Booking Wrestlemania 31


Occasional Pre-Show
Summerslam has come and went so I think it's realistic to start making plans for Wrestlemania 31. This is how it should go down. I'm just booking the top 5 matches and starting with the undercard and working my way to the main event.

5. Roman Reigns vs Batista- I just don't think Reigns is ready to be the top guy just yet and does the WWE really need somebody to replace Cena right now since Cena has at least 3 or 4 full time years left? I'm not saying Reigns won't be the top guy at some point but in my opinion Wrestlemania 32 is a much better option. Roman Reigns wins.

4. Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt- Dean Ambrose has the potential to be the true break out star from the shield. The guy can just plain talk and oozes with charisma. He may not be the best pure wrestler in the world but his matches are just plain fun to watch. The closest thing we have come to another Stone Cold in a long time. Dean Ambrose wins.

3 John Cena vs Seth Rollins- Rollins has the potential to be an outstanding heel and if done right paring him up with Cena will only make him hotter. John Cena wins but Rollins gets his heat back later.

2 Sting vs Triple H ( If Undertaker can't go) - For any of you whining about not wanting to see Sting wrestle then I've got some bad news for're never going to have a girlfriend. Only typical internet virgins would be against Sting having his grand Wrestlemania moment. Sting is one of the greatest of all time and the fan response has been tremendous from all over the country. This doesn't need to be a 5 star or even a 1 star match. It just needs to happen. Sting wins.

1 Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan- Could be one of the best main events of all time. The ULTIMATE underdog story and who cares if Bryan was an underdog story last year? The general public love to root for the underdog. Bryan wins in an epic contest but then.....Rollins music hits. Seth Rollins cashes in on Bryan to leave Wrestlemania 31 with the belt. This does many things......makes Rollins the top heel in the company once Lesnar leaves, creates a super hot feud coming out of Wrestlemania with Bryan vs Rollins and since many of the faces won earlier in the night the crowd isn't that let down.

There you have it....perfect booking for Wrestlemania 31.
- John Cena vs. Roman Reigns

I see this as a non-title match. Perhaps Cena pulls the "you have to go through me" card on Reigns, who's becoming increasingly popular. I agree, Reigns isn't ready for the main event, but going over Cena is a great rub for Reigns and Cena is credible enough to take a loss without a "loss", if you get what I'm saying.

- Dean Ambrose vs. Triple H

Upon Ambrose's return, I see him going through Rollins, Kane and finally Triple H. Ambrose is clearly the breakout star of The Shield, at least to me. Like Daniel Bryan, Ambrose beating him can mean a lot. The only problem I see with this match is what do you do with Rollins, Kane and Orton? That leads me to think Ambrose/Wyatt Family vs. The Authority, but that doesn't really sound like a great idea.

- Brock Lesnar vs. ??? for the WWE Championship

This is the conflicting part for me. Not many options present themselves. Who can realistically beat Lesnar? I was thinking Batista, but is that Wrestlemania 31 main event material? Then I began thinking Lesnar faces Undertaker in a rematch, in which The Undertaker beats the man that ended The Streak, wins the WWE Championship and retires the next night, vacating the title. That sounds damn good, but not very realistic. Plus, what do you do with Sting? Everyone wants to see Sting vs. Undertaker.

Daniel Bryan has no chance of beating Lesnar. And with the injury he sustained, WWE would be stupid to put him in the ring with Lesnar.
Even though you and I have a lot in common - we are both studs and (if I am reading your name right) we were both born in 1977 - I am going to have to engage in a little one upsmanship! Your uppence has come!

5) Sting versus Bray Wyatt or Undertaker: I know Sting wants either Undertaker or HHH, but I think Bray and Sting would work well too - Sting wins, but it helps solidify Wyatt and put him in a good program with someone in a similar character state. Wyatt feuding with Cena and Shaemus just points out the extreme corniness of Cena and Shaemus. Not an original match-up suggestion I know, but screw it - it is my Rasslemania card. #DealWithIt

4) Dean Ambrose versus HHH No Holds Barred - I think Dean has some shades of Stone Cold in him, and a continuation of his feud with the Authority will hopefully bring that anti-authoritarian trait out a bit more. Let Dean win it.

3) Seth Rollins versus Face Batista.

2) Heel Cena (Champ) versus Roman Reigns - Reigns wins.

1) Brock versus Rock

I could also see Heel Cena versus a returning D-Bry, a Romain Reigns with Rock in his corner versus Brock (would be good if Rock came back before WM and lost to Brock, then, as someone suggested elsewhere, Rock "trained" Reigns) match, Second Annual Andre tournament, etc.
I would argue that Cena put over D-bry and Lesnar (unless he comes back and whips his ass next PPV), but there is no way I can win an argument with a guy who has Dragonball Z as an avatar and Yugioh as a name, so I'll bow down to your superior opinion.

