Main Event of Wrestlemania 31: Brock Lesnar VS Roman Reigns VS Seth Rollins


Pre-Show Stalwart

In my world, Wrestlemania is the culmination and climax of all major WWE storylines. The stories don’t have to end there, but there needs to be a big moment of satisfaction. I consider Wrestlemania to be wrestling Christmas. It seems everyone has their own interpretation of what they want for Christmas this year. I myself want Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar. However, it seems everyone else wants Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar. It is a moment for the future, but I’ve had a change in perspective. I’d like to make a small adjustment to it that would benefit all involved. That is for Brock Lesnar to defend the WWE World Heavyweight Championship against Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.

There have truly been two central storylines in 2014. Those have been the dominant run of Brock Lesnar and the heel run of Seth Rollins. Those are the biggest stories. Everything else has been based around those stories. When you get down to it, Rollins is the most important character in WWE TV. He broke up The Shield, won Money in the Bank, cost John Cena the title, feuded with Dean Ambrose and is the catalyst of Randy Orton’s latest face turn. Rollins has been the central figure in everything on WWE TV in 2014. That kind of a run is just going to be passed by without any major payoff because Reigns needs his Wrestlemania moment? Rollins has carried WWE TV. Why should he take a backseat at the biggest show of the year?

There is no denying Lesnar’s dominance and presence, but he’s putting over someone at Wrestlemania 31 and the plan is for it to be Roman Reigns. The ultimate question hanging over the situation is whether or not, Brock Lesnar is finished afterward. In this scenario, there is still a lot more to get out of Brock Lesnar so if he wanted to stay, he could. The most obvious way and most realistic way this years Wrestlemania match is going to be set is Reigns wins the Royal Rumble and defeats The Beast. A great idea and a great story, but mine is better.

Seth Rollins should win the Royal Rumble. Since he holds the MITB contract, he has two chances. He is going to win the championship. Enter Roman Reigns, who targets Rollins after Ambrose failed to take his revenge. Eventually, in the build-up to Wrestlemania, Reigns is able to secure the MITB briefcase from Rollins and uses it’s power to cash in at Wrestlemania to make it a triple threat. Reigns gets the victory over whoever is better suited. If Lesnar isn’t returning, he should pin Lesnar. Lesnar still gets protected because it took two guys to beat him and Reigns still has his moment. Plus, Rollins has the argument that he never lost so Reigns immediately goes into a feud with Rollins. The other option is for Reigns to pin Rollins. Reigns takes revenge for The Shield, gets the title and the best heel of the calender year finally gets his. Lesnar is still protected because he never lost the title and eventually can take his revenge on Reigns at a later time.

Either way, Reigns victory completes a full year of storylines and provides vindication against the two biggest heels in the company. I understand that Reigns vs. Lesnar straight up is the cleaner and perhaps better match, but no stone is left unturned in this scenario. Lesnar deserves to lose like the dominant champion he has been, but Rollins deserves similar treatment for holding down the fort while Lesnar is away, or Ambrose is away, or Reigns is injured, or Bryan is injured, or Wyatt’s year has been lacking. Rollins is the glue of the WWE roster right now. Taking him down should be just as big a story as defeating Brock Lesnar. I say kill two birds with one stone. Give Roman Reigns double the bragging rights. Make the main event of Wrestlemania 31: Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins.
Cant agree with this as i detest triple threat main events at mainia, the last really good one was HHH, HBK and Benoit.
Last years attempt was poor in my opinion it was so nailed on that Bryan was going to win, and watching Batista in the ring has me dozing off, it ruined the event for me.

The main event should be the top heel v the top face, title on the line, the 2 best in the company, not a 3 way clusterfuck full of false finishes

A scenario with Brock v Roman then Rollins cashes in on the winner works for me and seems the popular choice for many users on the forum.

