a good candidate to take on the streak and beat him. I still kinda hope Wyatt wins, thus ending Taker's career, but there's that part of me that wants to see Taker vs Sting.

Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler With tweets and rumours circulating this almost sounds like a lock and I couldn't be more stoked for it. This would make a great curtain jerker match.

John Cena vs Rusev perhaps for the U.S title. I'm just not sure what it'll do for Cena. He's already been U.S champ. I would prefer to see Ryback against the Bulgarian brute and be the first man to pin him, thus elevating him. Can we perhaps throw Ryback in this match and make it a triple threat?

BNB vs Dean Ambrose for the Intercontinental Championship. Have Ambrose go over and win the strap.

The Authority (Big Show, Kane, Seth Rollins, & Luke Harper) vs Randy Orton & Sheamus, & Erik Rowan 4 on 3 Handicap match

The Usos vs The Ascension for the Tag Team Chamipionship. The Ascension will probably win the belts to build them to be this super heel team and where better to do it, then in the Usos hometown to add more heat to them.

Diva's championship match. Maybe a lumberjill match but I'd like it to be Nattie Neidhart (c) vs Paige. Unless A.J comes back throw her in and make it a triple threat, and forget making it a lumberjill match.

Damn! that's like 9 matches. I hope we don't have a host this year because that would take up too much time and I don't even have a spot yet for the Miz & Sandow, or Goldust and stardust. I would scrap the ATGMBR because I don't see the point to it. I would probably put it on the kickoff segment, like other Mania battle royals. However In this case though, I would rather have Miz vs Sandow in a lumberjack match to give the rest of the roster a spot on the card. If Gold Dust and stardust are still a team by then have them in some kind of Backstage segment, and maybe New Day can just come out to sing for a bit at some point in between one of the matches to give people a piss break, or to grab a drink, rather than a musical guest performing. I hope I didn't forget anyone that would be right for the main card.
I honestly dont see how Dean Ambrose gets any sort of relevant match which saddens me. I was hoping he would turn heel and take on Daniel Bryan but Ziggy just took that opponent.

Dean Ambrose will likely now either take on Sheamus, Big Show, or Kane, or go against all 3 in some sort of tag match vs the authority

In another match, i hope its Ryback vs BNB for the IC TITLE. Ryback needs mid card gold and this could be a solid feud with the nexus history. The only reason i dont want Ambrose in this spot is because i dont want him wearing mid card gold while Reigns has the WWEWHC
Dave Meltzer has posted what is the current rumoured plan for Wrestlemania 31:

WWE Title Match
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns [set in stone]

Triple H vs. Sting [set in stone]

US Title Match [potentially a non-title match]
Rusev (c) vs. John Cena

Tag Title Match
Usos v ?

Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker
Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins
Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler
Battle Royal
Divas Match

Have to say it's a pretty underwhelming card. I'd assume they'd go with the Usos vs either Miz & Mizdow or The Ascension for the tag title match, though I'd rather see Cesaro & Tyson Kidd in that spot.

Dean Ambrose must be wondering what the hell happened to his career as well.
WrestleMania is underwhelming more often than not. On paper it's shrug worthy but I think that's a card that can deliver. Reigns/Lesnar will be fascinating, the Sting and Undertaker matches will be spectacles, Rollins/Orton and Bryan/Ziggler will deliver.
Dave Meltzer has posted what is the current rumoured plan for Wrestlemania 31:

WWE Title Match
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns [set in stone] (Great feud so far, Could be a great match,could be a terrible one all based on effort)

Triple H vs. Sting [set in stone] (Great feud, decent to good match)

US Title Match [potentially a non-title match]
Rusev (c) vs. John Cena (Great feud, Good match)

Tag Title Match
Usos /w/ Rikishi v Dudley's /w/ Spike vs. Brass Ring Club (Kidd/Cesaro) /w/ Rose vs.The Accension /w/ Paul Erring (Who turns heel and joins them creating controversy (Could be great)

Bray Wyatt vs. The Undertaker (Great feud,Match will be decent)

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins (Great feud,Great Match

Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler (Great build, Great Match)

Battle Royal (Boring build,average battle royal)

Divas Match (All Terrible everything)

Have to say it's a pretty underwhelming card. I'd assume they'd go with the Usos vs either Miz & Mizdow or The Ascension for the tag title match, though I'd rather see Cesaro & Tyson Kidd in that spot.

Dean Ambrose must be wondering what the hell happened to his career as well.