But a boy can dream...
I have to admit, when I saw the title of this thread, I laughed. I do agree that it's after SummerSlam, so it's time to START thinking about WM. But the reason I laughed is that between now and then, WWE will start with some stupid countdown, some money-making gimmick that puts all of their proverbial eggs in the WrestleMania basket, and then throw together a card at the last minute to fill it out. Many of us have commented on what would seem like the lack of any planning on the part of the "Creative" team; unless you're Cena, Orton or HHH, there seems to be little to no thought into a storyline. I've always thought when they have the pre-show battle royals, why not tell the wrestlers to go out and wing it (of course knowing when each needs to be eliminated), and after watching it, see who threw out who, and make a storyline out of it. At least it's something to build off of! I recently read a report of a live show - there were 6 matches, 4 of which were people no one cares about, not to mention it was just randomly thrown together. Nikki Bella teams with Emma? Essentially, the point I'm trying to make is that if "Creative" took a fraction of the time they put into promoting WrestleMania, and actually thought about the shows leading up to the next PPV, the output might be better than what they're producing, because right now, the overall product sucks. Yes, there are exceptions, but pay attention to the here and now, asking yourself, "If this is where we want to be by WM time, how can we get there?"
Andre The Giant Battle Royal ( creating a good run for somebody)

Paige vs Emma - Divas Championship

The Uso's vs Dudley Boyz vs Ascension TLC - Tag Team Championships

Dean Ambrose vs HHH

Kurt Angle vs Daniel Bryan - Iron Man Match

Sting vs Undertaker

Cesaro vs Ziggler Intercontinental Championship

Seth Rollins vs John Cena No Holds Barred

Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns WWE World Championship

I'm not the biggest fan of Reigns vs Lesnar, but that's how it's probably going to end up.
I think a lot is going to change between now and April but I'll give this a try-

Lesnar - Reigns - Ambrose - Yes a triple threat. I fear Reigns may not get the support he needs with others out performing him on a regular basis.

Sting - Undertaker - just because the streak is over does not mean we've seen the last of Undertaker.

Kurt Angle - Bray Wyatt - This will happen unless someone can talk the Rock into facing Wyatt, which I don't see happening.

Cena - Hogan - Hogan really wants this and it's now or never

Bryan - Rollins - pending Bryan's health

The Rock - Triple H - They have never had a one on one at Wrestlemania...
It is still WAY to early and not exactly realistic to start conjuring up Wrestlemania 31 cards. At least none that are realistic. Anything can happen between now and then. Just look at Daniel Bryan. It is highly unlikely that he was going to be in the place he was at Wrestlemania 30 beforehand, but the uproar of the fans changed all of that.

Currently, the only match we have seen speculation about is Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and even that can change if officials aren't feeling Reigns for that spot yet. KB said it best in that "Roman doesn't have to be ready, he needs to be over." He's getting solid receptions lately, but Wrestlemania is still about 8 months away. Anything can change.

I don't even want to go into the Sting vs Undertaker nonsenses. I've begun to get migraines explaining that in pretty much every thread here.
Start pff the show with The Rock coming out saying finally... Finally The Roc... Thats where he gets inturepted by none other then Randy Orton. Orton then gets a mic and says if ot wasn't for Rock then Roman Reigns his cousin would have never been in the WWE to ruin his title shot. So he gets in the ring and says Im going to take you out like someone should have a long time ago. So he goes at Rock but misses his punch and Rock gets him set up for a Rock Bottom but Orton escapes and it sets up a maych between them.

New people who were brought up from Nxt this last year start our the show
Adrian Nevilee vs Tyelr Breeze vs Bull Dempsy vs Sami Zayn

Divas Match
Paige(c) vs Eva Marie vs Charlete for divas championship

United States championship match
The Miz(c) vs Cesaro vs Seth Rollins

Andre The Giant Battle Royal

Brie vs Nikki Bella

Intercontinental Championship Match Hell In A Cell Match
Dean Ambrose(c) vs Triple H
I know this makes no sense to have Triple H in a title match but I would set it up and say thats where The Authority is going to start in taking back control from the non controable freaks cause they have titles and dont want to listen so there going to get them all away from people starting woth the Intercontinental Championship, and in a hell in a cell because Dean wants to make sure no one of his little goones can get in and Triple H cant run

Mark Henry Vs Rusev in a no DQ match

Tag Title Match Tornado Tag Match and Elmination Macth
Usos(c) vs The Acensions vs Kalisto and Sin Cara

I Quit Match
John Cena (With Nikki Bella) vs Daniel Bryan (With Brie Bella)
This comes into play cause Bryan comes out and claims John Cema's GF (Nikki Bella) turned on his wife (Brie Bella) because John told her too. John said he had nothing to do with it and it went on from there.

First Main Event (Falls Count Anywhere match)
The Rock vs Randy Orton
Set up by Vince Mcmahon behind Triple H's back to start something there between the two for a struggle of power

Second Main Event and last match of the night ( No Holds Barred Match) for the WWE worldheavyweight championship
Brock Lesnar(c)vs Roman Reigns
I have heard a lot of rumours about the wrestlemania 31 card however I think it needs some feuds which aren't easily predicted!!!
1. I think the wwe world heavyweight title will split back
Preshow: IC title: bad news barrett vs cesaro
Tag titles:Usos vs ascension
30 man battle royal(including Rollins and cena for star power)
Nikki Bella vs Brie Bella
Randy orton vs the rock
US title:bray wyatt vs rusev(risky matchup)
Ambrose vs Batista(no dq)
Whc title:roman reigns vs chris Jericho
Undertaker vs sting
Stone cold Steve Austin vs cm punk
Wwe title:Brock lesnar vs Daniel Bryan
On paper Bryan v lesnar could be a good main event, the reality is Bryan is too small to suspend belief with

It's not a WM main event
Tag Team titles: The Dudley Boyz v Mystery Team

The Dudz show up in the run up to Elimination Chamber and win the tag team titles.. causing the split of Goldust and Stardust. Bubba gets cocky and makes an open challenge. People would guess the Ascension would be the mystery team but it actually turns out to be the Hardyz who stun the Dudleyz to win the titles...

