Brock Lesnar, Mr MITB?!?


Occasional Pre-Show
I was reading a thread about The Shield and where they go from here, so I was thinking of booking for the next few months. Rollins really needs a few months with the title and when does Reigns get his crowning moment? I worry if they wait till Mania next year there will be massive matches which will overshadow the title match if Rollins or Reigns are in it. So why not have Reigns get his moment at Summerslam. But where does that leave Lesnar? I presume most of us think he will get his title rematch at Summerslam.

So onto my idea.

Money in the Bank 2015 - Orton, Ambrose, Sheamus, Ziggler, Wyatt & Ryback. This has credible next MITB holders. Will have background feuds as well.


The Beast Incarnate returns. He takes all the competitors out and retrieves the briefcase for himself. Was he part of the match or not? Heyman, alone, the next night on RAW explains Lesnars actions. Rollins stole the title, so he stole MITB and wants his rematch. There and then. Rollins is not there as he retained the title the night before and is resting (Heyman can mention how Rollins moaned when Lesnar was not about). Enter the Authority. They can say Lesnar is still banned and they have no reason to uplift his suspension after his actions the night before. Enter Orton. Orton can be angry at The Authority still but also be aggressive to Heyman for Lesnar ruining his chances of being champion again. Lesnar returns from the crowd and attacks Orton for his behaviour to Heyman. The Authority then allow Lesnar to compete at Summerslam, but only if he faces Orton as punishment for continuing to speak up against The Authority. This would allow Reigns to have a singles match with Rollins at Summerslam.

Now this is quite far fetched and I bet some of you will dislike it, but I think it could with a few things.

1) Reigns could get his crowning moment at Summerslam getting revenge on Rollins who has had the title for 147 days (a respectable length reign)
2) Lesnar can get a win under his belt again, is Lesnar likely to go 0-2?
3) We finally get to see Lesnar vs Orton, which could be a big draw for Summerslam
4) It could eliminate the tiring MITB concept. Whilst I enjoyed the cash in this year, the whole concept is getting a bit boring now.
5) Can set up Reigns vs Lesnar at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble as Lesnar is still to have his title rematch

What do people think?
Sorry to tell you this. But this idea is just simply asinine. Brock Lesnar takes what he wants. Just like that. That's what he is. He has been labelled as a mercenary who doesn't care for anyone or anything.

Did he battle any #1 Contender match for his title shot at Summerslam last year against John Cena? Nope! So this isn't a good idea. He has already been deemed as a beast and unstoppable monster. Making him take out all of Orton, Ambrose, Sheamus, Ziggler, Wyatt and Ryback by himself will kill all their momentum and buildup they had for the MITB.

Sorry for deeming your idea as a dreadful one but they could make a beauty out of Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar! That could attract the crowd heavily. But there's lot of other ways to buildup their feud!

Brock doesn't need the MiTB briefcase. I'm not sure, but I think it was Stephanie, or somebody who said that even though he's suspended Brock still technically has his rematch clause when he comes back. But that doesn't matter. Brock Lesnar is Brock Lesnar. He doesn't need a briefcase. If he wants a title match, he gets one. End of story. Use the briefcase to build up a different star. I say Ambrose. And then we get a Shield Triple Threat at either Survivor Series (the event they debuted on) or maybe even WrestleMania Star in Dallas.
I can see it now, he powers into the ring, tosses everyone aside, climbs the ladder, takes the case, and then goes and sit's on his farm for a few months.

The one person on the roster who doesn't need to win this briefcase is Brock Lesnar. Lesnar held the title for most of last year, he has an automatic rematch clause. The guy is a certified main eventer.

The person who should win the case is someone who needs it. Last year even Rollins didn't need it, he was the golden boy, and HHH could have put him in any match he wanted. I want someone who wouldn't normally have a shot, or who's waiting in line to get it. Maybe someone like Dean Ambrose, yea, he would do just fine.

"just ignore the Ambrose signature, I'm not really a fan of his"
I don't want Brock to win mitb and wwe title. ambrose to win mitb. roman reigns wins wwe title at mitb. at battle ground Brock attack both roman and Rollins to setup triple threat at summerslam. after summerslam he gone from wwe bcoz wwe cheat him.
Man, my open mind can actually see this working if a few things were switched around. First off, Lesnar (or Heyman) would somehow have to insert himself in the match as a "surprise entrant", so his win is recognized as legitimate. How that would happen I have no clue, but it's kind of necessary... If he came down right at the end after everybody but one Dean Ambrose is laid out, picks Ambrose off the ladder, F5's him and takes the contract before revealing himself as the surprise entrant, it would set up a lot.

I'd have Brock cash in at Money in the Bank itself though instead of waiting until Summerslam. Near the end of the match Ambrose could attack Lesnar, DQ'ing him and setting up a match between the two at Summerslam. Also, Dean Ambrose heel turn... Ok so I went into fanatsy territory... sue me.
Brock doesn't need the briefcase, but neither did Cena, Orton, or Kane for that matter. Dolph had already held the world title once (one night on Smackdown) and Punk and Edge didn't really need their second ones. The briefcase offers that element of surprise, and I think that is where it clashes most with Lesnar.

