WWE Wrestlemania 31 General Discussion thread

Taker vs Lesnar II needs to happen or not?

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Bryan vs. Rollins at WrestleMania would be great. I thought their feud could start at Royal Rumble if Rollins was to eliminate Bryan but since Rollins is in the title match, I doubt that'll happen.

I just wonder now what could their feud be about - Bryan probably won't win the RR match, Bryan is not WWE WHC, so it'd be interesting to see what creative comes up with.
I am tired of wwe throwing 2 guys together just because they are going to have a great match or imagine the mic work between them... There needs to be a story, last time wwe tried throwing 2 guys together we had an awful wyatt vs ambrose fued because all the marks and officials thought imagine the mic work, before that we had wyatt vs jericho and people again thought imagine the match and mic work: think of a story make it make sense don't just throw 2 guys together just to mark out over. I mean who would win? How would you protect both guys?
Pretty simple question. Do you think he's ready to Main Event against Lesnar? Or should they do something else with him?

I personally would be fine with him winning the Rumble, but I think I'm in the minority on that. I mostly just want him to be accepted by the fans when he is eventually pushed as the next top babyface.

With that in mind, my top 3 choices, in reverse order.

3. Rusev

It'd help Reigns get over as a babyface, and the U.S. Title would definitely be elevated if that were part of the feud. I don't love the idea because I don't really buy Reigns as Captain America or anything and he really isn't skilled on the mic, which IMO is Rusev's strength (I think Lana gets all his heat for him). I'd prefer for Rusev to go against someone a little better on the mic, but if built up properly a WM confrontation between Reigns and Rusev could do both of them a lot of good going forward.

2. HHH

This would assume Undertaker or Rollins gets the match with Sting. I don;t like Reigns against Rollins because as over as Rollins is as a heel, he's a threat to steal smarky fans away from Reigns and I juts don't like when the babyface is the big beast and the heel is the little weasel. It doesn't work that well.

I'd have Reigns enter the Rumble in the ealy teens and be dominating the match, finally clearing house before the final 2 entrants. At this point I'd have HHH interfere and throw him out. The final 2 entrants would be Daniel Bryan at 29, who would start pummeling HHH, and then Seth Rollins at 30 (kayfabe rigged drawing). Rollins would go back and forth for a few minutes with Bryan, HHH would come to and help Rollins, then Sting could return (again) and neutralize HHH, leading to a Bryan win and a happy fanbase. That would set up Bryan vs. Lesnar for the Title, as well as Rollins/Sting and Reigns/HHH at Mania (I prefer this to Rollins/Reigns and Sting/HHH.)

1. John Cena

This is the perfect feud for him IMO. I see lots of mock WM cards that don't have Cena in one of the main singles matches on the card, and that's just naive to project. Cena is getting a big match at WM, and if it's against Rusev I'll be f-king pissed.

I'd use the same storyline where Reigns is dominating the Rumble before coming face to face with Cena. Reigns, Cena, Rollins, Bryan would be the Final 4, and Rollins and Bryan would be outside on the floor and Cena and Reigns could have a big standoff and brawl 1 on 1 for a few minutes.

Reigns overpowers and eliminates Cena, only to be thrown out right after by an opportunistic Rollins. then Bryan eliminates Rollins, etc. and we are on our way.

Cena can come out on Raw, "the future of this company goes through me, Roman Reigns I want you at Wrestlemania." I cannot stress this enough, THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO GET REIGN OVER AS A FACE. The smarks will cheer anyone against Cena. The little kids and ladies will likely go 50-50, but with a good build I think Reigns can get over as a bad boy babyface.

Sure Reigns is bland on the mic but that'll work against Cena. Make that part of the storyline. Cena goes on rants for 2, 3 minutes at a time about how he is the standard in WWE and Reigns can use quick responses about how he's the new sheriff in town and Cena sucks. You think Reigns won't get over if he tells Cena to his face that he sucks every week from the Rumble to WM?

Then WM can be a passing of the torch where Reigns beats the top guy CLEAN and Cena shakes his hand after. I'd even consider a Rock/Hogan scenario where the authority could attack Cena after he loses only for Reigns and Bryan to make the save.

Thoughts? Who would you have Reigns face?
I'd say Rusev, as their last match showed that despite previously participating in two clunkers together, it is possible for a confrontation to entertain us. It puts Reigns over as fans will back him and a victory would be meaningful. If Rusev wins, then that's a big step forward. If Reigns wins, it's also a big step forward. Although personally, I'd like to see Rusev only be defeated if/when he becomes the WHC.