How is this underwhelming...what was it suppose to be Rock/HBK,Sting/Taker,Cena/Hogan,Punk/Austin,Shield Triple Threat,Bryan/Beniot,Brass Ring Club/Hardy's,Ziggler/Flair...That would be a awesome but impossible card. I like what WWE is doing looking to the future. Only one match involves two legends facing off and thats Triple H/Sting. In every other match it's really legend vs up and comer Cena/Rusev,Orton/Rollins,Taker/Wyatt,Lesnar/Reigns. And in the rest of the matches there is no legends in it at all it's just up and comers such as Bryan/Ziggler,Tag title match. As for Ambrose why don't they just have him face a fellow up-and-comer in a heel Sheamus. There can also be a Macho Man Randy Savage Memorial Battle Royal. We need up to 10 matches imo anyways to make Mania stand out from the other cards.
If this is the card, it looks pretty good in my eyes overall. Every year, someone always says that the card looks underwhelming, so I see no reason why this year would be any different.

As far as Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns, I personally don't have a ton of high hopes for the match. Unless fans grow more accepting and/or Reigns progresses pretty quickly, they'll probably shit all over this match. Some fans probably will just on sheer principle, or lack thereof, even if it turns out to be a good feud and a good match.

Sting vs. Triple H will probably be a solid match with a strong overall build. I'm not expecting greatness from Sting, he's in his mid 50s and he's not what he once was inside the ring. Still. with Triple H helping to carry the match, it holds promise.

The Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt is still up in the air. The last report I read stated that Taker hadn't committed to the match, which is a bad sign as we're starting to get close to WrestleMania. If it does happen, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Taker's performance against Lesnar last year, while gutsy, fell far short of what we were hoping/expecting due in no small part to Taker being out of shape.

Cena vs. Rusev probably won't be for the title. Vince has some ass backwards ways of booking champions. At the biggest show of the year, I'm of the opinion that ever title should be on the line. However, it's highly unlikely that this will be a title match. This is a match that will probably be a lot better than most are expecting and that haters won't want to admit. Rusev will win at Fast Lane, probably in some bullshit manner in order to protect Cena, while Cena scored a decisive pinfall over Rusev at WrestleMania.

If there's a tag team title match, I'd say it'll be either against Cesaro & Kidd, The Ascension or a threeway featuring both teams. Who comes out on top is anybody's guess at this point.

Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler, if this match does go down, has the potential to steal the show, especially if they give them 15-20 minutes and tell them to just go out there and tear it up.

If there's another battle royal, it's hard to say how well it'll come off. I didn't expect much out of the battle royal last year, but it turned out to be a pretty good match. Battle royals are pretty hit & miss, plus if it's another one done in memorial to Andre the Giant, there's no real reason to get excited because it's not as though winning it is some guarantee of something meaningful about to happen. Cesaro's singles career went right down the crapper after winning it.

The Divas match will be a buffer match, probably pure filler, because that's really all Vince pegs them as being good for.

Personally, I'd have either the battle royal or Divas match, possibly both since the kickoff show to WrestleMania is 2 hours if I'm not mistaken, and leave more room on the main card for the matches that are actually gonna draw.
If this is the card, it looks pretty good in my eyes overall. Every year, someone always says that the card looks underwhelming, so I see no reason why this year would be any different.

As far as Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns, I personally don't have a ton of high hopes for the match. Unless fans grow more accepting and/or Reigns progresses pretty quickly, they'll probably shit all over this match. Some fans probably will just on sheer principle, or lack thereof, even if it turns out to be a good feud and a good match.

Sting vs. Triple H will probably be a solid match with a strong overall build. I'm not expecting greatness from Sting, he's in his mid 50s and he's not what he once was inside the ring. Still. with Triple H helping to carry the match, it holds promise.

The Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt is still up in the air. The last report I read stated that Taker hadn't committed to the match, which is a bad sign as we're starting to get close to WrestleMania. If it does happen, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Taker's performance against Lesnar last year, while gutsy, fell far short of what we were hoping/expecting due in no small part to Taker being out of shape.

Cena vs. Rusev probably won't be for the title. Vince has some ass backwards ways of booking champions. At the biggest show of the year, I'm of the opinion that ever title should be on the line. However, it's highly unlikely that this will be a title match. This is a match that will probably be a lot better than most are expecting and that haters won't want to admit. Rusev will win at Fast Lane, probably in some bullshit manner in order to protect Cena, while Cena scored a decisive pinfall over Rusev at WrestleMania.