I cant ever see WWE having the MITB winner win the Rumble as well as these events are held to start a superstars run, why give someone the same pirize twice its a waste
But then where does that leave Reigns? There's a reason no one has cashed in at WrestleMania yet. Because it totally nullifies everything. Sure, it's a great shock moment, but why spend all that time building someone up, especially the guy who's supposedly the heir apparent to Cena, just to take it away right afterward?
But then where does that leave Reigns? There's a reason no one has cashed in at WrestleMania yet. Because it totally nullifies everything. Sure, it's a great shock moment, but why spend all that time building someone up, especially the guy who's supposedly the heir apparent to Cena, just to take it away right afterward?

Because there is as yet no indication that Reigns will pack his bags right after such a golden moment.

Honestly, due to Reigns' injury and obvious loss of momentum, If WWE go ahead with Reigns vs Lesnar(my preference for Reigns at Mania is vs HHH), then I believe him finally defeating "the Conqueror" is enough to seal his Main Event status going forward, but then, an immediate cash-in by Seth Rollins would set up a future programme pitting the 2 hottest Up and comers, and maybe Ambrose can be added into it at some point also.

It would truly signal the Dawn of a New Era, centred around 3 guys who have obviously been booked with a plan from the get go, and I do hope they follow through and are at the top come SummerSlam 2015.
I don't object to this idea, I've been saying pretty much since Rollins won MitB that Reigns was gonna go over Lesnar and Rollins in the same night. Rollins would beat Orton earlier on in the night(as you put it, he down right deserves it at this point). Reigns beats Lesnar and Rollins comes out(he sells being beatdown from earlier really well, so just a little selling of his match) and have Reigns defend it against Rollins right then and there. If not they don't have much other choice..

Rollins cashes in before Rumble...can't Lesnar isn't there
At Rumble(presumably after Cena/Lesnar) means Rollins almost has to main event Mania, will he be ready for a promised main event? Plus I could see Cena costing him the match again
At Fast Lane/EC, Lesnar either won't be there or Rollins will be wrapped up in Orton
Extreme Rules seems like a good idea but then your heir to Cena loses the belt in what 28 days? Making him look overly weak...which is my justification for anything until SummerSlam. So what can they do...Rollins has to fail in his cash in!

I do like your idea though, I'm not too big on 2 triple threats back to back but I mean, it couldn't turn out too badly.
I've got no interest in this main event, or any main event for WrestleMania that involves any former member of the Shield. They're simply not ready. Having any combination of these guys headlining WrestleMania 31 is the equivalent of if John Cena and Batista had been in main event matches at WrestleMania 20, instead of 21. They weren't ready, so it didn't happen. Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins are nowhere near ready to headline WrestleMania. Have Reigns beat Rusev for the United States Championship and have a Triple Threat Match for that title at WrestleMania. The main event of WM31 should either be Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton, or Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan.
Terrible main event. The only way I'm interested in this main event is if you throw in Ambrose. Every member of the Shield is on a rocket ship to the top. The only interesting thing left to do and make this a main even caliber match is the addition of Ambrose. This way, we all get to see The Shield beat on each other, and you'll also get to have Reigns win the title still protecting Lesnar... because Lesnar would not be pinned to lose the title.

But again, that's a way to improve the main event. It's still not actually a WM main event caliber match, but that's as close as you can get that actually makes sense.
I've got no interest in this main event, or any main event for WrestleMania that involves any former member of the Shield. They're simply not ready. Having any combination of these guys headlining WrestleMania 31 is the equivalent of if John Cena and Batista had been in main event matches at WrestleMania 20, instead of 21. They weren't ready, so it didn't happen. Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins are nowhere near ready to headline WrestleMania. Have Reigns beat Rusev for the United States Championship and have a Triple Threat Match for that title at WrestleMania. The main event of WM31 should either be Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton, or Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan.

With Reigns having been out for a couple of months I don't think he is ready, and to throw him into a feud with a champion who doesn't show up, yes I agree with that. Ambrose and Rollins are however, especially Ambrose.