Triple H might be a smart move as well. I don't want to see Reigns go for the belt quite yet.
I think a match with Cesaro could be a great match and prove what both wrestlers can do but as Cesaro now seems to be in a tag team its unlikely to happen anytime soon.
I'm thinking WM will be one thing: end of Authority. There's already talk of Lesnar being history soon, however, what's the purpose of throwing Rollins into the RR main event at the last minute? WWE's eventually going to start promoting Sting-HHH for WM and with the Authority having the title, they'll supposedly have even more power yet. So I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Rollins of course cheat to win the title at RR as Lesnar disappears again for UFC. Who wins the RR battle royal will likely be either Reigns, Orton, DB, or perhaps even Ziggler, who'll go on and beat Rollins at WM, much to the delight of Authority haters. In the meantime, Sting sends HHH out the door as well and Authority is gone from onscreen appearances for good. WWE will have tortures audiences with Authority for 19 months by the time WM rolls around, it'd make perfect sense to give the fans a treat by having every Authority-related angle backfire on WWE's biggest PPV. I don't think creative's got enough in them to come up with much different than total destruction of Authority.
I'm still betting on Cena vs Rusev happening at Wrestlemania. It wouldn't surprise me to see Cena wrestling lower on the card since he did it just last year, despite coming off of two very big main events with The Rock from the last two years previous.

If Cena does happen to walk into Wrestlemania as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, we're either getting Cena vs Reigns, or Cena vs Bryan II. The former will likely be shit on and buried by the whole crowd, whereas the latter would feel like a big match that people would be interested in.
Er, while I don't think Reigns is ready to headline Wrestlemania, I think the vast majority would prefer seeing him over Ryback.

As for Cena headlining Mania, I'd prefer 'Brock Vs Bryan', but I wouldnt blame WWE for going that route as like Cena or not, he is still the #1 guy.
Was thinking of where the Authority storyline will go to set up the eventual match with Sting at Wrestlemania. Anyone who still thinks Sting is fighting Taker is purposefully ignoring all the signs pointing to it being Sting v Triple H too by the way.

Anyway, why not include both men in the Royal Rumble as a perfect way to set up their match? You could have Triple H say he's entering the Royal Rumble to go to Wrestlemania to redeem himself after last year's loss to Daniel Bryan. He could play in to the Authority angle by saying to prove the match won't be biased in favour of him he won't enter at number 30, he'll enter at number 29 instead. Perfect heel heat tactic right there too. So Triple H comes in at number 29 and for number 30? Well out comes to Sting to make his in-ring debut. Sting either eliminates Triple H and eventually gets pulled out by an Authority run in or Sting just enters the ring and eliminates both of them to start a brawl back up the aisle.

Hey presto your grudge match for Wrestlemania is set up the next night when an enraged Triple H demands Sting fights him on the grandest stage of them all.

Genuinely think that scenario makes the most storyline sense but open to other potential routes for the match to go!
Fans are sick of watching Cena vs Lesnar again and again. So,adding Rollins to the main event at RR has made the match worth watching. This may be a step to convince fans.
This is how I'd book it......

Title match happens before Royal Rumble match: Cena pins Rollins

Royal Rumble match:
RR is in early, has dominate performance, but doesn't win.
DB comes in late teens, early 20's.
After 29, the ring gets cleared and DB is last man standing waiting for #30.
#30.... out come BROCK LESNAR.
Brock circles ring, still pissed he lost his title without getting pinned.
Enters ring and does classic face off with DB, (crowd would be balistic.)
Brock hits ropes and charges DB full of rage.
DB side steps or does something to send Brock over top using his own momentum. Brock still looks strong.

After RR.

Brock goes on rampage and takes title back from Cena.

WM: DB vs Brock. (which was previewed at the end of RR)
Brock destroys DB, but covers him for a pin by laying on DB. DB grabs Brocks arms with his hands and legs to crucifix Brock with, get this, a "wrestling hold" to tie him up like a pretzel for 3 seconds.

DB wins. Crowd goes crazy. Ultimate underdog wins.... Out come MITB Rollins to steal title.

After WM.

Who wouldn't want to see a DB vs. Rollins feud? Matches would be awesome.
That's quite an interesting scenario there but you have to wonder with the small amount of appearances they say that Sting has would they have him enter the rumble as a surprise when they have already done the shock factor with him. You would assume from a business sense they would be more prudent to advertise the shit out of his next appearance.

