WWE Wrestlemania 31 General Discussion thread

Taker vs Lesnar II needs to happen or not?

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I think it will either be Reigns vs Lesnar or Bryan vs Lesnar. I would prefer the main event to be a fatal four way with Lesnar vs Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose. It would add more suspense.
With Brock leavin soon for UFC I think this helps WWE out of this nw sticky situation
Bryan wins the RR and goes on to Mania and somehow wins this allowing Brock to ride into sunset and more ass whoopins for real then the next night on Raw Heyman comes out and declares his client has a rematch clause and to see out Raw the new Paul Heyman guy is revealed as ......... Roman Reigns
Means he might learn how to talk off the best mic guy in the company and throws him in title picture
Firstly,this will be probably his last match and he is a big legend. He can't retire and have lost in his last match. I know that the perfect guy to compete with is Bray Wyatt and if Bray gets such a win,his momentum will be huge and his career will be elevated to a big level. Even if Bray loses this match,the momentum and the respect he will gain will be amazing. He will compete against one of the most iconic superstars of all time and he will get pushed one way or another.

That said,I don't mind if the Undertaker goes 22-1 or 21-2. If he loses only to push a talent I will totally agree with the company's decision,but if he loses to a guy like Brock Lesnar,John Cena etc. I will be really disappointed.
I think it will be Bryan vs Brock vs Reigns vs Orton. Reigns will win the rumble and orton and Bryan will insert themselves in the match via rematch clauses from when they dropped title earlier in the year
I think it will either be Reigns vs Lesnar or Bryan vs Lesnar. I would prefer the main event to be a fatal four way with Lesnar vs Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose. It would add more suspense.

Brock Lesnar defending against three midcard guys is not going to sell tickets or PPV buys to WrestleMania.

With Daniel Bryan back, there is no reason for him no to get the rematch for the title he never lost. I'd say it's either going to be Lesnar vs. Bryan, Lesnar vs. Dolph Ziggler, or Lesnar vs. Bryan vs. Ziggler in a Triple Threat Match (with Ziggler winning the Royal Rumble and Bryan being added to the match via his rematch clause).
There's a few legitimate options that WWE can go with for the main event of Mania 31.

1. Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar
2. Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar
3. Roman Reigns vs John Cena
4. Daniel Bryan vs John Cena
5. Multi-man match that may include Cena, Lesnar, Reigns, Orton, Bryan, or Rollins

Ziggler fans don't get all heated. I like the guy but I seriously doubt that he is going to Wrestlemania to main event against Brock Lesnar. If his push started at Summerslam instead of Survivor Series, I would have been more inclined to see Ziggler win the strap at Mania but it's way too much way too soon at this point imo.
With some really smart booking, you can have a dual main event at WM31:

Rollins v. Bryan for the WWEWHC
Reigns v. Lesnar

There is absolutely zero way that Ziggler sees a WM main event.
With some really smart booking, you can have a dual main event at WM31:

Rollins v. Bryan for the WWEWHC
Reigns v. Lesnar

There is absolutely zero way that Ziggler sees a WM main event.

I don't think Reigns does either for that matter. Fan reaction to him, and the reports that the WWE has concerns is telling. I think we've been conditioned the past few months to believe he's the one, and he just might not be.

Out of the three Shield members, he is definitely the weakest link. Orton is coming back, Cena is in the hunt, Bryan needs to shake off the ring rust and Ziggler is a possibility. I just don't see Reigns jumping over all of them to main event a Wrestlemania. Not this year anyway.

