Lesnar looking to end his reign on a face note?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
After seeing the disdain on Lesnar's face while looking at Heyman shake Rollins' hand last night, I get the feeling Lesnar is going to go out as a babyface at WM. Lesnar will beat Cena at RR, but I think that's when we start to see the cracks in their relationship.

I believe someone else brought up the scenario. Lesnar loses, Rollins wants to cash in, Heyman tells Lesnar to F5 his opponent one more time and Lesnar destroys both Rollins and Heyman.

Still assuming it's Reigns who wins, Reigns then goes on to feud with Rollins with Heyman as his advisor.

If Lesnar's contract is indeed done and he is going back to UFC, it fits as a fitting end to Lesnar's second run in the WWE.
Haven't thought about it, but I guess I could see Heyman become the manager for Rollins at some point. Even tho I would rather Heyman stay away from Rollins just because of how big a failure it would be if he was with Rollins like he was with Ryback and Axle. Or lets not forget how bad Heyman was with Big Show. I wasn't even a fan of Heyman with Punk. Guys who cant talk like Lesnar, not those who can talk like Rollins.
I don't really see it. Personally, I'm against Brock Lesnar being a babyface as everything about him suggests a heel. His look, the way he carries himself, having Heyman as a mouthpiece and, most importantly, the fact that he doesn't give a damn about anything except getting a big paycheck. Lesnar has no heart or passion for anything, not pro football, not pro wrestling, not mixed martial arts. Fans know that, they know that he's gotten a degree of preferential treatment, WWE hasn't tried to make him the "cool heel" that it's edgy to cheer for and he's the one who ended the streak. As a result, all these things put together serve to make Lesnar easy to dislike.

I could see Heyman stabbing Lesnar in the back, possibly helping Rollins successfully cash in at some point. I see Rollins possibly being a "Paul Heyman Guy" if Lesnar is leaving after WrestleMania XXXI. Without a mouthpiece, however, I don't see Lesnar being able to connect with fans. Without Heyman to speak for him, Lesnar's mostly a meathead and I don't see WWE altering what's been, overall, a winning formula.
First of all do U guys watch the crowd reactions to Brock? He literally got one of the BIGGEST POPS on Raw. I love Brock always have. He is just that Dude. I like how he doesn't card about anything or anybody.

You know it's funny you want the E to let people be themselves more and show their personality well who does it better than Brock. Is he a Dick? Yep but who cares? He is a BAD ASS who does BAD ASS things. You don't like it well tell him so he can beat you to death. To me he isn't a heel or Baby face. He isn't even a tweener. He is just BROCK LESNER being BROCK LESNER!!!!
i disagree with u. Lesnar staying as heel is good. After he beat undertaker he staying as heel is good. My opinion is lesnar vs reigns at mania is best for buisness. Iwc pls dont spoil this. Pls dont spoil by put bryan in title match.
I honestly only ever thought Brock turning face for Wrestlemania was one of those Emergency Plan C options, if Bryant wasn't ready to come back and Reigns was totally failing to get over.

Would it work? Strangely enough, it just might. Especially since outside circumstances stunted a lot of his initial heat. His very sparse appearances and the fact he had to go over the wrong person at Summerslam have put him in a more appealing position to turn face should it be needed.

I'm not even sure you'd need him to turn on Heyman- even though it's FUN to be against everything Heyman stands for- because both men are simply mercenaries. Think Heyman wouldn't know the best horse to back in this feud? Knowing that best-case, there's only the likes of Big Show and Kane who could offer a credible threat, especially if he starts with a surprise destruction of Rollins?

I find the idea intriguing, really only because I've spent the last couple of months toying around the idea that eventually either Brock or the Authority would turn on the other because said mercenary arrangement can only go so far before the rifts develop. I just had it the other way around; the Authority tries to screw Brock once their kingdom is secured for better or worse, only Brock rips their foundations apart and forces the remnants to turn to the Heroes to save the day. But Brock turning hero to pulverize a resurgent Authority? That has some teeth to it too. It just lacks a suitable Main Event opponent at WM.
You guys should understand that my scenario has WM being Lesnar's last match. At that point, it won't matter if he is heel or babyface at the end of the show since he'll be gone.

As for Heyman and Rollins: Keep in mind Ryback and Axle got almost zero reaction from the crowd. The WWE hoped a Heyman connection would help, but it didn't.

Rollins is great as a heel on his own. Not saying he NEEDS Heyman, but it would fit the storyline as they continue to get closer with Lesnar in the background.
After seeing the disdain on Lesnar's face while looking at Heyman shake Rollins' hand last night, I get the feeling Lesnar is going to go out as a babyface at WM. Lesnar will beat Cena at RR, but I think that's when we start to see the cracks in their relationship.

I believe someone else brought up the scenario. Lesnar loses, Rollins wants to cash in, Heyman tells Lesnar to F5 his opponent one more time and Lesnar destroys both Rollins and Heyman.

Still assuming it's Reigns who wins, Reigns then goes on to feud with Rollins with Heyman as his advisor.

If Lesnar's contract is indeed done and he is going back to UFC, it fits as a fitting end to Lesnar's second run in the WWE.