Kurt Angle vs Rusev (Russian Title)

I can see this being a big feud coming out of the Royal Rumble, Lana and Rusev make a big issue of Kurt's "fallen american hero" image. If Kurt is going to be part of the WWE again, Rusev is a natural opponent for him and while the US title isn't a main event belt, Kurt winning it back for America would be a good "feelgood" moment and a way for Kurt to be relevant without bothering the World title picture.

Bad News Barrett vs Triple H

This feeds into my main event ideas. BNB hijacks the Authorities plans at the Royal Rumble by "taking" the number 30 spot and assisting Roman Reigns. This raises Triple H's ire and the two feud, with BNB having a strong Elimination Chamber match up which Trips conspires to prevent him winning. Barrett is automatically a face when he returns whatever they do, so it's a good idea to have him return at 30 in the Rumble so he can use the "bad news" line. Trips is a great opponent to re-establish BNB as a main eventer rather than wasting time with the IC title again.

Andre The Giant Battle Royal - This has Kane, Big Show and the other usual suspects in there. Winner this time out is Batista who eliminates Cesaro last.

Goldust vs Stardust - This is a retirement match which of course Goldust loses. Stardust continues onward using the gimmick going forward.

Paige w/ Stephanie McMahon vs the Brie Bella

Once Stephanie has her "revenge" on Brie she drops Nikki in favour of Paige becoming her "hitwoman". Nikki tries to reuinite but Brie refuses. Just when it looks as if Paige is going to come out on top, Nikki appears and they do the old "twin magic" for Brie to win and take the title. Steph howls in protest but the referee doesn't see it.

IC Championship

Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton

Orton is the IC champion having beaten Ziggler and attempting the punt to "finish his career" only for Jericho to prevent this. This angle uses the "real life" concussions of Ziggler and sees Jericho lift the title for the 10th time. Ric Flair acts as special guest referee but turns on Jericho after the bell, setting up his management of Ziggler going forward.

Sting vs Bray Wyatt

The most logical "strong feud" for Sting's "one match". Bray can take the loss but would gain a lot of experience from working with Sting.

Rock vs Brock (non title)

This doesn't need the title and speaks for itself as part of a "Triple Header" main event. Have Brock go over, not quite as easily as over Cena but ultimately Brock's new "streak" continues.

World Title

Seth Rollins (c) v Roman Reigns v Dean Ambrose

This is the best title match at Mania for my money. Ambrose upsets Brock Lesnar to win the title, only to be cashed in on by Rollins after a raging Brock destroys him. Reigns wins the Rumble eventually with an assist from Bad News' return and Ambrose returns in time from the "injuries" to call in his rematch at Mania. Classic Triple Threat Mania main event... personally I would have Ambrose win but they would ineveitably make it Reigns.

The only guy missing is Cena... I genuinely don't see a spot for him that would actually do any good. If there is ever gonna be a "Cenaless" Mania then this could/should be it. He could of course go into the Battle Royal but the reality is most of his matches have now been seen. There is very little new that they can do with Cena at Mania and for me that makes it time to use other matches and have him either in the "host" role or in some kind of celeb match scenario. WWE has to prepare for life without Cena at some point and this year is as good a year as any to try it. At worst case I'd go with him v Sheamus, they always worked well off of each other.
If I'm gonna give you 31... I at least have to tell you how it builds up to 32.

WrestleMania 31

Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
-headlined by Batista and Randy Orton

Kurt Angle vs Rusev
-Rusev still undefeated

Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins

Sting vs Bray Wyatt
-leading up to the match, Sting implies this will be his ONE match in WWE. After a loss to Wyatt, Sting is caught up in an emotional farewell when he's confronted by The Undertaker. Intense stare down. The foundation has been laid.

John Cena vs Cesaro

No Holds Barred
Triple H vs Dean Ambrose

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Brock Lesnar (C) vs Roman Reigns

WrestleMania 32

The Undertaker vs Sting

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Roman Reigns (C) vs John Cena

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Brock Lesnar
WrestleMania 31

WWE World Heavyweight Championship- Lesnar (c) vs Reigns
Seth Rollins vs Daniel Bryan
Triple H vs Batista (No Holds Barred) (WrestleMania 21 rematch)
Goldust vs Stardust (Brother vs Brother)
Dean Ambrose vs Bray Wyatt
Sting vs The Undertaker (Icon vs Legend)
Rusev vs Kurt Angle (Russian Behemoth vs American Hero)
Cena vs Hogan
Jericho vs Orton
I'm not seeing Daniel Bryan beating Brock Lesnar.

But you never know with the management today.

It can happen, I wounder if it will. And the reactions..
WWE World Heavyweight Championship:
Cena vs. Reigns vs. Ambrose vs. Rollins

If I was booking this I would have it, Cena walks into Mania as the champion and in a shocking upset Ambrose somehow ends up walking out as champion. The main reason I would go with this match is because I’m not sure Reigns is quite capable inside the ring to hold his own in a big one on one Mania main event match yet. On top of that, this match makes sense, it would probably be really exciting and all three of the younger guys would get a huge rub working Cena for the title in the main event, regardless of who wins. I would go with the Ambrose win because out of all of them he is probably the least favorite to actually win in this scenario so it would be shocking and I think having crazy Dean Ambrose running around with the biggest title in company, if even for a short bit would be awesome.