If there's a tag team title match, I'd say it'll be either against Cesaro & Kidd, The Ascension or a threeway featuring both teams. Who comes out on top is anybody's guess at this point.

Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler, if this match does go down, has the potential to steal the show, especially if they give them 15-20 minutes and tell them to just go out there and tear it up.

If there's another battle royal, it's hard to say how well it'll come off. I didn't expect much out of the battle royal last year, but it turned out to be a pretty good match. Battle royals are pretty hit & miss, plus if it's another one done in memorial to Andre the Giant, there's no real reason to get excited because it's not as though winning it is some guarantee of something meaningful about to happen. Cesaro's singles career went right down the crapper after winning it.

The Divas match will be a buffer match, probably pure filler, because that's really all Vince pegs them as being good for.

Personally, I'd have either the battle royal or Divas match, possibly both since the kickoff show to WrestleMania is 2 hours if I'm not mistaken, and leave more room on the main card for the matches that are actually gonna draw.

Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton is also being rumoured as a huge possibility for WrestleMania as well. Surprised you forgot to add that one.

Would be great if the IC title also gets a spot on the card(BNB vs Dean Ambrose vs Luke Harper would be great,lMO), whilst the Divas match and the Tag title match can be on the Pre-Show.
Also, I agree that the US title should be defended but it probably won't since the notion of Cena being higher than that will probly be in Vince's mind, unfortunately.
My predictions:

Lesnar v. Reigns - I expect magic from this. I think a lot of people will shit on it at first, but I think that Lesnar (as evidenced last year) is a strong enough ring general to command a solid 25 minutes. Reigns is talented enough, that if he's listening to Lesnar and Heyman, that he can really show his detractors that they're wrong.

Wyatt v. Oldertaker - If this happens, it's a disgrace to the legacy of the Undertaker. IF the Undertaker wrestles again his his career, it will be a disgrace to his legacy. Please unite with me in support of a 2015 induction and retirement of The Undertaker.

Sting v. HHH - I love HHH as a gimmick. And I really think that he can carry literally anyone in the ring. I do not like Sting, and I haven't liked him since his Beachbum early 90s gimmick. However, I think that HHH really can pull it out of him.

Cena v. Rusev - Rusev needs to drop the streak, drop the Bulgarian Monster Heel gimmick, and focus on his talents and keep Lana. A pinfall to Cena could hopefully be the catalyst for this. Cena being the biggest superstar maybe ever gives Rusev credibility by fighting him, having Rusev pin Cena only makes sense if Cena is sitting the next 6 months out.

Orton v. Ziggler - Pretty straight forward match, keep Orton as a heel, since the heels are severely limited. Ziggler can go over.

Rollins v. Bryan - They absolutely have to put this show stealer on the Wrestlemania card. It doesn't even make sense that they'd not capitalize on this, and put Ziggler against Bryan in a crappy oversold flipflop match. These two are your go to in-ring technicians in 2015.

Tag title match - They'll book the Shitension into a title shot by WM31, I imagine. And this match will stink, probably against The Usos.

Divas - Who cares.

Andre Battle Royal - Have Dean Ambrose win it, since he likely won't be fighting at WM31.

Pre-show - New Day, Tyson/Cesaro/Rose, some more Diva shit, Barrett, Harper and Rowan,
I think the card will look something like this....

Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar- WWE title match. I was impressed with that interview segment with Heyman, Lesnar and Reigns. I think they will stick with it.

Triple H vs Sting- Special Attraction Match

Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins- They have a great backstory. It would make sense if it's a no holds barred match or TLC match. This match needs to be a war and not a typical wrestling match.

John Cena vs Rusev- I see Cena losing at Fastlane and then trying to redeem himself at WM.

Wyatt vs Undertaker???- The promos would be very entertaining. Not sure if this will happen though.

Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan- IWC dream match

Sheamus vs Dean Ambrose- Giving both of them something to do.

Quick Battle Royal
Quick Diva Match
Whelp, given the results of Fast Lane, there's virtually nothing that catches my interest at Wrestlemania.

Don't care for the Bellas, don't care for the Tag Teams, don't care for any of the breakups that might be featured, don't really care for someone taking a shot at Rollins(No offense to Orton, but it should've been Ambrose), don't care about the midcard belts, don't care about Daniel Bryan's consolation prize, and I ultimately don't care about Reigns vs. Lesnar.