That's from a business side of things though, from a fans perspective hell yeah I'd love to see that, although The Authority already have a reason to be pissed off at Sting but with this scenario we get a surprise Rumble entrant, The Authority been one upped and a nice extra layer added to the rivalry.
There is no doubt that Daniel Bryan gets the loudest reaction when he comes out. There is also a big "if" though. He's been out of the ring for the past 9 months, and no one except himself and the WWE knows what kind of fighting shape he's in.

He might not be ready for the main event picture right now, and may have to be eased into it again. Don't see it happening at Mania, maybe Summerslam. No doubt his return has changed the title picture dramatically though, and even though Reigns in their hand picked successor, the fans will go ballistic if Daniel Bryan is put behind him.

I don't see this turning out well for Reigns, unless it is painfully obvious that Bryan is unable to get back to the shape he was in. It remains to be seen, as we haven't even seen Bryan in action yet since his announcement.
I don't either of those guys will enter the Rumble. We know they wouldn't win, but like OP said, it would mainly be for the purpose of getting the two in front of one another to set something up.

I think a more likely scenario is for HHH to try to get the gold around Seth's waist during the triple-threat, and for Sting to thwart that attempt, much like he thwarted HHH at Survivor Series. Then you have the same potential for whatever happens the next night.

I think if Brock loses at Rumble, everything he's done has been wasted. He has to lose at 'Mania.

And, I personally don't want to see Sting v. HHH. I think that 4-5 years ago, there were a number of guys WWE could have putin the ring with Sting, but now they're going to waste him v. HHH. HHH doesn't deserve this, but he's the one that's going to get it. They waited too long on Sting, which makes me sad because I was a huge WCW fan back in the day and I wanted more than anyone to see some the Sting dream matches. But now...HHH is all that's left to give him. I know there are a lot of people who want to see it, or at least thing that HHH deserves that kind of "dream match" status, but I disagree there. Such is the nature of having opinions, I suppose.

But I digress. I don't think either of them will enter the actual rumble, although that would be a nice throwback to the days when EVERYbody was game for the Rumble.
I think if Brock loses at Rumble, everything he's done has been wasted. He has to lose at 'Mania.

This has been my thinking to. Having him lose, then keeping him off tv again without the belt makes him lose ground. At this point, the fans interest in him is he still has the title.

As for Sting and HHH: no need to have them wrestle. Hell, Sting would only need about 5-10 minutes of airtime to keep the storyline going. He already planted the seed by taking HHH out and putting The Authority out at SS.

I know where you're coming from ComeOnVince. Dream matches with Sting are great, which HHH isn't exactly part of when you bring up possible opponents. But storyline wise, the match itself makes too much sense.
So, after the first RAW of the year and the setting of the WWE table on the way to WM31, here's how I see/hope the 'Mania card is shaping up:

3 matches that I can see happening, and after the 3-way announcement for the Rumble any of them could be for the WWE Title;

Brock Lesnar v Daniel Bryan (should be the title match in my opinion so Bryan wins the Rumble. If not then it's Stephanie trying to get revenge by feeding him to Lesnar)

Seth Rollins v Roman Reigns v Dean Ambrose (either with Rollins winning at Rumble or trying to cash in IMMEDIATELY after losing at the Rumble. The cash in would be broken up by Ambrose, as per that storyline continuation. Also for me, Ambrose should eliminate Reigns from the Rumble to give them a reason to go at it. If it's a title match Ambrose would be my Rumble winner)

John Cena v Dolph Ziggler (If Cena wins at Rumble, Ziggler is put in by Authority as No 1 and the only way he gets re-hired is if he wins etc. If not for the title then it's self explanatory why Ziggler v Cena happens)

As I said, I think these 3 matches should happen no matter who wins the title match at Rumble. And all 3 are Main Event potential.

Rest of the card:

Bray Wyatt v Undertaker (Wyatt can build this with promos, has already thrown in some cryptic "dead man" references in the past couple of weeks. Use the 'Taker losing last year so Wyatt is the new Lord of Darkness angle)

Triple H v Sting (have Sting enter the Rumble but have H, not as an entrant, eliminate him like when Shane McMahon eliminated HBK. Also there should be a Flair/H beatdown on Sting in the build up)

Wade Barrett v Chris Jericho IC Title (using the Jericho as Barrett's NXT Pro and Jericho as greatest IC Champion angles)

Nikki Bella v Paige v Natalya v AJ Lee (this build started on RAW, so have Nikki v Nattie at Rumble, Nikki v Paige at Fast Lane (?) then on the RAW after that PPV during a 3-way promo is when AJ returns)

Rusev v Ryback US Title (with the Ryback firing this can be put on hold until 'Mania)

Andre Battle Royal (I'd have Luke Harper win)

Pre Show match - Sami Zayn v Kevin Owens NXT Title (NXT deserves a 'Mania match, with it being on the pre show keeps it to the Network, the crowd will be into it especially if they get 15-20 mins. Also it gives a kick in the ass to the rest of the card to "follow that".