WWE WHC #1 Contender’s Match:
Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan

If it were up to me I probably would have booked this at last year’s Mania and now given the surgeries Bryan just had I’m not totally sure I would ever book it but in a perfect fantasy booking scenario, I’d go with this match and I would have Bryan win. I’m not sure how I would have Lesnar drop the belt back to Cena exactly but one idea I had that would actually set up another match on my card perfectly is basically something along the lines of HHH “making a deal with the devil” and that deal ends up going bad. The devil of course, Bray Wyatt. Maybe Lesnar starts to show signs of weakness over time and HHH starts to lose confidence in him and eventually has to resort to getting Wyatt to interfere on Lesnar’s behalf so he retains. HHH promises Wyatt a title shot in return, never ends up giving it to him so the Wyatt Family screw Lesnar out of the belt. Wyatt goes on to challenge Lesnar who doesn’t really look like he wants to take on the whole Wyatt Family but says he just wants his belt back and basically for the first time in forever backs down from the fight. By this time Bryan should be back and wanting to recapture the title he never lost. Wyatt, pissed off that Lesnar won’t fight him starts harassing and baiting HHH more who eventually gives in to Wyatt’s head games and agrees to settle his deal with the devil. Just to be a dick too, HHH books Bryan who is fresh of a neck surgery to take on Lesnar and whoever wins becomes the new number one contender. Bryan wins, in an upset but then gets absolutely destroyed after the whistle, setting up a rematch between the two.

Triple H vs. Bray Wyatt

So, as I said in the paragraph above this match is basically a result of HHH making a deal with the devil that goes terribly wrong and he is ultimately forced to do battle. HHH promises Wyatt a title shot for his assistance in making sure Lesnar retains, HHH never comes through on his promise and Wyatt basically ends up screwing Lesnar over and messing with HHH to the point where he has to give in and fight him. Besides probably being a really good match, the reason I would book this is because Wyatt fought Cena last year and if he isn’t fighting for the title this year he needs a big time opponent or it’s going to seem like a step backwards or down the ladder. Wyatt absolutely wins this hands down too, like in decisive, creepy fashion. The next night in a bizarre twist, despite Bryan beating Lesnar in a number one contender’s match, HHH books a rematch of Lesnar/Bryan, anything goes for Extreme Rules and names Bray Wyatt of all people as newly crowned WWE World Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose’s first title defense.

WWE IC Championship/WWE US Championship – Winner Takes All:
Dolph Ziggler vs. Ryback

Honestly, this is the match I put the least amount of thought into and it would basically just be filler and a reason to get the two titles on the show. I’m thinking though, having Ryback be the guy to win both the titles and walk around with them might just be enough of a rub to make him relevant again so this match actually could serve somewhat of a purpose.

WWE Diva’s Championship:
AJ Lee vs. Paige

These two deserve it and sure we’ve seen it a few times but whatever. Honestly, I don’t really care who walks in or out as champion, just give them the opportunity to kill it.

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton

Thought process behind this one is basically Sheamus goes heel, aligning himself with HHH, Rollins, ect. While at the same time, after repeated failures and screw ups the Authority kicks Orton to the curb. Sheamus is then given the opportunities Orton was given but is repeatedly screwed by Orton who is now kind of in the position where he is on his own because although he got screwed over, he’s been a dick so long you can’t feel sympathetic for him and nobody wants to help him. Sheamus and crew eventually realize Orton isn’t going to give up until he’s given the match he wants and here we are.

WWE Tag Team Championship:
Harper & Rowan vs. Barrett & Cesaro vs. The Usos vs. Big E & Kofi

I’ve always thought Barrett and Cesaro would make a good team and possibly, just maybe with William Regal they could go on to steam roll their way to the tag team titles. When Barrett comes back, instead of giving him the IC title for the 36th time I would probably put the wheels in motion for this team to start happening. I don’t know who I would have walk in with the titles, maybe Big E and Kofi but I would have Barrett and Cesaro go over and go on to have a decent reign before dropping the titles, having a decent feud themselves and then eventually both going on to be permanent fixtures in the main event scene.


I really think doing the battle royal every year is stupid and I would much rather see an NXT showcase match or two on the preshow but what can you do I guess?

The matches I would be building up to following Mania would be something like this:

Bryan vs. Lesnar
Ambrose vs. Wyatt
Cena & Reigns vs. Sheamus & Rollins
Barrett & Cesaro vs. Harper & Rowan
There are usually around 8 Matches(Give or Take) at Wrestlemania, thus I'll try to keep it to that number. My Wrestlemania card is setup to sort of continue what was started post-Mania 30, in terms of the theme, "Out with the Old, In with the New".

WrestleMania 31
Co-Main Event Matches:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship:
Brock Lesnar(c) vs Roman Reigns - Brock becomes virtually unbeatable, whilst Roman is continously booked strong also en route to winning the Royal Rumble to setup "the Unstoppable Force vs the Immovable Object" co-Main Event for the night.

PS: Seth Rollins to finally Cash-in his Money in the Bank Briefcase and spoil Roman's Big Victory which will lead to a continuation of the Shield break-up story post-Mania31.