It was me who said it months ago. I said WrestleMania 31 should end with Reigns beating Lesnar with Rollins coming out after. Paul ordering Brock to get in there and F-5 Reigns. Lesmar turns and F5's Seth. Lesnar then shakes Reigns hand and and holds it up and points to him. That would not only symbolise respect but the passing of the torch. Then the next night. Roman vs Seth in the main event with Seth getting DQed using a chair. He goes to cash in but Dean holds his promise and makes the save... Dean gets in the ring helps Roman up and celebrates with him before striking him with Dirty deeds to end the show. Dean and Roman has a feud and Dean loses the series. He gets his self DQed at Battleground and then Seth cashes in on Roman. At MITB Dean wins the case and cashes in on Seth turning Seth tweener. St Summerslam we get a Shield Triple threat
After seeing the disdain on Lesnar's face while looking at Heyman shake Rollins' hand last night, I get the feeling Lesnar is going to go out as a babyface at WM. Lesnar will beat Cena at RR, but I think that's when we start to see the cracks in their relationship.

I believe someone else brought up the scenario. Lesnar loses, Rollins wants to cash in, Heyman tells Lesnar to F5 his opponent one more time and Lesnar destroys both Rollins and Heyman.

Still assuming it's Reigns who wins, Reigns then goes on to feud with Rollins with Heyman as his advisor.

If Lesnar's contract is indeed done and he is going back to UFC, it fits as a fitting end to Lesnar's second run in the WWE.

I honestly didn't think much of Lesnar's face but I guess it makes sense because since Rollins got that briefcase.

I don't think they'd turn Brock. He could end up being a bigger star before he left because of that. If anything, Brock just takes the loss to Reigns and moves on.
The only way I see it is if Cena turns heel and brings back the Authority at Royal Rumble and takes the title. Lesnar is already more of a tweener than a heel, and fans chant his name when he faces Cena. They could also use Cena joining the Authority as a way to turn Rollins face, with having him jealous of Cena being the new golden boy.
Said all a long if Reigns wins the Royal Rumble then I think we could see Heyman screw Brock out of the Title and see Reigns turn heel.

a) Reigns will grow working close to Heyman
b) Reigns will benefit from Heyman doing his talking
c) It is easier to be hated than loved
d) WWE really lacks heels and losing Lesnar means their is a spot

I think longer term this will suit WWE and Reigns in their/his quest to be 'the man'.

Alternatively Brock could actually beat Reigns fair and square, he could also beat Bryan. Thats when Rollins comes down to 'cash in' and again Heyman turns on Brock costing him the title.
I don't really see it. Personally, I'm against Brock Lesnar being a babyface as everything about him suggests a heel. His look, the way he carries himself, having Heyman as a mouthpiece and, most importantly, the fact that he doesn't give a damn about anything except getting a big paycheck.

I agree. The fact he faced off with Rollins last night.....heel against heel.....didn't give me the feeling Brock was going to turn good guy.....if anything, it made me admire Rollins for standing face to face with Brock without wilting, as you would think a guy who handles nothing by himself might do. To me, it furthered the notion of Brock as an entity separate from any other in WWE; he doesn't like good, guys, bad guys, or the roadies who set up the ring before events.

Beyond that, I just can't imagine why Brock (or the WWE writers) would care about sending him off as a face, now that he's (apparently) leaving. What would be the purpose? He's been the ultimate bad guy, loner, indifferent to anyone but himself since he got here.....having the fans cheering him as he exits would really surprise me.

I also agree with the part about the big paycheck. I just can't see Brock saying during contract negotiations last year: "I want $$$$$$ bucks, my own dressing room during events I work, limousine service to those events, catered meals that I will enjoy in the privacy of my dressing room.....oh, and I want the fans to cheer me as a hero on the last day I work here."

Sorry, just can't envision that last condition.
I can see it happening, but I dunno. The thing with Brock is that he can always come back later. His upcoming MMA career probably won't last THAT long and wrestlers tend to perform past their expiration date anyway (you can't really do that in the UFC). But I'm not sure if it's worth doing that. Brock is a great heel. Even without speaking, his presence just makes you both kind of fear him while wanting to see his ass get kicked.
I can see it. I said in another thread... if the leaked promos are true and Cena wins the belt at Royal Rumble I can see Brock getting pissed at The Authority for putting him in the triple threat match (Heyman already eluded to this on RAW this past week)...

so, Lesnar tries going after them and they throw.... say... Rusev at him...

we get the American beast... a former NCAA All-American... vs. Rusev... at WrestleMania... I'd love it and also believe it would be a really good match... and the build up of Lana and Heyman promos would be phenomenal.
I think if they are able to sign him for another year or two he should turn face and I think it would be very easy to however I don't think he should turn before Mania. Actually a few weeks ago I thought up a little storyline to use a face Lesnar as a vehicle to turn Cena heel but they've run that match up into the ground
.....having the fans cheering him as he exits would really surprise me.

Quite honestly it wouldn't surprise me at all. His title reign or what we've seen of it in my opinion was a farce. Sure here's this huge badass, former UFC Heavyweight Champion, he breaks the Undertaker's streak and almost destroy's John Cena and then disappears.

And that in a nutshell is what he's done this year Since last year's Wrestlemania he's had a grand total of three matches. One at Mania and two afterward. The rest of the time the WWE Champion and the belt have been sitting at home watching TV.

Will the fans cheer as he leaves, I will as we might actually get the belt to appear once a month on a PPV. I don't care if he leaves a face or a heel just as long as he goes, and best of luck too him. This little experiment that Vince tried didn't work and hopefully we've seen the last of part time champions.

I have nothing against Lesnar as a person, just as long as he stays over in UFC and away from the WWE.
They're signposting a Heyman and Rollins alliance far too much for it to actually at the Rumble in my opinion. I figure it's just a way of selling intrigue as to what will happen in the triple threat more than anything else.
Having fans cheering him at the end and leaving in a positive light could be smart for if he ever returns again after his next UFC stint.

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