So, that's how I see it going for 'Mania. Realistically I can actually see a few of these matches happening. Also to note - I'm not one for reading spoilers or the apparent "plans" for 'Mania, so this is just from my mind.
Yeah, this feels like something along the lines of the OP wanting a bit of a nostalgic rush and/or seeing a super cool moment with Sting being in the Royal Rumble match more than anything else. :p

I don't see the point in Trips & Sting being in the Royal Rumble. For one thing, it's counterproductive to proclaim Rollins as the "undisputed future of WWE" when Triple H enters the Rumble in the hopes of winning the match to challenge the champ at WrestleMania. We all know that Sting being in the match would be a waste of time as it's simply not gonna be him facing the champ at WrestleMania. The best way, in my opinion, is to have Sting continue to be a thorn in The Authority's side by upsetting their plans and challenging their...well, authority just like Daniel Bryan did during WrestleMania season last year.

There are a limited number of the super cool OMG moments concerning Sting and WWE is wise to keep them rare. Have Sting show up at the Rumble and screw up whatever plans Triple H has, show up on Raw the next night to cut his first promo, appear once or maybe twice after that, keep bruising Triple H's ego, maybe suffer a beatdown and save Sting's in-ring debut for WrestleMania.
Besides, if HHH is The Authority, why wouldn't he just enter himself in any title match he wants to? If it is the plan to set up for Sting vs. HHH, then it wouldn't make much sense to have Sting show up at the Rumble, because if he does only have a few appearances left, I would think WWE wants him to wrestle past 'Mania 31, so that means we won't see him again until maybe a week or 2 before WrestleMania.
It's really too early as, in all honesty, there wasn't really a whole helluva lot of build for the Royal Rumble let alone any hints as to who is winding up in which match with whom. However, based just on how I feel at this second, if I were setting up the card, and this is just fantasy booking so I'm not suggesting this is the way it should be, it'd look like this:

Title Matches

WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan
WWE Intercontinental Championship - Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho
WWE United States Championship - Rusev vs. Ryback
WWE Tag Team Championship - The Usos vs. The Ascension vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd

Gimmick Matches

WWE Divas Championship Ladder Match - Nikki Bella vs. Paige vs. Natalya vs. AJ Lee vs. Brie Bella
Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal - Winner: Roman Reigns

Standard Matches

Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins

WrestleMania Kickoff

NXT Championship - Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

It's possible that not all WWE titles will be defended at WrestleMania, they're usually not, but that can always change. Personally, I'd have the NXT title match be part of the main card and put the battle royal on the kickoff show, but I doubt that'll happen even though Zayn vs. Owens would be an infinitely more exciting and entertaining match. Besides, Vince would hate for a strong NXT match to upstage his own booking decisions at the biggest show of the year. Also, there's never been a Diva ladder match in WWE, at least not that I can remember, so this would be an ideal setting to make a little history considering the 5 women in this match are the overall best of the Divas.
He should face Rusev. In this match, fans will be behind him, unlike against Lesnar (fans will know Bryan is not in the main event because of him, and will undoubtedly get booed). Reigns should end Rusev's streak and become the US champion. Reigns should be ready for a WM 32 main event.
Wwe world heavyweight championship:
Lesnar vs Ziggler (enters & wins rumble under a mask)

John Cena vs Ryback (Ryback turns heel on cena after costing him his job on raw this week)

HHH vs Sting

Randy Orton vs Rollins

US championship
Rusev vs Roman Reigns (reigns big moment is beating the unbeaten)

Intercontinental championship
Bad news Barrett vs Dean Ambrose

Bray Wyatt vs sheamus

Divas Championship
Nikki bella vs Paige vs Brie Bella vs AJ

Tag Team Championship
Elimination tag team
Usos vs kofi& big E vs Gold &star dust vs ascension

Andre the giant battle royal
(Notable names: Kane, Bigshow, Harper, Cesaro, swagger, miz, Mizdow)

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