I really really don't care about Roman Reigns to begin with but WWE didn't get me to start caring and this isn't going to change in a month. (and to the Three Amigos of the resident Reigns bandwagon, and you know who you are, fuck you and the horses that rode your mothers here).

I also don't care all too much about Undertaker facing Bray Wyatt(though the themes fit) or Sting facing HHH (can't be bothered to care because you can't hurt Haitch in any capacity and Sting doesn't show up enough to make a difference).

I have a fleeting care towards the John Cena/Rusev feud, which at least ended the right way tonight but not enough to stay. I have an interest where NXT will go and I'd definitely miss Sami Zayn burying Kevin Owens in a shallow grave, but not enough to stay. I never cared about TNA or ROH or NJPW or any other wrestling program.

I don't love WWE or Wrestling in general. Never have. Only jumped in because the story at the time appealed to me. Sadly the story is no longer the one I wish to follow, and they don't do other stories anymore.

I'm done. Goodbye. Delete my account, I no longer care.
So much negativity about it. I think Wrestlemania 31 is shaping up to be a pretty good card!

A lock
Brock Lesnar (c) vs Roman Reigns
Triple H vs Sting
Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker

Going to happen
John Cena vs Rusev (c)
Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose vs Wade Barrett (c)

Rumoured to happen
Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler
The Miz vs Damien Sandow
Andre Battle Royal
Cesaro/Kidd (c) vs ??????????
Nikki Bella (c) vs ????????????

I am happy enough with that. I would like to see Hogan involved in the Cena/Rusev feud though.
After last night, I think the card looks like this or will look like this so far.

Championship Matches

WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Roman Reigns
WWE United States Championship - Rusev (c) vs. John Cena
WWE Intercontinental Championship - Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. R-Truth
WWE Tag Team Championship - Cesaro & Tyson Kidd (c) vs. The Usos
WWE Divas Championship - Nikki Bella (c) vs. Paige

Special Attractions

Sting vs. Triple H
The Undertaker vs. Bray Wyatt
The Second Annual Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Based on what we saw last night, I get the impression WWE is headed for a fourway dance at WrestleMania for the IC title. Otherwise, why tease some tension between Dean Ambrose & Dolph Ziggler, have Barrett lose to Ziggler and R-Truth out there on commentary in the first place? I don't see why they're bothering with R-Truth at this point as he's a more appropriate fit for the battle royal.

As for the tag titles, I just see a match between them happening for WrestleMania. At the same time, however, there's an equal chance of this being turned into a six person tag match now that Natalya & Naomi are both embroiled in the feud. I'd rather just see a straight forward tag title match, but I think it's more likely the six person tag match goes down.

As of right now, there doesn't seem to be anything obvious for Daniel Bryan unless Sheamus comes back and they just toss him into a bout with him. Or worse, they just toss him into the battle royal. At any rate, it's a damn shame that there doesn't look to be much of anything relevant going on for Daniel Bryan at this point for the biggest show of the year.
I would love to see the Diva's match and the tag team match on the preshow. That could make way for Bryan/Sheamus and Rollins/Orton. Strange that four of the biggest names on the roster are either left off or stuck in that Battle Royale.

Someone suggested on the LD RAW thread last night, that it would be a great idea to continue this Curtis Axle theme. He was thwarted in his attempt to get into the Rumble, and I can see Ryback sticking him into the truck of a car and Axle not getting out till the Battle Royale is over. That way he can say he not only won the Rumble but the Battle Royale as well. We need something like that to happen. It might be the high spot of the night the way things are going.
I am very disappointed in this Mania's build. There is nothing on the card that can hold my imagination. Reigns vs Lesnar doesn't excite me, not to say it can't be good, but I just don't have enough evidence to support that. Cena vs Rusev is something I don't have much interest in either. The IC title is in limbo and BNBs constant jobbing hasn't helped. I don't know what R-truth is doing in this. Let's not even talk about Divas and tag teams. The only match I even remotely interested is HHH vs Sting, and in even that we don't know if the match can live up to the hype. On top of that, possibility of Bryan vs Shaemus and Orton vs Rollins?

The way the build has been so far, is this the worst Road to Wrestlemania?
According to The Wrestling Observer, about 11-12,000 WrestleMania 31 tickets are still available. As of now, about 53,000 tickets either have been sold or comped for the event.