John Cena w/Nikki Bella vs Daniel Bryan w/Brie Bella - Given that the twins are currently in a heavily featured feud on the show, and with Daniel Bryan being injured for so long, having this rematch might be a great way to bring him back in a big match whilst continuing the theme of the show.

Other Matches:

Triple H vs Dean Ambrose - Roman Reigns will have knocked off Triple H from his Authority perch before this, but Dean will be given the role of knocking him out of the WWE for an 'indefinite' time. Game Over!

Randy Orton vs Bray Wyatt - Randy Orton was beaten by Brock Lesnar some time before in convincing fashion, and was duly ostracised by Triple H and the Authority. Bray Wyatt decided to pick up the pieces of a broken Viper, with a view to unleashing terror at some point going forward...

Divas Championship - Paige vs AJ Lee w/Stephanie McMahon as Special Referee - Have a good Divas match, with Steph screwing AJ Lee with a follow-up feud post-Mania.

Andre the Giant Battle Royal with US Champion, Rusev being the winner.

Fatal 4-Way WWE Tag Team Championship Ladder Match ft. GoldStar vs the Ascension vs the Usos vs the Wyatt family

Triple threat Intercontinental Championship - Bo Dallas vs Bad News Barrett vs Dolph Ziggler
I would like to see it as follows:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Brock Lesnar 'C' vs Roman Reigns

Orton wasn't ready when he won his first championship. Cena wasn't really ready when he won the title at WM21 either, but there comes a point where you just have to go for it. He's your guy and you want to book him strong... so let Reigns be the guy to beat the one in twenty one and one. I'd also toy with the idea of after a bloody battle of a main event, have Rollins cash in on Reigns and actually end WrestleMania with a heel as champion. This let's Reigns get a huge win and still chase the title into the summer.

Icon vs Franchise - Sting vs John Cena

If you're at all concerned with Roman Reigns' drawing power, having this marquee matchup also on the card will put all of those concerns to an end. Sting's first and only WWE match, at WrestleMania, vs the #1 guy in the company in a co-main event. These two matches are how you sell a huge PPV.

Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins

A very over returning babyface in Bryan vs one of the most hated guys on the roster at the moment. This is a huge undercard match, and would probably be a 5-star classic, match of the year candidate. If these two guys go at it, they'd likely steal the show. Have Bryan win, but then have Rollins cash in later in the night to get his heat back.

Retirement Match - Triple H vs Batista

Have these guys shoot on each other leading into the event. Batista talking about their negotiations last year and how Triple H promised him a one on one world title shot but then went back on his word. Have Batista blast the business by saying he's over it, he's found something bigger and better in Hollywood. Have Triple H counter by saying Batista would be nothing without him, bla bla bla. Good way to send Batista off, since he likely won't be doing much more than this.

Street Fight (or any kind of gimmick match) - Randy Orton vs Dean Ambrose

Think these two could have a great, heated feud if given the opportunity. They've had some good matches already as part of the Ambrose/Rollins feud, but let these two get personal. Make it heated with a lot of backstage/personal attacks and have it all come to a head at WrestleMania.

Fill out the rest of the card with:
- Andre The Giant Battle Royal
- Divas Championship match
- Bray Wyatt vs somebody
- Tag Team Championship match
Well, may as well try my hand at flexing my Armchair Booking Muscles, feel free to tell me from a scale of 1 to 'YOU FUCKING HACK' how my creativity is.

Just a couple of notes:

1. No Celebrity/Part-Timers involved in the card... except if you count Brock Lesnar. No Rock, No Punk, No Stone Cold, No Taker... any of these guys might be on the show, but they won't be wrasslin'.

2. Didn't bother with any stipulations for the card.

3. Lost some steam by the end of it, and because I tried to document the path leading to WM, this card will be all but gutted after NoC this sunday.

Match 8: World Heavyweight Championship
-Brock Lesnar(Champ) vs. Daniel Bryan(Challenger)