Who is going to main event. I have no idea, we'll know after the Rumble. Half expecting to see the wrestling landscape change quite a bit though.
I think Reigns fights Lesnar, one way or another. Ziggler is firmly in the lifetime midcard, where he's brilliant. Cena and Orton are going to probably be in blow-off feuds. In case you haven't noticed, they both basically took 2014 off. Cena grabbed the title when DB got hurt, but he promptly laid down in some squashes to Brock. Orton played stooge to HHH all year, and was basically in part time mode. Right now, they are grooming a Reigns push as a top babyface in the company. Now, if they book him to win the Rumble and fight Brock at WM31 for the belt, well, then they deserve the punishment for that.
Get over this Sting vs. Taker crap.. It's not that intriguing of a match and maybe WWE realizes it.. It was intriguing 15 year's ago, not anymore.
What is to be gained in a match between Taker and Wyatt? If Wyatt goes over who really cares. It would be two losses, signifying Taker is done, and Wyatt beat up a broken old man. Taker goes over and maybe it is the beginning of a new streak. Wyatt going 0-21 at WM.
Sorry but Wyatt isn't deserving of anything especially beating UT at WM. People make it seem like he has never put over anyone in his career but has done it his whole career. He always did what was best for business but WM was his sacred ground. The great one, VKM, got suckered into a bad contract with Lesnar, who was leaving in one years time, and decided to crush one of his biggest stars ever to appease him. Forget Bryan taking the belt at WM, I would put UT in that spot to win and throw the belt on the ground and walk into retirement.
I was and am very disappointed in what Vince did in letting Undertaker lose at Wrestlemania last year. That is old news now but for this year if Undertaker is ready for one more match he should go out as a winner anyway they book him. He will go into the Hall of Fame let him end his career on top, here are some solutions:
1. Undertaker defeats Lesnar and the Royal Rumble winner for the Title, he retires and they start a Tournament afterwards for the Title.
2. Lesnar loses at the Rumble to Cena and than Seth cashes in, so Wrestlemania 31 could be Undertaker vs. Lesnar 2 Undertaker wins.
3. Undertaker defeats Bray in a hard fought buried alive match, we celebrate with Undertaker and than off too the side Bray digs himself out and gives Undertaker a friendly nod and walks away. With the loss it would push Bray but Undertaker would still win.
4. Undertaker teams with Kane and they defeat whoever is the Tag team champs at the time they both retire, WWE can start a Tag team tournament afterwards.
I think since they got rid of the Elimination Chamber pay per view let them have an Elimination Chamber match at Wrestlemania 31 for the Title. It would be the first time ever and it would make sense, here are your entrants:
1. Brock Lesnar (Champion)
2. Roman Reigns (Co Royal Rumble winner)
3. Randy Orton (rematch clause)
4. Daniel Bryan (rematch clause)
5. Dolph Ziggler (Co Royal Rumble winner)
6. John Cena (he is always in the mix, he is Mr. McMahon's money maker)
You choose who wins.
I'd go even further and have Reigns vs Ambrose vs Rollins vs Lesnar as the wrestle mania main event for the title as a fatal four way.
Look I am not the biggest Bryan fan in the whole world but I am really happy about the fact that he returns and the reason is one word: "option".
In the last few weeks I change my mind a lot about what should be the main event for Wrestle Mania but after Raw I found the ultimate match for me and I believe that it is the one that will be a marquee one:

Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar {C} vs Roman Reigns - WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Now I know a lot of you will hate that as it is another three way match to main event the show and not a singles match. But at the moment the WWE cannot decide if they are "all in" with Reigns and they must have both him and Lesnar at the main event because:

A. In my opinion Reigns's credibility and overness with the audience will be crushed as most of the fans will realize that the WWE is not behind their guy.

B. After the push that Lesnar got in the past year he must main event because if he is not - the ending of the streak and the beating that he gave Cena at Summer Slam will both be a huge waste of time and potential.

And that brings me to Daniel Bryan and why he is in this match:

A. We know he is over with the crowd and no one will have a problem with him winning this match so the WWE can use him as an "Option B" in case Reigns isn't ready at the time.

B. It will create {hopefully} a moment of 2nd shine for him and {again hopefully} give him the full-time spot at the WWE WHC picture.

How will it be booked?

So Reigns who will enter at about #10 wins the rumble by last eliminating Bryan who will enter #1. He will also break his own record of 12 eliminations by eliminating 13 man {some big names need to be in this list}.
Then Brock retains over Cena cleanly {!} and Cena moves into a new feud {Hogan \ Rusev \ Anybody else as long as he is not interfering this storyline}.
After that at Fast Lane - Bryan and Reigns facing Lesnar and ?? {probably Rollins} and have Bryan and Reigns go over with Bryan pinning Rollins.
Then at the Raw after the PPV have Bryan say that he wants to be inserted into the WWE WHC match at Mania cause he deserves his rematch from last year..have the authority fight with him about it for a week or two and then have him face Rollins at the main event of Raw with Triple H as the special guest referee with the stipulation that if Bryan wins he will be in the match. You'll have HHH's Mania opponent attack him near the end of the match incapacitating him as a result. Have Lesnar come out and try to ambush Bryan with Rollins only to have Reigns and Rollins's Mania rival {Orton \ Ambrose etc..} run in for the save and beat rollins down and have Reigns and Lesnar fighting to the back. Then HHH's Mania opponent will throw in HHH to the ring as Bryan pins Rollins and count the pin with his hand and Bryan is in the match.