For anyone who is keeping score at home, that means that almost one south of the tickets for Mania have still to be sold with only four weeks to go until the big event. Now, I have no doubts that it will as close to a sell out as the WWE can possibly manage. But surely this should be worrying the WWE in some way?

Of course there is still a lot to be done in the next four weeks, especially with so much of the card still to be announced. But honestly, this still strikes me as a pretty big number to be left unsold. It may be pricing or it may be that the WWE are just now making WrestleMania something that everyone has to see.
For anyone who is keeping score at home, that means that almost one south of the tickets for Mania have still to be sold with only four weeks to go until the big event. Now, I have no doubts that it will as close to a sell out as the WWE can possibly manage. But surely this should be worrying the WWE in some way?

Of course there is still a lot to be done in the next four weeks, especially with so much of the card still to be announced. But honestly, this still strikes me as a pretty big number to be left unsold. It may be pricing or it may be that the WWE are just now making WrestleMania something that everyone has to see.

I saw that as well, and was stunned. They went on sale in November and I thought they would be gone in no time. To have that many still available now is not good. Most will be in the nose bleed section, but still, that many empty seats if they don't sell will be noticeable.
They went on sale in November and I thought they would be gone in no time. To have that many still available now is not good.

It's ironic that, storyline-wise, it's good to keep things hopping and making people guess what's coming, yet from the point of getting WM tickets sold, people apparently want to get an idea of what they'll be seeing before they open their wallets.

But there's so much uncertainty. Until last week, we didn't know who Brock Lesnar would be facing for the world title. It used to be we could rest assured the guy who won the Rumble would be facing the champ, but that was turned upside down this year.....and even now that we do know it will be Roman Reigns, I believe many folks who view WWE as "Daniel Bryan only" wanted to know what he'd be doing, especially after he didn't win the Rumble. Now that we know he won't be in the main event, that might hurt ticket sales.

So, what will Daniel be doing? We don't know yet. How about Seth Rollins? Sure, we figure he'll go against Randy Orton, right? But all during the sales period for WM tickets, we didn't even know when Randy was coming back.

How about the Undertaker? Through thick and thin, his appearance at Wrestlemania has been a given for over 20 years. But until Fast Lane, we didn't know for sure he was going to be a part of this one, right? In fact, there was good reason to surmise that he wasn't given that we've seen neither hide nor hair of him since WM30.

What about John Cena? Despite the boos, there are still enough people who like him that might be disappointed he's not in the main event. As it is, I think putting him up against the undefeated Rusev is a very compelling match, but many folks might be disappointed Cena isn't going for the title.......and other will be crushed that he's on the WM31 card at all.

In other words, there is.....and has been.....too much uncertainty as to the make-up the card for the super event, and I would guess many folks are waiting for it to firm up before buying their way in.
Reigns vs Lesnar is truly a crappy main event. Reigns will win and the fans will walk out of Levi Stadium very disappointed at this very predictable outcome people knew about 4 months ago. They will be muttering up the stairs that hopefully Rollins will cash in the next night on Raw.
The card on the whole looks set
Reigns brock
Cena Rusev
HHH sting
Taker wyatt
Rollins orton
Bnb Ambrose bryan ziggler sheamus rtruth
Battle royal
....and most likely a diva and tag title match

Now sorry but this is the BEST they could come up with.
Brock v Reigns although an inevitable ending yes brings intrigue, we know reigns wins but how will he perform and will the ending be booked, coz to topple what they've tried to build brock into it has to be good. I'm sure many are interested just to see if it goes down like a lead balloon.

Sting. That's it, not the match not the build just pure nostalgia of seeing him at mania. The match itself we all know will be average. HHH for me...zzzzzz.

Oh and again more nostalgia with undertaker returning, to most likely bury wyatt. Don't get me wrong if this is booked correctly it could be a match of pure ring phycology which would make it entertaining, but I'm not sure.

Apart from that there is nothing on the predicted card, or actually confirmed that has a wow factor to it. The wwe used to be able to give easy wow factor every year with the streak, and the chance it may go, that is gone so what now.....it seems Sting. But booked against HHH in the way it has been done, doesn't get me over excited. Taker v Sting is too early and without a doubt will be the retirement match for both, it will happen at mania but what one? But HHH as an opponent for sting in his first match? I'm guessing that was Paul's idea. But it doesn't make me excited for the match. Which we all know sting will win. And the fact that the streak has gone, like it or not taken a big chunk out of the interest in not just taker but the whole event, which will effect the taker/wyatt match.