Lesnar usually doesn't show up unnannounced, unless it's on Raw to launch a program going into a PPV. Giving Lesnar the briefcase eliminates the sudden heel cash in, mostly in reality, a bit in kayfabe. WWE isn't going to waste the money on an unadvertised Lesnar appearance. The heel cash in after a match doesn't fit Lesnar's character, heel or face. On the subject, I'm not thoroughly convinced that what we saw the night after Mania was meant to be a face turn.

I would certainly put Lesnar in the top 10 to win the briefcase, but I see them wanting to have the case on TV constantly as a reminder that it could come any time. I think the top guys to win the luggage in no particular order are: Ambrose, Reigns, Rusev, Sheamus, and Barrett.

Reigns is out, unless they decide to take him down a heel path, then maybe. I think they want him winning clean. Picking a date in advance like RVD and Cena could work, but I don't see it happening. I think they would rather just insert Reigns in the title picture and have him win than spend MITB on him.

Barrett is out, he just won KOTR. I don't see them giving him two prizes.

Sheamus is a high possibility. He's being positioned as a top mid-card heel. A briefcase could put him in the title picture next year. Very few established stars have won the money though and I think WWE is using Sheamus in the upper mid-card for the time being.

Ambrose is also high. I'm worried WWE doesn't see him quite as highly as we fans do. He's extremely talented, and of the Shield guys, I think he's the one we expected to be heel champion by now. Ambrose wins, does he go heel or face? Rollins, Reigns, and Lesnar all seem ahead of him in the world title scene. I see Ambrose as spending a few more years in the mid-card title scenes.

That leaves Rusev, and I get the feeling WWE will go this way. They've been positioning him to a top spot for quite some time. Rusev vs Lesnar could be a big, high impact bout that WWE creative would drool over. I'm not saying this is the best option, but it's likely the WWE's choice for who should get the case this year.

Lesar with the briefcase would work undoubtedly, but he doesn't need it, they won't have him pop up unadvertised, he already has a rematch clause, and it seems he may be turning face. Lesnar the character would cash in the night he won, even against a fresh opponent, so unless the plan is to put the title on him in June, I think we'll be seeing Lesnar's rematch at Summerslam against Rollins, Orton, or Reigns. Most likely 1 on 1 with Rollins, triple threat with Reigns pinning Rollins also strong possibility.
Eh, it's an interesting idea, though not a very practical one.

As has been pointed out, Lesnar essentially decimating those guys could very well obliterate whatever steps they've taken forward lately. For instance, IF Barrett winning King of the Ring means anything, then having Lesnar slaughter him in such a fashion negates it. We've seen Barrett jobbed out in just about every way imaginable during the 5 times he's been Intercontinental Champion, so being dominated by Lesnar casts him right back in the role of glorified jobber.

Sheamus has been booked to look strong since his return as a heel, more of a heel that's a bully instead of a coward, so having Lesnar essentially destroy him takes wind out of his sails. Ambrose was finally featured on a ppv again at ER and won, so I see no reason to go backwards with him to make Lesnar look like a beast because it's unnecessary. As far as Wyatt goes, we've already seen him job out to major stars like John Cena and The Undertaker and as a result, Wyatt has never really regained momentum that's been lost, so having Lesnar destroy him only puts him farther behind.

As far as the MITB concept goes, I think the concept works best with a briefcase holder that's actually around more than a small handful of times every 3 or 4 months. The layout of Lesnar's deal is something that hinders him, at least in my eyes, when it comes to certain aspects of the product; Lesnar was WWE World Heavyweight Champion for close to 8 months, yet he only wrestled a total of 3 times over that timeframe and it frustrated a lot of people. Granted, holding the MITB briefcase isn't the same thing as being a champion, but the briefcase itself has become a major gimmick in WWE over the last decade just the same.

With the way Lesnar is used and how he's built, I don't think there'll be any sort of genuine issue when the time comes where they want Lesnar back in the title picture at any given time. My guess is that it'll either be at SummerSlam or Survivor Series in which Lesnar gets his return match against Rollins and by that time, it's entirely possible that Rollins & The Authority will be on the outs due to Rollins' diva-esque behavior alienating everyone, so Lesnar may well get his hands on the title again only to drop it to Roman Reigns in a rematch for WrestleMania next year.
Sorry to tell you this. But this idea is just simply asinine. Brock Lesnar takes what he wants. Just like that. That's what he is. He has been labelled as a mercenary who doesn't care for anyone or anything.

Did he battle any #1 Contender match for his title shot at Summerslam last year against John Cena? Nope! So this isn't a good idea. He has already been deemed as a beast and unstoppable monster. Making him take out all of Orton, Ambrose, Sheamus, Ziggler, Wyatt and Ryback by himself will kill all their momentum and buildup they had for the MITB.

Sorry for deeming your idea as a dreadful one but they could make a beauty out of Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar! That could attract the crowd heavily. But there's lot of other ways to buildup their feud!


Yeah true. Brock always get what he wants. WWE been protecting him only putting him in regular single and triple threat matches. I'd love to see him in a HIAC match etc.
It'll be Dean Ambrose to do the obvious Seth Rollins continuation and to get him in the title picture and elevate him so they can do that whole triple threat shield match at mania.

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