The Ending:
Now I've said for a long time that the only person that should leave Wrestle Mania 31 as the WWE WH Champion is Seth Rollins and I still believe that. So no matter who wins the match {I won't care if even Lesnar wins} he will be successfully cashed in by Rollins and start a feud with him. If he does it on Lesnar that have either Bryan or Reigns start the feud with him on the Raw after Mania.
Anyone else think this is possible, With Sting looking like facing Triple H and Brock and Heyman constanly reminding everyone that Brock conquered the streak i can't help but feel they could be setting up a second match between these two.

A scenaro I can see happening would be Brock about to beat Cena at the Rumble only for the gong to sound and distract Lesner giving Cena the opportunity to AA Lesner and win back the wwe title setting up Brock-Taker again.

Anyone else feel this way and would you be in favour or against a rematch?
Whatever way they want to do it Lesnar is definitely not walking out of WM with the belt. His contract is up at WM and he's going back to UFC so there's no reason to set him up to feud with anyone. I have my issues with Bryan in there with his neck since Brock is a power move guy and if it's not a brutal match it will come across as lame. Regardless, Bryan is not getting a clean pin on Brock as there is going to be a swerve or double cross or multiple ones. I can see Seth walking out with the belt as the connection between Brock, Heyman and Seth hasn't played out yet.
A three-way for the briefcase, ideally, in which Rollins loses. He's been exposed as a guy capable of only performing in the mid card. He has a seriously lack of charisma, and is atrocious on the mic. He looks, talks and carries himself like a little kid.
I'd rather save it for WM32 and make it for the title - the Shield's backstory sets them up to revisit it time and time again. At the moment, I don't think Ambrose has enough direction to setup a three way between the three of them. His feud with Rollins was so great but ended so flat, doubling back so soon would feel like Rollins is the only guy Ambrose is capable of having a great feud with, which I don't believe at all. Ambrose and Wyatt has just been okay.
I can not see these two going at it again, IMO Taker ended the streak because if it kept going he would be expected to keep defending it year after year and against who, taker is at the point where we never get to see him anymore unless its wrestle mania time, what would happen if they did face off and taker gets the win, now both men have a win clearly they will want a rubber match but if there is talk about brock leaving that will not happen.

If taker was healthy enough they would have him appear and help boost the product but clearly he is not healthy and if facing brock last time took a lot out of him will he be able to put on a believable match and is brock capable of protecting the undertaker in the ring or will he not care because he might be leaving
its hard to tell all I know is if brock is set to leave then we know a new champion will be crown, either at RR to make sure the belt is secured as we know what happen when Goldburg and Brock faced each other at Wrestlemania and we all knew they were both leaving so the match sucked.

I can not see giving brock a main event spot at wrestle mania knowing he is leaving, seeing how he performed the last time he was leaving, the match would of been so much better if they went out in style but they just wanted to get it over and done with.

I would like to see, cena win at RR and get beat by seth, Daniel win the RR to go on to mania to face Seth.

Cena talks rematch and Roman comes in and challenge Cena .

Some one said Shamus and brock with no belts on the line.

Seth vs. Daniel Main Event
Brock vs Shamus
Undertaker vs sting or Triple H. co-main Event
Cena vs Roman
ryback vs. rus.
Uso in 4 way tag with golddust team, the new team that looks a little like L.O.D and the Big E new group
Brock Lesnar defending against three midcard guys is not going to sell tickets or PPV buys to WrestleMania.

With Daniel Bryan back, there is no reason for him no to get the rematch for the title he never lost. I'd say it's either going to be Lesnar vs. Bryan, Lesnar vs. Dolph Ziggler, or Lesnar vs. Bryan vs. Ziggler in a Triple Threat Match (with Ziggler winning the Royal Rumble and Bryan being added to the match via his rematch clause).

Hold on, you say Lesnar v. midcard guys won't sell, but you want Brock to face Dolph Ziggler? And that guy who doesn't draw Daniel Bryan? Even worse Ziggler v. Bryan v. Lesnar?
I wouldn't want to see this match at Wrestlemania 31. As cool as it would be for the NXT guys to get some exposure on the biggest stage of them all, it should be earned. The wrestlers who have already been promoted to the main roster deserve the opportunity first. NXT talent should appear on as few main roster shows as possible, to make it all the more special when they do receive the promotion. I would rather see this match take place at a Night Of Champions event. That is the only main roster PPV brand that NXT titles should get defended at. It would make that brand special again as it was supposed to be about the titles in the first place. As for Wrestlemania, I'm going with no. It wouldn't be fair the main roster wrestlers if NXT talent get to be on Wrestlemania but some of them might not.

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