Reigns/Brock....meh. Especially when we know the outcome. Which is the wrong one. I really like reigns and can see him with a long future but he's not ready at all. I would love to see brock win this, possible as this years shock factor. But can't see it.

These alone aren't that exciting....the rest of the card is an episode of raw.

Poor booking of really good talent, the fact that clearly up until maybe a week or so a go it is clear that he like of Bryan, ziggler and Ambrose guys who are clearly massively talented and are hot with the fans and need a push, yet no plan for mania...really?

Now everyone has grand ideas of their perfect mania. With a dream line up, but even in the "reality era" unless they pull of their best booking and build what's booked, for me it looks....dull. Anyone agree?
The card on the whole looks set
Reigns brock
Cena Rusev
HHH sting
Taker wyatt
Rollins orton
Bnb Ambrose bryan ziggler sheamus rtruth
Battle royal
....and most likely a diva and tag title match

Now sorry but this is the BEST they could come up with.
Brock v Reigns although an inevitable ending yes brings intrigue, we know reigns wins but how will he perform and will the ending be booked, coz to topple what they've tried to build brock into it has to be good. I'm sure many are interested just to see if it goes down like a lead balloon.

Sting. That's it, not the match not the build just pure nostalgia of seeing him at mania. The match itself we all know will be average. HHH for me...zzzzzz.

Oh and again more nostalgia with undertaker returning, to most likely bury wyatt. Don't get me wrong if this is booked correctly it could be a match of pure ring phycology which would make it entertaining, but I'm not sure.

Apart from that there is nothing on the predicted card, or actually confirmed that has a wow factor to it. The wwe used to be able to give easy wow factor every year with the streak, and the chance it may go, that is gone so what now.....it seems Sting. But booked against HHH in the way it has been done, doesn't get me over excited. Taker v Sting is too early and without a doubt will be the retirement match for both, it will happen at mania but what one? But HHH as an opponent for sting in his first match? I'm guessing that was Paul's idea. But it doesn't make me excited for the match. Which we all know sting will win. And the fact that the streak has gone, like it or not taken a big chunk out of the interest in not just taker but the whole event, which will effect the taker/wyatt match.

Reigns/Brock....meh. Especially when we know the outcome. Which is the wrong one. I really like reigns and can see him with a long future but he's not ready at all. I would love to see brock win this, possible as this years shock factor. But can't see it.

These alone aren't that exciting....the rest of the card is an episode of raw.

Poor booking of really good talent, the fact that clearly up until maybe a week or so a go it is clear that he like of Bryan, ziggler and Ambrose guys who are clearly massively talented and are hot with the fans and need a push, yet no plan for mania...really?

Now everyone has grand ideas of their perfect mania. With a dream line up, but even in the "reality era" unless they pull of their best booking and build what's booked, for me it looks....dull. Anyone agree?

Well that's were you wrong because you don't have the script to know..in fact there isn't one yet. WWE always seem to be good at making at least one stand out or shocking moment at Mania. This year I see plenty happening. For starters in the rumored Cena vs. Rusev (I Quit; Career vs. Title Match) I see Rusev actually making Cena say the word quit as he is slowly fading out. This would let Cena take some time off while the up-and-comers develop in to their roles. In the main event I see a Lesnar face turn and a show of respect. I see Reigns dominating mid-match with Heyman leaving to the back looking disappointed. After Reigns wins, Heyman on the mic say's "Ladies and Gentleman this night is not over yet,because my client... Seth Rollins will get the job done. Brock would you be a dear and F-5 Roman" as Seth steps in the ring. Brock just looks at Heyman who yells for him to do it now. Brock get's in Reigns face before F-5'ing Seth and shaking Reigns hand and saying "you earned my respect, this is your night" before walking down the ramp. As Heyman begins to follow him yelling and he throws him in the ring to Reigns who spears him and celebrates. In the Taker vs. Wyatt match I could see Wyatt doing something to symbolize the end of Taker's career possibly putting him in a casket and having lighting strike it or burying him alive. In the IC title match we know we will get some great moments. In the Rollins/Orton match I could see A phoniex splash reversed into a RKO. I also see a Triple H face turn following his match with Sting. In the tag title match (which will more than likely be a 4-Way between Accension,BRC,Uso's,PTP) I can see some epic moments as well. In the diva's match I can expect them to try to put on a epic match so #GiveDivasAChance isn't for nothing,The ATGMBR will have it's moments as well. So I think you just have to stick around to watch because it could be epic.

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