How We Get Here:
-Unless Bryan's return fails to produce the pop he had during his underdog run, his most likely route to THIS Wrestlemania will be more conventional than last; a Royal Rumble victory. (Make no mistake, Roman Reigns can be penciled in as the backup plan with virtually no difficulty if Bryan is somehow not over enough)
-The Authority by and large will have buckled if not dissolved between now and Wrestlemania, and the potential paths are numerous. But before that, here's a Dark Horse concept; The Authority, after John Cena has been discarded at NoC, tries their hardest to take the Title from their Mercenary Champion, via any means necessary. It makes the most sense as it plays to Triple H's track record (Remember how Evolution fell apart?) but unlikely to occur as it does something you don't want; it paints Brock Lesnar in the eyes of the fans as a babyface. The stark difference between Daniel Bryan(the intended loser) and John Cena(the fill-in) is already plainly obvious, so sustained heat makes Brock a required part of the Authority machine. (Had it been Bryan all along, you could have the Authority try to screw Brock, get wrecked until they break down, and ultimately be forced to turn TO the guy they conspired against in order to keep the Title 'within the company'. Imagine that, Bryan genuinely getting the respect he deserves from those directly in charge.)
-What actually happens to the Authority will go one of two ways; either an increasingly useless and rankled Randy Orton, perhaps fresh off a failure at HiaC and upstaged frequently by Seth Rollins, turns babyface and rebels, forcing Triple H to cut him off like dead weight. Or Seth Rollins gets too big for his britches and refuses to do his part in the Regime, forcing the Authority to gang up and dispense justice to the upstart. Orton is more likely to be the rebel, because right now Rollins is too good of a heel to turn babyface and needs his comeuppance in another form.
-With Orton out and Kane either STILL in that annoying Ric Flair role of spoiler- or potentially beat down by Reigns to the point of uselessness- that leaves Triple H with just Brock and Rollins. Batista comes back, now Anti-Authority, to face Brock at Survivor Series, and gets beat down for his troubles. A rematch at TLC is likely, with the same result. And by Royal Rumble, you're so spent for Main Event players who can potentially take Brock that you're going back to the Big Show, only this comes with a twist; It's a one-on-two handicap match with Mark Henry thrown in, just to make it more interesting.
-In the actual Royal Rumble match, Batista comes in very late in the order AGAIN, as if they were going to do the same exact angle from last year. He eliminates Reigns to be alone in the ring, but this time #30 hasn't yet come out. The timer runs out... and Daniel Bryan shows up at #30 and ideally, the freaking roof EXPLODES. I shouldn't have to explain that Bryan somehow beats Batista one-on-one, right?
-Naturally, Triple H has to conduct some form of skull-duggery for Elimination Chamber, forcing Daniel Bryan to put up his #1 contendership in a match(he'll rationalize this to the fans by saying after Batista last year, the Royal Rumble winner can't just be automatic anymore- and by the way, don't scoff at the notion, because this is an ideal heel move). I see it being a Chamber Match like the Title Bout later on, with some surprise entrants(Rollins in particular, who still holds the briefcase anyways but would be cajoled by Triple H to go in there and rub him out regardless) but Bryan ultimately prevails. Some interference, The Wyatts actually doing what they did last year but this time taking Rollins instead. More on that below.
-Do I need to mention that Brock Lesnar smacks the other five participants ruthlessly en route to retaining once more?

Match 7: Divas Championship (say what!?)
-AJ(Champ) vs. Paige(Challenger)

How We Get Here:
-Make no bones about it, Nikki Bella will take the title on NoC, thanks to no small amount of Paige/AJ strife and a good deal of interference on behalf of Stephanie. What results will likely be a total disgrace of the Divas division, and I mean it's 'Lay down for the champ or cheat for her or be FIRED' levels of disgrace, mostly to mask how underwhelming Nikki is in the ring. In the meantime, poor Brie gets to be ganged up on by anyone wanting to suck up to the Champ and her 'handler' (because that's what Stephanie will be) until she finally gets her chance to challenge Nikki directly. HiaC ends with a Nikki victory via MORE interference. But Brie still won't walk away. So a Career vs. Career stipulation will be added for Survivor Series. (Side Note: It sounds awful, but a real Survivor Series 5-on-5 matchup of Divas would do nicely. Team Brie- featuring the best of those stepped on by the new regime, versus Team Nikki- and all the suck-ups.) Needless to say, Brie loses, and is subsequently forced out of WWE kayfabe-wise.
-Raw after Survivor Series lets Nikki take center stage with Stephanie to crow about finally doing away with her sister and being Divas champion, only to have Stephanie book her that night with a surprise participant for the title. And surprise surprise, it's Paige(if the Divas Teams happen on SS, I'd have Paige be a betrayer of Team Brie to further cement this) only Stephanie utterly and blatantly screws Nikki out of the title, and in the ensuing beatdown, confesses that she was only valuable because of who her sister married, and now Nikki is promptly fired and cast out.
-With Paige set as Champion- and Heel without question- there are two avenues of drama. On the mat there's a prompt feud with Natalya, babyface and probably the lone proponent of the Good Girls remaining. Outside the mat, there's the return of the AJ/Paige drama which apparently is borderline-Lesbian but could stretch either way. Think of AJ supposedly 'falling' for a Bad Girl harder than ever. The fact that she'd be in Paige's corner to watch her beat Natalya in TLC if not interfering outright probably cements the relationship.
-There comes a wrinkle after TLC; Paige is assaulted by Brie Bella. Groan-inducing, I know. But unavoidable. Stephanie demands Brie be arrested, Brie demands to be reinstated, Paige demands a match, yadda yadda. Stephanie eventually allows a one-on-one match between Paige and Brie, only to make it a handicap match at the last minute, imposing herself on the action to ensure poor Brie gets kicked right back out, only during the beatdown.... well, no avoiding it, it's Nikki. If you haven't puked by now, please do so. Anyway, Nikki comes out to the ring... and suddenly is defending her sister as if they've never feuded. Not that the Bellas can stop the loss, but they can aggrivate Stephanie dearly in the process. She decides to put the reunited Bella Twins in a match against Paige and AJ, non-title, for the Royal Rumble. At stake, their reinstatements.
-Naturally, the Bellas win. But it comes with a twist; AJ betrays Paige unexpectedly(big whoop), and admits that, frankly, she was more attractive when she wasn't sucking up to Stephanie. This requires the two women settle this in the ring on the Raw after. And this time, it's AJ who beats Paige and takes the title.
-Elimination Chamber, AJ against.... well shoot, whichever Diva is the hottest around that time. It honestly doesn't matter, because we're still milking the Paige/AJ angle like blood from a stone. Only this time it's Paige who interferes, though AJ retains via disqualification. Naturally, Paige wants the title AND AJ all at once, at Wrestlemania.