Reigns feuding with Rusev would be a step back for him, they've already decided that he's a main event talent, and Rusev right now it an upper mid carder at best. Lesnar against Cena would be horrible, but that's the way it's looking right now.

If Bryan comes back even next week, he's in the same boat Reigns is. He's got no history with Lesnar and with Lesnar not being around, leaves precious little time to build anything. Although he does have a guaranteed shot after being stripped of the title. Orton would be good against Lesnar, and would be a great match.

The biggest problem is Lesnar. He's been at most an absentee champion, and the only person he's faced and looks like will face since winning is Cena. That doesn't leave much hope for the Mania main event. I also disagree with Rollins cashing in at Mania. It's just not the place, which means it will probably happen.
Reigns in my opinion is far from ready to have a wrestlemania ME match. And him missing months of programming makes it all worse.

He cannot superman punch his way out of a 25+ minutes match
They already did a triple threat match last year. It would be eye rolling lack of creativity to do it again this year. Especially with guys who aren't ready like Rollins and Reigns. I still say that this is the year for HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN if for no other reason than there are no other main event caliber faces in WWE that the fans aren't burned out on right now. Now if Lesnar wrestled full time and had a contact beyond WrestleMania I would say feed him the Undertaker again and let him continue as champion and start building guys for next year. But since it seems to be unlikely that Lesnar will agree to a contract extension that requires him to work more dates I say give HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN the big match that he wants at WrestleMania, let him win the title,and retire as champion. Then have a 16 man King of the Ring tournament to crown the new champion. It will give us the big main event we need to get through WrestleMania and it will open the door for new guys to get a taste of the main event scene as they compete in the tournament. As to who should win the tournament, I'm on the fence but am leaning towards Zigler. I don't think that he's ready to win the title at WrestleMania just yet. But perhaps he's ready to take the ball and run with it shortly there after.
I hope they dont have Reigns anywhere near the main event, he isnt ready, WWE are trying to bounce this guy straight to the top of the card and the fans simply dont care enough. they tried it with the Miz, it backfired, they tred with Seamus,it backfired, they tried it ith Del Rio it backfired. Reigns needs a great mid-card run where he can improve in the ring, build his character and get fans invested in him before he gets his main event push.
i'd rather see Reigns vs. Brock in a one on one match where it's a tough battle, but in the end, Reigns wins the title and you THINK that's where the show ends, only to have Rollins cash in and win the title. i know lots of people won't like it due to what happens with Reigns, but to me, just the fact that he beat the Beast will be huge for Reigns in and of itself and having Rollins beat him like that won't do harm to his character, to me though, Rollins has to cash in and win the title, if it's at WM or months down the road, who knows, but to me, Rollins has to cash in and win the title.
Makes more sense to by hook or crook have Lesnar face the Shield in a fatal four way match for the title. Because so long as those 3 are built up like they have been, then it adds to the dynamic of which is better and who deserves it, make the match an elimination four way. Or they can even do a 1 fall four way, and then Lesnar can lose the belt without being pinned so then he still looks strong and makes for a rematch..

But I don't like the idea of leaving out 1 of the 3, sure leave 2 of them out OK, but unless one of the 3 is gone with injury then it needs to happen.

And how do you book it? Easy just have the Rumble come down to the 3 Shield members and all 3 eliminate each other at the same time, we seen two guys go out at the same time many times before, so why not have 3 go out.
I never understand why anyone who wins the briefcase never cashes it in at WM. If main eventing WM is the biggest thing you can do...Then why not cash it in to do that? I wouldn't mind a triple threat, but it has to be with the right people.

Out of the three you named I feel like only one of them could do it right...That being Rollins. I say you let Roman beat The Beast, and then let him hold the title all year. Then the next WM you can have a triple threat.

The Shield. The three men who made up one of the best stables in recent memory can all face each other for the WWE title in WM. It would cement all three guys as main even players, and it would be a great match with Dean and Seth being able to carry the triple threat match.

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