Match 6:
-Roman Reigns vs. Triple H

How We Get Here:
-Put bluntly, Reigns is put down by Seth Rollins at NoC. With Dean Ambrose returning, Reigns is left to vy for the #1 contender status for HiaC. Unfortunately, he loses out to Randy Orton via interference from Kane. Again. Incensed, Reigns goes after Kane. He doesn't take him on directly in a match; but rather he jumps him every chance he gets. Finally, Reigns demands a one-on-one match at HiaC with Kane, which is promptly accepted. Reigns prevails after a brutal confrontation, as a match with Kane can only go these days. That part is notable because Randy Orton is in place to interfere, but chooses not to, a decision that leads to his downfall in the authority.
-Survivor Series, Team Rollins versus Team Ambrose. Grudge Match to end Grudge Matches. Reigns is on Team Ambrose, joined by Randy Orton in a surprise twist; expected to join Team Rollins to redeem himself, he RKOs Rollins and proclaims his allegiance to the other side. This time, Ambrose prevails, though Reigns is instrumental in knocking out the most participants in the match a la last year.
-Leading up to TLC, Reigns takes on Batista in a bid to face Brock Lesnar, only Reigns is screwed. This time by the Wyatts, who seem to be fresh off their latest feud with Big Show/Mark Henry and back to working for Triple H(or so the fans will see). A 3-on-3 match is set up with Reigns and Rollins, with Randy Orton as the surprise addition. The Wyatts win by the seat of their pants.
-You know what happens to Reigns at the Royal Rumble, setting up Batista as the hump he just can't quite get over. Knowing the Animal is likely to be in the WWE Title Match at Elimination Chamber, Reigns pulls out all the stops to qualify for said match. In the match itself, Reigns gets his revenge on the Animal FINALLY, by eliminating him decisively. He finishes 2nd... beat down last not by Brock Lesnar, but by the Authority. He comes close enough to warrant such a blatant cheat by Triple H, which in turn sets up the Grudge angle. It'll take a couple of weeks after EC to goad Triple H into agreeing to a match, but he'll agree. Do enough damage to the man and he'll agree that splitting your skull with a sledgehammer is good for buisness.

Match 5:
-John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose

How We Get Here:
-Cena gets puts down at NoC... maybe not as badly as at SummerSlam, maybe he's a great deal more brutal in the fight, but he can't close the deal and Brock beats him again. His 'last' appearance for a while is the Raw after, where he snaps and brutalizes someone and realizes how far he's sunk. (Kinda doesn't matter WHO he brutalizes after the fact, just that he snaps. Not a 'heel' turn, but a genuinely sold character conflict). Ambrose meanwhile has returned to resume the feud with Seth Rollins, as unpredictable and aggressive as ever. Hell, if anything Dean is much more ruthless than before thanks to being curb-stomped and put away for some time. Ambrose goads Rollins into a genuine Hell in a Cell match at HiaC, where the rules do not apply and the blood can flow. Ambrose somehow loses by DQ via a crooked ref but gets to pound on Rollins anyways. That sets up Team Rollins vs. Team Ambrose at Survivor Series.
-Meanwhile, John Cena is nowhere to be found at HiaC. But he does come back for Survivor Series. And predictably, he gets put in a program with Rusev.
-The Rusev program is long lasting. It has to be. It can't be a one-off. And it has to be downright even. Here's how I see it; Survivor Series puts John Cena through the proverbial meat-grinder, selling Rusev as this powerful, dominating wrestler while at the same time demonstrating that Cena is a class above Swagger and Henry in terms of ring prowess. You have to sell Cena's increased importance at the same time. And unlike the others, Cena won't tap out. Make him pass out in Rusev's submission move (is it the Accolade? I'm not too sure). 0-1 Rusev. Cena can try to avenge his loss at TLC, but bring back the demons from before with a more ruthless performance (hell, have him slap Lana right in the face for a DQ to underline where John's trying to crawl out of). 0-1 Rusev with one 'draw', leading up to the Royal Rumble, and here's where Cena finally picks up the good guy baton once more and gets the victory. Cheesy, queasy, downright sickening, YES, but that's what you do in a A-Grade PPV like the Royal Rumble, and MAYBE after several months of doubt and strife, it might sell better as a result. The twist I would have at the end is Rusev unexpectedly TURNING on Lana and becoming face in the process by embracing the country he has 'opposed' all this time.
-Elimination Chamber comes, naturally John Cena is one of the participants in the WWE Title match. Between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, Cena's no better than 3rd and just shy of window dressing in the matchup. But it gives Cena one more chance to maybe get the Beast in his sights and finally do away with him, sadly to no avail. Who knows, maybe he somehow 'an heroes' himself for someone like Reigns.
-As for Dean after the Wyatts in TLC? He goes right back after Rollins, goading Seth into a match at the Royal Rumble. Seth responds with putting Bray Wyatt in his place, in a scrap that Ambrose barely survives. Wyatt continues to 'feud' with Amrbose all the way up to EC, to supposedly keep him off the #1 Contenders match, but Dean manages to get in. Dean gets to eliminate Rollins, but not before the Wyatts make their appearance... and for some reason screw Rollins instead. Dean sadly finishes #2 to Daniel Bryan as a result.
-So how do you get these two guys together in the ring after all of that? It's quite simple; You have Ambrose out in the ring at some Raw down the line, cutting a promo about being left out in the cold for pretty much every last Title match on the card, and how, apparently, there's no one willing to take him on directly. Cue Cena's music. Cena responds that naturally, he never walks out on a challenge, and that Ambrose will have to go through him to prove his worth. No Face/Heel dynamic to speak of, for there's no need. It's the sort of match you expect Cena to have from now on- the deliberate elevation of younger talent.

Match 4:
-Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt

How We Get Here:
-By now we know where Rollins goes all the way up to after Survivor Series. Bray Wyatt doesn't seem to be scheduled for NoC and just vanquished Chris Jericho.
-Bray teams up with his brothers to torment Big Show leading up to HiaC, mostly as a means to continue the Tag Team feud. What follows is Show bragging he can take on all three of them at once, setting up a 3-on-1 handicap match which provided the Wyatts do a fantastic job with 90% of all the motion works better than it should have any right to. Beating Big Show under such unfair conditions sets up a Tag Team match at Survivor Series while Bray goes on to join Team Rollins. After SS, the Wyatts seemingly go after Ambrose/Reigns via Triple H in TLC. Rollins meanwhile is given a supposed cake-walk in Damian Sandow, as part of the 'Spoiled Golden Boy' angle they're doing. It's Sandow in a PPV match against a refutable opponent. Go nuts.
-Anyhoo, it's time for the Royal Rumble. And Seth employs Bray to take his place in a match with Dean Ambrose. In truth, Seth is now ordering the Wyatts to harrass and terrorize Dean at every opportunity. This leads up to Elimination Chamber, where Seth secretly instructs the Wyatts that they are to cost Dean his chance at the #1 contender status after Triple H makes Rollins get involved in said match to screw Daniel Bryan. The Wyatts come to the cage as planned, once Dean has outright beat down Rollins and is ready for the pin... instead they screw Rollins directly.
-Bray explains that the depravity and disregard Rollins has shown to others, both his former comrades and his enemies, and his greed for fame and fortune, have conspired to bring him down and Bray is the avatar of that downfall. Imagine that context molded into the typical Wyatt ravings and you get the idea. Basically Bray Wyatt is turning quasi-face to punish Rollins for his indiscretions.

Match 3: Intercontinental Title
-Dolph Ziggler(Champ) vs. Bad News Barrett(Challenger)

How We Get Here:
-Yes, this is prevalent on Barrett returning by this point, ideally by the Royal Rumble, and recovered enough to compete. And no, Ziggler has NOT been a champion since Summerslam.
-Really, given how little storyline this belt has gotten recently, there's not much to tell. Anyway, here's how I see it going down; Ziggler defeats Miz to retain in NoC, then he defeats Big E to retain at HiaC(because who else is there?).
-At Survivor Series, there's a treat; Team Ziggler(Intercontinental Title) versus Team Cesaro(US Title). Team Cesaro takes the match, and the titles aren't defended.
-TLC is a shocker, freaking Bo Dallas beats Ziggler to take the title. Ziggler takes back the title at Royal Rumble.
-Barrett meanwhile makes his comeback at Royal Rumble, albeit in a limited fashion. Elimination Chamber is spent with neither wrestler actively participating, but with Barrett proclaiming that as a former champ who never lost the title, now he has first rights to challenge for the title at Wrestlemania. Basically, he'd BAAAAAD NEEEEEEWWWWS for the Zig.

Match 2: Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale
-Big Show, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Big E, Bo Dallas, The Miz, Jack Swagger, Damien Sandow, Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara, Titus O'Neil, Justin Gabriel, Xavier Woods, Tyson Kidd, Heath Slater, Zach Ryder, Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville, Kalisto, about ten other guys between WWE/NXT but who gives a crap about them.

How We Get Here:
-It's the freaking Battle Royale featuring people who didn't get onto the rest of the card!

Match 1: US Title
-Rusev(Champ) vs. Cesaro(Challenger)

How We Get Here:
-We know about Rusev as far as the Royal Rumble where he finally loses to John Cena and turns on Lana.
-Cesaro takes the US Title from Sheamus at NoC, retaining at HiaC. Team Cesaro beats Team Ziggler at Survivor Series. Then he gets to beat on The Miz at TLC to retain, with a rematch at the Royal Rumble, because why not.
-Elimination Chamber. Rusev, now free from Lana, is picked up by Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger in a upside-down twist. Rusev should be portraying the foreigner freed from oppression and utterly engrossed in the American Melting Pot. He takes the US Title from Cesaro in a surprisingly powerful matchup, and Rusev is hailed as if he's an AMERICAN Hero.
-On the Raw after, Rusev is out on the ring with Colter and Swagger, the three of them cutting a promo over their obtainment of the US Title, and Rusev obtaining the American Dream... which brings out Lana and her new 'client', Cesaro. The rematch at Wrestlemania is ON.

Dark Match: Tag Team Championship
-Golddust/Stardust(Champs) vs. Wyatt Family(Challengers) vs. The Usos(Challengers) vs. The Ascension(Challengers)

How We Get Here:
-The 'Dust' Brothers take the title form the Usos at NoC, rebuffing them twice more at HiaC and Survivor Series. Dunno who they take on at TLC.
-The Wyatt Family finally conquers The Big Show and Mark Henry at Survivor Series. At Royal Rumble, they take the titles from the 'Dust' Brothers, only to give them up in the rematch at Elimination Chamber.
-The Ascension arrive after the Royal Rumble, and quickly prove to be an ideal addition.
-The Usos.... are the Usos. What's to be said?

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